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Throughout the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise, the gender of Monster Cards has occasionally seen relevance as an element of gameplay. This page does not discuss gender as it relates to non-card characters.


Manga and anime

"Shadow of Eyes"

In the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, the card "Shadow of Eyes" enabled the selected monster to use pheromones to tempt their enemies, forcing them into Attack Position. Character dialogue and usage clarifies that the card only affects monsters of the opposite sex to the selected monster. The card was only demonstrated to be used on female monsters to force male monsters into Attack Position.[1][2]

In the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime, "Shadow of Eyes" worked the same way.[3][4]

"No. 22: Zombiestein"

In the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL manga, "No. 22: Zombiestein" has an effect which prevents it from attacking female monsters, which made it stop its attack against "Gagaga Girl".[5]

Video games

"Cyber Shield", "Electro-whip", and "Malevolent Nuzzler"

In Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 1 to 4, Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories, and Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses, "Cyber Shield" can only be equipped to female monsters. As each game adds new cards, the number of cards "Cyber Shield" works with increases. No game updates existing cards to change whether or not they can be used with "Cyber Shield".

"Electro-whip" and "Malevolent Nuzzler" can be used with female and certain other monsters. Both of these cards' viable targets include all of the targets for "Cyber Shield", plus more.

Viable targets for "Cyber Shield" across the six games include:


In Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 1 to 4, Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories, and Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses, there are multiple ways of fusing the same card. Each combination consists of two pools, where any card from the first pool can be fused with any card from the second.

The following have at least one pool of entirely female cards, with a lower ATK than the Fusion Monster:

The female monster fusion group consists of all the targets for "Cyber Shield", with a few modifications:

Bandai's card game

In the 1998-99 Bandai's card game, the gender of a monster was used for the Cyber Shield effect, that stipulated that that card would be only be equipped to a "monster with a female-like card illustration". In the later OCG/TCG, that card could only be equipped to "Harpie Lady" or "Harpie Lady Sisters".


Although gender has no direct effect on gameplay, the gender of monsters can influence how archetype support is specified in non-English TCG languages, due to inflections caused by grammatical gender.

To account for gender and other grammatical inflections (such as number or, the case of German, noun case) causing cards in the same archetype to not use the exact same letters in the name of the archetype in their card name, occasionally archetype support cards specify multiple inflections at once (e.g. "Mago(a)" in Portuguese and "Mago/a" in Spanish, to clarify masculine and feminine nouns, and „Antike/r/s Antrieb“ in German, to clarify masculine and neuter nouns) to clarify that all of those inflections are supported. The French language print instead generally writes archetype support in more neutral ways that allow for gendered terms to be supported without needing to clarify both at once (e.g. "Corrompu" including both the masculine "Corrompu" and feminine "Corrompue").

The Italian language print, however, does not mention multiple inflections on any level, instead writing name strings in the singular masculine (unless all members are female, e.g. "Dragonzella", or the name is always plural, e.g. "I Cavalieri Fantasma"), without mentioning other inflections of the same words. Cards using other inflections of the written archetype name are implicitly supported, without the need for the different inflections to be explicitly specified (e.g. "Signore Oscuro" is the supported name string, but will still support "Signora Oscura Ixchel"). The sole exception are the "Charmer" cards, which do specify "Ammaliatore" and "Ammaliatrice" separately.


  1. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel 116 (Duelist Duel 57): "Find Yourself!"
  2. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel 117 (Duelist Duel 58): "Running on the Edge!"
  3. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 02929: "Duel Identity, Part 1"
  4. Yu-Gi-Oh! episode 03030: "Duel Identity, Part 2"
  5. Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL Rank 18: "Kaito Again!!"