Card Tips:Destiny HERO - Defender

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If Destiny Hero - Defender is face-up on your side of the field during your opponent's Standby Phase, he/she draws 1 card. While this may look bad, you can chain Appropriate to this card, so everytime they draw a card through Destiny Hero - Defender's effect, you draw 2 new cards.

This card currently has the highest DEF for a Level 4 monster.

This Card also works great with Protector of the Sanctuary. Thanks to Protector of the Sanctuary's ability, your opponent cannot draw the extra cards because of Destiny Hero - Defender's effect.

Although extra cards can help your opponent, if you have 2 or more of these face-up on the field in Defense Position, your opponent can mill through his Deck rather quickly. Especially if it's at the minimum 40.