Card Tips:Evil HERO Malicious Fiend

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  • This card can combo well with "Vicious Claw". It will not only increase it's ATK higher, but will make it immune to battle destruction once. With such high ATK and an effect that makes the opponent attack, they will have a hard time getting rid of it by battle. Coincidentally, if your opponent does get a strong monster out, such as "Red Nova Dragon", you can then summon the Token to your opponent's field in Attack Position, forcing that token to attack this card as it is still the Battle Phase, ensuring they don't get a powerful token to command and dealing some Battle Damage.
  • If having "Evil Hero Malicious Fiend" attacked would be disadvantageous, "Mirror Force" can be used to destroy all the opponent's monsters as they are switched to Attack Position and at least one is forced to attack.
  • The purpose of this card is to protect your Evil Heros (or other weak monsters) from being destroyed by battle (as your opponent would be forced to attack this card if they are foolish enough to conduct their Battle Phase). Thus, they skip their Battle Phase, making their turn end quicker as well as changing all of their monsters to DEF position (most likely). If your opponent cannot get rid of this card by a card effect and does not control a monster with 3500 or more ATK, then this card can be seen as a "Threatening Roar" every turn (and in most cases, a card that forces your opponent into DEF position).