Forum:September 2009 Forbidden & Limited Lists

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Shriek has confirmed the OCG banlist for September, and as the banlist is never changed, it's probably the one for TCG as well.

There's the link to the site.




No longer Restricted

--Tantara 22:03, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

  • Woops, thanks for moving the thread, forgot that there was a lists discussion thread. --Tantara 22:21, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

List Discussion

Looks like a Lightsworn Player made this list. Animedude3000 23:25, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

  • Exactly, lol. They're going to dominate the next format. --Tantara 23:29, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

Alright, I'm a little disappointed in this list. I'm not a huge fan of unlimited Fissure or Breaker the Magical Warrior. I'm a bit perplexed as to why Bottomless Trap Hole was semi-limited. There isn't too much out there other than BTH and Torrential Tribute to keep high attack monsters in check now that Crush Card Virus is gone. I expected the Card of Safe Return banning to allow Mezuki at two (good move IMO). Lightsworn not getting touched is a little worrisome. I run LS, and even I don't like the move too much. The rest of the list I pretty much agree with. I don't think semi-limiting Lonefire Blossom will hurt as much as people think it will. It is going to be a slower meta, so I think limiting Solemn Judgment helped out in that aspect as it would rule the meta (even though it is a skill card). --Sub (Talk | Contribs) 23:30, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

  • Card of Safe Return was banned due to the introduction of Burial Zombies (2 mezuki + 1 Plaguespreader + 1 Card of Safe Return + Burial from the Different Dimension = HOLY CRAP THAT'S A LOT OF DRAWS). Lonefire being touched was most likely caused by the introduction of Arms hole and Supervis. I'm surprised that Konami didn't even touch Charge of the Light Brigade and banned Reborn in favor of Call of the Haunted. I'm in favor of limiting them both. --Tantara 23:34, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

bewks Thoughts...

Wow, I am almost ok with this list! A couple things bug me:

  1. Demise should have been semi'd
  2. What is broken about Mind Master?
  3. I don't get One for One...
  4. Solemn Judgment is a bit iffy for me
  5. Lonfire Blossom didn't need to be touched
  8. Why no Lightsworn cards? Honest, anyone?

Otherwise, it is a fair list. Maybe Gadgets will see some play? Maybe Zombies will rise up once again? MAYBE LIGHTSWORN WILL HAVE COMPLETE ADVANTAGE AND RULE THIS META?! Oh well. -bewk

  • Demise shouldn't be touched, no one uses it. Mind Master is level 1 lol, to go with One for One. Solemn Judgment is a balanced skill card. Lonefire should never be touched. Ever. Fissure is nice as it's never used. Breaker is a nice boost for spellcaster with tempest and magical citadel and whatnot. I agree, Lightsworn will destroy us all.
  • Actually, considering the Ritual Stuff that Rituals are getting, I wasn't surprised that Demise was getting touched because the New Ritual Stuff would make Demise Golden. and yeah i agree, seeing Mind Master getting hit made me go WTF (Same WTF that i gave when they hit ROTA in March).~MEOW~ Might of the BIRD Empire~~ 23:57, 14 August 2009 (UTC)

Mind Master was put at one, along w/ One for One because of an OTK with it and the new field card Brain Research Lab. You would summon Mind Master and another psychic and cycle through your psychic monsters pumping up its attack and allowing it to attack twice and then finishing off the opponent the same turn. Fissure at 3 is asking for Gadgets to be playing like crazy. Heck I'll throw them into my Spellcaster too. Lonefire is a bit too good, thing the deck, summon Tytannial, Princess of Camellias, Pot of Avarice them back next turn, etc. Solemn Judgment at one keeps the Anti-Meta decks from ruling the day (well completely anyways). Animedude3000 00:35, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

  • I think I've heard about that OTK... anyways, Rituals being top tier is laughable and Plants and Anti-Meta aren't close to top tier so there was no reason to touch them. --Tantara 00:50, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

--Are we going to apply this list now?Because it's still August.

Jampong 01:26, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

  • List won't take effect until next month, but might as well get ready for it. No sense in buying three Dark Strike Fighters or whatever. --Bluedog (Talk) 01:30, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

--Okay.i think the OTK above this is about Reinforced Human Psychic Borg.Having Brain Research Lab,summon him and Mind Master(and there must be another Psychic monster to tribute w/ Mind Master),actitave his effect.Special Summon Power Injector,then use Injector's effect,then activate again Mind Master's effect,repeating the Power injector effect(making Psychic Borg's ATK at 3000).Then Use Mind Master's effect to summon Psychic Snail,use his effect on Psychic Borg,then use Psychic Borg's effect(making him 4500,at double attacker).Then if there are face-down S/T cards on opponent's field,you can use Mind Master's effect to Summon Destructotron.That's how it works.

Jampong 01:41, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

Is this official list for tcg also?

--Pr1ncpanda 01:57, 15 August 2009 (UTC)this seem like a good list.. was hoping they would semi bestiari since they limited rescue cat..well guess i got 2 go with the prisma build

  • This is the OCG list but, knowing Konami, it's probably the TCG list as well. --Tantara 02:58, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

Reaction and Comments in the New List



  • 1. Demise is good now at 1,because the cards that will come out at SOVR are support for Ritual Decks.
  • 2. I understand why they limit Mind Master.
  • 3. Rescue Cat is a one turn Synchro Path.
  • 4. Mind Control is like Brain Control
  • 5. GOT YA GALE!!!!I thought you'll never die!!!
  • 6. I also understand why One for One get Limited.
  • 8. I never thought Cold Wave would be hit.
  • 9. WHY BLACK ROSE DRAGON!?!?!?!?
  • 10. They Forbid Monster Reborn,then they Limit Call of the Haunted back.



  • 1. Go Monarch Decks!!!Raiza is now at 3.
  • 2. Destiny Draw is REALLY good at 3.Now that they OVER KILLED Tele-DaD deck.
  • 3. Wow.3 Fissures.KILLER!!!
  • 4. WHY BREAKER!?!?!?!!?
  • 5. The Baboon isn't that strong at all.
  • 6. WHY WARRIOR LADY!?!?!?!

--That's my Reactions.

Jampong 02:12, 15 August 2009 (UTC)





No longer Restricted

--Bluedog (Talk) 03:15, 15 August 2009 (UTC)


this list doesn't seem like glads are gonna have a drastic change they are just gonna stay the 3rd best deck depending on blackwings --Pr1ncpanda 03:39, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

  • Its been a while, I will keep this short. My opinions on the list...Good in some ways, bad in others. Honestly I have slowed my playing of the game but even if my Blackwing deck is "Dead" I know of a way to keep it alive :P. I had a feeling to prepare for the worst for my deck just in case something happened to Gale. And I was right, most of these changes actually either benefit the "New" blackwing deck I have in mind or don't affect it. Now if only I had a bunch of money to toss around for new cards lol. Oh wells, I mostly quit the game due to school. Good luck to you all and..Eer Have fun with three fissures and Three breakers O_O.--Takuma. 04:22, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

My thoughts




No longer Restricted

In total, the list is hopeless. Why cripple zombie decks even more? Mezuki was perfectly okay at 1 with COSR at 1 as well... Now it makes no sense. Toob 04:40, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

--Why did they limit Black Rose Dragon into one?

Jampong 07:04, 15 August 2009 (UTC)


With this Konami might limit/semi-limit anything. Such as Gift Card, Shapesnatch, Polymerization i dont know.--Airbellum 07:32, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

Also to Jamping, i think they limited black rose dragon since dsf was banned and that would be the only lv7 synchro left.Or it might be because of that debris-hime (not really sure how it works).--Airbellum 07:35, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

--What's Debris-Hime???

Jampong 07:37, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

Black Rose Dragon Limited Because

of Debris-hime decks

  • 1 Card to bomb the field and get defence.
  • Debris Dragon. It can get Dandylion, synchro, Black Rose Bomb, SS 2 Dandylion tokens, turn end. Falzar FZ 09:17, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

Personal Comments on the list

(First time posting here, sorry if this goes horribly wrong) Forbidden: Card of Safe Return - Manticore Loop, Faultroll, Zombie abuse, this thing quickly ends up giving 5+ draws in many Decks. My Fiend Roar Deck regularly draws at least 14 cards in a turn from it, broken and needed the ban.

Monster Reborn - They're testing different revival, I prefer seeing CoTH over Monster Reborn, it slows the game down a bit, which is what we needed.

Dark Strike Fighter - Seriously needed this, a card which OTKs way too easily.

Crush Card Virus - Heh, you can tell that the OCG made this list, considering that TCG only just got a pack with this. Rather a devastating card, although there are much less targets than there used to be.

Restricted Demise, King of Armageddon - With the new Ritual Support and Salvo-Demise, it's probably a good move.

Mind Master - Crazy-death-OTK, no more needs to be said, it was broken in that combo.

Rescue Cat - I'd rather they hit this than Airbellum, X-Sabers are looking nice this format.

Mind Control - I've been running 3 very often, got to agree on the limit.

Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind - Splashable tuner, can take down Monarchs and Stardust, DARK, and even more broken it its own Archtype. I'd have been happy to see it banned.

One for One - Part of Mind Master OTK, some crazy frog OTKs, XX-Saber Loop OTK and more, it's making some things too powerful right now.

Solemn Judgment - I never really used this, but faced it a lot and was annoyed. I'm glad it took the hit.

Summoner Monk - It makes for very effective Synchro, limit is just about fair.

Cold Wave - Never really saw this much, no comment.

Black Rose Dragon - Normally, only Plant Decks run this at more than 1 - I guess this and Lonefire show that Plants were getting too crazy in Japan?

Call of the Haunted - See comment on MR, I like slower format.


Bottomless Trap Hole - Decent card, don't know if it needed this. No real comment.

Dulauren, Tiger King of the Ice Boundary - Nobody would run this @3 except for his OTK, which doesn't work @2. Doesn't do anything but good here.

Lonefire Blossom - Instant Tytan from Deck? Or setup for Debu-Hime? I agree with this hit.

Mezuki - With CoSR banned, this is 100% fair for Zombies, in fact, I'd like to see it @3.

Chaos Sorcerer - Chaos Decks take a little bit of creativity, I like it @2.

No longer Restricted

Raiza the Storm Monarch - Fair enough, Monarchs aren't that bad.

Destiny Draw - D-Draw Engine recovering? I think this is fine.

Fissure - Seems fine to me, after all, we have plenty of crazy s/t removal, monsters are getting it too.

Breaker the Magical Warrior - <3<3<3 With this and Chaos, a whole new Deck just became workable to me.

Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest - He's not that powerful anymore, nice Beast-Tech to stop OTKs after they blow up a monster. Fair @3.

D.D. Warrior Lady - Fair move. 19:23, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

They might as well ban solemn nobody is going to use 1. Also i am surprised Konami restricted so many stuff befor they are release. If you guys think about it is whats the point of ancient prohecy and stardust overdrive if your going to ban all the combos. And no more change there is going to be more light, dark, lightdark mix, glads, and d-heros.FTP, KONAMI--Airbellum 19:32, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

No, Solemn Judgment doesn't need to be banned. And I disagree, it will still be used at one per deck. But now you'll have people using the much worse card Dark Bribe or other counter traps. Crush Card Virus being banned sucks as well. It's going to be much harder to defend against Gladiator Beasts and Lightsworns. Animedude3000 20:18, 15 August 2009 (UTC)

My thoughts

I myself actually like this list mostly, I just wish they also would hit GB's and LS's


   * Card of Safe Return (It was a pretty broken card)
   * Monster Reborn (This card was also pretty unbalanced, glad they replaced it with call of the haunted.)
   * Dark Strike Fighter (AND STAY GONE)
   * Crush Card Virus (I think 1 wasn't that bad.)


   * Demise, King of Armageddon (With the new ritual support comming, it was a good idea)
   * Mind Master (?????)
   * Rescue Cat (He was broken
   * Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind (Was very annoying to go against)
   * One for One (Why?)
   * Solemn Judgment (Aww.. I was wanting to make a burn deck to counter this..)
       * Black Rose Dragon (but JD is at 2....)
   * Call of the Haunted (Much more balanced than Monster Reborn)


   * Bottomless Trap Hole (It is annoying at 3, I agree with this one)
   * Dulauren, Tiger King of the Ice Boundary
   * Lonefire Blossom (Plants are not even top tier, put this card back at 3)
   * Mezuki (Zombies have hope!)
   * Chaos Sorcerer (GO CHAOS!) 

No longer limited

   * Raiza the Storm Monarch (I run a Monarch deck and this card unlimited would help them become top again)
      * Fissure (With all the swarming, this card really isn't that bad at three)
   * Breaker the Magical Warrior (Your back row isn't safe anymore against Spellcasters..)

Was it really wise?

To unlimit Fissure and Breaker? I mean breaker helps clear the field, and fissure is just an auto kill applied to almost all monsters. This would just make way for ... A Breaker/Fissure, OTK or something Lol.

Konami is high

This list was made by a pissed off lightsworn player. Just needed to get that off my chest but this list is one of the wackiest list i have seen, replacing Monster Reborn for Call is alot worse. Me and my friend were play testing his aliens with the new banlist so he got to use Call of the Haunted 3 times because he used the lvl 5 synchro monster. So having a balanced card for an even more broken form of that card is stupid. I mean even just with giant trunade you would get to use that card again. Solemn Judgment to they just made the meta alot slower. Who would run only 1 Solemn. Blackwings just got hit hard with limiting gale to 1. I think it should be kept at 2 so they can still have some potential. Love the 3 fissure and Breaker -_- Konami WTF is the point of having a turbo pack with a forbidden card we all voted to have. Also DSF should of been limited to 1 and not of been the one of the 4 card to be unlimited to forbidden in one format. DSF is a an even less broken card with gale limited to 1. W/E thats my thoughts.