Harpie Lady Deck

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An example of a WIND-Attribute based Deck can be seen in the Lord of the Storm Structure Deck. WIND Monsters have good capacity to Special Summon, and as such the Deck can be fast. Although some of the Monsters are weak, cards such as Harpie Lady 1, Bladefly and Rising Air Current can leave you with a field full of enormous Monsters. The tendency of WIND Monsters to destroy Spell and Trap cards leaves you able to attack in relative safety.

A weakness of this deck is that most of the time your cards target all WIND Monsters, and not just your own, such as the ATK boost from cards like Harpie Lady 1, Bladefly, and Rising Air Current. This makes commonly played cards like Elemental Hero Stratos and Raiza the Storm Monarch benefit from your own card effects. You may also add Monster-destroying cards such as Fissure. Since WIND Monsters usually have low ATK, they may not able to destroy today's commonly used Monsters. However, support from the new Harpie cards can be very powerful.

Many cards from various packs can be quite useful if made an addition to a Harpie Lady deck. Many WIND Monsters, such as Adhesive Explosive or Twin-Headed Behemoth, have useful effects that can help out in tough situations. In particular, the new Stardust Dragon card fits perfectly into this type of deck: it is a high level WIND Monster, and its effect allows you to negate a destructive effect, such as that of Dark Hole or Mystical Space Typhoon, each turn, as long as you can keep reviving Stardust Dragon with its own effect, making it a great boost to the Deck's theme of destroying and negating your opponent's Spell and Trap cards.

(Note: Since Harpie Lady 1, 2, 3 and Cyber Harpie Lady are all considered Harpie Lady, you can only have three total in your Deck and Side Deck combined.)

Monster Cards

Spell Cards

Trap Cards