Forum:My Silly Ant-Meta Deck, help please!

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This deck is my best attempt thus far to create an anti-meta deck
that includes a draw engine and a means to provide tribute fodder
for my creatures. It attempts to control my opponents field through various
methods and monsters.

I only wish I had more of these: Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
I do have two more Thunder King Rai-Oh !
Of course, I don't know what I would take out or even if I need them in the deck.
Any suggestions or comments? (talk) 15:45, February 25, 2012 (UTC)AceCloudKicker

Please read Forum:Deck Guide/General because it's easier to help you when you know the basics (I can see a few major problems that could be fixed just by reading that) and use Template:Decklist because it makes it considerably easier to read.
Also, is this a Real Life deck or on Dueling Network/in the nds/psp/3ds games? That would make some choices you've made understandable.
But other than that I'd like to say try and get your hands on more Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo as it's a great card for anti meta decks, and add in more Thunder King Rai-Oh as it's a VERY good card.
After you've read Forum:Deck Guide/General, fixed card choices, and placed the cards in a Template:Decklist I will go over the rest of your deck. (talk) 01:05, February 26, 2012 (UTC)

Yeah... had forgotten about the template. thanks for the link.
This is a real life deck. My collection is a bit limited.
Hmm... as far as card choices, i did my best to explain the deck.
(Just look up) (talk) 17:59, February 27, 2012 (UTC)AceCloudKicker

I would highly suggest reading Forum:Deck Guide/General and deciding on a proper aim. My suggestion would be a similar deck to a "Rock Stun" deck (found here, don't take the decklist too seriously since it's an example) as it's one of the best anti-meta decks at restricting your opponent. (talk) 09:00, February 28, 2012 (UTC)

Hmm... this is indeed what I was looking for. Good strong feedback.
Just as a reminder my collection is limited. Now, the rock stun deck looks great!
But, we are talking about a whole new deck in that case. I understand
that Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo is a great monster. I really do wish I had more.
The copy I have is not even my own. Basically I want to have my big 3
monsters on the field:
Vanity's Fiend
Prime Material Dragon
Blowback Dragon

Perhaps a simple explanation of the card choices I have will help....
Vanity's Fiend,'s anti-meta. (no special summons)
Prime Material Dragon is of course here to prevent cards such as
Dark Hole from taking out my critters. (of course)!
Blowback Dragon is here to take out facedown threats...
set spells, strange traps, and even stray normal summoned monsters.
I realize he is not the latest and greatest thing, but I wanted something with an
effect that I can use over and over again.

So , it would seem at this point, I just need a better engine for tribute
fodder and draw power. Here is what other cards I have that may help....

Allure of Darkness , Pot of Duality , Reckless Greed x3
Gold Sarcophagus , Cyber Valley x3 , Thunder King Rai-Oh x3
I also have the monarchs you are talking about! (not a bad idea)
Solemn Judgment , I can borrow a Warning, Dark Bribe x3

I understand your point about my high level monsters. Low level creatures
would make the deck run easier. But, I don't have enough low level monsters
that can do the job. So, I just need ideas on quicker ways to get out my
main 3 monsters. Thanks again for the feedback, any other suggestions? (talk) 20:33, March 2, 2012 (UTC)AceCloudKicker

As I said, not many decks can work well with that many high level monsters. At the very least I would suggest getting rid of Blowback Dragon. If you only want him to remove face down spells/traps, MST works fine.
As for the other cards you have:
Pot of Duality helps a lot.
Thunder King Rai-Oh is a very good card.
Try and get your hands on more Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo.
Cyber Valley isn't bad, it isn't amazing though.
The Solemn lineup (Solemn Judgment, Solemn Warning) is suggested, negating everything your opponent does is what Anti-Meta does best.
And the reason I suggested Rock Stun is because your deck doesn't really have much of an aim at the moment. As I said before Forum:Deck Guide/General is a great guide for starting out. (talk) 03:11, March 3, 2012 (UTC)

Well, thanks for all the feedback...I could still use help with the engine.
Never had much trouble getting out my tribute monsters, but I'd love more
feedback on my tribute engine. If you have more suggestions. Sorry for
being stubborn about the Blowback Dragon , I find it useful for
providing some form of control. As, you are the only person helping...
I really am thankful for the tips.

Granted using less high level monsters would make the deck run better.
I'll try to get more of the dino. I know he is great. Thanks for all the
feedback! Oh.... one thing... my deck has an aim....
But it is ok if we disagree on that. If I said:
Anti-Meta / Control, would that be more accurate? lol. thanks again. (talk) 18:12, March 5, 2012 (UTC)AceCloudKicker

Well if it's anti-meta/control then you should make put things in that deck to suit the aim.
You don't need that much of a draw engine, just learn about Card Advantage. Lightning Vortex is a prime example of what's bad (most of the time) card advantage. As Forum:Deck Guide/General says:
Lightning Vortex Speaking of costs, that's the main reason why this card isn't as good as it seems. Yes, it destroys all your opponent's monsters, but it has a cost, and that means it's outclassed by Dark Hole in every way. It's rare that Lightning Vortex will give you card advantage, and is a card that's better off avoided.
And decks are backing away from swarming the field unless they can OTK (Dark Hole, 2x Torrential, Mirror Force, Black Rose, too many field clearers), and in that case it's useless anyway.
Also, if you REALLY need a draw engine try Pot of Duality, it may only be a 1 for one but that 1 you get is the choice of three cards. (talk) 22:00, March 5, 2012 (UTC)

If you can get a cyber dragon or two that may help you a little. At certain time cyber dragon can be a huge help, a 2100 attack monster that can be special summoned early in the match could put you over the edge of winning. Hope that little bit helped a little, I'm not used to a lot of anti-meta decks (although my chaos stun deck is fairly constistant). Hastydemon2 (talkcontribs) 00:40, March 6, 2012 (UTC)