Forum:Are OCG rules the same as TCG rules?

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I was doing this combo that I've been doing for a long time and I found out it it's illegal. Using Ancient Fairy Dragon's effect to destroy geartown to gain 1000 life points, search for another field spell, and special summon Gadjiltron. Under the TCG rulings on this website, it doesn't mention anything about it being illegal, but it does under the OCG rulings. Do all rules under the OCG rulings count as TCG rulings?Oreos74 (talkcontribs)

Well, they don't. OCG rulings may differ in many ways from TCG rulings, like the SEGOC thing. Assuming you are not Japanese or Korean, you should always stick to TCG rulings. Anyway, you should note that if you destroy Geartown with Ancient Fairy Dragon's effect AND you choose to fetch a new Field Spell Card, you won't be able to use Geartown's Optional Effect because you basically miss the timing (that's a general ruling). You will destroy Geartown and gain 1000 LP simultaneously, THEN you'll add a Field Spell Card from your Deck to your hand: you can't Special Summon an Ancient Gear monster right now, Geartown is already gone.-- (talk) 19:03, July 26, 2010 (UTC)

TCG and OCG rules are different because OCG generally covers Asia, while the TCG covers the areas outside of Asia, like North America & Europe. In sanctioned tournaments in Europe & North America for example follow the TCG rulings and other limitations. But if ur not a really serious player u can follow the OCG if you want. I wouldn't recommend that though...As for rulings if u live in North American go by the TCG rulings. Automation44 (talkcontribs) 22:13, July 26, 2010 (UTC)Automation44

You can choose not the add a Field Spell Card to your hand, that way the effect of Geartown that special summons a monster will not Miss the Timing.-- HHTurtle  (Talk) 06:55, July 27, 2010 (UTC)

tcg is retarded cus if u go to the world championships its ocg. tcg is dumb cus thay dont know what the hell thay are doing tcg hardcore changes alot of the wording in cards and the rulings (talk) 01:56, May 15, 2013 (UTC)

No need to be haste on them, half of the cards don't get TCG rulings, indeed, therefore they can following the OCG rulings until then. If you want to make it clearly - call Konami and get them come in the tournament, haul their undergarment up to their head and hanging it there. --iFredCat 01:59, May 15, 2013 (UTC)
Basically, if we don't have a TCG for a card, just email Konami Judges using the contact info found somewhere on the pages. --Dark Ace SP (Talk) 03:12, May 15, 2013 (UTC)
Yea, we need that computer to do that, but it would making us skip our next plans after the battle. --iFredCat 03:16, May 15, 2013 (UTC)