Forum:Decks for Free Closed Down

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What can I say? Running Decks for Free! was a really enjoyable experience, but the thread has outlived its usefulness, and we've closed it down permanently. Even though the main function of Decks for Free! no longer exists, I hope the wiki community will feel free to use the massive stockpile of decks in the archives and galleries as a resource.

--Dark Ace SP (Talk) 13:59, August 25, 2013 (UTC)


Sorry to intrude, but how has it become less useful? It appeared to still have requests...I'm curious. Thankyou. Chromace (talkcontribs) 07:57, September 1, 2013 (UTC)

We just don't get as many requests as we did a few years ago. I forgot to mention, but we (the builders) are also weary. We've kept this forum thread running for a few years, and we just want to move on. --Dark Ace SP (Talk) 14:09, September 1, 2013 (UTC)
Adding to what Ace said, the requests we have been getting have been repetitive. And most of the time there's a decklist in the archives or galleries that can be updated to your specific needs. Hastydemon2 (talkcontribs) 14:35, September 1, 2013 (UTC)
Information of how to build new Decks (those that aren't on the archives) could be added to the Forum:Deck Guide. --Missign0 (talkcontribs) 03:32, September 2, 2013 (UTC)
Maybe. --Dark Ace SP (Talk) 13:56, September 2, 2013 (UTC)