Forum:Reptile Deck. Please give me input/help

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Hi, I'm a little new here, and I was wondering how this deck I just built looks. Like the topic title says, it's a Reptile Deck. For the most part it uses Aliens, but their not really the main strategy. If you look at the deck list, it should make sense..

Edit: Major changes! Look in the deck list!

I've taken out the XYZ cards since it bacame more and more difficult to play. I have instead opted out for Helios, since it gains ATK from removed from play monsters, meaning it's great for if Ananta dies. I've also added a few more cards that work well in the graveyard or add cards to the graveyard. Another change is the addition of more normal Reptiles. These will be in place until I get some more Aliens (Venom Cobra adds some much needed defense as well). BobTheJesusPunk 04:58, 10 September 2008 (UTC)


what are the xyz's doing here? arent they a little random? maybe u should add alien shock troopers for beat sticks. damge =reptile is nice. do u have the gigas and evolutions? well, maybe exept gigabyte or the little card. maybe u should try making it an all alien deck or venom. thats all i have to say, because i just think the deck needs alittle more focus. Jetronix 12:13, 10 September 2008 (UTC)

  • "what are the xyz's doing here?" Actually, when I was building the deck, I just needed the deck fillers. But when I actually played with them, they flowed quite nicely with the rest of the deck and gave me an alternate destruction effect. I don't have the Gigas, but I might have some Shock Troopers, I'll check.BobTheJesusPunk 17:25, 10 September 2008 (UTC)

Make it more Aliens and other Reptiles (the XYZs are too random and don't flow with the game play.)

AdD Dameage=Reptile, and throw in Venominion (you can SS him if you take even 1 damage, then he gains a lot)

The Anata is definitely a must, but maybe 2?

  • I plan to, as soon as I can get another one.BobTheJesusPunk 17:25, 10 September 2008 (UTC)

ALSO ALSO ALSO throw in Snake rain- it sends 5 reptiles from your deck to the graveyard. Great thinning and fuel.

  • Yeah! I'm not sure if I have it, but I'll check. Thanks.BobTheJesusPunk 17:25, 10 September 2008 (UTC)

Use the Aliens for early attacking and do NOT focus it on counters. ALso get rid of any small monsters that normally don't get used.

  • Oh, I don't focus on counters at all. As for the little guys, I'm trying to get more of the guys I want so I can get rid of a few A.Mars' and A.Hunters.BobTheJesusPunk 17:25, 10 September 2008 (UTC)

Rise of the Snake Deity wouldn't suck either.

  • Can't I only use that really in a Venom deck? Or does it have an effect I'm forgetting? BobTheJesusPunk 17:25, 10 September 2008 (UTC)

Either pick 2 Bitelons or 2 Venominions, because you don't want to get stuck with too many big guys, but Bitelons not bad. My friend uses him in his water deck. Damn ass..

  • Well, I already have two Bitelons. I'm pretty sure I don't have any Venom cards in there. I've been lovin' the Bitelon though, 2400 and piercing is a beautiful thing lol. BobTheJesusPunk 17:25, 10 September 2008 (UTC)

LOL I meant OFFERINGS to the snake deity. Tribute 1 reptile to destroy 2 cards on the field. I've been wanting to try a new alien deck based on Ananta. I think it wouldn't suck to have a monster that summons tokens so Ananta wont be left targeting himself always. Or Scapegoats will work also.--Psychosocial 21:35, 15 September 2008 (UTC)

  • Well, the card text says any card on the field, so I have Sword of Deep-Seated set up just in case. I also have Horn of Light, but I wanna switch it for a Horn of the Unicorn.


Well this deck may need a little work. You got alot of the good aliens so thats helpful, but i wouldn't suggest putting in so many misc. cards. I looks like you have no "Alien" support cards in your spell or traps. I would suggest getting these:

-Alien Mother

-Alien Telepath

-Alien Hypno

-Alien Skull

-Alien Infiltrator

-Alien Shocktrooper

-Cosmic Horror Gangi'el

-Flying Saucer Muusik'i

-Corruption Cell "A"

-"A" Cell Scatter Burst

-"A" Cell Breeding Device

-"A" Cell Incubator

-Otherworld - The "A" Zone

Brainwashing Beam

-Crop Circles

-Orbital Bombardment

-Mass Hypnosis

-Cell Explosion Virus

-Detonator Circle "A"

-Interdimensional Warp

This probably may seem like alot, but Aliens are very inexpensive. But remember these are only suggestions.

  • There are alot of Alien cards I'd kinda like to use. I mean, mostly I'm just using the Aliens as fodder for Ananta, but I would like to put in an A.Shocktrooper or two in place of my A.Mars'. "A" Cell Scatter Burst would be a great combo in this deck now that I think of it. Thanks very much for your input, I'll keep it in mid when I get the time to re-vamp the deck. BobTheJesusPunk 00:02, 17 September 2008 (UTC)
  • Really, when it comes to aliens, the only ones you need are Grey, Hunter, and Warrior. Maybe the Alien version of Breaker but thats it. 1 Infiltrator wouldn't suck.

I personlly think the equips are a dead draw. Be sure to use A Cell Explosion Virus for sure. I wouldn't worry with the ring of destruction or the creature swap. Too slow. Scatter shot is nice. I like using cards like that and Offerings to the snake deity when my opponent tries to Brain Control or Fissure/Hammershot. It'll make them waste it. Thats what I think, anyways.

This is how I would make a Alien/Reptile deck.

x2 Evil Ananta

x2 Venominion

x3 Shocktrooper

x3 Alien Hunter

x3 Alien Warrior

x3 Alien Grey

x2 Razor Lizard (for destroying face-downs)

x3 Shining Angel

x1 Saucer (searched out by Shining Angel)

x2 A Cell Breeding Device

x2 Snake Rein

x2 A Cell Virus

x2 Offerings to the snake deity

x2 Damage=reptile

Thats 10 spells/traps. Add whatever else you think is necessary.--Psychosocial 16:41, 18 September 2008 (UTC)