Forum:Stratos, Do you think it will be coming back

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I personally do not think it will be coming back, but i just want to hear some arguments as to why anyone would think it would/woudldn't. and actual, well thought out reasons, not just the usual #bringbackmahniggastratos or because there is a structure deck coming. DreadKaiser (talkcontribs) 17:05, October 18, 2014 (UTC)

There's clearly a reason why RotA was knocked down to 3, right? --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 00:54, October 19, 2014 (UTC)

Sorry but nope. Stratos is staying at 0 for good. It should be banned for several reasons:
  • It has no once per turn restriction and works on normal or special summon, allowing you to create easy OTK's with Bubbleman and rank 4's like Blade Armor or Excal, and even if they kill those two, you can Miracle Fusion into the Shining and get Stratos and Alius back for free.
  • It is searchable by 11 other cards, so even bringing it back to 1 would make it hugely consistent (you have 3 E-Call, 3 A HERO Lives, 3 ROTA, and when Mist comes out, people will be more than happy to run 2 Summoner Monk to get a search). You can also run Duality if you want a grind game, at the cost of some speed.
  • You would have to hit the aforementioned spell searchers just to even consider bringing it back, and you just don't hit balanced cards to bring a broken one back or keep a broken one in the game. This is the same reason the Dragon Rulers should be banned. Hitting cards like Gold Sarc, Sacred Sword, Debris Dragon, Ravine, and the babies isn't somehow balancing or solving the problems with the Rulers, it's just prolonging the inevitable, the inevitable being something else will come along someday and propel them to tier 1 again and when that happens, it won't be a good thing. When you have a problem, you don't hit a scapegoat to dodge the real problem or make the real problem less consistent by limiting it, you get rid of it immediately so it won't come back to bite you again.

This is not to mention that Mist is a balanced replacement of Stratos, allowing for HERO's to run a more effective mask change-oriented build, allowing them to still be viable but at the same time, fewer OTK's and degenerate loops due to a OPT clause. And of course, the last bullet point above was my honest opinion and Konami is always going to find scapegoats of some sort so they can keep selling their newest cards, but getting rid of the real problem is exactly what should happen, if you want to get closer to an ideal meta. Ninety-eight (talkcontribs) 23:15, October 19, 2014 (UTC)

Currently no, Stratos will stay banned. If they were to make an errata on him, like the did with Dark Strike Fighter, then he might have a chance at coming back. But even with a once per turn effect, he might stay on the list because there's so many different ways to abuse that too. Hastydemon2 (talkcontribs) 05:23, October 20, 2014 (UTC)

wow, was expecting at least 1 person to have some argument for why he could come back to 1, though its nice that my opinion on it matches everyone elses. thx for the extra detailed explaination as always 98DreadKaiser (talkcontribs) 10:53, October 21, 2014 (UTC)

Giving my ideas on why stratos may not come back.

I strong agree that stratos while not be seeing yugioh meta today because of the new hero shadow and blazeman. •Warrior are consider one of the most fierce archetype in yugioh Six Samurai, Junks(mixture) and now satellarknight, also Hero was one of tier deck back then "bubbleman beatdown". •Element hero shadow can search out for stratos and a various of hero card which stratos can open up a next searching for shadow. A loop, due to stratos effect not saying it "once per "or "once per duel". •Today meta the deck have 3-6 search cards I'm talking single copy.

It would be prefect if he back hero, will get a massive boost.but I strong agree he won't in today duel. — This unsigned comment was made by MSBlinga (talkcontribs)