Forum talk:Deck Contest 34: Destruction of the Inferno!

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This is the talk page for discussing the page, Forum:Deck Contest 34: Destruction of the Inferno!.

Please try to

  • Be polite
  • Assume good faith
  • Be welcoming


  • Post positive comments or criticism.
  • Enjoy the discussion, and talk about the card choices that you loved or thought were just odd, almost anything is fine, within the parameters of etiquette.

-Dark Ace SP (Talk) 01:47, December 4, 2012 (UTC)

Heraldic Beast[edit]

Awesome. Its the first that i got the win. Anyway what im wondering is Heraldic Beast got again into the contest even though we had one contest last time with it. Also when i saw Gadil's title "Void Genome" I thought he abused Heraldic Beast Unicorn or something to summon Genome Heriter but was surprised that Unicorn is not even on the deck lol ----SharkTenjo 04:20, December 4, 2012 (UTC)

I simply had a hard time thinking up a good pun/reference for the Deck's name. Then I looked at their exclusive face-stealer, and thought up "Void Genome" as a reference to Guilty Crown. Nothing much to do with Unicorn, actually - as I have said, its revival targets are scarce and situational. Besides, the last time we had Heraldic Beasts in the contest, they only consisted of the three monsters from ABYR. Hard to build a Deck with so little material. --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 06:41, December 4, 2012 (UTC)
I would have voted for your Deck except I have a DN friend who used a similar (if not better) Deck than it. One good combo involved the Eagles, Lavalval Chain, and Number 16 to lock down the opponent. (Another combo: If "Leo" is detached or sent from the Deck to the Grave via "Chain", you get a free search.) However, it still kept to its theme with the Heraldic cards, even keeping 2 copies of "Yale". Also, my personal opinion is that you don't need to diversify your Extra Deck so much; Number 32 is a "win-in-a-better-way" card, and could easily be replaced. Feel free to have 2 copies of some monsters in your Extra Deck. --UltimateKuriboh (talkcontribs) 07:02, December 4, 2012 (UTC)

Fire King[edit]

Well I would've like to see more abuse of the "destruction effect" that all the Fire Kings have, the problem is that I couldn't find that much cards that helps the deck for this matter, all I can think of are Assault on GHQ, Destruction Ring and Goka, the Pyre of Malice (who btw is now in the structure deck), Diawolf, the Dire Dreadfang is an excellent choice, this was my first choice to vote for, but I decided to vote for the Inaribi Deck 'cause I just love spellcasters and any cards that support them, and the way Shark could use three options to use it was awesome (with Aster Drawn, Summoner Monk and Flamvell Magician and the mini-loop with Scrap Dragon. They were all really good decks.Jaggo 80 (talkcontribs) 15:09, December 4, 2012 (UTC)

I've seen "Ancient Forest" used in a couple on DN. --UltimateKuriboh (talkcontribs) 16:36, December 4, 2012 (UTC)
I didn't think of Ancient Forest for the deck, I'll probably look into that for a future reference. Also I didn't think Goka would have really helped me too much, the destruction power I get is mostly from a mini-loop from 2 Garunix. Summon Garunix A with Onslaught/Assault and have it destroyed at the end phase, then have Yaksha destroy Garunix B from hand. Hastydemon2 (talkcontribs) 15:04, December 5, 2012 (UTC)