Set Card Lists:Storm of Ragnarok (TCG-SP)

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Card numberEnglish nameSpanish nameRarityCategory
STOR-SP000"Vortex the Whirlwind""Vórtice el Torbellino"Super RareEffect Synchro Monster
STOR-SP001"Cosmic Compass""Brújula Cósmica"CommonEffect Monster
STOR-SP002"Doppelwarrior""Guerrero Doble"RareEffect Monster
STOR-SP003"Stardust Phantom""Fantasma de Polvo de Estrellas"RareEffect Monster
STOR-SP004"D.D. Sprite""D.D. Duendecillo"Super RareEffect Tuner monster
STOR-SP005"Top Runner""El Mejor Corredor"CommonEffect Tuner monster
STOR-SP006"Barrier Resonator""Resonador de la Barrera"CommonEffect Tuner monster
STOR-SP007"Blackwing - Boreas the Sharp""Alanegra - Bóreas el Afilado"RareEffect Monster
STOR-SP008"Blackwing - Brisote the Tailwind""Alanegra - Brisote el Viento de Cola"CommonEffect Monster
STOR-SP009"Blackwing - Calima the Haze""Alanegra - Calima la Neblina"CommonEffect Monster
STOR-SP010"Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts""Tanngrisnir de las Bestias Nórdicas"Super RareEffect Monster
STOR-SP011"Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts""Guldfaxe de las Bestias Nórdicas"RareEffect Tuner monster
STOR-SP012"Garmr of the Nordic Beasts""Garmr de las Bestias Nórdicas"CommonEffect Monster
STOR-SP013"Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts""Tanngnjostr de las Bestias Nórdicas"RareEffect Monster
STOR-SP014"Ljosalf of the Nordic Alfar""Ljosalf de los Alfar Nórdicos"CommonEffect Monster
STOR-SP015"Svartalf of the Nordic Alfar""Svartalf de los Alfar Nórdicos"Super RareEffect Tuner monster
STOR-SP016"Dverg of the Nordic Alfar""Dverg de los Alfar Nórdicos"RareEffect Monster
STOR-SP017"Valkyrie of the Nordic Ascendant""Valkiria de los Ascendientes Nórdicos"Super RareEffect Tuner monster
STOR-SP018"Mimir of the Nordic Ascendant""Mimir de los Ascendientes Nórdicos"CommonEffect Monster
STOR-SP019"Tyr of the Nordic Champions""Tyr de los Campeones Nórdicos"RareEffect Monster
STOR-SP020"Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan""Seis Samuráis Legendarios - Kizan"Super RareEffect Monster
STOR-SP021"Legendary Six Samurai - Enishi""Seis Samuráis Legendarios - Enishi"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
STOR-SP022"Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki""Seis Samuráis Legendarios - Kageki"RareEffect Monster
STOR-SP023"Legendary Six Samurai - Shinai""Seis Samuráis Legendarios - Shinai"CommonEffect Monster
STOR-SP024"Legendary Six Samurai - Mizuho""Seis Samuráis Legendarios - Mizuho"CommonEffect Monster
STOR-SP025"Kagemusha of the Six Samurai""Kagemusha de los Seis Samuráis"CommonEffect Tuner monster
STOR-SP026"Shien's Squire""Escudero de Shien"CommonEffect Tuner monster
STOR-SP027"Karakuri Watchdog mdl 313 "Saizan"""Perro Karakuri mod. 313 - "Saizan""CommonEffect Tuner monster
STOR-SP028"Karakuri Ninja mdl 919 "Kuick"""Ninja Karakuri mod 919 - "Kuick""CommonEffect Monster
STOR-SP029"Scrap Worm""Gusano de Chatarra"RareEffect Tuner monster
STOR-SP030"Scrap Shark""Tiburón de Chatarra"CommonEffect Monster
STOR-SP031"Wattberyx""Wattalfonsino"RareEffect Tuner monster
STOR-SP032"Wattmole""Watttopo"CommonEffect Monster
STOR-SP033"Symphonic Warrior Basses""Guerrero Sinfónico Bajos"Super RareEffect Tuner monster
STOR-SP034"Symphonic Warrior Drumss""Guerrero Sinfónico Batterías"Super RareEffect Tuner monster
STOR-SP035"Symphonic Warrior Piaano""Guerrero Sinfónico Piaano"RareEffect Tuner monster
STOR-SP036"Majioshaleon""Majioshaleón"Short PrintEffect Monster
STOR-SP037"Yaksha""Yaksha"Short PrintSpirit monster
STOR-SP038"Thor, Lord of the Aesir""Thor, Señor de los Aesir"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Synchro Monster
STOR-SP039"Loki, Lord of the Aesir""Loki, Señor de los Aesir"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Synchro Monster
STOR-SP040"Odin, Father of the Aesir""Odín, Padre de los Aesir"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Ghost Rare
Effect Synchro Monster
STOR-SP041"Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En""Seis Samuráis Legendarios - Shi En"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Synchro Monster
STOR-SP042"Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X "Bureido"""Shogun de Acero Karakuri mod. 00X - "Burreido""Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Synchro Monster
STOR-SP043"Atomic Scrap Dragon""Dragón de Chatarra Atómica"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Synchro Monster
STOR-SP044"Watthydra""Watthidra"Super RareEffect Synchro Monster
STOR-SP045"Nordic Relic Draupnir""Reliquia Nórdica Draupnir"CommonEquip Spell
STOR-SP046"Gotterdammerung""El Ocaso de los Dioses"CommonNormal Spell
STOR-SP047"March Towards Ragnarok""Marcha hacia el Ragnarok"RareQuick-Play Spell
STOR-SP048"Shien's Smoke Signal""Señal de Humo de Shien"RareNormal Spell
STOR-SP049"Six Strike - Triple Impact""Ataque de los Seis - Impacto Triple"CommonNormal Spell
STOR-SP050"Asceticism of the Six Samurai""Ascetismo de los Seis Samuráis"RareQuick-Play Spell
STOR-SP051"Temple of the Six""Templo de los Seis"Super RareField Spell
STOR-SP052"Karakuri Cash Cache""Reserva de Dinero de los Karakuri"CommonNormal Spell
STOR-SP053"Karakuri Gold Dust""Polvo de Oro de los Karakuri"CommonQuick-Play Spell
STOR-SP054"Wattkey""Wattllave"CommonNormal Spell
STOR-SP055"Stardust Shimmer""Brillo del Polvo de Estrellas"Super RareNormal Spell
STOR-SP056"Resonator Engine""Motor Resonador"CommonNormal Spell
STOR-SP057"Token Sundae""Postre de Fichas"CommonNormal Spell
STOR-SP058"Foolish Return""Regreso Insensato"RareQuick-Play Spell
STOR-SP059"Divine Wind of Mist Valley""Viento Divino del Valle Brumoso"CommonField Spell
STOR-SP060"Vylon Matter""Materia Vylon"CommonNormal Spell
STOR-SP061"Forbidden Lance""Lanza Prohibida"Super RareQuick-Play Spell
STOR-SP062"Terminal World""Mundo Terminal"Short PrintContinuous Spell
STOR-SP063"Hope for Escape""Esperanza de Escape"RareNormal Trap
STOR-SP064"Zero Force""Fuerza Cero"CommonNormal Trap
STOR-SP065"Blackboost""Aumentonegro"CommonNormal Trap
STOR-SP066"Divine Relic Mjollnir""Reliquia Divina Mjollnir"CommonNormal Trap
STOR-SP067"Solemn Authority""Autoridad Solemne"CommonContinuous Trap
STOR-SP068"Nordic Relic Brisingamen""Reliquia Nórdica Brisingamen"CommonNormal Trap
STOR-SP069"Nordic Relic Laevateinn""Reliquia Nórdica Laevateinn"CommonNormal Trap
STOR-SP070"Nordic Relic Gungnir""Reliquia Nórdica Gungnir"RareNormal Trap
STOR-SP071"The Golden Apples""Las Manzanas Doradas"Secret RareNormal Trap
STOR-SP072"Odin's Eye""El Ojo de Odín"CommonContinuous Trap
STOR-SP073"Gleipnir, the Fetters of Fenrir""Gleipnir, los Grilletes de Fenrir"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Normal Trap
STOR-SP074"Musakani Magatama""Musakani Magatama"RareCounter Trap
STOR-SP075"Shien's Scheme""El Plan de Shien"CommonNormal Trap
STOR-SP076"Token Stampede""Estampida de Fichas"CommonContinuous Trap
STOR-SP077"Xing Zhen Hu Replica""Réplica de Xing Zhen Hu"Short PrintContinuous Trap
STOR-SP078"Tyrant's Tirade""Diatriba del Tirano"CommonContinuous Trap
STOR-SP079"Tiki Curse""Maldición Tiki"CommonContinuous Trap
STOR-SP080"Tiki Soul""Alma Tiki"CommonContinuous Trap
STOR-SP081"Vanadis of the Nordic Ascendant""Vanadis de los Ascendientes Nórdicos"Secret RareEffect Tuner monster
STOR-SP082"Shien's Daredevil""El Temerario de Shien"RareEffect Monster
STOR-SP083"Karakuri Muso mdl 818 "Haipa"""Muso Karakuri Mod 818 - "Haipa""Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Effect Monster
STOR-SP084"Scrap Breaker""Rompedor de Chatarra"Secret RareEffect Monster
STOR-SP085"Chaos Hunter""Cazadora del Caos"Secret RareEffect Monster
STOR-SP086"Maxx "C""""C" Maxx"Secret RareEffect Monster
STOR-SP087"The Nordic Lights""Las Luces Nórdicas"Ultra Rare
Ultimate Rare
Field Spell
STOR-SP088"Nordic Relic Megingjord""Reliquia Nórdica Megingjord"Secret RareNormal Trap
STOR-SP089"Six Strike - Thunder Blast""Ataque de los Seis - Explosión del Trueno"Secret RareNormal Trap
STOR-SP090"Cyber Shield""Ciber Escudo"CommonEquip Spell
STOR-SP091"Hourglass of Courage""Reloj de Arena del Coraje"CommonEffect Monster
STOR-SP092"Needle Ball""Bola de Agujas"CommonFlip monster
STOR-SP093"Blood Sucker""Chupasangre"CommonEffect Monster
STOR-SP094"Overpowering Eye""Ojo Agobiante"RareNormal Spell
STOR-SP095"Worm Illidan""Gusano Illidan"CommonEffect Monster
STOR-SP096"Worm Jetelikpse""Gusano Jetelikpse"CommonFlip monster
STOR-SP097"Worm King""Gusano King"Super RareEffect Monster
STOR-SP098"Elemental Hero Ice Edge""HÉROE Elemental Ice Edge"Super RareEffect Monster
STOR-SP099"Vylon Delta""Vylon Delta"Secret RareEffect Synchro Monster