Card Tips:Naturia Exterio

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Summoning this card

  • If using "Naturia Cherries", have it destroyed in order to Summon two more. Play "Instant Fusion" to bring out "Karbonala Warrior", then tune it and a "Naturia Cherries" to bring out "Naturia Beast". Then, tune the other "Naturia Cherries" and "Naturia Beast" to bring out "Naturia Barkion". Finally, play "Miracle Synchro Fusion" and remove both "Naturia Beast" and "Naturia Barkion" to bring out this card.

Using this card

  • With "Naturia Barkion" and "Naturia Beast" on the field and "Super Polymerization" in hand, it is possible to deal a total 7500 damage. While the point of these monsters is to prevent the opponent from activating certain cards, the sheer damage output is helpful as well (as well as providing at least one card in the Graveyard that can be removed without worry).

Countering this card

  • This card is vulnerable against monster effects.
    • The effect of "Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit" can be used in response to this card's effect to prevent it from resolving since it needs to stay face-up on the field for the effect to resolve.
  • This card is fairly easy to destroy by battle, due to its 2800 ATK. Use "Borrelsword Dragon" to counter this card.

Traditional Format