Forum:Laval Deck: Future Meta?

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So I am sure most of you know that the Laval deck is pretty unfamiliar, even with these new Meta decks coming in for all of our attention (Dino Rabbit, Inzektor, Wind-Up, Chaos Dragons). However, I must question something: When Hidden Arsenal 7 comes out, will the Laval archetype become Tier 1? The reason why I bring this up is because of HA7's Laval cards: Molten Conduction Field & Lavalval Chain. Currently, I am running this deck along with others, and this one seems to be the most outstanding so far. However, when Im allowed to put in my Duel Terminal MCF and L. Chain at my community Yu-Gi-Oh playhouse, the deck shreds every Tier I have ever played. Rekindling, Handmaiden, Cannon, and Lakeside Lady make this deck so broken, its unimaginable. Twice at locals (unregistered duels), I was able to go into Quasar and Red Nova one turn, one time being in first turn! Is it the side deck that makes it compatible to compete and win against other top tier decks? Or is it the sheer power it gets from within its own strategies? I am concerned to even see if the Laval archetype will be hit with a banlist after a certain time (however it needs to top at regionals). So the real question I am asking is: Will the Laval deck become a future Meta deck? Please let me know your thoughts as I am concerned if I should take this deck to Regionals. Here is the deck list to show for the Lavals:

This post isn't really a deck profile, but I want to list what I have been using that I think might make this deck broken as all hell. (talk) 06:58, December 8, 2012 (UTC)

Deck or not, you still need to using Deck Template and be sure to linking each cards in there. It made the list much easily to locating and knowledge. --iFredCat 13:11, December 8, 2012 (UTC)
It could be tier 1, but let's not over hype the deck. It suffers from a lot of the same problems as Flamvell does, which is that people just know to side in for Games 2 and 3 - such as popular cards like Macro Cosmos. Even if Laval have some more tricks as Flamvell, they both win using Rekindling. The deck is just too easy to side against, just by using popular cards like Thunder King Rai-Oh, Macro Cosmos, or even Prohibition. All of those are popular, and always will be, as long as decks rely on consistency, making Inherent Special Summons, and the graveyard. Let's face it, it's the same reason why Dark World wasn't very good the first weekend it was out (Because everyone was ready for it), and has only been popular for its cheapness, and is a good pick when no one is expecting it and ready for it. -Dark Ace SP (Talk) 05:35, December 9, 2012 (UTC)