Forum:Yugi Deck

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Hello, I am just curious what cards I should run in a Yugi deck. All help is appreciated.

It depends on what kind of Yugi deck you're building, whether it be the one that little Yugi uses or the one that he built and the Pharaoh uses. In any case he has one of every card and has continual combination's with his cards. Here's a sample of the one I'm thinking about building.

Hopefully this might help you out. If not then the best advice I can give you is to focus on spellcasters and earth type monsters that compliment each other. Yugi's main focus is cards that compliment each other, and not for an instant kill or Teledad victory, but for the simple fun of strategy.--Overlordzorc 06:34, 4 August 2009 (UTC)

why wont u try magical ccientist+dark flare knight+mirage knight? scary.<colour man>

looking back at all the cards that yugi has used, summoned skull, dark magician girl, gilfer, valkyrion, cursed dragon, watapon, catalpult turtle, all was failure for me to use.

i was using too much high leveled guys n suddenly i got fedup with da loosing. so i tried da endymion, n all da spell counters cards, n last coming to da use of arcanite magician. still not perfect.
at last, i tried to use fast cards only. i ran into tualatin, gorz, swift gaia, chaos sorcerer, dimension door, tribute doll(for dak magician n buster blader). that was a lot better. but there was still some losing. 

i tried to compromise. yugi in da legendary dragons, always calls out powerful cards, ability beyond what was written on da real cards. hmmm.... real cards..... GEMINI! dark valkyrie, infinity dark, cythonian! doubble summon! n some gemini support cards. heck, that was incredible. to solve da problem with da using of too many high leveled cards, i choose to use powerful underlings.<colurman>

Headline text

add swords of reavealing light

helping out this guy with a yugi deck 

ok so far i think its great but i think you should even out the amount of spells and traps as monsters.i had a yugi decck for a while and it had very similar amount of cards, you should include skilled white magician, skilled dark magician and dark paladin. if any more help is needed you can contact me at my e-mail address [email protected]