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* Activate the effect of "Gandora-X" to destroy all other monsters on the field.
* Activate the effect of "Gandora-X" to destroy all other monsters on the field.
** Since "Equimax" is pointing to "Saryuja" and "Abyss", its ATK on the field is 2000 + 2800 + 3200 = 8000.
** Since "Equimax" is pointing to "Saryuja" and "Abyss", its ATK on the field is 2000 + 2800 + 3200 = 8000.
[[Category: Deck Type]]

Revision as of 09:45, 26 October 2019

Gandora FTK, also known as Gandora-X FTK, is an FTK strategy that uses "Gandora-X the Dragon of Demolition" and "Crusadia Equimax" in to inflict 8000 or more damage with the former's effect. This FTK is only possible in OCG territories, since the effect of "Gandora-X" only inflicts damage equal to the original ATK of the destroyed monster in the TCG.

How it works

When it is Special Summoned from the hand, "Gandora-X the Dragon of Demolition" destroys all other monsters on the field, then inflicts damage equal to the highest ATK among those monsters on the field. The aim of this FTK is to use this effect of "Gandora-X" to destroy "Crusadia Equimax", which gains ATK equal to all the monsters it points to. As such, "Equimax" must point to monsters whose combined ATK is at least 6000.

There are several ways of achieving this, most of them enabled by "Crystron Needlefiber" and "Guardragon Elpy".

Older versions of this FTK would use the Guardragon Engine along with "Guardragon Agarpain" to Special Summon "Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon" from the Extra Deck, then use it to Xyz Summon "Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon", whose effect can send 3 Dragon monsters from the Deck to the GY. These would usually include "Tempest, Dragon Ruler of Storms" and "Eclipse Wyvern". The former can banish the latter, which would then add "Chaos Emperor, the Dragon of Armageddon" to the hand, allowing more Special Summons. The FTK would come to an end after another "Eclipse Wyvern" added "Gandora-X the Dragon of Demolition" to the hand, which would then be Special Summoned by "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon". "Equimax", pointing to "Dark Matter Dragon" and "Darkness Metal Dragon", would have 8800 ATK, enough to win the Duel.

Despite "Number 95: Galaxy-Eyes Dark Matter Dragon" becoming Forbidden on January 2019, new versions of this FTK began to appear, becoming even more optimized in terms of card usage thanks to the release of "Ib the World Chalice Justiciar" and "Omni Dragon Brotaur". The only card necessary to start the combo is "Draconnet", which would Special Summon a Level 2 Dragon Tuner Normal Monster from the Deck, such as "Guardragon Justicia", and then Synchro Summon "Ib" to add "World Legacy Guardragon". After that, "Needlefiber" and "Elpy" would be used again, but this time to Summon "Omni Dragon Brotaur" and add "Gandora-X" directly from the Deck. Instead of "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon", "Saryuja Skull Dread" would Summon "Gandora-X" from the hand, and to give enough ATK to "Crusadia Equimax", "Guardragon Agarpain" would Summon "Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss" from the Extra Deck.

Larvaur Version

Cards in hand: "Draconnet" + 1 card.