Forum:Deck Contest 47: Spotlight Showdown

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So, it's October 19th. You know what that means, it's Theros Game Day! Time to go Fight the Hyd--

Wait, wrong card game.

October 19th's the release date for Duelist Pack: Kastle Siblings, introducing many WATER monsters, Xyz or not, to greatly appease the Shark fans. But simply doing a contest based on this one Duelist Pack won't be fun, right? Thus, we'll expand the scope to cover the other two protagonists of ZEXAL - Yuma and Kite, both of which also have their own Duelist Packs. Contestants will pick one of the trio, and build a Deck around them.

Still, a straightforward "build based on that character" competition would be a tad simple, so let's add a little twist to it - all the monsters in your Main Deck must be of the same Attribute. (Extra Decks can be as diverse as you like.) While this poses no problem to Shark and Kite who use mono-Attribute Decks, it'll impose a slight challenge to those who pick Yuma, since otherwise he has an advantage due to a slightly larger card pool to draw from.

Also consider this a way to determine "Who would win - Yuma, Shark or Kite?"


  • All OCG and TCG cards are fine, as long as it has been released proper.
  • Deck must be in Template:Decklist.
  • This contest will be in September 1st, 2013 TCG Banlist.
  • You will be given maybe 1 day if you are late to post, after that, you're out.
  • Deck submissions will open on October 25th, 2013, and are due October 27th, 2013. --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 16:55, October 18, 2013 (UTC)


To register, add your name next to a vacant bullet point, like so. Do not add extra bullet points if no vacancies exist.

Example - Zane Truesdale

Yuma Tsukumo


Kite Tenjo

  • [CLOSED]
  • [CLOSED]
  • [CLOSED]

Comments? Questions? Complaints?

Out of curiosity, which game reference was that from?

I believe its Magic the Gathering, I don't follow the game even though I do have 2 decks so don't quote me on it. Hastydemon2 (talkcontribs) 05:37, October 19, 2013 (UTC)

Yes, the opening line references MtG. Today's the Fight the Hydra event, along with a Standard Tournament. Made it to the top 4 and got some cool cards from the prize pack. It was a good day. --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 08:06, October 19, 2013 (UTC)

Deck Submissions

Post your Deck under the appropriate heading, along with a brief description. --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 10:24, October 25, 2013 (UTC)

Chromace's Deck

This deck, as the title suggested, uses the level changing abilities of Gagaga monsters to bring out Sorceror of Dark Magic as well as Secret Village of the Spellcasters, providing a partial field monopoly (yes, Royal Decree would have been a good option too). If this does not succeed, there are plenty of alternatives to lean back on. Sorry Yuma, your ZEXAL Weapons and Utopia both got the boot...

Gagaga Magician is required to start the whole deck off, hence the reason for the Summoner Monks, Tomatoes and Dualities (they also serve the purpose of looking for Gagaga Girl, if Magician has already been obtained). From there, the rest of the deck is able to function properly and begin hindering the opponent's movements.

Sadly, there will be times when either only Sorcerer or Village is in play, not enough to stop all risks. This is where Norito (and Dark Bribe) comes in. Though a temporary measure, the Moral Leader will allow attacks with near impunity and with that time, recover both Sorceror and Village.

Further control can be achieved via the use of Photon Strike Bounzer, preventing disruptive effects or Forbidden Chalice for a temporary fix (no Veiler this time...).

Sometimes though, binding just cannot be done, in which case the deck will simply have to resort to an OTK with Machu Mech. Just add a 2800+ monster, Gagaga Magician and Girl and that's curtains for the opponent. With a Bribe or two backing it up.

This deck also contains a few heavy arsenal weaponry, in the form of Draccosack, Big Eye (who says no to stealing a powerful monster?), Felgrand (being untouchable by Traps and Spells makes him an ideal solitary hitter) and Franken (to finish them off, whoever 'they' may be). Alternatively, it could just launch a monster away with Ptolemy.

Gagaga monsters are quite slow however, and so are extremely vulnerable to cards like Torrential Tribute and Dark Trap Hole. Gagagarevenge is used to alleviate this problem, while Chalice and Chain stop the likes of Pleiades from hindering the Gagaga. Chromace (talkcontribs) 04:00, October 27, 2013 (UTC)

Hastydemon2's Deck

I know, Reginald never used the Nimble monsters. But I have a sort of soft spot, so to say, for them. They also happen to be Water monsters too, which fits with the mono type restriction. And they put a lot of work in when it comes to this deck, but I'll touch on that later in the description.

I want to go over what drew me to do Reginald's Water Xyz spam deck. There were 2 cards that drew me here: Double-Fin Shark (Doublefin Shark on DN) and Silent Angler. Double-Fin summons a level 3 or 4 Fish when normal summoned, usually its Saber Shark, and if I do I can only special summon Water monsters for the rest of the turn. Which isn't a problem since just about the entire Extra Deck is Water too. Silent Angler can special summon itself whenever I have a Water monster on the field, which opens up Shark Drake plays. There's a lot of swarming potential with those two cards. Plus they're reusable with Salvage, for more fishy fun stuff.

Saber Shark is kinda like the Constellar Kaus of the deck, where you can use its effect to increase/decrease a Fish's level by 1-2, at the cost of only being able to special summon Water monsters. Pairing that with Shark Stickers opens up Rank 3's and 4's, while pairing that with Silent Angler opens up Rank 4's and 5's. That adds a lot of flexibility to the deck.

Now onto the Nimble monsters and by extension Tidal. The Nimbles add a lot of deck thinning so I can draw into my key combo cards, and allow me to make 1-2 Gachi's so I can stall a little bit while also increasing the attack and defense of all my other monsters, which can get a bit agitating for the opponent. Tidal makes that all easy, by discarding itself and another Water monster you can send another monster from your deck to the grave. Discard Nimble Angler to set up the grave for a Double-Fin or Salvage play, then special summon 2 other Nimble monsters. Discard any other Water monster and send Nimble Angler to get the same results. And at that point, if you have enough life points, you can suicide a Sunfish to send the other Nimble Angler and get 2 Gachi's for close to nothing.

Trap Stun allows me to laugh at my opponent's traps and just explode. Which is great since the key combo I use puts Bahamut Shark and Full Armored - Black Ray Lancer on the field (since FA Ray Lancer can be summoned by a Rank 3 Water Xyz with no materials) and if they can't use traps for a turn, one of they're backrow will be destroyed as long as you destroy a monster in battle with him. Full Armored - Crystal Zero Lancer is there for the Silent Angler Saber Shark play, and being able to negate all your opponent's monsters effects for a turn can be nice, especially is you used Number 94: Crystal Zero's effect to shrink the monster down first. The rest of the extra deck is mostly a Bahamut target, except for Herald and Abyss Dweller. Abyss Dweller pushes my Water monsters a little by adding an extra 500 attack if there's a Water material (why wouldn't there be in a mono water deck with Monster Reborn banned) and can help in some match ups, while Herald helps with some crazy hands if you don't want to use Gachi yet.

The deck itself can do some crazy things, and with all the added attack you can OTK the opponent without the deck being OTK oriented. Besides all that, its actually pretty fun to play and watching your opponent go down by a deck that may actually get nowhere at all. Hastydemon2 (talkcontribs) 13:43, October 25, 2013 (UTC)

SharkTenjo's Deck

Hey its been a long time since I last joined this contest. Anyway, this is my Shark deck revolving around the all powerful Full Armored - Crystal Zero Lancer. She is very powerful because the opponent needs to destroy it usually 3 times because I always have 3 Xyz Material on her. She can also negate the effects of the opponent whcih just adds to her power. She needs a Rank 5 Water to be summoned which is very easy in this deck. The Silent Angler and Saber Shark combo is good but thats not all that it takes to summon her. I got the Eagle Shark and the Panther Shark combo too. Transmodify helps alot in this deck. I can summon any lv4 Water, summon either Panther Shark or Eagle Shark with Transmodify then summon from my hand either Panther or Eagle. I can also summon a lv4 water monster, summon shark stickers and transmodify it to summon Saber Shark and make them LV5, it can also be done using Double Fin to tutor a Stickers in grave and transmodify it then summon Zero Lancer.

Though that is not all, I can also summon Crystal Zero's partner which is Full Armored - Black Ray Lancer. This dack can also summon Rank 4 with quite ease. Any level 4 + Silent Angler, Saber Shark and Stickers, Any level 4 + Stickers + Transmodify, Double-Fin Shark effect and Spear Shark + Stickers and those combo can also be revised to summon Rank 5 as explained above. Anyway, these Rank 4 plays makes me summon Bahamut Shark. This monster summons Number 47: Nightmare Shark with no xyz material. See that? Because Black Ray Lancer needs to overlay a Rank 3 Water monster with no xyz material which makes it perfect.

One good combo (as if I don't have enough combos) is summon Number 94: Crystal Zero, detatch to lower a beefy monster in half, overlay her to summon FA Crystal Zero Lancer with 3200 ATK then finish the monster off.

The one thing in common with the Full Armored monsters is they can detatch an Xyz material to avoid being destroyed which means the opponent may use other techniques to get rid of them like Compulsory Evacuation Device or Dimensional Prison, what a good way to protect them by using Forbidden Lance right? Salvage to recycle my monsters like Shark Stickers, Silent Angler, Double Fin, Eagle and Panther Shark. Xyz Reborn is quite useful. As I can always summon Cryztal Zero fast even on the first turn, I always have an Xyz on the grave. I can detatch the normal Number 94: Crystal Zero, use Xyz Reborn then overlay it for another Crystal Zero Lancer with 3200 ATK. This deck is very consistent and very fast. Thank you and hope you like my deck. ^-^ ----SharkTenjo 03:55, October 27, 2013 (UTC)


Sign your name under one of the headings to place your vote. --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 12:28, October 27, 2013 (UTC)

Chromace's Gagaga Deck

Hastydemon2's Nimble Shark Deck

SharkTenjo's FA Shark Deck


And by unanimous vote, SharkTenjo wins! --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 07:04, November 1, 2013 (UTC)

Post Contest Discussion

Forum talk:Deck Contest 47: Spotlight Showdown