The Wicked Worm Beast (World Championship 2007)

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WC2004 / WC2005 / WC2006 / WC2007

The Wicked Worm Beast
Ja'akunaru Wāmu Bīsuto
Attribute EARTH
Type Beast / Effect
Level 3
ATK / DEF 1400 / 700
Internal number 4029

This face-up card on the field is returned to the owner's hand during the End Phase of your turn.

Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007 cards
(list · galleries: en · fr · de · it · es · ja)


This section might be incomplete until all sets have been documented on this site.

Set Rarity
All Effect Monsters Common
All at Random Common

Other languages

Name Lore
French Le Ver Malfaisant Cette carte face recto retourne dans votre main à la fin de votre tour.
German Böses Wurmungeheuer Diese Karte erhältst du am Ende deines Spielzugs zurück auf die Hand.
Italian Verme Bestiale Questa carta ritorna nella tua mano alla fine del turno.
Spanish La Perversa Bestia-Gusano Esta carta es devuelta a tu mano al final de tu turno.
Japanese 邪悪なるワーム・ビースト 自分ターンのエンドフェイズ時、表側表示でフィールド上に存在するこのカードは持ち主の手札に戻る。