Total Defense Shog

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DM3 / DM4 / DM5 / DM6 / DM7 / DM8

Total Defense Shog
Zettaibōgyo Shōgun
Total Defense Shogun
Level 6 ★★★★★★
Number 797
Deck Cost 30
ATK / DEF 1550 / 2500
Type Warrior
Alignment Shadow

Brave general who fought 1000 wars

Password 75372290

Obtained by

"Total Defense Shog" can be obtained via random drop from the following characters. The chance of winning it is listed as a percentage and a probability out of 2048.

Character % 2048th
DarkNite 0.05 1

Other languages

Name Lore
Japanese ぜったいぼうぎょしょうぐん だいじなひとのために 1000にちまもりつづけた ゆうかんなしょうぐん
Japanese translated Total Defense Shogun A brave general who kept defending for 1000 days to protect an important person.
