Tabletop RPG: Monster World/August 2018

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Banner for the Tabletop RPG event.

Tabletop RPG: Monster World is an event in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. In this event, players can earn event-exclusive rewards by navigating the event area. Yami Bakura is the Game Master, who serves as the player's guide.


This event has run once, throughout the following time period:

  • August 20, 2018 until August 29, 2018

Event Details

Monster World

Maps are rotated 45° clockwise.

🡇 Starting Square
ObstacleSquare.png Obstacle Square
TreasureBoxSquare.png Treasure Box Square
DiceBattleSquare.png Dice Battle Square
DuelSquare.png Duel Square
ExitSquare.png Exit Square

Area 1

ObstacleSquare.png ExitSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
🡇 ObstacleSquare.png

This area uses a forest theme. It has 1 Dice Battle Square.

  • The Dice Battle opponent is "Skull Red Bird" and requires 2 Stamina to challenge. It has 10 HP and uses a single 0-3 die. Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 2 event EXP.

"Headless Knight" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 2000 LP and uses the Level 10 Deck "Earth Flora". Defeating it drops 20 Lottery Coins and awards 3 event EXP.

Area 2

ExitSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png
🡇 DiceBattleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png

This area uses a desert theme. It has 1 Dice Battle Square and 1 Treasure Box Square.

  • The Dice Battle opponent is "Niwatori" and requires 2 Stamina to challenge. It has 7 HP and uses a single 0-3 die. Defeating it drops the "Dragon Deck/Lv.10" and awards 2 event EXP.
  • The Treasure Box contains 20 Lottery Coins.

"Thunder Kid" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 2000 LP and uses the Level 10 Deck "Breezy Skies". Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 3 event EXP.

Area 3

TreasureBoxSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ExitSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
🡇 DiceBattleSquare.png

This area uses a volcanic theme. It has 1 Dice Battle Square and 2 Treasure Box Squares.

  • The Dice Battle opponent is "Hinotama Soul" and requires 2 Stamina to challenge. It has 8 HP and uses a single 0-3 die. Defeating it drops 1 Stamina Potion (Small) and awards 2 event EXP.
  • Both Treasure Boxes contains 20 Lottery Coins each.

"Goblin Zombie" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 2000 LP and uses the Level 10 Deck "Fiendish Mechs". Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 3 event EXP.

Area 4

TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ExitSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png
DiceBattleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
🡇 ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png

This area uses a volcanic theme. It has 1 Dice Battle Square and 2 Treasure Box Squares.

  • The first Dice Battle opponent is "Hinotama Soul" and requires 2 Stamina to challenge. It has 6 HP and uses a pair of 0-3 dice. Defeating it drops a Dice +1 and awards 2 event EXP.
  • The first Treasure Box contains 100 Gold.
  • The second Dice Battle opponent is "Hinotama Soul" and requires 2 Stamina to challenge. It has 7 HP and uses a pair of 0-3 dice. Defeating it drops 10 Lottery Coins and awards 2 event EXP.
  • The second Treasure Box contains 20 Lottery Coins.

"Poki Draco" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 2000 LP and uses the Level 10 Deck "Birds of Fire". Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 3 event EXP.

Area 5

ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ExitSquare.png
DiceBattleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png
🡇 ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png

This area uses a desert theme. It has 2 Dice Battle Squares and 3 Treasure Box Squares.

  • The first Dice Battle opponent is "Niwatori" and requires 2 Stamina to challenge. It has 10 HP and uses a pair of 0-3 dice. Defeating it drops a Ten-Sided Dice and awards 2 event EXP.
  • The upper Treasure Box contains 100 Gold.
  • The middle Treasure Box contains 20 Lottery Coins.
  • The lower Treasure Box contains 20 Lottery Coins.
  • The second Dice Battle opponent is "Niwatori" and requires 2 Stamina to challenge. It has 8 HP and uses a pair of 0-3 dice. Defeating it drops "Spellcaster Deck/Lv.20" and awards 2 event EXP.

"Des Kangaroo" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 3000 LP uses the Level 10 Deck "Fiendish Shadows". Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 3 event EXP.

Area 6

🡇 ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
DiceBattleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ExitSquare.png

This area uses a forest theme. It has 2 Dice Battle Squares and 3 Treasure Box Squares.

  • The first Dice Battle opponent is "Skull Red Bird" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 12 HP and uses a triplet of 0-3 dice. Defeating it drops a Dice +1 and awards 3 event EXP.
  • The first Treasure Box contains 10 Gems.
  • The second Treasure Box contains 100 Gold.
  • The third Treasure Box contains 10 Gems.
  • The second Dice Battle opponent is "Bee List Soldier" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 15 HP and uses a triplet of 0-3 dice. Defeating it drops a 10 Lottery Coins and awards 3 event EXP.

"Goblin Zombie" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 4 Stamina to challenge. It has 3000 LP uses the Level 10 Deck "Fiendish Mechs". Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 4 event EXP.

Area 7

TreasureBoxSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ExitSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png
DiceBattleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
🡇 ObstacleSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png

This area uses a beach theme. It has 2 Dice Battle Squares and 3 Treasure Box Squares.

  • The first Dice Battle opponent is "Violent Rain" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 20 HP and uses a single 0-5 die. Defeating it drops a "Dragon Deck/Lv.20" and awards 3 event EXP.
  • All three Treasure Boxes contains 100 Gold each.
  • The second Dice Battle opponent is "Krokodilus" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 18 HP and uses one 0-3 die and one 0-5 die. Defeating it drops a Stamina Potion (Small) and awards 3 event EXP.

"Uminotaurus" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 4 Stamina to challenge. It has 3000 LP uses the Level 10 Deck "Mist of the Frogs". Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 4 event EXP.

Area 8

ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ExitSquare.png
TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
🡇 ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png

This area uses a dungeon theme. It has 2 Dice Battle Squares and 3 Treasure Box Squares.

  • The first Dice Battle opponent is "The Wandering Doomed" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 18 HP and uses a pair of 0-3 dice and a single 0-5 die. Defeating it drops a Dice +1 and awards 3 event EXP.
  • The central and right Treasure Boxes contain 20 Lottery Coins.
  • The left Treasure Box contains 100 Gold.
  • The second Dice Battle opponent is "Winged Minion" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 18 HP and uses a pair of 0-3 dice and a single 0-5 die. Defeating it drops 10 Lottery Coins and awards 3 event EXP.

"Headless Knight" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 4 Stamina to challenge. It has 3000 LP uses the Level 10 Deck "Earth Flora". Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 4 event EXP.

Area 9

TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ExitSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png
DiceBattleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png

This area uses a wall theme. It has 2 Dice Battle Squares and 3 Treasure Box Squares.

  • The first Dice Battle opponent is "Garoozis" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 24 HP and uses a pair of 0-3 dice and a single 0-5 die. Defeating it drops a Stamina Potion (Small) and awards 3 event EXP.
  • The second Dice Battle opponent is "Dragon Manipulator" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 18 HP and uses a pair of 0-3 dice and a single 0-5 die. Defeating it drops "Warrior Deck/Lv.20" and awards 3 event EXP.
  • The central Treasure Box contains 20 Lottery Coins.
  • The left and right Treasure Boxes contain 100 Gold each.

"Skull Servant" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 4 Stamina to challenge. It has 3000 LP uses the Level 10 Deck "Fiendish Spirits". Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 4 event EXP.

Area 10

ExitSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png
TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png DuelSquare.png
DiceBattleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
🡇 TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png

This area uses a wall theme. It has 3 Dice Battle Squares, 3 Treasure Box Squares, and 1 non-Boss Duel Square.

  • The left Treasure Box contains 20 Lottery Coins.
  • The first Dice Battle opponent is "Dragon Manipulator" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 33 HP and uses a triplet of 0-3 dice. Defeating it drops a Dice +1 and awards 3 event EXP.
  • The Duel Square Monster is "Headless Knight" and requires 4 Stamina to challenge. It has 3000 LP uses the Level 10 Deck "Earth Flora". Defeating it drops 30 Lottery Coins and awards 4 event EXP.
  • The second Dice Battle opponent is "Garoozis" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 28 HP and uses a pair of 0-3 dice and a single 0-5 die. Defeating it drops 10 Lottery Coins and awards 3 event EXP.
  • The third Dice Battle opponent is "Dragon Manipulator" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 22 HP and uses a single 0-3 dice and a pair of 0-5 die. Defeating it drops 10 Lottery Coins and awards 3 event EXP.
  • The rightmost and left Treasure Boxes contain 20 Lottery Coins each.
  • The lower right Treasure Box contains 100 Gold.

"Dark Master - Zorc" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 5 Stamina to challenge. It has 4000 LP uses the Level 20 Deck "Dark Master". Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 5 event EXP.

Area 11

DiceBattleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ExitSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
🡇 ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png

This area uses a forest theme. It has 2 Dice Battle Squares and 3 Treasure Box Squares.

  • The first Treasure Box contains 25 Lottery Coins.
  • The first Dice Battle opponent is "Skull Red Bird". It has 24 HP, 1 yellow die and 1 red die. Defeating it drops a Stamina Potion (Small).
  • The second Treasure Box contains 120 Gold.
  • The second Dice Battle opponent is "Bee List Soldier". It has 27 HP, 1 white die and 1 red die. Defeating it drops "Sea Creature Deck/Lv.20".
  • The third Treasure Box contains 25 Lottery Coins.

"Des Kangaroo" appears as the Boss Monster. It has 4000 LP uses the Level 20 Deck "Pitch-Black Fang". It requires 5 Stamina to challenge. Defeating it drops 20 Lottery Coins.

Event Decks

Spellcaster Deck

Lvl: 10

Lvl: 20

Dragon Deck

Lvl: 10

Lvl: 20

Warrior Deck

Lvl: 20

Sea Creature Deck

Lvl: 20

Dinosaur Deck

Lvl: 20

Fairy Deck

Lvl: 20

Harpie Deck

Lvl: 20


There are two methods of earning rewards from this event: rewards earned through accumulating Event Points, and rewards received from the Event Lottery.

Area Completion Rewards

The following rewards could be earned through accumulating Event Points:

Area Reward
Area 1 30 Gems
Area 2 Stamina Potion (Small)
Area 3 10 R Jewels
Area 4 1 "Contract with the Dark Master"
Area 5 5 Extra Card
Area 6 40 Gems
Area 7 20 R Jewels
Area 8 5 Extra Life
Area 9 5000 Gold
Area 10 Card Sleeves: Tabletop RPG: Monster World
Area 11 Stamina Potion (Small)
Area 12 50 Gems
Area 13 1 "Earthbound Spirit"
Area 14 30 R Jewels
Area 15 7500 Gold
Area 16 1 Stamina Potion (Small)
Area 17 50 Gems
Area 18 40 R Jewels
Area 19 10000 Gold
Area 20 1 "Skilled White Magician"
Area 21 1 SR Jewel
Area 22 10000 Gold
Area 23 50 R Jewels
Area 24 50 Gems
Area 25 Game Mat: Tabletop RPG: Monster World

Event Lottery

Lottery Rewards
  • 1 UR Jewel
  • 10, 5, or 1 Gems
  • 10 EX Jewels
  • 3000, or 2000 Gold