Tabletop RPG: Monster World/August 2018

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Revision as of 00:49, 22 August 2018 by JustGian (talk | contribs) (Lvl: 20)
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Banner for the Tabletop RPG event.

Tabletop RPG: Monster World is an event in Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links. In this event, players can earn event-exclusive rewards by navigating the event area. Yami Bakura is the Game Master, who serves as the player's guide.


This event has run once, throughout the following time period:

  • August 20, 2018 until August 29, 2018

Event Details

Monster World

Maps are rotated 45° clockwise.

🡇 Starting Square
ObstacleSquare.png Obstacle Square
TreasureBoxSquare.png Treasure Box Square
DiceBattleSquare.png Dice Battle Square
DuelSquare.png Duel Square
ExitSquare.png Exit Square

Area 1

ObstacleSquare.png ExitSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
🡇 ObstacleSquare.png

This area uses a forest theme. It has 1 Dice Battle Square.

  • The Dice Battle opponent is "Skull Red Bird" and requires 2 Stamina to challenge. It has 10 HP and uses a single 0-3 die. Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 2 event EXP.

"Headless Knight" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 2000 LP and uses the Level 10 Deck "Earth Flora". Defeating it drops 20 Lottery Coins and awards 3 event EXP.

Area 2

ExitSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png
🡇 DiceBattleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png

This area uses a desert theme. It has 1 Dice Battle Square and 1 Treasure Box Square.

  • The Dice Battle opponent is "Niwatori" and requires 2 Stamina to challenge. It has 7 HP and uses a single 0-3 die. Defeating it drops the "Dragon Deck/Lv.10" and awards 2 event EXP.
  • The Treasure Box contains 20 Lottery Coins.

"Thunder Kid" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 2000 LP and uses the Level 10 Deck "Breezy Skies". Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 3 event EXP.

Area 3

TreasureBoxSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ExitSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
🡇 DiceBattleSquare.png

This area uses a volcanic theme. It has 1 Dice Battle Square and 2 Treasure Box Squares.

  • The Dice Battle opponent is "Hinotama Soul" and requires 2 Stamina to challenge. It has 8 HP and uses a single 0-3 die. Defeating it drops 1 Stamina Potion (Small) and awards 2 event EXP.
  • Both Treasure Boxes contains 20 Lottery Coins each.

"Goblin Zombie" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 2000 LP and uses the Level 10 Deck "Fiendish Mechs". Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 3 event EXP.

Area 4

TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ExitSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png
DiceBattleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
🡇 ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png

This area uses a volcanic theme. It has 1 Dice Battle Square and 2 Treasure Box Squares.

  • The first Dice Battle opponent is "Hinotama Soul" and requires 2 Stamina to challenge. It has 6 HP and uses a pair of 0-3 dice. Defeating it drops a Dice +1 and awards 2 event EXP.
  • The first Treasure Box contains 100 Gold.
  • The second Dice Battle opponent is "Hinotama Soul" and requires 2 Stamina to challenge. It has 7 HP and uses a pair of 0-3 dice. Defeating it drops 10 Lottery Coins and awards 2 event EXP.
  • The second Treasure Box contains 20 Lottery Coins.

"Poki Draco" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 2000 LP and uses the Level 10 Deck "Birds of Fire". Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 3 event EXP.

Area 5

ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ExitSquare.png
DiceBattleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png
🡇 ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png

This area uses a desert theme. It has 2 Dice Battle Squares and 3 Treasure Box Squares.

  • The first Dice Battle opponent is "Niwatori" and requires 2 Stamina to challenge. It has 10 HP and uses a pair of 0-3 dice. Defeating it drops a Ten-Sided Dice and awards 2 event EXP.
  • The upper Treasure Box contains 100 Gold.
  • The middle Treasure Box contains 20 Lottery Coins.
  • The lower Treasure Box contains 20 Lottery Coins.
  • The second Dice Battle opponent is "Niwatori" and requires 2 Stamina to challenge. It has 8 HP and uses a pair of 0-3 dice. Defeating it drops "Spellcaster Deck/Lv.20" and awards 2 event EXP.

"Des Kangaroo" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 3000 LP uses the Level 10 Deck "Fiendish Shadows". Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 3 event EXP.

Area 6

🡇 ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
DiceBattleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ExitSquare.png

This area uses a forest theme. It has 2 Dice Battle Squares and 3 Treasure Box Squares.

  • The first Dice Battle opponent is "Skull Red Bird" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 12 HP and uses a triplet of 0-3 dice. Defeating it drops a Dice +1 and awards 3 event EXP.
  • The first Treasure Box contains 10 Gems.
  • The second Treasure Box contains 100 Gold.
  • The third Treasure Box contains 10 Gems.
  • The second Dice Battle opponent is "Bee List Soldier" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 15 HP and uses a triplet of 0-3 dice. Defeating it drops a 10 Lottery Coins and awards 3 event EXP.

"Goblin Zombie" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 4 Stamina to challenge. It has 3000 LP uses the Level 10 Deck "Fiendish Mechs". Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 4 event EXP.

Area 7

TreasureBoxSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ExitSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png
DiceBattleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
🡇 ObstacleSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png

This area uses a beach theme. It has 2 Dice Battle Squares and 3 Treasure Box Squares.

  • The first Dice Battle opponent is "Violent Rain" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 20 HP and uses a single 0-5 die. Defeating it drops a "Dragon Deck/Lv.20" and awards 3 event EXP.
  • All three Treasure Boxes contains 100 Gold each.
  • The second Dice Battle opponent is "Krokodilus" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 18 HP and uses one 0-3 die and one 0-5 die. Defeating it drops a Stamina Potion (Small) and awards 3 event EXP.

"Uminotaurus" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 4 Stamina to challenge. It has 3000 LP uses the Level 10 Deck "Mist of the Frogs". Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 4 event EXP.

Area 8

ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ExitSquare.png
TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
🡇 ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png

This area uses a dungeon theme. It has 2 Dice Battle Squares and 3 Treasure Box Squares.

  • The first Dice Battle opponent is "The Wandering Doomed" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 18 HP and uses a pair of 0-3 dice and a single 0-5 die. Defeating it drops a Dice +1 and awards 3 event EXP.
  • The central and right Treasure Boxes contain 20 Lottery Coins.
  • The left Treasure Box contains 100 Gold.
  • The second Dice Battle opponent is "Winged Minion" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 18 HP and uses a pair of 0-3 dice and a single 0-5 die. Defeating it drops 10 Lottery Coins and awards 3 event EXP.

"Headless Knight" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 4 Stamina to challenge. It has 3000 LP uses the Level 10 Deck "Earth Flora". Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 4 event EXP.

Area 9

TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ExitSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png
DiceBattleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png

This area uses a wall theme. It has 2 Dice Battle Squares and 3 Treasure Box Squares.

  • The first Dice Battle opponent is "Garoozis" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 24 HP and uses a pair of 0-3 dice and a single 0-5 die. Defeating it drops a Stamina Potion (Small) and awards 3 event EXP.
  • The second Dice Battle opponent is "Dragon Manipulator" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 18 HP and uses a pair of 0-3 dice and a single 0-5 die. Defeating it drops "Warrior Deck/Lv.20" and awards 3 event EXP.
  • The central Treasure Box contains 20 Lottery Coins.
  • The left and right Treasure Boxes contain 100 Gold each.

"Skull Servant" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 4 Stamina to challenge. It has 3000 LP uses the Level 10 Deck "Fiendish Spirits". Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 4 event EXP.

Area 10

ExitSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png
TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png DuelSquare.png
DiceBattleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
🡇 TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png

This area uses a wall theme. It has 3 Dice Battle Squares, 3 Treasure Box Squares, and 1 non-Boss Duel Square.

  • The left Treasure Box contains 20 Lottery Coins.
  • The first Dice Battle opponent is "Dragon Manipulator" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 33 HP and uses a triplet of 0-3 dice. Defeating it drops a Dice +1 and awards 3 event EXP.
  • The Duel Square Monster is "Headless Knight" and requires 4 Stamina to challenge. It has 3000 LP uses the Level 10 Deck "Earth Flora". Defeating it drops 30 Lottery Coins and awards 4 event EXP.
  • The second Dice Battle opponent is "Garoozis" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 28 HP and uses a pair of 0-3 dice and a single 0-5 die. Defeating it drops 10 Lottery Coins and awards 3 event EXP.
  • The third Dice Battle opponent is "Dragon Manipulator" and requires 3 Stamina to challenge. It has 22 HP and uses a single 0-3 dice and a pair of 0-5 die. Defeating it drops 10 Lottery Coins and awards 3 event EXP.
  • The rightmost and left Treasure Boxes contain 20 Lottery Coins each.
  • The lower right Treasure Box contains 100 Gold.

"Dark Master - Zorc" appears as the Boss Monster and requires 5 Stamina to challenge. It has 4000 LP uses the Level 20 Deck "Dark Master". Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 5 event EXP.

Area 11

DiceBattleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ExitSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
🡇 ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png

This area uses a forest theme. It has 2 Dice Battle Squares and 3 Treasure Box Squares.

  • Treasure Boxes:
    • First: 25 Lottery Coins
    • Second: 120 Gold
    • Third: 25 Lottery Coins
  • Dice Battle opponents:
    • First: "Skull Red Bird". It has 24 HP and uses a single 0-5 die and a single 0-7 die. Defeating it drops a Stamina Potion (Small).
    • Second: "Bee List Soldier". It has 27 HP and uses a single 0-3 die and a single 0-7 die. Defeating it drops "Sea Creature Deck/Lv.20".
  • Boss Monster:
    • "Des Kangaroo". Requires 5 Stamina to challenge. It has 4000 LP uses the Level 20 Deck "Pitch-Black Fang". Defeating it drops 20 Lottery Coins.

Area 12

Area 13

Area 14

Area 15

Area 16

Area 17

Area 18

TreasureBoxSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png TreasureBoxSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png DuelSquare.png
🡇 ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
TreasureBoxSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png ExitSquare.png
ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png
TreasureBoxSquare.png DiceBattleSquare.png ObstacleSquare.png

This area uses a sea theme. It has 4 Dice Battle Squares, 5 Treasure Box Squares, and 1 non-Boss Duel Square.

  • Treasure Boxes:
    • Middle: 25 Lottery Coins
    • Bottom Left: 25 Lottery Coins
    • Top Left: 25 Lottery Coins
    • Top: 120 Gold
    • Top Right: 120 Gold
  • Dice Battles opponents:
    • Bottom Left: "High Tide Gyojin". Requires 4 Stamina to challenge. It has 60 HP and uses a quintuplet of 0-3 dice. Defeating it drops a Dice +1 and awards 4 event EXP.
    • Top Left: "High Tide Gyojin". Requires 4 Stamina to challenge. It has 40 HP and uses a single 0-3 die, a single 0-5 die and a pair of 0-7 dice. Defeating it drops a Stamina Potion (Large) and awards 4 event EXP.
    • Top: "High Tide Gyojin". Requires 4 Stamina to challenge. It has 38 HP and uses a single 0-3 die, a single 0-5 die and a pair of 0-7 dice. Defeating it drops 15 Lottery Coins and awards 4 event EXP.
    • Right: "Krokodilus". Requires 4 Stamina to challenge. It has 41 HP and uses a triplet of 0-7 dice. Defeating it drops 20 Lottery Coins and awards 6 event EXP.
  • Duel Square Monster:
    • "Thunder Kid". Requires 6 Stamina to challenge. It has 3000 LP uses the Level 20 Deck "Blades of the Wind". Defeating it drops 30 Lottery Coins and awards 4 event EXP.
  • Boss Monster:
    • "Uminotaurus". Requires 7 Stamina to challenge. It has 4000 LP uses the Level 30 Deck "Waters of the Giant Whale". Defeating it drops 20 Lottery Coins and awards 7 event EXP.

Event Decks

Spellcaster Deck

Lvl: 10

Lvl: 20

Dragon Deck

Lvl: 10

Lvl: 20

Warrior Deck

Lvl: 20

Sea Creature Deck

Lvl: 20

Dinosaur Deck

Lvl: 20

Fairy Deck

Lvl: 20

Harpie Deck

Lvl: 20

Magnet Warrior Deck

Lvl: 20


There are two methods of earning rewards from this event: rewards earned through accumulating Event Points, and rewards received from the Event Lottery.

Area Completion Rewards

The following rewards could be earned through accumulating Event Points:

Area Reward
Area 1 30 Gems
Area 2 Stamina Potion (Small)
Area 3 10 R Jewels
Area 4 1 "Contract with the Dark Master"
Area 5 5 Extra Card
Area 6 40 Gems
Area 7 20 R Jewels
Area 8 5 Extra Life
Area 9 5000 Gold
Area 10 Card Sleeves: Tabletop RPG: Monster World
Area 11 Stamina Potion (Small)
Area 12 50 Gems
Area 13 1 "Earthbound Spirit"
Area 14 30 R Jewels
Area 15 7500 Gold
Area 16 1 Stamina Potion (Small)
Area 17 50 Gems
Area 18 40 R Jewels
Area 19 10000 Gold
Area 20 1 "Skilled White Magician"
Area 21 1 SR Jewel
Area 22 10000 Gold
Area 23 50 R Jewels
Area 24 50 Gems
Area 25 Game Mat: Tabletop RPG: Monster World

Event Lottery

Lottery Rewards
  • 1 UR Jewel
  • 10, 5, or 1 Gems
  • 10 EX Jewels
  • 3000, or 2000 Gold