Card Tips:Blue-Blooded Oni

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  • You can Special Summon 2 copies of this card from your hand with "Skull Conductor", a monster that can be Special Summoned with Oni's effect.
  • Have this card out with an Xyz Monster at full Material. Use this card's effect to revive a second "Blue-Blooded Oni", then use that one to revive a third "Blue-Blooded Oni". Combine the first and second "Oni" into another Xyz Monster. Using the third "Oni", detach and Special Summon the first "Oni", then use it to Special Summon the second "Oni", and so on. "Zombie Master" and "Mezuki" quicken the process.
    • Have an Xyz Monster with two materials, a copy of this card and "Cannon Soldier" on your field. Activate this card's effect to detach one and revive another copy of this card. use the new copy to detach again and retrieve a third. With this, you have three copies of this card and the "Cannon Soldier" and the Xyz. Tribute the Xyz for the 500 burn and then use the spent copies of this card for another Rank 4 monster. You could make up to 15 Xyzs this way and follow by using the copies of this card and the "Cannon Soldier" for a total of 9500 damage.
  • You can revive "Bone Crusher" and destroy a Spell or Trap, then Xyz Summon so you don't lose "Bone Crusher".
  • "Gem-Knight Pearl" is the premium candidate for this card's cost, as removing Xyz Materials from him has no drawbacks whatsoever.
    • Summon another "Blue-Blooded Oni" with the first, then Summon a "Zombie Master", and use its effect to Special Summon "Bone Crusher", destroying a Spell or Trap. Now Xyz Summon two more "Gem-Knight Pearls", for a total of 3 of them. If you have "Mezuki" in your Graveyard, and any of the Stacked monsters are detached, you can use "Mezuki" to start the chain over again, and Summon another two Rank 4 Xyz Monsters.
  • If you already have one Zombie-Type monster in your Graveyard, after Summoning a Rank 2 Xyz Monster with "Plaguespreader Zombie" and "Quillbolt Hedgehog", detach "Plaguespreader" and revive it with this card, then Synchro for 6.

Traditional Format[edit]


  • Level 4 Zombie-Type monsters that can be Special Summoned:
NameJapanese namePrimary typeSecondary typeAttributeScaleATKDEF
Blood Suckerブラッド・サッカーEffect MonsterDARK13001500
Blue-Blooded OniそうけつEffect MonsterDARK10001700
Bone CrusherボーンクラッシャーEffect MonsterEARTH1600200
Crow TenguのカラスてんEffect MonsterEARTH14001200
Dark AssailantやみあんさつしゃNormal MonsterDARK12001200
Decayed CommanderてたしょうEffect MonsterEARTH10001500
Devouring SarcoughagusせいかんサルコファガスEffect MonsterDARK00
Double CostonダブルコストンEffect MonsterDARK17001650
Fear from the DarkやみよりのきょうEffect MonsterDARK17001500
GerniaゲルニアEffect MonsterDARK13001200
Ghost Wyvern, the Underworld Dragonごうよくりゅう ゴースト・ワイバーンEffect MonsterDARK17000
Ghoul with an AppetiteおおいグールNormal MonsterDARK16001200
Goblin ZombieゴブリンゾンビEffect MonsterDARK11001050
Gogogo GhostゴゴゴゴーストEffect MonsterDARK19000
GozukiEffect MonsterEARTH1700800
Guard GhostはいえいEffect MonsterDARK1800100
Heavy Knight of the FlameごうじゅうEffect MonsterGemini monsterFIRE1800200
Isolde, Belle of the UnderworldめいかいれいじんイゾルデEffect MonsterDARK10000
Magical Ghostマジカル・ゴーストNormal MonsterDARK13001400
Malice Ascendantぞうふくする悪意マリスEffect MonsterDARK7001000
Master KyonsheeたつじんキョンシーNormal MonsterEARTH17501000
MezukiEffect MonsterEARTH1700800
NecrofaceネクロフェイスEffect MonsterDARK12001800
Necroworld BansheeかいのバンシーEffect MonsterDARK1800200
OnmorakiおんEffect MonsterEARTH12001000
P.M. Captorピーエム・キャプチャーEffect Monster
Pendulum Monster
Paladin of the Cursed Dragon闇竜の黒騎士ブラックナイト・オブ・ダークドラゴンEffect MonsterLIGHT19001200
Poison MummyポイズンマミーEffect MonsterFlip monsterEARTH10001800
Pyramid Turtleピラミッド・タートルEffect MonsterEARTH12001400
Reborn Zombieリボーン・ゾンビEffect MonsterDARK10001600
Red-Headed OniこうけつEffect MonsterDARK17001000
Regenerating MummyさいせいミイラEffect MonsterDARK18001500
Return Zombieリターン・ゾンビEffect MonsterDARK10001600
Royal KeeperおうぞくしんえいたいEffect MonsterEARTH16001700
Samurai Skull堕ち武者デス・サムライEffect MonsterDARK17000
Shiranui Samurai不知火しらぬい武士もののふEffect MonsterFIRE18000
Shiranui Smith不知火しらぬい鍛師かなちEffect MonsterFIRE10000
Shiranui Solitaire不知火しらぬい隠者かげものEffect MonsterFIRE5000
Shiranui Spiritmaster不知火しらぬいみやづかさEffect MonsterFIRE15000
Shiranui Squire不知火しらぬい武部もののべEffect MonsterFIRE15000
ShutendojiしゅてんどうEffect MonsterEARTH1500800
Skelesaurusナチュラル・ボーン・サウルスEffect MonsterGemini monsterDARK17001400
Skull Conductorスカル・コンダクターEffect MonsterDARK20000
The Snake HairメデューサのぼうれいNormal MonsterDARK15001200
Temple of Skulls髑髏ドクロいんNormal MonsterDARK9001300
Tristan, Knight of the UnderworldめいかいトリスタンEffect MonsterDARK18000
Vampire Ladyヴァンパイア・レディEffect MonsterDARK15501550
Vampire Sorcererヴァンパイア・ソーサラーEffect MonsterDARK15001500
Vendread Revenantsヴェンデット・レヴナントEffect MonsterDARK1800200
Wandering MummyさまようミイラEffect MonsterEARTH15001500