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** Held the SOVR sneak peek! I did really well, finishing at 4th place (out of 16 or so competitors). Here are some of my pulls and trades for the day!
** I got my 2x [[Destiny Draw]]! Now I've got a playset! I also got a [[Doomkaiser Dragon]] and a [[Revived King Ha Des]] - anyone guess if those 3 cards are combined in a deck? If you got it, kudos to you! If you didn't, well, you will soon ;-) I'm now waiting for Hidden Arsenal and SOVR-ENSE to [[Mist Wurm|get]] [[Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary|some]] [[Ally of Justice - Catastor|more]] [[Mist Valley Soldier|cards]] [[Charge of the Light Brigade|I]] [[Dark Simorgh|want]].--[[User:Darth Covah|Darth Covah]] ([[User_talk:Darth Covah|Talk]] | [[User:Darth Covah/Darth Covah's DeckZone|DeckZone]] | [[User:Darth Covah/Darth Covah's Binder|Binder]]) 00:38, November 13, 2009 (UTC)
:: '''1x [[Majestic Star Dragon]] 1st GR''' (''traded...'')
:: '''2x [[Anti-Spell Fragrance]]''' (''...for these 2'')
:: 1x [[Earthbound Immortal Uru]] 1st UR
:: 3x [[Fortune Lady Wind]] 1st R
:: 1x [[Fortune Lady Dark]] 1st R
:: 1x [[Fortune Lady Water]] 1st R
:: 2x [[Fortune Lady Earth]] 1st R
:: 1x [[Fortune's Future]] 1st SR
:: '''1x [[Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor]] UR'''
:: 2x [[Raiza the Storm Monarch]] GUR
:: 1x [[Dimensional Prison]] SR
:: 1x [[Exploder Dragonwing]] 1st UR
: And many more! I also am waiting for 2x [[Destiny Draw]] UR 1st to arrive in the mail, so that I can finish a new deck! --[[User:Darth Covah|Darth Covah]] ([[User_talk:Darth Covah|Talk]] | [[User:Darth Covah/Darth Covah's DeckZone|DeckZone]] | [[User:Darth Covah/Darth Covah's Binder|Binder]]) 02:13, November 6, 2009 (UTC)

Revision as of 00:38, 13 November 2009


The destroyed PC is now a thing of the past. I now have a brand new one, at least for a little while. I'll try to catch up on lost time, and contribute as much as possible! --Darth Covah (Talk | Contribs) 21:55, October 2, 2009 (UTC)


  • Some of the cards you pull are phenomenal,They must keep all the cool ones overseas, cause we don't see any of that here in the states.

Duelist33(My Talk) 16:30, 18 April 2009 (UTC)

  • Lucky, Half those are cards I need to get for my deck. Hmm maybe I should go to a tourney Attribute 05:11, 15 July 2009 (UTC)

About me

"The Exodia ZTK consists of drawing all 5 Exodia pieces in the 5 starting cards". The probability of this happening is 0,0000015, or 1,5 × 10-6. Still think you can do it?

User:Darth Covah has made edits.

Hello, I'm user Darth Covah, name derived from the title "Darth" of Star Wars Sith Lords, and "Covah" is the word "Havoc" spelled in reverse.

As you can certainly see, I love Star Wars, and, for you to be reading this, I also love Yu-Gi-Oh!.

I am 19 years old, a Biology student in Crete, Greece and a regular Yu-Gi-Oh! Advanced Format player.

I have been playing for over 5 years, and enjoy this game a lot.

I am also a certified Level 1 Yu-Gi-Oh! Rules Expert (100/100 test score). So you can count on me to give (mostly) accurate Rulings advice.

Actually, scratch the above. I wonder if Konami will reinstate UDE-era judges?

Without further ado, more Yu-Gi-Oh! related stuff! (dunno, that is good, right?)

Since I decidied to make my own Lightsworns deck, I have been faring much better in my local HL, in no small part due to the loan of cards from my mates (who have been really helpful and I'd like to thank them. I even got a full Lightsworns deck given to me for a tourney, and owned everyone with it xD).

I now am playtesting any deck that comes to mind, along with the afforementioned mates of mine. They are all in the top 8 of the Greek Nationals, so I get my backside handed to me frequently, but it's very good dueling practice, and I can say with certainty that I have become a much better duelist thanks to our playtesting sessions.

So, for all you out there, keep playing! The harder it is to win, the better duelist you will be!

Things that ...

Interested in Dueling?

If you are, then so am I! Just leave me a PM so that we can arrange a duel.

You can duel me via MSN. Just contact me on the e-mail below.


Are always welcome! I'll be glad to answer any question any time! I'll also be as active as I can in the Forums.

Also, if you would like to contact me in person, my e-mail address is "[email protected]".

My DeckZone

If anyone is interested, you can check out my DeckZone, where I post my decks for all to see. I update frequently, so visit often!

Trade Binder

Uploaded. I will update it as often as possible. Go here to take a look!


Weekly Deck Competition by Chris427

To my delight, I have been accepted as a judge in this fine competition. See this link for participation info. My fellow Judges are:

This contest has taken a LONG break, but stay tuned, as it should restart soon. Unfortunatley Chris427 after his return stated that the contest is dicontinued. But another contest has started - go check it out!

Featured Card Suggestion

Feel free to take a look. Note, however, that it is not ready yet. The template I used is here, if anyone needs/wants it.

EDIT: The featured card page I created is now in use, displayed in the Main Page. Go look! Special thanks to admin Deltaneos. The time ran out for my Featured Card, but now another card is in use. Check it out at the Main Page!

Deck Guides Project

I have been accepted in this project, and I'm working on the Lightsworn Guide. Check it out!