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The Steelswarm, known as Inverz in the OCG are a series of DARK Fiend-Type monsters with 0 DEF, except for "Steelswarm Gatekeeper", released in Duel Terminal - Raid of the Inverz!!. Their team symbol is a black demon mask that also resembles a claw or beetle (being appropriate since all "Steelswarm" are insectoid in form) which is tattooed on to the bodies of all its members. According to promotional material for Duel Terminal - Judgment of Omega!!, they are enemies of all the other teams in the set.

"Steelswarms" are a sub-archetype of the newly-released "Verz" archetype. "Verz" support cards also support "Steelswarms".

Demons that were sealed in the deepest abyss during the ancient times after losing their battle for control of the world against the "Vylon". After awakening from the chaos of the land, they began to invade the surface in order to regain their lost power. As their leader "Steelswarm Hercules" release his destructive shock-wave on the surface world, the light emitting from "Vylon Omega" prevents the attack of "Steelswarm Hercules" and turns any "Steelswarm" it reaches into smithereens and scatters them across the battle field.

Playing Style

Their main strategy is to take advantage of Tribute Summoning, which their effects generally support or trigger upon. This seems to structure the same way as the Monarchs as such they also generated their own version of "Treeborn Frog" (similar to the Frog Monarchs).

The non-tribute monsters usually help or support Tribute Summoning, such as being easy to summon, resistant to attacks or having effects that activate when they are tributed. The main non-tribute monster of most decks is "Steelswarm Scout" which can Special Summon itself from the Graveyard each turn and be tributed for another Steelswarm.

All Tribute monsters (except "Steelswarm Longhorn") can activate their effect when they are Tribute Summoned and most of them activate their effects by paying 1000 Life Points, although there are some exceptions, such as "Caucastag's" no cost effect, "Hercules'" half Life Points cost and "Girastag's" effect that actually increases your Life Points. Usually, their effects will result in a partial or total field clearing, so they usually attack directly.

Their first two support cards, "First Step Towards Infestation" and "Infestation Wave" return the selected monsters to the player's hand. This can be used to reactivate the effects that trigger when the monsters are Tribute Summoned. "Means of Infestation" can help you put "Scout" in your Graveyard and "Infestation Ripples" works like a non-limited "Monster Reborn" (although with a 500 Life Points cost).

Useful Cards

Card Name Reason
Steelswarm Caller Can be useful to swarm the field and its 1700 ATK is pretty high compared to the other non-Tribute "Steelswarm" monsters.
Steelswarm Caucastag Although it can be difficult to summon, it can destroy all of your opponent's defenses, Spells / Traps or Monsters, without any cost.
Steelswarm Cell It can Special Summon itself to the field if you control no monsters. Can be very useful to summon the 1 tribute monsters in one turn.
Steelswarm Gatekeeper The wall of a "Steelwarm" deck, as it can take the hits of most Level 4 or lower monsters. However, its effect can be tricky to use.
Steelswarm Genesoid This card can be treated as two tributes, but there are only three monsters in the archetype that need two or more tributes. Its low stats mean that it won't remain on the field for a long time, so it should only be used if you run one or two copies of "Hercules", "Caucastag", or "Longhorn".
Steelswarm Girastag This card is easy to summon and its effect helps regaining some lost life of the other "Steelswarm" monsters' effects and also sends to the Graveyard an opponent's card, instead of destroying, so "Stardust Dragon" cannot negate the effect.
Steelswarm Hercules The big boss of the archetype. His effect completely devastates the field but he can be tricky to summon.
Steelswarm Longhorn Its effect is not as good as "Caucastag's" but it has higher ATK and its effect is reusable.
Steelswarm Mantis Another very good card. You can tribute another powerful "Steelswarm" for this card and then activate its effect to Special Summon it again.
Steelswarm Moth This card is basically a more powerful version of "Penguin Soldier". It allows you to return any two of your opponent's cards to their hand.
Steelswarm Needle Its powerful effect allows you to destroy any Synchro, Fusion or Ritual monster when it is sent to the Graveyard. This effect is mandatory (like "Sangan's"), so it will even activate when it is tributed. Also, its ATK (1850) is high enough for it to destroy most non-tribute monsters in battle.
Steelswarm Scout It is the main card of most "Steelswarm" decks. It can Special Summon itself each turn (during the beginning of you Main Phase 1 if you don't control any Spell / Trap cards), to be tribute over and over.
Steelswarm Sentinel Should probably be sided to opponents that do lots of Synchro Summoning. Again, like "Genesoid", its low ATK means that it probably won't survive long.
Steelswarm Roach Can be useful to have more field control and it's easy to summon with Steelswarm Caller, Steelswarm Gatekeeper or Steelswarm Needle.
Stygian Security Its good for Special Summoning "Steelswarm Scout" and can be used for a Synchro Summon.
Stygian Street Patrol Use this card to Special Summon a "Steelswarm" monster from your hand such as "Steelswarm Caller" and tribute it that turn.
Mystic Tomato Use "Mystic Tomato" to Speical Summon "Steelswarm" monsters such as "Steelswarm Cell", "Steelswarm Scout", and "Steelswarm Gatekeeper".
Sangan Excellent to search for "Steelswarm Cell", "Steelswarm Sentinel", "Steelswarm Genesoid" or "Steelswarm Scout".
Raviel, Lord of Phantasms A possible heavy hitter for this deck since all "Steelswarm" monsters are Fiend-Type and they can swarm the field easily.
Armageddon Knight / Dark Grepher Use these card to send monsters to the Graveyard, particularly "Steelswarm Scout" and "Steelswarm Needle" and potential Special Summons for "Steelswarm Mantis". It also works in sending monsters for retrieval with "Recurring Nightmare".
Archfiend Empress This card can useful for keeping your Steelswarms on the field. However, it would be wise to use this effect carefully because it banishes another DARK Fiend monster. Also, its second effect that brings back a DARK Fiend monster from the Graveyard can be useful.
First Step Towards Infestation This card returns one tributed "Steelswarm" to your hand and allows to to draw an extra card. Can be useful to save your monster from destruction or to activate their effects again when the are tributed.
Veil of Darkness For the same reasons as "Dark Grepher" and "Armageddon Knight". It allows you to plow through your Deck all while setting up for "Steelswarm Scout" and "Steelswarm Mantis" plays. Just remember, it can ruin "Steelswarm Scout".
Advance Force This card allows you to Tribute one Level 5 / 6 monster to Tribute Summon a Level 7 or higher monster which is useful for "Steelswarms" who have a high array of high level monsters. However, its is not recommended because it can ruin the effect of "Steelswarm Scout".
Foolish Burial Use this card for the same functions as "Armageddon Knight" and "Dark Grepher".
Recurring Nightmare / Dark Eruption "Recurring Nightmare" is a fantastic card in this Deck: "Gatekeeper" is the only "Steelswarm" monster with more than 0 DEF, so using this card you can bring back any two monsters. One choice is to return "Steelswarm Cell" and a one-Tribute "Steelswarm" monster such as "Steelswarm Girastag". Then you can Special Summon "Steelswarm Cell" and tribute it for "Steelswarm Girastag". You should include three in the deck. "Dark Eruption" can return "Gatekeeper" or other non-"Steelswarm" monsters to your hand.
Allure of Darkness This card is always useful in DARK Decks as draw power.
Creeping Darkness Another good card to search for more "Steelswarms".
Pot of Duality Is a fantastic card to search for more cards from your Deck, even if you can't Special Summon this turn, Steelswarms have the advantage of being better when they are Normal Summoned and Tribute Summoned.
Double Summon This card is useful to have an extra Summon this turn, specially if you combine it with First Step Towards Infestation or Infestation Wave.
Dark Genocide Cutter Useful because all "Steelswarm" monster are DARK.
Hand Destruction / Dark World Dealings Both cards can help you put "Steelswarm Scout" into the Graveyard. "Hand Destruction" can be used during your draw phase to send "Steelswarm Scout" to the Graveyard in order to activate its effect during the Main Phase.
Overwhelm Since "Steelswarm Girastag" is so easy to Tribute Summon, "Overwhelm" may be helpful in preventing it from falling prey to Traps and Monster effects.
Infestation Ripples Works like "Monster Reborn" although it can only be used to revive Level 4 or lower monsters and has a small cost.
Means of Infestation Another very useful card to send "Steelswarm Scout" to the Graveyard and gives your monster extra ATK (so it can be used during the Damage Step).
Infestation Wave Its effect is like "First Step Towards Infestation", but this card destroys an opponent's card.
Grave of the Super Ancient Organism This shuts down high-level Special Summoned monsters but does not affect Tribute Summoned monsters, giving you an advantage against opponents with faster decks, although this is usually not recommended because it ruins "Steelswarm Scout"


The majority of the current "Steelswarm" monsters have 0 DEF. Merely putting them into Defense Position with cards such as "Level Limit - Area B" along with destroying them in battle, especially with Piercing monsters can really mess up this archetype before "Steelswarm" can inflict any Life Point damage at all. A "Book of Moon" can destroy your most powerful monster. As for the Defense Position dilemma, you can throw in a card like "Darkness Neosphere" to send "Steelswarm monsters to the Graveyard until you can get your "Steelswarm" cards in action as well as have fodder for DARK Attribute support cards. You can also use a combo of either "Gaap the Divine Soldier"/"Final Attack Orders" and "Astral Barrier" + "Spirit Barrier" to keep your "Steelswarm" cards alive and in Attack Position as well as safeguard your Life Points.

In addition, "Forced Back" can cancel "Steelswarm" summons, "Intercept" can rob you of your Level 5/6 "Steelswarm" monsters, "Blast Held by a Tribute" can destroy "Steelswarm" monsters in Attack Position along with dealing Life Point damage to you and cards like "Mask of Restrict" and "Fog King" can lock down "Steelswarm" card effects by preventing Tribute Summons. Because of all this, it is imperative that you use basic Spell/Trap/Monster removal to destroy any cards that may fully disable the "Steelswarm" monsters.

Due to "Scout" being a Dark type, a "Koa'ki Meiru Drago" (prevents LIGHT and DARK monsters from being special summoned) can be trouble due to the majority of the deck being DARK, which in turn will make it hard to create tributes for the decks stronger monsters.

Blackwing - Jin the Rain Shadow can possibly prove problematic due to its effect to instantly destroy any monster it battles whose DEF is lower than its ATK. The only "Steelswarm" monster that can battle it without being destroyed is Steelswarm Gatekeeper.
