Moonlit Avian Dance

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Moonlit Avian Dance
Moonlit Avian Dance-Pack-Master Duel.png
NameMoonlit Avian Dance
MediumYu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel
TypeSecret Pack
CostGem 100
Number of cards34
Cover card
Power5 / 5
Technical3 / 5
Hold the Line3 / 5
Internal number2063
Release date
  • January 19, 2022

Moonlit Avian Dance is a Secret Pack in the video game Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel. Available in-game from the onset of the video game's release, it is only accessible for 24 hours each time the player obtains an appropriate Key Card.


"Lunalights" stack Fusion Summons to become even more powerful, while "Lyriluscs" stack materials and Xyz Summons. Both archetypes rely heavily on persistent attacks with signature Monsters.

Each pack contains 8 cards, with the first 4 cards always consisting of ones from Master Pack and the last 4 consisting of featured cards from this pack. The rarities are guaranteed as follows:

  • The eighth card in each pack is R rarity or higher.
  • If 10 packs are purchased at once, the eighth card of the 10th pack is instead guaranteed to be SR rarity or higher.
    • If no UR cards are obtained from those 10 packs, the next time the player purchases 10 of those same packs, the eighth card of the 10th pack is instead guaranteed to be UR rarity.

This pack has 34 featured cards, which consist of:

  • 4 UR cards
  • 8 SR cards
  • 11 R cards
  • 11 N (aka Common) cards


"Lyrilusc - Recital Starling"Ultra RareEffect Xyz Monster
"Lyrilusc - Ensemblue Robin"Ultra RareEffect Xyz Monster
"Lunalight Leo Dancer"Ultra RareEffect Fusion Monster
"Lunalight Sabre Dancer"Ultra RareEffect Fusion Monster
"Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale"Super RareEffect Xyz Monster
"Lyrilusc - Promenade Thrush"Super RareEffect Xyz Monster
"Lunalight Panther Dancer"Super RareEffect Fusion Monster
"Lyrilusc - Independent Nightingale"Super RareEffect Fusion Monster
"Lyrilusc - Celestine Wagtail"Super RareEffect Monster
"Lunalight Tiger"Super RareEffect Pendulum Monster
"Lunalight Fusion"Super RareNormal Spell
"Lyrilusc - Bird Call"Super RareNormal Spell
"Lunalight Cat Dancer"RareEffect Fusion Monster
"Lunalight Crimson Fox"RareEffect Monster
"Lunalight Kaleido Chick"RareEffect Monster
"Lunalight Emerald Bird"RareEffect Monster
"Lunalight Yellow Marten"RareEffect Monster
"Lyrilusc - Beryl Canary"RareEffect Monster
"Luna Light Perfume"RareNormal Spell
"Lyrilusc - Bird Sanctuary"RareContinuous Spell
"Wing Requital"RareNormal Spell
"Lunalight Serenade Dance"RareContinuous Trap
"Lyrilusc - Phantom Feathers"RareNormal Trap
"Lunalight Blue Cat"CommonEffect Monster
"Lunalight Purple Butterfly"CommonEffect Monster
"Lunalight White Rabbit"CommonEffect Monster
"Lunalight Black Sheep"CommonEffect Monster
"Lyrilusc - Cobalt Sparrow"CommonEffect Monster
"Lyrilusc - Sapphire Swallow"CommonEffect Monster
"Lyrilusc - Turquoise Warbler"CommonEffect Monster
"Slower Swallow"CommonEffect Monster
"Lunalight Wolf"CommonEffect Pendulum Monster
"Lyrilusc - Bird Strike"CommonNormal Spell
"Lunalight Reincarnation Dance"CommonNormal Trap