Skull Knight 2 (Tag Force 1)

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Skull Knight #2
Sukaru Naito
Skull Knight
Attribute DARK
Type Fiend / Effect
Level 3
ATK / DEF 1000 / 1200
Rarity Common
Internal number 5306
Password 15653824

If you Tribute Summon a Fiend-Type monster by Tributing this monster, Special Summon 1 "Skull Knight #2" from your Deck. Then shuffle your Deck.

Obtained by

"Skull Knight #2" is available in the following packs:

Related cards

"Skull Knight #2" is part of the following genres:

"Skull Knight #2" directly affects the following Types:

Other languages

Name Lore
French Crâne Chevalier N°2 Si vous Invoquez par Invocation Sacrifice un monstre de Type Démon en sacrifiant ce monstre, faites une Invocation Spéciale d'1 "Crâne Chevalier N°2" de votre Deck. Mélangez ensuite votre Deck.
German Totenkopfritter #2 Falls du ein Monster vom Typ Unterweltler als Tributbeschwörung beschwörst, indem du dieses Monster als Tribut anbietest, beschwöre 1 „Totenkopfritter #2“-Karte als Spezialbeschwörung aus deinem Deck. Mische dein Deck anschließend.
Italian Teschio Cavaliere #2 Se Evochi con una Evocazione tramite Tributo un mostro di Tipo Demone offrendo questo mostro come Tributo, effettua l'Evocazione Speciale di 1 "Teschio Cavaliere #2" dal tuo Deck. Dopo di che, mischia il tuo Deck.
Spanish Caballero Cráneo #2 Si Invocas mediante una Invocación de Sacrificio un monstruo de Tipo Demonio Sacrificando esta carta, Invoca mediante una Invocación Especial 1 "Caballero Cráneo #2" de tu Deck. Luego baraja tu Deck.
