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Yeah... I had a [[Dark Simorgh]] out on the field and I had no backrow. My opponent has only one face down backrow and no monsters. I attacked directly and he then activated his face-down MST. I asked him what was his target since there was no there target and he said he targets his MST on itself... Then he special Summoned Gorz. I still won, but worse part about it is that he was in the 1200's... So many inexperienced players on DN nowadays...--俺はダルク 09:45, February 26, 2012 (UTC)EnvoyDharc
Yeah... I had a [[Dark Simorgh]] out on the field and I had no backrow. My opponent has only one face down backrow and no monsters. I attacked directly and he then activated his face-down MST. I asked him what was his target since there was no there target and he said he targets his MST on itself... Then he special Summoned Gorz. I still won, but worse part about it is that he was in the 1200's... So many inexperienced players on DN nowadays...--俺はダルク 09:45, February 26, 2012 (UTC)EnvoyDharc
There are so many problems with that, I'm surprised you even let it go through.<br>
There are so many problems with that, I'm surprised you even let it go through.<br>

Revision as of 09:56, 26 February 2012

Guy I was dueling on Dueling Network thought he could use my Ultimate Offering during his turn. Afterwards, I offer a rematch to which he says I don't know my rulings and says I'm bad at dueling. Worst part is he said he played for 3 years. >.> Post your horrible duels with people who don't understand the game below for some laughes or facepalms. Adamtheamazing64 (talkcontribs) 04:44, January 29, 2012 (UTC)

He's just out of date. The oldest version of the card allowed either player to use it. The newer ones are changed so that only the controller can use it. (Though, you must follow the newest errata, regardless of the card you have). -Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 04:54, January 29, 2012 (UTC)

If it makes you feel any better, someone tried to use Effect Veiler on my Archlord Kristya to allow him to Special Summon during his own Main Phase. When I called him out on the wording he decided not to read his own card. (Second time he did that during the same duel.) Plus, I had another guy try to Special Summon virtually every turn while I had Kristya out. Djjomon (talkcontribs) 06:53, January 29, 2012 (UTC)

well, i dueled a guy using a burn deck (sorta) he used GK Servant then CHAINED Messenger of Peace then chained again Chain Strike. He keeps insisting it is possible and have dueled alot more people BETTER than me and said its possible O.o lol 33royward (talkcontribs) 07:04, January 29, 2012 (UTC)

Oh what happens is quite abysmall; from chaining normal traps and monster effects to my counters to not knowing that if I can chain a trap they target means that they don't get a new target...oh and whoever mentioned people trying to special summon while they got Kristya, same thing happens while I got Fossil Dyna out. NO ONE keeps track of One Day Of Peace's effect, overextending as a result. Also there are those fine folk that think anything of thiers being sent to the grave on thier own effects is a cost and thus can't be negated. (Foolish Burial a cost to them ~_~) (talk) 07:40, January 29, 2012 (UTC)

Dueling Network is full of terrible players. I dueled a guy who thinks they can use Gladiator Beasts' effect DURING the battle phase, not the end of the battle phase, and when I told him to read the card, he left. I also dueled a person who thinks Odin's summon can't be negated with Solemn Warning. I also dueled a guy who thought tokens can be used for Xyz summons. The list goes on and on, but the worst for me had to be when I dueled a guy who thought the game was like Duelist Kingdom rules, and he didn't even know what flip effects were or what tributes were, and he said he's been dueling for a year. Dueling Network is a good site, but the major problem is bad players. Neos01 (talkcontribs) 12:34, January 29, 2012 (UTC)

Most of the duelists on the dueling network are really bad, the stupidest mistake is trying to use Pot of Duality or Sangan while Thunder King Rai-Oh is on the field (it's even worse if they control the thundr king).

[email protected] (talkcontribs) 12:40, January 29, 2012 (UTC)

I happened to run into one user who think "Summon is Summon", reckless if it's part of effect, like "Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord" can be negated by.... "Solemn JUDGMENT" and he also said that the UDE Rulings I showed to him (Van'Dalgyon's in case) is no longer true and Konami is his proof. He still not changed ever after I got many proves; couple from here and few from other users, included dest while he's still activate and couple Admins. --FredCat 12:47, January 29, 2012 (UTC)

Oh, here's a good one. I use Solemn Warning on a guy's Stardust Dragon. He tries to negate that Warning with THAT SAME STARDUST. Runer5h (talkcontribs) 16:09, January 29, 2012 (UTC)Runer5h

Lots of people who don't recognize the difference between Judgment/Rai-Oh and Warning. Not so much stupidity now that I'm only dueling people with 1100+ ratings... BF2 Talk Deck Guides 16:58, January 29, 2012 (UTC)

How about an opponent attacking my Set Don Zaloog with something weaker... I think it was Armageddon Knight, then refusing to discard, saying that Zaloog's effect only activates on an attack from me.Battlemaniac (talkcontribs) 22:15, January 29, 2012 (UTC)

People who think MST negates stuff. I'll activate like Pot of Consistency or something, and they'll chain MST thinking it negates my card. A guy I played against just yesterday with like 1200/2000 did not know that discarding a DARK monster for Dark Grepher is a cost (he was running Dark Worlds, so you can only imagine the mess that ensued). People who don't read your cards when they don't know what they do. I don't run Dark Worlds anymore because I get sick of people not knowing the attack power of my stuff when I have Gates out or use Raven's effect. People who don't know how gaining an extra Normal summon with Swap Frog works. Another guy I played was a real winner. I had Glow-Up in grave. I milled to summon it, and it was Wulf, so I summoned Wulf. HE for some reason thought I was trying to mill for Lyla, and said wait till the End Phase to mill. I put Glow-Up back in grave, out Wulf on my deck, and repeated my move to show him how slow he is. He still didn't understand, so I said to him verbatim "I'm not listening to you anymore because you have lost your damn mind!". Then I summoned Trishula and beat the holy bahjeezus out of him. These are just the few stories I can remember right now. -- Summoned Skull 2: Electric Boogaloo 22:31, January 29, 2012 (UTC)

Nice choice of names, Summoned Skull 2. Which bring me back to my old days when I had a conflict with outdated judge, who is also playing the game at that time. He tributed his own Monster for Dark Strike Fighter, burn me down then tributed my own monsters (which I didn't know it was illegal back then) to torturing me to death. Next one; He tried to playing "Solemn JUDGMENT" on the summoning of "Shining Angel" which used by other copies, while inside the BATTLE PHASE/DAMAGE CALCULATION. I told him off and he pouted as he shoved his trap back face-down. Final part; he told me off that I can't tribute "Stardust Dragon" or "Exiled Force" while "Skill Drain" is face-up on the field. He didn't realize that Tribute part is actually Cost so I gave him a walk paper and took this job which I am continuing to collect today. --FredCat 22:38, January 29, 2012 (UTC)

I hate when judges don't know the rules. It can cost you a game you would have otherwise won. -- Summoned Skull 2: Electric Boogaloo 22:52, January 29, 2012 (UTC)

Or he don't accept that this site exist; really, this site has all correct official source that can prove him wrong. And he's younger than I am - only by few years, at least I am understand how ATEM and Falzar feeling about this hard work; being Judge (Falzar ain't have a title) without need of Admin powers. --FredCat 22:55, January 29, 2012 (UTC)

  • [1] Guy REFUSES to believe The World makes a lock. Funny part, before he said Let Irate God decide, I posted the lock page, and before that he was kissing all the butt he could find lol
  • [2] I have NO idea what is problem was lol, he was just butthurt I guess >.>--Helix-king (talkcontribs) 00:51, January 30, 2012 (UTC)

Once I had Vanity's Fiend on the field, he tried to monster reborn, I said you can't special summon with Vanity on the field. So he tried to synchro summon with the excuse "Synchro monsters are synchro summoned not special summoned". He ragequit once I pasted the link for Synchro Summon.
Once in rated, about 700~ rating, I had a ryko set from last turn, I flipped it to get rid of his only monster, normal summoned Dimensional Alchemist and was told, "Idiot learn how to play, you can't normal summon on the same turn you flip summon." Then he ragequit.
Quite a few people that refused to believe S/T are included in Gorz the Emissary of Darkness's condition to summon. Even in the 600-800's.
I've had my own stuff ups though. I was playing a Malefic deck, Was against an Elemental HERO The Shining with 3200 attack, my opponent had pretty low LP, I only had about 100. My field spell was Clear World so if that turn ended I lost, if I destroyed it I'd lose a Malefic. So what happened was I forgot that Maxx "C" only works on your opponents summons. I can't remember the exact game but I think I dropped Maxx "C", activated two Geartowns (second one set first ofcourse), drew for that special summon, drew into a Malefic Cyber End Dragon and won. He didn't complain about it though, I only realised after the game ended. (talk) 01:07, January 30, 2012 (UTC)

Let's not forget the ragequitters due to either not knowing the rulings on cards, the fact that you can build better decks than them. (Played with my newly revised Sacred deck and won 5 out of 5 rounds in a row, should have been 8 out of 8 if it wasn't for ragequitters.) Gotta love how they whine about Wind-Up Hunter loop and all that good stuff when I constantly deal with LS once an hour if I play. You don't see me complaining when JD is out there. >.> Adamtheamazing64 (talkcontribs) 01:40, January 30, 2012 (UTC)

Probably the richest moment for me is when this one time I dueled some 60 card darkworld/dragon deck. Guy didn't know that sending is not the same as discarding as he just dumped his hand for Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World TRUBO or something and used them all first turn for some reason to get out Number 10: Illumiknight, end up dropping a Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World. He had a Grapha in the grave right, so he tries to activate Gateway to Dark World on the same turn. I tell him he can't do that so he ends. I go and set Torrential and Morphing Jar 2 for a fairly evil combo and a dark bribe just incase. He activates gate before I end and then proceeds. He bounces Beiige...and then tries to banish Grapha for REDMD...I had to explain that it doesn't work like that. So he activates Allure and ends up summoning 2 The Tricky with Sillva, Warlord of Dark World and Red-Eyes Wyvern. He attaks morphing and he ends up milling like 20 spell cards along with a couple of traps and summons nothing useful but I blow up his field anyways just so I have a clear shot at him, where he ragequitted shortly after. (talk) 03:37, January 30, 2012 (UTC)

Banishing for Allure is mandatory if you have a target. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 13:47, January 30, 2012 (UTC)

Ever after see one that has it own mistake; I recalled my own - Through two different duelists I fought while using Fairy Counter deck; first one did notice but second did not. I had "Thunder King Rai-Oh" face-up on the field when I played "Pot of Duality", that's how first one reminded me and I get it reset, as I realized it was "add", not draw. However, when I fought with second duelist, he didn't see it coming but lucky that was just practice duel so he and I let that slip. Later when I drew Pot of Duality for second time in the match (that's only copy I had in that deck), I remember and not play that card (again, Thunder King Rai-Oh was around) --FredCat 11:37, January 30, 2012 (UTC)

Dueling with my friend on WC11; our first Duel I made a comeback while I had 100 LP left (he could have one but got cocky/miscalculated his monsters' ATK points) by pulling out "Shooting Star Dragon". Well, next Duel he summoned "Dragunity Knight - Trident", Tributed it to send "Shooting Star Dragon" from my Extra Deck to the Graveyard, then used "Monster Reborn" to revive "Dragunity Knight - Trident". At first I thought he was just making sure I didn't bring out "SSD" against him again, but then I realized he had planned to revive it with "Monster Reborn". Golden Key (talkcontribs) 13:30, January 30, 2012 (UTC)

And this is why dueling via the video games > dueling via PC engines. Excepting bugs, the game mechanics know all the rulings and prevent illegal moves. --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 04:24, February 3, 2012 (UTC)

I just found out about the network recently, so I tried it out. My thoughts were Take on someone low rating since iI'm new (though I've been dueling for almost a decade now,) especially since I made a new Ninja deck. I was beating this guy so badly he summoned a "Speed Warrior" and I was like "WTF is he going to do with that lolz," and then he tribute summoned a "Elemental HERO Bladedge" right afterwards. I humored him, allowed him to do it, and proceeded to defeat him afterwards.

This other duel, first turn I activated "Reasoning". I asked the guy "lvl?" The guy draws. I said "Why did you draw?" He responds "IDK". I explained to him how the card works. He starts to mill his deck. I told him "No, I mill." He draws again. I offered him a draw. He rejected, I tried to call admin. After waiting 30 secs I offered another draw to which he accepted.

Imo some ppl just play dumb in rated games, hoping you would just quit so they can get easy points.Yuseiisagod (talkcontribs) 15:14, January 30, 2012 (UTC)

I am not coward and leaving the game that have been corrected if he understand the ruling right, I had all proof and details which he ignored. And that duel he disagreed was in Unrated, but I set that up first, so I forced him to leaving first. --FredCat 15:49, January 30, 2012 (UTC)

I was dueling this guy, and a friend came to watch and he told me that he doesn't like friends watching because it becomes a 2 on 1. I had the guy leave and then won, and he started cheating, drawing a ton of cards and Special Summoning Gorz. I called an admin and the friend back and got him Banned. I also dueled this guy who Special Summoned 5 monsters with more than 4000 ATK in a turn and when I asked him why he said he had "Allure of the King". He proceeded to End and I waited for a while until he eventually A.S.S.ed me and got him Banned for cheating and A.S.S.ing. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 16:29, January 30, 2012 (UTC)

Eh forgot to put in some details, I am aware that Allure is mandatory with a target, banished REDMD I guess because he couldn't get it out and after the morphing 2 thing I had to wait for his turn since torrential doesn't work that quickly but figured it wasn't really nessacary to mention that. Back to some dumb stuff...other dumb things I've seen involve trying to use Glow-up more then once (they thought once per turn), summoning Treeborn with 3+backrow, and one low rated guy I faced tried using Quickdraw and Debris Dragon ignoring the summon restrictions; even worse when with Quickdraw and Level Eater they tried to get out T.G. Wonder Magician. I think I have formed accurate sterotypes for every icon someone uses to depict thier general dueling intelligence. (talk) 19:22, January 30, 2012 (UTC)

And those stereotypes would be...? Battlemaniac (talkcontribs) 19:47, January 30, 2012 (UTC)

Oh someone looked. Well it's just when I go on DN roughly 80% of what I see is this just about. Ok maybe not ALL icons but eh.

  • Yami Yugi/Jaden/Yuma/Bakura: New player; well to Bakura and Jaden they just might be using weird decks.
  • Akiza/Chad/Gaia Knight: Pure netdeckers.
  • Keith/Duke/Joey: Outdated deck users.
  • Mai/Kaiba/Crow/Marik/Tristan: Bad players; to Marik and Tristan I see that in unrated so maybe they be trolling.
    • Celtic/Fortress dragon/Cyber Harpie: Still seems pretty new even at that point; musn't see alot of variety in decks.
    • Curse Dragon/Gaia: Netdeckers.
    • SUMMONED SKULL: These guys are the worst of the worst; so dumb and so common that I say this with confidence
    • Magician Girl/Amazon Paladin: Generally good; DMG more often then the other.
    • Valkirya or whatever: Chatty
      • Astral/Neos/Dark Paladin/Jinzo: They say ok to pretty much anything; less often with the fusion and Jizno.
      • The chaos duo around that win amount: These guys act like they are incredibly pro; usually the Magician can back it up but Sorcerer almost never does
      • Buster Blader/Cyber Dragon: Still pretty bad at the game...dang it my labtop is low on power. To be continued :p (talk) 20:08, January 30, 2012 (UTC)

He's right about people who use Summoned Skull as their picture. I've never faced someone with Summoned Skull who was good at the game. They're always 400-600 rating and used piss poor versions of meta decks (usually DW) -- Summoned Skull 2: Electric Boogaloo 20:46, January 30, 2012 (UTC)

I am current using "Dark Magician" with his arms crossing. I am much of Decknetter through 2011, but now I am not; because I found myself that I am not same as other that can do the hard combines (like Fabled, etc.) and only can play very well with the one I have experienced enough. Through 2011 time (I log in at around Sept or so), I changed my avatar through Yami Yugi, Yusei, Aster, Dark Magician Girl (activate earlier once I reached enough wins), Jinzo and now "Dark Magician" as you're see at this minute. --FredCat 21:00, January 30, 2012 (UTC)
Hey, I use the amazing Bakura! Also, I remember the time when my opponent was using a Dragon deck and preceded to summon 2 REDMD with 1 other 1, and then summon F.G.D.. He rage quited when I called an adminChibispore (talkcontribs) 21:44, January 30, 2012 (UTC)
"I've never faced someone with Summoned Skull who was good at the game."
Given how I use a Summoned Skull icon and do relatively good at the game (especially compared to the many idiots we've mentioned), this makes me feel a little fuzzy inside. Lord Grammaticus (talkcontribs) 12:42, February 3, 2012 (UTC)

How about people who use Darklord Zerato? Are they awesome in every way? BF2 Talk Deck Guides 21:54, January 30, 2012 (UTC)

  • Cough* What about Stardust as well? Though I have a feeling he's talking about low ranking duelist with the avatars low rankers get. And I think that in Dueling Network, they should give you a ruling test and if you pass that test, you get a symbol that states that you know your rulings. I think admin already covers that but I'm not sure if admins can still duel and they are usually busy most of the timeFallensilence (talkcontribs) 00:09, January 31, 2012 (UTC)

Allright to say some stuff, with the Bakura thing I mentioned that other possibility which leads a sense of not being new, may have had poor wording. Also I totally had no power around for a while so time to continure...after giving another tale thing.

You ever face a karakuri user that didn't know anything about forced attacks or the changing of battle positions? Or when match 2 comes around that they ignore skill drain and don't understand Chimeratech can mess with them? Using mah Naturia after losing a skill drain I had Naturia Beast out and they were dumb enough to activate 3 spells for me to negate...bleh.

Anyways back to icons kekeke.

  • Both Dark Magicians: Often quiet, cross arm is more casual in attitude.
  • Both Blue Eyes: They say GG too soon, also say ok to too much.
  • BE Ultimate: Finnally going into the rating where meta decks are common.
  • Stadust/Blackrose/Trishula: Going Synchrocentric ah yeah.
  • Armormaster/Dark End: "Respectable"
  • Only seen one of both archfiends so nothing to say there.
    • Absolute Zero/Gyzarus/Leviar/REDMD: Tend to act somewhat cocky; Leviar and REDMD don't display this as much.
    • Photon Dragon: It might just be with me but I don't see any that speak english when I duel but should I watch, they are trolling in English.
    • The "lords": Yes Boba, I find Zerato awesome.
      • DAD: Skillful. Probably uses meta but one that has minimal "autopilot".
      • Judement Dragon: They ruleshark alot, I check and go here enough to get into annoying disputes with them.

The rest (besides a few other starter icons that I don't feel strongly about enough to mention) have plenty of variety and what have you. Though I see Obelisk and Exodia use the most "tech" cards. (talk) 20:27, February 1, 2012 (UTC)

People who quit right after you explain a cards effect (this guy kept his monster on the field for about 6 minutes, even after I told him "Mirror Force" destroys all of his ATK position monsters, than he just quit for no reason). I played "Monster Reborn" against someone, and they also just quit (while they had a lot of Life Points still). Shardsilver (talkcontribs) 16:37, February 1, 2012 (UTC)

I dueled a guy with a relinquished deck,He tried to summon Relinquished with One for One O.O

One guy I dueled normal summoned Wall of Illusion in defense position, equipped it with Mist Body then said on the chatbox "now my monster cannot be destroyed." I tried to explain that you can't normal summon in defense, so he said "ok" and set it, still keeping Mist Body equipped. (talk) 17:47, February 1, 2012 (UTC)

I have to say I can second Shard's example. I remember testing out a Chain Burn Dark World hybrid (because well if you discard them at the same time it starts a chain, I was curious.) Of course to make those certain chain cards work, I needed to put in not as good dark worlds to make them have different names. I warned my opponent ahead of time to negate either the start or end of a chain and to note when I activated cards, at some point I was attacked after playing Dark Scheme discarding 2 friggen Graphas, Chain Strike (I had to explain the damage was MORE than 800 for like 5 minutes), and Accumulated Fortune, ended up dropping a Trag with over 6000 attack (herp derp 2 Sillva and Goldd in hand); no backrow from them ooh big mistake there. My turn play 2 reckless greeds, take control of a Flamvell Firedog and play Card Destruction. Was told right after "Can you wait a moment? Checking my Facebook." Started explaining the chain of things because I had another strike in hand and was gonna overlay everything for minorFabled Raven hur dur swarm...they quit. (talk) 20:27, February 1, 2012 (UTC)

I HOPE you didn't have two Graphas in the same chain and then chain Chain Strike and Accumulated Fortune! CHET! CHET! -- Summoned Skull 2: Electric Boogaloo 21:03, February 1, 2012 (UTC)

Ugh what dang it, I discarded Beiige to later bounce a Grapha already in grave, that was an important detail I forgot to go over :s still just waking up need to get me a breakfast lol, mixed up the shiz. (talk) 21:07, February 1, 2012 (UTC)

lol, I see. I got another story, fresh from DN:

This guy I just played 3 hours ago, OMG! He was running an Exodia/Dragon Hybrid deck, and I was running Dork Worlds because it's the least auto-run meta imo (still somewhat auto, but not fully auto like Inzektors or Wind-Ups). Anyways, I beat the crap out of him. Now I don't know if he was just upset that his next draw was Dragon's Mirror, which would have given him victory, or if this is just his way of getting wins. He refused to admit or quit, and would not give me my win. He even tried to make it look like he had game for when the admin showed up. When the admin eventually showed up, I went right to work typing things like "don't listen to a word this guy says, I HAVE SCREEN SHOTS!" The guy I beat didn't know what I meant by screen shots. He quit the moment I put up a pic of him telling me he refused to admit defeat and that I should admit instead. THOSE people are the worst. -- Summoned Skull 2: Electric Boogaloo 03:18, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

Plants are not auto-run. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 03:21, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

I don't think he mentioned anything about plants. Fallensilence (talkcontribs) 03:41, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

lol, I didn't but I think he's talking about how I said DW is the least auto-run meta, which would imply less auto run than Plants. Honestly, I forget about Plants a lot when I talk about the meta game because I never see anyone play them anymore. Probably because a lot of people love auto run decks. My bad Boba. -- Summoned Skull 2: Electric Boogaloo 03:49, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

To the above post...he meant that plants are not auto pilot but they are meta therefore they wold be the least and not darkworld in opposition to what skull said prior. (talk) 03:51, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

Ah beat me to it drat foiled again (talk) 03:51, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

I know we've all had this one. The guy who has a somewhat functioning deck, but it lacks a theme other than spamming monsters. He usually has a 400-600 rating, making it look like he's doing something somewhat right. Three monsters come out, often through the help of a Monster Reborn that should have been saved for later. Then, Obelisk or Ra come out. Their summon can't be negated, big deal. Battle Phase comes around, you have Mirror Force se and respond to their attack. "u cant activate monster effects or traps." So you pull up the ruling page for the god and prove them wrong. If they accept this, they go on to copypasta "...can't be targeted by effects..." At which point you pull up another ruling page to show that Mirror Force doesn't target (hell, it even says on Obelisk's ruling page under OCG.) Then 11/10 times you win the duel. Djjomon (talkcontribs) 05:09, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

I hate when that happens, except with a bad hand and you lose to their nonsense. But I usually do beat them "11/10 times" lol. -- Summoned Skull 2: Electric Boogaloo 05:58, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

I dueled a Thought Ruler guy yesterday, he was a total jerk. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 13:52, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

What had he done to the duel, Boba? --FredCat 14:39, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

He was just a jerk in general. Also, I dueled a guy once who thought that Darksoul activated as soon as it hit the Graveyard (thus letting you get the search multiple times if it was brought back and sent again) and even though I showed him rulings and stuff he just wouldn't accept it. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 15:05, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

I played some scrub using an insect deck (not Inzektors, just insect) a couple days ago. He had out Verdant Sanctuary, A tuner insect, and a non tuner insect. He Synchs for Black Rose, which I Warning. Then, for some reason, he's in his deck. I asked him what the hell he was doing and he said "Sanctuary". I told he used the insects for a Synchro Summon and he said "Synchro means you destroy them". ALL OF MY RAGE! I called an admin. The admin never showed up, the guy just said whatever and put the stuff he searched out back. Needless to say, I destroyed him and totally didn't say "gg". -- Summoned Skull 2: Electric Boogaloo 21:25, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

I dueled a guy who uses Dark worlds. (he used the worst cards) he used gates effect to discard then banish then draw! he had no grave! tried to tell him that but said that it has no order when i told him that there is he sayed its not written,we continued dueling and when i was begining to gain some advantage he rage quitted,no wonder why did he have a rate of 99/0 O.O--LG talk My own Guides 21:34, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

d a duel against a dino rabbit duelist where they try and summon a Sabersaurus and Kabazauls with the same rescue rabbit. There was also another dino rabbit duelist who attempted to overlay my summoner monk (stolen with mind control) with their sabersaurus into laggia.

[email protected] (talkcontribs) 22:23, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

Recently; I was watcher, watching one of my friends doing the duel against Pro (which using Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon as main monster and ran no Solemn Judgment/Warning); my buddy just lost his face-down Reborn Tengu to... Trishula! And what did he doing? Special Summon other Reborn Tengu from his deck, which was an illegal move - As I went to the ruling and get the prove; he still went to loss due to the Pro summoning Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon from Graveyard via Lightpulsar Dragon's effect (which was by Burst Breath) then massive beat him out of the match. --FredCat 22:28, February 2, 2012 (UTC)

I'm still raging over this one, just happend a minute ago. 60 card Nordic deck (free win anyone?.) He summons Thor, fairly easily, which eats a Solemn Judgment. At the end of the turn, he uses Thor's effect to Special Summon itself. I explain why he can't do that, but couldn't find the ruling page. He argues, takes his turn, and proceeds to attack. I sat and waited until he ragequat. (Yes, I say quat.) Djjomon (talkcontribs) 00:06, February 3, 2012 (UTC)

I recall this one time in KCVDS where someone who was playing a Gadget Deck Special Summoned Machina Fortress. On my turn. I called him out on that, but I've forgotten how the incident ended. Maybe he ragequitted or I crushed him anyway. --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 04:24, February 3, 2012 (UTC)

Makes me think of all of those people who think they can Special Summon something from ANYWHERE and ANY TIME. Especially during the Battle Phase. Djjomon (talkcontribs) 04:27, February 3, 2012 (UTC)

70% of online yugioh games are ragequits from what I've read so far. Is there anyone who has dignity in this game anymore to not get upset over a game designed to be fun? It's like when I play Super Smash 64 with my buds and they all get pissed cause I'm better. Same in yugioh, if you're better, you're just looked down upon the majority, which are people who are unoriginal or don't know how to play/build. Adamtheamazing64 (talkcontribs) 04:34, February 3, 2012 (UTC)

Nope. It's 70% of Online Yugioh games involving blatant stupidity that are ragequits. I'm not surprised if plenty of us have completed almost all our duels with competent players. --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 04:49, February 3, 2012 (UTC)
It's bad that there's so many ragequitters on DN, but at least it's not like it was when DN still had the A.S.S. button. In the week before they finally got rid of it, I was A.S.S'd pretty much every other duel. And not for cheating, like the button was intended for, always because my opponent was butthurt over losing. -- Summoned Skull 2: Electric Boogaloo 04:55, February 3, 2012 (UTC)

Oooooh this one is fresh of the press. Now who knows maybe I'm wrong (mostly the activation of a trap...never tried it like I did in unrated but figured I could) but I'm pretty certain I am not. Haven't used it in a while but I tried an old defense OTK out in unrated. Faced some dragon deck, oh no 1st turn Future Fusion, I got 1st turn Dark Bribe so it was k. Some crap later they get out REDMD and Prime out and set mirror. They attack a face down Stone Statue of the Aztecs and during the damage step I activate D2 Shield.

They claim that the battle damage doubled is effect damage. I tell them how dumb that sounds (yeah here's the part where I may be wrong but if so...urgh). After they say they would call admin but can't and some arguing later I just go. Annoyed I play Gear Golem the Moving Fortress, activate another D2, activate my set Inverse Universe, now I attack directly and AGAIN they say that is effect damage so they heal by 4400. I insulted them so much and ragequitted. I'm just going with the logic that if that is effect damage then a Limiter Removal otk is effect damage too which is all sorts of nonsense. (talk) 05:50, February 3, 2012 (UTC)

Also just to go along with the topic at hand, I don't really ragequit, even in unrated, but I was facing dragons all day so I was astounded when this happened; the person was 1400/1300 too which made my spine crawl. I faced someone with 131/96 after that was far more compotent to me. Again...maybe I'm wrong about something I did but usually I play the deck slower then this becuase well it's slow. (talk) 05:59, February 3, 2012 (UTC)

No, you were right about everything. -- Summoned Skull 2: Electric Boogaloo 06:05, February 3, 2012 (UTC)

Whoosh, now I don't need to lose all hope in building serious troll decks. That thing is one of my most sucessful there since no one sees it coming (and most don't have enough backrow hate to stop it lol), would be heartbreaking if I was wrong :p (talk) 06:13, February 3, 2012 (UTC)

Dueled a guy today, 60 card deck, some straaange form of synchros. After several turns of normal summoning on their part (they had a 1900 DEF monster to start off with and I wasn't drawing into any bigger monsters), they synchro for black rose, I warning, they re-summon the cards used and I had to explain why they were the cost of the summon, after about 5 minutes he finally accepted it.
Another guy, can't remember what he was playing, tried to negate my heavy storm with his MST. When I finally got through to him he said "Ok, we'll play by your rules", I asked him what rules he was playing, he didn't respond.
Same guy, I summoned BLS and attacked his monster then attacked again, he said "You can't attack twice with a card", I said to read the card, "I did, you can't attack twice", I copied the text "Fine, we'll play by your rules again cheater". I told him to feel free to call an admin, he didn't.
I was wtfing at how someone could be so stupid, right before I won (attacking with BLS with Monster Reborn, Dark hole and Chaos Sorc in hand so I had it covered anyway), he said "Interesting, your entire plays are based around one cheap card" then quit. (talk) 10:16, February 3, 2012 (UTC)

>"Interesting, your entire plays are based around one cheap card"
Seriously, that's the only way I can imagine someone wouldn't be aware of a card's inherent effect. Either that or they're too much of a tool to read. :B
On the subject of idiots, I had a guy try to pull Slifer with Ancient Rules. When I called him on it, he got so mad it was hilarious. I should've capped it. Lord Grammaticus (talkcontribs) 12:31, February 3, 2012 (UTC)

Fun fact - that's the worst it's gotten for me. Most of the people on Duel Network I've played are at least competent, save for the occasional guy who misplays Solemn Warning and thinks it can negate anything, when it's only built to stop Special Summons - and that's happened a few times, believe me. Fortunately, they always recant it if you explain the misplay to them. Lord Grammaticus (talkcontribs) 12:35, February 3, 2012 (UTC)

Here's one. I negate the summoning of a monster with Solemn Warning, and then he chains book of moon to the solemn warning to set his monster who's summon I negated. I tried to explain to him for 10 minutes that counter traps can only be countered by other counter traps. I showed him the link to the wiki which explains that, and an admin told him the same thing and he still refused to listen. I thought this was going nowhere so I played along [he was losing badly, he was using inzektor, I was using E.Hero (I know, hard to believe)]. I won in the end, but the joke was that BOTH his rating and experience were over 1000, so you'd think he would know something as simple as that. He wanted a rematch, but I told him no because of how stubborn he was, and he was one of those people where even if you take just 10 seconds to think, he gets frustrated and says hurry or quit. Neos01 (talkcontribs) 12:45, February 4, 2012 (UTC)

I was dueling this guy and I used Solemn Warning on Shi En. He then sent it to his Graveyard and proceeded to Monster Reborn it. I told him that "The Summon was negated so it's as if it wasn't summoned properly and you can't use Monster Reborn". He didn't understand what Semi-Nomi was so I gave him links and explained it at least 5 times: If you negate the summon of a Semi-Nomi Monster then it can't be Special Summoned by an effect. He then returned it to his Extra Deck and Synchro Summoned to make it again - I told him that no, he could not do that, and he was so confused...it was really annoying. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 13:17, February 4, 2012 (UTC)

This is such a great topic. I was confused about the Semi-Nomi rulings for about 2 years though, but then I got the hang of it. To this day, I don't know all the rulings, but I always come to the wiki to double-check on something. Also, this one time, I fought a guy and he synchro summoned without using tuners. Seriously, some people can't read lol. Adamtheamazing64 (talkcontribs) 17:55, February 4, 2012 (UTC)

I was in same page as you are, Adam; till "Solemn Warning" came it became clearly. And week later from my duel with Helios Blaze; he still refused to accept the difference of Summons and told me to move on. That leaned me to thinking it's little ironic; He didn't change and said he "already move on" while I did changed and complete support with anything included here and there. Also he tried to report me to Admins about me being annoy him for this kind of rulings and I am complete safe from bothering him because most of Admins are on my side since because of Summon difference. :\ --FredCat 18:02, February 4, 2012 (UTC)

For anyone that has posted here and know their rulings, add me as a friend on duelingnetwork. I use the same name on there as here. I'd like to play against people that know their rulings and that can teach me some tricks every now and then. Adamtheamazing64 (talkcontribs) 18:07, February 4, 2012 (UTC)

I really hate people who only read the first line of the card.I was dueling a guy who summoned BLS so i sent himand my armor ninja earth to the graveyard with ninjitsu art of super-transformation he ended his turn, then I played monster reborn on his BLS.He said that i can't and copied the first 2 lines of BLS (his summon condition was with old wording on DN) I explaned it twice and gave him a link to the Semi-Nomi page on the wiki He refused to understand and called an admin after like 15 mins of explaining he cancelled the call and after 2 more mins he quit.--LG talk My own Guides 18:13, February 4, 2012 (UTC)

I had no idea BLS was now Semi-Nomi, I'll need to call that ruling from now on. But I've still had way too many people try to Monster Reborn a previously milled BLS. Then they give the usual angered response to my reasoning. And in other news, I just played a guy who normal summoned a Jurai Gumo, then "special summoned" his Summoned Skull by tributing some dragon. When I explained what a tribute summon actually is, he quit. I think it might've been rated too, but I can't say for sure. Djjomon (talkcontribs) 21:55, February 4, 2012 (UTC)

It has always been a Semi-Nomi, it's just that the wording makes it a bit more clear now. I don't usually talk on the wikia's forums but I like this topic and have been following it since it was created (I actually felt a little insulted when they bashed the Summoned Skull display for obvious reasons). But I'd like to add that there's a difference between the idiots (stubborn individuals who will not listen to reason) and people who make mistakes, I mean, we all have made mistakes at one time or the other. Plus, after reading this I'm a bit worried, since I usually play billy decks or "fun decks" in Dueling Network in unrated (I don't want to lower my rank just because I play for fun) my rank is very low and I'm starting to fear I'll end up playing with people who don't know their rulings, which I do, since this card game is one my favorite hobbies. I'd like to know what you guys think about this and would like to add some people to Dueling Network (same name "Ultimate Fiend"). Maybe that'll help me get my rank a bit higher. Ultimate Fiend (talkcontribs) 23:07, February 4, 2012 (UTC)

Oh, cool, now I can use Billy Decks without worrying about being the only guy running it. :B I'll add you. My name's El Gee. Lord Grammaticus (talkcontribs) 23:29, February 4, 2012 (UTC)

To keep on the general topic, I was playing a Koa'ki Meriu (mostly rock stun but it has a little bit more) and faced some...Necroface mill deck? I helped them by letting them knw that if thier monster is banished by thier own Future Visions will I got Drago out then it still will come onto the field. They weren't an idiot but just saying it again to stay on the general topic.

That was just a sterotype I've seen in regards to the summoned skull icon, others can break it as I'd expect but I just haven't seen it. I like mah billy decks because more then half of them are based on a novel I'm writing and I got a stupid My Life as a Teenage Robot deck (need moar Inzektors to come out for teh bad guys, too many faries fo sho.) Perhaps I could add ya too, got some weird crap at my disposal. (talk) 00:27, February 5, 2012 (UTC)

You have my attention, do tell me more about the Decks and what they're based off of. Lord Grammaticus (talkcontribs) 02:32, February 5, 2012 (UTC)
My Life as a Teenage Robot deck... sounds very original, I'd love to see that! As for the novel stuff it does sound pretty awesome. Another "quirky" thing I like about the game (considering competitive play the most common and normal thing) is card alteration. I've got my own binder of modded cards.

Ultimate Fiend (talkcontribs) 09:22, February 5, 2012 (UTC)

Hmmmm I don't know how to keep information private here. I'll speak of one to get an idea. There's a Silent Swordsman/Dark Lucius main focus of a deck; about a swordsclan where the obvious one killed off most of the family which happen to be ninjas and the bad guy has a demon represented by The End of Anubis (it traps souls away for it's own power, like locking the graveyard, also sorta looks like what I had in mind) sealed in his weapon. Good guy is vengeful, protecting his sister if she's in trouble and bad guy is clumsy (Lucius's conditions are pretty lousy :p). I figured eh I'll try and get the full lockdown with the deck so there's Decree and stuff in it just for that. That's also like the only 40 card one for these decks so short enough to explain. (talk) 02:51, February 5, 2012 (UTC)

On the topic of players doing stupid stuff I once forgot about the "face-up" part of "Sinister Sprocket"'s effect, and tried to destroy a face-down card. My opponent (who was a pretty cool guy) corrected me and the duel continued as normal, but I'm still ashamed of doing something so stupid and consider it one of my worse yugiFAILS Ultimate Fiend (talkcontribs) 09:22, February 5, 2012 (UTC)

I've got another one. One time I was facing a Chaos duelist who clearly set a Ryko facedown after adding it via Light Brigade. Smart guy me decides to SS a few level 5s and Xyz summon Zenmaioh and destroy his facedown monster. He then proceeds to mill 3 cards, saying it was flipped cause when it's destroyed the card is flipped face up. He pulls out rulings from here telling me to read the paragraph about flip effects to which I point out to him "read the last sentence" which stated facedown flip effects destroyed via card effect are not flipped. He then quits. ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) Adamtheamazing64 (talkcontribs) 16:12, February 5, 2012 (UTC)

The worst thing ever is when i was facing that guy with something like rank 7 deck.you know how does he think xyz summon works? he discarded 2 level 7 monsters and said xyz summon and summoned number 11 big eye -_-" --LG talk My own Guides 17:46, February 5, 2012 (UTC)

I played a number of people that don't even read their own cards' effect. One person completely ignored the effect of my Blast Sphere that destroys their monster on their standby phase, and just went to Synchro summoning with that very same monster of theirs. There was this other person that thought I couldn't activated my card effects at all as long as they had Winged Dragon of Ra out on the field (it was past their turn, by the way). He/She wasn't being a jerk about it as far as I can tell, but that person still needs to look at the ruling. A more recent person I played against activated Threatening Roar when I already declared an attack, and said they had no time for jokes when I explained things to them (I gave them plenty of time to activate it before then).

I can sympathize with the unregistered user above me. This guy I fought about an hour ago, claimed I take damage from his monster (whom had lower ATK), when I used "Blackwing Kalut, the Moon Shadow" to increase my other Blackwings attack. It took 5 minutes at least for him to move his monster off the field (he even tried to change the subject to something else). Shardsilver (talkcontribs) 20:13, February 5, 2012 (UTC)

I had duel against an E HERO deck, the player milled his whole deck then " specailed summoned 5 fusion monsters from his extra deck (without using any cards). I tried to explain that you cant summon or mill for no reason.

[email protected] (talkcontribs) 00:11, February 6, 2012 (UTC)

This guy I dueled recently, tried to say he won with his Exodia pieces, when he misused his "Magical Mallet" to add cards from the grave to his hand. I told him that he did not use the cards effect, because he did not draw cards from his deck. He then tried to call an admin and kept showing me his (Cheat) hand, saying he won when he didn't. This other person tried to call an admin when I had not normal summoned or set yet on my turn,(All I did was flip up one of my cards, then bounced it back to my hand through Brionac, then set it, and he then threw a childish fit). Shardsilver (talkcontribs) 16:19, February 10, 2012 (UTC)

If the opponent draws all 5 exodia pieces in his opening hand there is always suspicion of cheating.

[email protected] (talkcontribs) 21:37, February 10, 2012 (UTC)

Yeah, he took the pieces straight from the Graveyard and added them in his hand when he played "Magical Mallet" (I saw every card he put in his hand from the grave). I quit on him. Shardsilver (talkcontribs) 22:09, February 10, 2012 (UTC)

I think one of my favourites was when I was dueling one dude who thought he could sacrifice my own monsters for his yubel.I explained it like 20 times and he refused to listen and I gave him like 20 links.We couldn't get an admin so I told him one last time and he rage quit.Dont u love those idiots? Evolution is the key (talkcontribs) 12:46, February 11, 2012 (UTC)Evolution is the key

Played my first match on DN today, was playing against a Blackwing deck. His first turn - Normal Summons Kalut, then immediately Normal Summons Kochi then syncs for Armor Master. Called him out on it and received no response, he also wouldn't undo the move. I didn't want to just sit there, and I also didn't want to quit so I played Offering to the Snake Deity (Alien Warrior as the tribute), I eventually lost to bad draws but it might have went better for at least a little bit if he would have undone his mistake. Everyone makes mistakes (forgetting 1 word in out of a lot of text can destroy the duel) but it's when they REFUSE to accept that mistake and correct it. (talk) 14:42, February 11, 2012 (UTC)

That's a horrible way to start dueling network. I'm loving these stories. Keep em' up guys. Adamtheamazing64 (talkcontribs) 14:51, February 11, 2012 (UTC)

In the IRL dueling league I go to, my opponent summoned Snipe Hunter, and I activated Compulsory Evacuation Device. The coordinator said that I couldn't do that, since "the effects of the person whose turn it is take priority", meaning that my opponent got to get Snipe Hunter's effect out before I could send it away. It missed, luckily enough, but come on!--Crashman alpha (talkcontribs) 15:18, February 11, 2012 (UTC)

Priority rulings were terrible, we all hated them. Unless this is recent, then I'm sorry to hear that. (talk) 15:25, February 11, 2012 (UTC)

I just beat a guy, somewhere over 1020 rating or so, who told me Karakuri Anatomy doesn't get a counter for Flip Summons. So I send him the ruling and the page, he reluctantly accepts it, but tells me I'm cheating. With Ninishi Flip Summoned, I can Summon 2 more monsters that turn, one of which was Nishipachi, who changes battle position of target Monster when Summoned. I target myself, switch to Defense, and go to draw 2. He tells me to wait because I'm cheating again, then a full two minutes later uses Solemn Warning on my Nishipachi, fine. I'll take it. I play Karakuri Cash Chache and proceed to really piss him off through a search and a +1. From here he tells me to play fast (in rated of course). From here, I went on to shut down every play he had, including a +2 on my last turn into Dark Hole and a Monster to Normal Summon after clearing his Catastor... Ragequits when I attack to game. I'll take a plus 23 rating :) Djjomon (talkcontribs) 16:39, February 11, 2012 (UTC)

I was finally making a comeback against a real noob with agents.I summoned a grapha and he tried negating that with herald of orange light AND T.G. warwolf.he then relized his first mistake and discarded kristya instead.then i explained it and proceeded to the Pwn phase attacking directly with 2 graphas with 3000 ATK each depleting his left 4600 (did it when i only had 1550 LP)--LG talk My own Guides 09:01, February 12, 2012 (UTC)

Saw my buddy tried to Solemn Warning'd "Despair from the Dark" that was Special Summoned by "Call of the Mummy", I told him through PM that he can't (which was before I got respond from Perfectly Judge) since it was Summon through effect of unbreakable loop - "Call of the Mummy" is still face-up and it effect activated. Lucky that they were just friends and were playing in Unrated duel... --FredCat 10:22, February 12, 2012 (UTC)
Other one; named "Simpee" in DN managed to negate my Stardust Dragon's Synchro Summon while I used Fabled Deck. On his turn, he "Monster Reborn" my Stardust Dragon - I told him not to because of Synchro Summon was not successful but he told me to learn to play game as he RQ. Good day! --FredCat 12:09, February 12, 2012 (UTC)
One guy I just played summoned Dverg of the Nordic Alfar, summoned Ljosalf of the Nordic Alfar, then thought that Ljosalf summoned monsters from the deck instead of the hand, then changed Dverg to defense position in the same turn... (talk) 13:10, February 12, 2012 (UTC)

This guy I Fought recently (whom was using the Dragunity Field spell, and I was using Stardust Dragon Assault Mode), tried to say his Field spell effect was already activated (after explaining that an effect he uses or activates on its own, is a form of Trigger/activation, therefore I could stop it). He then rage quits moments later (giving me 20 points). Same thing happened with someone who tried to say "Ancient Forest"s destroying effect is already in play. Shardsilver (talkcontribs) 00:37, February 13, 2012 (UTC)

Ironic that I made this thread and was the one who done goofed up as Fredcat said. "Despair vs Solemn." XD It's complex, and even still I won't understand some things but hey, live and learn. Adamtheamazing64 (talkcontribs) 01:41, February 14, 2012 (UTC)

Several people i fought recently thought they could OTK with Cannon Soldier, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, and Lightpulsar Dragon. They always get butthurt and quit when I try to explain Missing the Timing to them. (talk) 01:48, February 14, 2012 (UTC)

I just dueled some guy who spoke only Spanish. He wasn't aggravating because of the Language barrier, he just didn't know rules at all. He tried to Synch two Tuners, which I let slide because I didn't feel like remembering everything I learned in high school about Spanish. He drooped Black Rose, and I activated Doomcaliber Knight's extremely mandatory effect. He had no idea what Doomcal does, so I had to bust out Google Translate. I thought all was well and good, but then I attacked a face-down Marshmallon with another Doomcal later on. Marshmallon's Trigger effect to inflict damage activated, and once again, I activated Doomcal's Mandatory as balls effect. This was followed by him saying "no puedes!". And I'm sitting there like, "I just f****** explained this to you". So I bust out another Google Translate explanation. But, this wasn't good enough for him. He offers me a draw, which I take because I ran out of patience. --> Summoned Skull 2: Electric Boogaloo 03:13, February 14, 2012 (UTC)

What really makes me mad is when I'm playing Karakuris, and I'll either have Karakuri Strategist mdl 248 "Nishipachi" or Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 "Burei" out, and I declare that I'm going to activate the effect, and after waiting for a response, switch my own monster's battle position. I make sure to clearly not target their monster. Next thing I know, their monster (which has lower attack than my attacker) is in defense mode, leaving to explain that I didn't target their monster. Don't they realize there's a target function for a reason? Djjomon (talkcontribs) 05:10, February 14, 2012 (UTC)

True but when you activate the effect you can say you target your own monster, and avoid the confusion altogether. Mearly saying 'effect' and waiting for a response before changing your own monster isn't enough. Yes they have a target function but it's far better to be clear from the get go then to rely on the targeting system :P--The FireFALL (talkcontribs) 05:47, February 14, 2012 (UTC)

Not everyone is going to be an expert on how the game works. I play the game in spurts. Usually once a year I will get a bug up my butt and play against my friends for a month straight, then I will be done with the game until some random time like a year later. By then, things have changed a lot and my decks get slaughtered by the newest fad. Sorry, but I think insulting those who are unable to keep up with the revolving door of rules is wrong. Just because you eat, sleep, play off this game does not mean all of your opponents do. Add on top that sometimes you have a brain fart of the effects of certain cards you just looked at, or you are unfamiliar as to how your opponent's card works (and get confused as to how a set of moves they did were possible). The game is meant to be played for fun regardless of whether you are in a tournament or just playing with friends. Insulting someone over it is childish.

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 07:27, February 14, 2012 (UTC)

Except if you read this thread you'd realise the majority of the idiots just don't read the cards. Sure there are the ones left out of the loop, but if you think MST can negate a trap or something similar you were never in the loop to begin with. (talk) 08:11, February 14, 2012 (UTC)
There are also quite a few examples of opponents just plain ignoring you. Most of these stories tell that they linked their opponent to the appropriate information page, and they just act like it doesn't exist. "This page contradicts my judgement for the legality of this move, so I'm just going to say L2P and then ragequit." (talk) 17:45, February 14, 2012 (UTC)

Here's a fun story from a few days ago. I was on DN using my Alien deck, my opponent was using Greed Burn. It was a short way into the match. It was my turn, I flipped both of my face-down Alien Greys to get rid of a Thunder King so I could Synchro Summon my Hyper Librarian. I do that and end my turn with W Nebula Meteorite. The arguement that followed.

First of all, I couldn't get it through his head that W-Nebula Meteorite could be used on non-Worm monsters. I spent 6 minutes arguing with him about it before he finally accepted what was written on the card. After that, he kept on flipping his arguement from I shouldn't be able to use it to flip my Greys or that the Meteorite should flip my Librarian face-down, even though Librarian wasn't a LIGHT Reptile. If that wasn't enough, he wouldn't flip up his face-down monster. I copied down the first lines of Meteorite and he still wouldn't believe me. He finally rage-quit. Draw5 (talkcontribs) 19:31, February 14, 2012 (UTC)

You're completely right, expecting everyone to know every ruling is wrong. But when you clearly explain something, and they don't listen, or quit, I reserve the right to complain. I also reserve this right when people just don't pay attention, at all. Djjomon (talkcontribs) 19:38, February 14, 2012 (UTC)

I remember a duel in DN, i dueled someone who used a synchro summon deck, he/she tried to synchro summon black rose dragon with 2 level 4 monsters, i asked him/her what he/she is doing, the response was this "I Tribute Summon, know the rules" and then (surprise) he/she quit, i just send a p.m. with the synchro summon link and an explain and that's all. An other time someone tried to summon Trishula with 3 tuners specifically Naturia Cherries(i had destroy 1 by battle the previous turn, so in his/her turn he/she summoned back the lost cherries or summon other level 3(i dont remember very well) flip the other 2 and then sync, when i explained how synchro summon works he/she just quit no complains nothing :p Dark Magician Vampire (talkcontribs) 01:01, February 15, 2012 (UTC)

Here's one of the biggest noobs.I had all 3 of my evolzars on the field.I attacked his face down monster and he revealed it to be a glad beast.I figured he had misclicked until he returned it to the deck and said tag.I then lost 20 mins of my life trying to say it WASN'T THE END OF THE BATTLE PHASE.An admin finally appeared and I was getting my rating in the next 30 seconds. Evolution is the key (talkcontribs) 07:14, February 15, 2012 (UTC)Evolution is the key

Here's a major blooper I just had in the last hour:

  • >dueling guy called suckmyball
  • >due to bad hands, I set 3 face-downs (MST, Mirror Force, I forget the last one) and have a Card Trader active
  • >on his turn, he uses Card Destruction, forcing me to discard Solidarity and REDMD
  • >he then uses Dark World Lightning to target my face-down MST
  • >I chain and use said MST to destroy his Gates of Dark World
  • >I notice he doesn't discard for Dark World Lightning
  • >I call him on it, honestly not knowing that he's in the right (which I didn't realize until later)
  • >He calls an admin basically going 'omg I can't believe I have to explain this'
  • >the admin explains that he doesn't discard for Lightning
  • >and then bans him for having an inappropriate name.

  • >except not immediately, he has 1 minute to start making a new account. not joking.
  • >after the admin leaves, the guy Normal Summons Broww and Special Summons Grapha via his effect
  • >he attacks, and I activate the face-down Mirror Force I had set
  • >cue ragequit

And then when I PM the same admin later, I finally learned that the discard doesn't happen since it didn't/couldn't destroy anything (which I then saw was verified on the Rulings page for that card).

That is literally the worst way I've won a duel in my life, and I feel amazingly stupid because of it. <_>

But hey, at least I learned something from it! I guess.

Lord Grammaticus (talkcontribs) 05:10, February 16, 2012 (UTC)

If he used a card to destroy your MST, how would you be able to use MST to destroy a different card of his when he just destroyed yours first?

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 06:46, February 16, 2012 (UTC)

Kain it was most likely a chain. Evolution is the key (talkcontribs) 06:59, February 16, 2012 (UTC)Evolution is the key

How the Dark World Lightning vs Mystical Space Typhoon works is they activate DWL on your facedown MST, you can then chain your MST to the activation and now that MST is no longer facedown they can't discard with DWL as that's part of the effect, if it was a cost it wouldn't work on Dark Worlds. (talk) 07:49, February 16, 2012 (UTC)

Indeed Kain, when you target a card you can then activate the card if possible creating a chain, in this case he activated MST and targeted Gates of Dark World. The chain then worked backwards so the MST went first, being the last card activated, and destroyed the Gates of Dark World. Then the Dark World Lighting could no longer resolve as there was no longer a card to destroy as the MST had already gone to the graveyard, so because no card was destroyed he didn't need to discard. That about sums it up.--The FireFALL (talkcontribs) 07:53, February 16, 2012 (UTC)

It wouldn't have gone to the graveyard yet. Cards aren't sent to the graveyard until the whole chain is fully resolved. DWL couldn't destroy MST because it was now face-up. Normally, the whole cards not being sent until the chain is over thing isn't a big deal. But with DWL it can be. Because remember, if a targeted Continuous Trap card is chained, DWL can't destroy that either. It's important to know exactly how things like this work. --> Summoned Skull 2: Electric Boogaloo 08:50, February 16, 2012 (UTC)
FireFall and Skull explained it perfectly. See, I was aware of the inability to destroy the card, but I didn't know that it'd prevent the effect completing until well after the fact. Lord Grammaticus (talkcontribs) 14:06, February 16, 2012 (UTC)

I have met a total idiot and jerk on dueling network: 1-He thought Spear Cretin 's effect activates immediately. 2- He thought that Goblin Attack Force changes to ATK automatically itself DURING THE END PHASE OF HIS NEXT TURN. 3- He controlled a Lord of D. in ATK and a Blue-eyes in ATK and attacked with the dragon, i activated Mirror Force, he said only his lord of d. would be destroyed because HE THINKS MIRROR FORCES TARGETS HIS BLUE-EYES AND NEGATES HIS ATTACK, AND THAT HIS LORD OF D. Protected his blue-eyes from being targeted, while EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT MIRROR FORCE DOES NOT TARGET! THAT IDIOT AND JERK TOLD ME TO "Learn how to f****ng play the game" , to me, a duelist with years of knowledge and experience. HE EVEN PRETENDED THAT HE USED THE ILLEGAL TACTICS HE TRIED ON ME IN A TOURNAMENT, WHILE IF THAT WAS TRUE, HE WOULD HAVE BEEN DISQUALIFIED! Thank you for reading my rant. The Jerk's username is "Mcbowen". User Imadmagician

I meant cards that are in the chain won't go to the grave until the chain is done resolving. Obviously anything destroyed during the chain goes immediately. Just thought that what I said before wasn't clear enough about that. --> Summoned Skull 2: Electric Boogaloo 08:52, February 16, 2012 (UTC)

I dueled a guy who thinks that any card effect can be used on any turn unless it states otherwise, even ignition effects like Breaker the Magical Warrior or continuous spell effects like arcane barrier (He sent it to the grave for its effect on my turn). I tried to explain to that effects like that must be used in your main phase, then he said I was crap and that I should learn how to play, then he rage quitted. Just to see if he was just be difficult, I watched 3 of his duels afterwards and all 3 of his opponents said the same thing. I PM'd him saying "who's crap now noob?" then he immediately logged off. The second most stupid duelist i've ever dueled. Neos01 (talkcontribs) 10:37, February 16, 2012 (UTC)

Ahahahaha, beautiful. Lord Grammaticus (talkcontribs) 12:50, February 16, 2012 (UTC)

Was watching a duel where a terrible Jurrac player dueled a Holy Marked player. The Holy Marked player summoned Thunder-End Dragon and used its effect - and then sent all Spells and Traps he controlled to the Graveyard. I had to PM him to tell him that they don't die, and when I came back, the other guy still hadn't killed Jurrac Titano - he kept saying that it "couldn't be destroyed by monster effects" and "couldn't be targeted" and the guy explained over and over. I PM'ed him and resolved the issue. Third time I've done that sort of thing. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 13:48, February 16, 2012 (UTC)

How the Dark World Lightning vs Mystical Space Typhoon works is they activate DWL on your facedown MST, you can then chain your MST to the activation and now that MST is no longer facedown they can't discard with DWL as that's part of the effect, if it was a cost it wouldn't work on Dark Worlds. (talk) 07:49, February 16, 2012 (UTC)

Indeed Kain, when you target a card you can then activate the card if possible creating a chain, in this case he activated MST and targeted Gates of Dark World. The chain then worked backwards so the MST went first, being the last card activated, and destroyed the Gates of Dark World. Then the Dark World Lighting could no longer resolve as there was no longer a card to destroy as the MST had already gone to the graveyard, so because no card was destroyed he didn't need to discard. That about sums it up.--The FireFALL (talk • contribs) 07:53, February 16, 2012 (UTC)'

That doesn't make sense to me though. He used the dark lightning card before MST was placed face up, did he not? How could you then move MST face up if he had already attacked that specific card?

See, it's the little things like this that I do not understand or even know about until they occur, and then when they do, my opponent stares at me wonder what is going on when I have this perplexed look upon my face.

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 17:10, February 16, 2012 (UTC)

It's pretty simple, actually. Lord Grammaticus (talkcontribs) 17:24, February 16, 2012 (UTC)

If you don't understand it, then Chain and Spell Speed would be good articles to read. BF2 Talk Deck Guides 17:34, February 16, 2012 (UTC)


Oh man. You guys just have the worst luck when it comes to playing on DN. I mean, same happens to me, but wow. Not forever alone. On the plus side for me this week, I OTKed with my Photon deck. 3 Sabres and Crusher. Yay. The fail for my opponent was a bad hand after first turn and nothing, then Magical Mallet and still nothing. Talk about not knowing how to put a deck together. Adamtheamazing64 (talkcontribs) 23:23, February 16, 2012 (UTC)

Well, he's a Deckbuilding idiot - aka the person who not know how to building his deck right. --FredCat 23:30, February 16, 2012 (UTC)

People really have bad luck to go aganist trolls like this.

I'm one of those people.

I'm happily going aganist somebody with Fortune Ladies with my Absolute Zero deck. I attack his Lady Light, he plays Compulsory on her, I chain Forbidden Lance. And yet he proceeds to put her to hand and SS Dark from his deck. I try to tell him that Light is not returned to his hand as she is unaffected by S/T this turn, but he doesn't listen and starts blabbing "Card effects that activate in hand while on field" or something like that. I patiently explain to him that Light's effect cant activate because compulsory doesn't work but he does something like this:



{username}: n

{username}: ...

Ragequit of course.

Forgot to sign my comment :/ --Tondro (talkcontribs) 15:51, February 17, 2012 (UTC)

Someone first trying to trap hole (not bottomless) my quickdraw synchron (atk=700, and it was special summoned), after explaining he can't do that, he tries to trap hole my normal summoned lonefire blossom (atk = 500). And still that turn, he tries to trap hole Junk Destroyer, claiming that a synchro summon isn't a special summon. He made a lot of other mistakes as well, such as using white dragon ritual to summon paladin from his deck. using future fusion and sending blue eyes from his hand, and more. Only good thing was that he actually agreed with me after I explained it ot him. Jens (talkcontribs) 23:35, February 17, 2012 (UTC)

Geez, Who even thinks that equip spell cards can be equipped to face-down monsters? A player tried to equip Mark of The Rose to my face-down Jester Lord. (User Imadmagician)

I dueled someone that CHAIN the Summon of my Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning with Maxx "C" (when i was removing monsters in the Grave) and then he drew 1 card. When i said he can't do that, he replied, "I was on YCS Official. Continue". If he really was on YCS Official, did it makes him always right? Even I ever read one duel in YCS that both players make mistakes-- (talk) 10:27, February 18, 2012 (UTC)

He can chain his Maxx "C" to you removing to summon Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning. I'm not exactly sure how starting chains works but from what I can gather if they have to do something before the summon (as in mill, target, reveal, banish) you can chain to it, this hasn't been wrong so far.
I'm sure someone can clear it up a bit more for me.
Oh, and don't trust what people say about themselves over the internet, especially if it would benefit them. (talk) 12:36, February 18, 2012 (UTC)
Actually, you can't chain Maxx C to BLS's summon. The special summon of Black Luster Soldier, like all inherent special summons, does not start a chain. Runer5h (talkcontribs) 18:07, February 18, 2012 (UTC)Runer5h
I believe you can Chain Maxx C to Dark Simorgh though. It's not an inherent Summon, but an effect that summons. Djjomon (talkcontribs) 19:27, February 18, 2012 (UTC)

I just played someone who thought that he could summon REDMD w/ its effect from the Graveyard... o_0. (talk) 22:23, February 18, 2012 (UTC)

Could someone clarify the difference between an inherent summon and a non inherent summon? I'm not seeing a difference in the text, maybe I'm looking at the wrong cards though.
Sorry, I'm not that great with chains but it seems like you'd be able to chain to the cost of banishing. (talk) 01:07, February 19, 2012 (UTC)

BTW, how are you guys playing this game online?

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 06:34, February 19, 2012 (UTC)

With this. Lord Grammaticus (talkcontribs) 06:39, February 19, 2012 (UTC)


That is interesting. Can I put together the deck I actually use on there or do I have to buy virtual cards of what I want? I'm also assumming I need to make an account.

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 06:42, February 19, 2012 (UTC)

To Kain, you can use any card legal both in the tcg and ocg for free whatever you desire, updates can be a little slow at times but it's not too bad to tend with. Today I just faced one of those silly egyptian god people that don't know what they are doing, from not knowing they can't summon one right after thier normal summon (they used The Agent of Creation - Venus to get enough out, it was amusing) to thinking thier god (Slifer) is immune to everything when I used Royco cup a soup. Also bad sam players have sprug around slowly for me but eh. (talk) 07:03, February 19, 2012 (UTC)

Yeah, I figured that out and created my Nordic deck in there. However, how do I actually play against someone? I tried asking in the chat room, but the thing moves so quickly I could not tell if anyone had responded or not.

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 07:05, February 19, 2012 (UTC)

You can set up a room by interacting with the yellow box in the duel room, hope someone joins you and then you accept them, or you can click on any name in any of the three boxes and hope they accept you; it's not too complicated. Oh and also just a funny tidbit, becausenext format will be wind-up and Inzecktor infested, I tried out my wind-up with a troll side deck; someone used Maxx "C" against my handloop early on. I play Serial Spell and Card Destruction for game. Raunchous laughter abound. (talk) 07:09, February 19, 2012 (UTC)

Make a deck under "Deck Constructor", make sure that it has at least 40 cards and has no banned cards, it lets you put banned cards in because of Traditional. Then click "Duel Room", choose your deck under "Deck", make sure your mode is on "Duel" and pick who you want to duel.
Rated means you get Rating and Experience, Non rated is for people who are just testing decks or just don't want their Rating/Experience to rise/lower.
If you want to duel a certain person or people only above/under a certain Rating/Experience you can change that under "Filter/Sort". You can also host a duel (meaning instead of you picking an opponent an opponent picks you, you can decline though ofcourse).
I think that's all. Duels are simple, it isn't automatic (except drawing) so you have to do all the plays yourself. If they're cheating or you're having a ruling dispute that the wiki doesn't answer, press "Call Admin", it may take a while because at peak times it can get as bad or worse than 1 admin per 1000 people. If you lose press "Admit Defeat", don't forget that one lol.
If you have any troubles feel free to ask your opponent or someone else. (talk) 07:20, February 19, 2012 (UTC)

I guess it helps to go into the right room. I was in my deck room the entire time trying to figure out how to duel.  :-p

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 07:23, February 19, 2012 (UTC)

Man, do I suck on that thing. First off I did not even realize it was not my turn and accidentally drew a card, and then weird stuff happened. Nevertheless, I got destroyed both times.  :-(

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 08:05, February 19, 2012 (UTC)

If you suck on DN chances are you aren't that great or you went up against the hardcore meta decks. Rabbit, Inzektors and Wind-Ups are used quite often there, especially Rabbit since not as many can play them in real life due to costs.
It's the same as real life except there's no reading your opponent from how they're acting. I'd suggest use an easy and/or good deck to start out with and not a Nordic deck until you get used to it since you're likely to make more mistakes. (talk) 08:24, February 19, 2012 (UTC)

I think he was just really good because he could counter almost everything I played. He stopped Odin's resurrection ability with Light & Darkness Dragon, had an Enemy Controller ready every time I had used a Creature Swap, and then Card Destructioned me. On the other hand, my mistake was using Solemn Judgment far too quickly into the game just to try to keep my monsters from being destroyed, but it was hard not to use it when he managed to pull out like 3 dragons in one turn.

BTW, what do the numbers mean? Like I dueled a guy wtih 1071/254.

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 08:45, February 19, 2012 (UTC)

That means he's been dueling there for a while. Your ????/??? is Rating/Experience Both go up/down with each duel, Rating goes up more for wins, down for losses. Experience goes up more for losses than wins. (talk) 09:19, February 19, 2012 (UTC)


This was the first time I ever got to play with someone using Ancient Gear Golem, so I was completely unfamiliar with its effect. An interesting experience, but I was kind of sad the guy surrendered the duel after I got both Odin and Thor out. I guess he felt he could not compete against that, which is a shame because there is no way to know until the LP reaches 0.

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 09:34, February 19, 2012 (UTC)

A fresh one that just happened a couple minutes ago. I played Card Destruction while I had cards in hand but my opponent had none in hand. He tried to say I couldn't activate it, so I just told him to hold on a second. So, he insults me and says I should learn to play Dark Worlds (he was running Dino Rabbit and couldn't even run THAT correctly). So, I say "FU, you gon learn today". He calls an admin like a predictable noob. So, I post the rulings link, and the exact sentence that proved I was right. Then, just because he tried to insult me, I said, "I know MY rulings, I don't know about YOU!". His ranking was 1242/958, he should know better. --> Summoned Skull 2: Electric Boogaloo 23:47, February 19, 2012 (UTC)

BTW, how are people when it comes to wanting to try out a new deck? I created a Samurai deck because I am thinking about building one, but I do not want to put my money towards the ridiculous cost of some of the cards unless I know for sure they are going to work for me. My problem is, I do not want people blowing me off because it will be my first time using the deck, so I will be moving very slowly between choosing my cards and trying out different techniques instead of trying to speed through the duel.

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 08:25, February 20, 2012 (UTC)

Play non rated and say you're testing the deck. (talk) 09:16, February 20, 2012 (UTC)

I recently dueled a guy using my hieroglyph deck; I had 2 hieroglyph normal monsters and Aset dragon. I used aset dragon's effect to target the normal monster to make Aset level 8 for neo galaxy eyes, he said I can't do that because I have to target a normal monster (On DN, hieroglyph is translated as holy marked). I told him I did, then he said Aset dragon's level won't increase because it's not a hieroglyph. I got annoyed because that means he was just being plain difficult, so I called him a noob and told him to learn the game, then left. It really annoys me when people be difficult like that. Neos01 (talkcontribs) 14:40, February 20, 2012 (UTC)

This isn't terrible, but lately while testing for the new format, people seem to disregard my duel note and accept. Being that it's unrated I really can't complain, but when I deliberately say that I'm testing for the new format, I don't want to see Glow-Up Bulb or Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier, at all. I usually still win anyway but still: playing on two separate banlists, really? Djjomon (talkcontribs) 05:09, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

Not too long ago I faced someone who can't use basic math. It was a "fun" deck duel so it didn't annoy me too much. It got easier for them when I didn't use Photon Butterfly Assassin combined with Burden of the Mighty on thier monsters but ugh I used PBA's effect on thier Absorb Jar at some point and they only calcuated burden -_- also I do have some confusion but I think they can't attack if they tried using Chaos Sorcerer's effect and I negate it's effect? One one thing, they tried summoning cards in face up defence a few times that too. I figure people should know you don't just do that. (talk) 06:10, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

Well I just had a not really a match against some dude named mrtwallz, who was a complete ass. He goes first, using a card that lets himself get 1200LP, then uses a monster card that lets him send cards to the graveyard for 3000 points each, he sends 3 cards to the graveyard and goes down to 200LP. Then he uses another magic card that lets him guess the type on the top card on his deck, and if he is right, we switch our LPs. So he guesses magic, which happened to be on the top of his deck, bam, he gets 9200LP from me, I get -1200, and he wins. That was utter ********!!!! He does not even have the balls to say anything, he just leaves before I can do anything to respond.

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 06:41, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

Man, this is just not my night, I have had the opponent of the following 3 games quit on me the moment I pulled up either Odin, Thor, or Mist Wurm. -_-

Then I get a game where nothing but the magic and trap cards that do not summon my monsters emerge in every draw. Finally, I get a guy who uses nothing but magic and trap cards that forces you to loose LP instead of actually dueling. He uses a trap card that makes it so whenever the opponent were to increase LP, it is taken as damaged, then he pulls that magic card where you gain 1000LP for him to draw a card, the he uses two trap cards where you flip a coin and heads is gained 2000 and tails is lose 2000, so no matter what, I lose 2000. Finally, he uses two trap cards that take 200 damage for each card on my field and in my hand. These people on this DN thing are cheap and I think I am done with it.

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 07:02, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

Sounds like you got Reversal Quiz OTK'd. I question what he used since I'm pretty certain there isn't a single card that gives you 4000 LP (there's a trap that gives 3000 and a monster with 5000). Gale Dogra was the monster that sent cards probably, hmmmm he has to send his hand and field to the grave. The second duelist was a Bad Reaction to Simochi OTK user eh. You shouldn't complain, there's plenty of styles of decks, why should one be limited...now if you see them all the time (you aren't going to see reversal quiz all the time) then sure but again not too on topic. (talk) 07:54, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

I see you met your first Burn deck. That's not even the fun one! Wait until the Exodia and Empty Jar decks! (talk) 07:56, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

[quote]Sounds like you got Reversal Quiz OTK'd. I question what he used since I'm pretty certain there isn't a single card that gives you 4000 LP (there's a trap that gives 3000 and a monster with 5000).[/quote]

No, it was two trap cards. You flip a coin, if you get heads, you gain 2000 LP, if you flip tails, you lose 2000LP. He used two of those, which is where the 4000LP came from.

[quote]Gale Dogra was the monster that sent cards probably,[/quote]

Yep, that was the monster all right. In fact, that was the only monster he used.

[quote]hmmmm he has to send his hand and field to the grave.[/quote]

I don't know about that, but he sent 3 Ultimate BEWD cards to the graveyard from his extra deck to take 9000 LP away from him.

[quote]The second duelist was a Bad Reaction to Simochi OTK user eh.[/quote]

Yep, that Bad Reaction card is indeed what he used. I wouldn't have even been able to use Seven Tools or Dark Bribe because he pulled a trap that blocks countertraps from being used.

[quote]You shouldn't complain, there's plenty of styles of decks, why should one be limited...now if you see them all the time (you aren't going to see reversal quiz all the time) then sure but again not too on topic. (talk) 07:54, February 21, 2012 (UTC)[/quote]

I don't mind everyone have a different deck style, but when it happens to you several times in a row, there is a problem. I never got to actually play. They never even bothered to duel a second round so I can pull out stuff from my side deck. What is the point of a side deck if people are too chicken to duel a second round? Essentially I spent and hour and a half waiting to play the game. What is the point of playing a card game if you are not actually going to play the card game? What is the fun of beating a person before they even get to their first or second turn? Why bother "playing" the game if all you care about is winning? People like that are assholes and they are no better than those worthless professional sports players that whine if they don't make X millions of dollars a year.

[quote]I see you met your first Burn deck. That's not even the fun one! Wait until the Exodia and Empty Jar decks! (talk) 07:56, February 21, 2012 (UTC)[/quote]

Yeah, well this has almost ruined the game for me entirely. If people are going to do crap like this instead of actually play the game, I'm not sure I want to be a part of that. F people like that!!!

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 08:11, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

Wait... You're wondering why people complain about Rabbit, Inzektors and especially Wind-Ups when you're about to ragequit over a single inconsistent very easily sided and stopped burn deck? You may want to have a look at here. (talk) 08:21, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

Ease up, Kain. You just got unlucky with your opponents. You'll eventually find ones that attack more and don't want to lock you down. Then again, they'll probably annoy you in other ways. --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 14:10, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

[quote]Wait... You're wondering why people complain about Rabbit, Inzektors and especially Wind-Ups when you're about to ragequit over a single inconsistent very easily sided and stopped burn deck? You may want to have a look at here. (talk) 08:21, February 21, 2012 (UTC)[/quote]

I new next to nothing about those when I asked. However, if this is how those sets are, I can see why people are frustrated they were not included in the new ban list. This is the first time I ever not-played a game when I was thought I was supposed to be playing a game.

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 16:49, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

They are not patience, my friend - they should wait till March to get that banlist updating. --FredCat 16:57, February 21, 2012 (UTC)
The March banlist is already out FredCat... I'm afraid none of the new archetypes got hit...

Ultimate Fiend (talkcontribs) 21:33, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

BTW, with that deck the guy used, how can you actually summon Lava Golem? Wouldn't have to have like two Creature Swap cards or something to take control of your opponents monsters?

Anyway, I will say this, I have been inspired to create my own "Bitch Move Deck" as I call it. I will hardly use it, but if I ever run into those people again on the DN, I will be sure to use that deck against them.

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 19:25, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

This is the part where I link you the page and show you that Lava Golem explicitly requires you to tribute your opponent's monsters. Lord Grammaticus (talkcontribs) 09:59, February 25, 2012 (UTC)

It could just be me but the only thing I find a problem are the Inzecters. Have only faced one and that was on DN but there's plenty irl and dn I've faced wind-ups and dino rabbit with, though I think I'm just lucky because I tend to get to go first more often then not and set backrow everywhere to avoid hand destruction...or draw into veiler quickly. After that wind ups are just a bunch of beatsticks...pffft my defense otk has so many consecutive wins with that match up it's not even funny...I find the Laggia stuff iconsistant (yes they can first turn what they want easily) but there are so many things that can besided against them if you took the timeto think of it. Gozen Match/Rivalry of Warlords (enough decks make them reasonable) won't let them get very far for example, though I do say anything they do before you can't stop easily so I digress. I probably sound stuckup too which annoys me lol... (talk) 19:39, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I guess that means I should stop going second, because even when I win the toss up to go first or second, I usually prefer second, especially if I am using my Nordic deck just in case I manage to get Valkyrie in my first hand.

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 20:20, February 21, 2012 (UTC)

Definitely go first, unless your deck really requires a 2nd turn play, consistently. And also, just played a guy who tried to Summon Chain Dog from hand, by it's own effect. He then proceeded to synchro a level 5 monster with what looked like 7 levels total. When I called him out on the Chain Dog ruling he told me "read eff". I spat back at him "you read eff." So he admitted defeat and quit. At least I got the unrated win? Djjomon (talkcontribs) 02:06, February 22, 2012 (UTC)

Was the Synchro Monster not Beast-Type though? --FredCat 02:18, February 22, 2012 (UTC)
The synchro was Thunder Unicorn, he did get the beast part right. It wasa beast deck from what I could tell. Djjomon (talkcontribs) 04:38, February 22, 2012 (UTC)

Sadly, and I hate to admit it because I love my Nordic deck and put some money into a few months ago, you are right, it probably will be left in the dust like dinosaurs and the original insects because it was at the tail end of the anime that just ended and is not the big thing in the new anime. Pretty much now it seems like it has to be a main archtype in the anime for them to even bother doing support cards these days.

With that said, two things come to my mind:

1. Would you say then that instead of running 2x Odin and 2x Thor I should have some XYZ monsters in it? Like, I have Leviathan Dragon, Illumina Knight, Utopia, and Wind-Up Zenmaister in my case with my Nordic cards as like a Side Deck to my Extra Deck.

2. Should I then just create an Inzektor or Wind-Up deck then? Should I not even bother trying to build a Samurai deck? As that seems to be where the game is headed for those types for the next several years? I mean, I perfer the card types that are based on mythology, but apperantly getting excited over them is pointless now because they will not be supported.

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 07:54, February 22, 2012 (UTC)

[quote]Sounds like you got Reversal Quiz OTK'd. I question what he used since I'm pretty certain there isn't a single card that gives you 4000 LP (there's a trap that gives 3000 and a monster with 5000).[/quote]

He didn't gain 4000 LP, he gained 1200 LP. I'm guessing Poison of the Old Man? Battlemaniac (talkcontribs) 09:44, February 22, 2012 (UTC)

Dr Kain, I would suggest a Six Samurai deck as they're doing quite well lately with the banlist helping them and recent cards helping them even more. They're meta at the moment, infact they were #1 at YCS Gasdfhasjdfhasjfah (mexican city I can't remember the name of).
That being said Inzektors are getting quite a lot of support too. I saw a deck that didn't aim to use hornet (still uses it though), but performed the loop with Inzektor Gruf to make a Rank 5 which works quite well.
But before you start buying stuff test them on DuelingNetwork to see what you want to play. Be wary though, Six Samurai, Inzektors and Wind-Ups get the "Oh look it's THAT deck" treatment. (talk) 13:30, February 22, 2012 (UTC)

[quote]Be wary though, Six Samurai, Inzektors and Wind-Ups get the "Oh look it's THAT deck" treatment. (talk) 13:30, February 22, 2012 (UTC) [/quote]

Well what can people expect when those are the only decks outside of dragons (which I am tired of seeing) that are getting support. Like I said, I love my Fairy decks, but they are useless against the cards of today. And if Nordics aren't going to get more support, they are going to become useless real quick too.  :-(

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 17:27, February 22, 2012 (UTC)

You can always try gravekeeper's as they were a forgotten deck that was revived in form of anti-meta LG talk My own Guides 19:29, February 22, 2012 (UTC)

Yeah, Gravekeepers do pretty well (I normally lose to any who use them). Shardsilver (talkcontribs) 20:13, February 22, 2012 (UTC)

Gravekeeper's kill the infernities completley.they jam necromancer,mirage,launcher,reflector,streat patrol and infernity break only way to save yourself is to kill necrovalley and by that time, the opponent would have ruined your entire strategy and attacked for game (yeah i do use GK's so i know that) LG talk My own Guides 20:36, February 22, 2012 (UTC)

I just dueled somebody who claims that Spell Cards don't have effects. Figure that out. PHASE (talkcontribs) 05:03, February 24, 2012 (UTC)

I would love to hear more insight on what that means, the spells having no effect thing, that's probably one of the silliest things mentioned here yet. Nothing too great for me to say other than I don't like explaining the Watt lockdown to people every duel I use them. It can't be that hard to understand can it? Also speaking of which, some guy using Gishki tried to cheat past Wattchimera's effect by (after using up all but one card in his hand) drawing an extra card...how dreadful. (talk) 05:46, February 24, 2012 (UTC)

  • I had the Malefic World Field Spell Card out, and Malefic Stardust Dragon. He plays, I forget exactly what, but I think it was Mystical Space Typhoon? He targets Malefic World, I explain that Malefic Stardust Dragon protects Field Spells from destruction from any card effect, and his reply was "he protects from card effects not spell cards. omg get rid of it" After five minutes of explaining that yes, trying to destroy with MST is in fact a effect, he decides to call an admin, who tells him that yes, Malefic World can't be destroyed. He was really nice about it after it was irrevocably proven and I wasn't mad or anything, but it was still a huge fail.

Today I made the mistake of attacking a Gachi Gachi Gantetsu twice with BLS, then admitted my mistake in it not being destroyed. In the process, I was also "informed" that Gachi is not a monster, but a rank, and therefore completely unaffected by anything concerning a monster... Djjomon (talkcontribs) 05:56, February 24, 2012 (UTC)

Alright, looks like that opponent needs a few refreshers regarding Xyz Monsters. --Gadjiltron (talkcontribs) 08:41, February 24, 2012 (UTC)

This annoyed me a good degree. So I'm facing some sort of burn deck. They summon a rabbit at some point, I question what kind of burn deck would use that but anyways I SJ it. They have Dark Room of Nightmare on the field. They claim that the life points I paid is actually damage so I have to take another 300. After some arguing, in a couple more turns they get out another rabbit. I just let them do thier thing. They proceed to get out Fire Trooper AND Card Car D. I just stared at the screen for a while in hopes it was some weird misclick and proceeded to link them to one of those Jackie Chan image macros when they were serious about the choice...the guy was 1300+/800ish, how do people get away with stuff like this?

Also in some random unrated duel a guy using Naturia said that Naturia Horneedle and Naturia Mantis negated summons, eh at least it wasn't one of those mst=negate scenarios. He did use needle's effect once by tributing a face down Cherry...which he can't do...and tried using needle's effect against Trag...eh I'll give them the benefit of the doubt about horneedle's effect. Though at some point they had a full front and backrow, at that point I was trying to win by setting Arcana Force 0 - The Fool whenever I could, they tried sending a monster to the grave for no reason to make room for a tuner at some point and I had to mention you can't just do that too...me winning by deckout was terribly stupid. (talk) 22:17, February 24, 2012 (UTC)

While we are talking about rulings, I have a question. If your opponent controls Prime Material Dragon and you have Bad Reaction to Simochi on the field, doesn't Simochi negate PMD's effect of turning LP damage into LP gain, thus, making it so when they gain LP, they are still losing them?

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 06:54, February 25, 2012 (UTC)

I hope you realize most cards have a Rulings page. But for convenience:
Player A has Bad Reaction to Simochi.
Player B has Prime Material Dragon.
Player A activates Sparks, PMD reverses it so it's +200, BRtS reverses it back to -200.
Player A activates Gift Card, BRtS reverses it into -3000, PMD changes it back to +3000. (talk) 09:37, February 25, 2012 (UTC)

Yes, but the rulings never told me the exact answer I was asking for. Plus, the rulings are weird, as some are under TGC and others under OGC, and from my understanding, we are not OCG.

Dr Kain (talkcontribs) 08:12, February 26, 2012 (UTC)

Yeah... I had a Dark Simorgh out on the field and I had no backrow. My opponent has only one face down backrow and no monsters. I attacked directly and he then activated his face-down MST. I asked him what was his target since there was no there target and he said he targets his MST on itself... Then he special Summoned Gorz. I still won, but worse part about it is that he was in the 1200's... So many inexperienced players on DN nowadays...--俺はダルク 09:45, February 26, 2012 (UTC)EnvoyDharc

There are so many problems with that, I'm surprised you even let it go through.
And @Dr Kain, this is taken from Card Rulings:Bad Reaction to Simochi:

  • If "Dian Keto the Cure Master" is activated while both "Prime Material Dragon" and "Bad Reaction to Simochi" are on the field, "Bad Reaction to Simochi" turns the effect into an effect which inflicts damage, but then "Prime Material Dragon" turns the effect into an effect which recovers Life Points. "Dian Keto the Cure Master" will recover 1000 LP.
  • If "Ookazi" is activated while both "Prime Material Dragon" and "Bad Reaction to Simochi" are on the field, "Prime Material Dragon" turns the effect into an effect which recovers Life Points, but then "Bad Reaction to Simochi" turns the effect into an effect which deals damage. "Ookazi" will deal 800 damage.

Look before you ask. (talk) 09:55, February 26, 2012 (UTC)