User:Dark Ace SP/Archive 1

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Decks for Free

If you are interested in joining decks for free, make a Malefic OTK, Gravekeeper's, or Skull Servant deck and post it on my talk page. It it looks like it will work well, then you can help with deckbuilding. Sound like a plan? (I picked those cos I made them once upon a time, and they are challenging without being absolutely rediculous.) Jon Kovacs (talkcontribs) 17:58, May 1, 2011 (UTC)

Looks good. You can take any request you feel comfortable with, as long as another deckbuilder hasn't already responded to it. Jon Kovacs (talkcontribs) 23:53, May 1, 2011 (UTC)
I added your name to the top of the forum page. Jon Kovacs (talkcontribs) 02:30, May 2, 2011 (UTC)
No problem. You can post on any open request you want (you dont need to worry about asking Resk or I, we're happy for any help you can give us). Jon Kovacs (talkcontribs) 02:34, May 2, 2011 (UTC)


Cool, just noticed you've joined us,

so, Welcome :p

& also, no-ones taken your vwxyz deck yet,

-Resk™ (Talk) 13:24, May 2, 2011 (UTC)

Help plz

hey my name is bryan.. i have a deck request i want to build a zombie world kind of a deck i have a list me and my friend came up wit i jus dont kno how to put it in a template if u could help me with that i could really use the help revising this deck to make it as good as possible. also no spending limit i really hope u can help

i would like an extra deck too, soo if u can help me make this deck to tthe best potential i would reallly appreciate it. but yea like i said idk how to do it in the template for soo if u could help me i would appreciate it cuz no one else would help me so please help..--bhams (talkcontribs) 02:37, May 4, 2011 (UTC)

do u think the deck you gave me will b competitive and i like it. it should work out nice thank you--bhams (talkcontribs) 03:28, May 5, 2011 (UTC)


Sorry bro/ so much work. Exellent!!! you did the greatest work. and you even did the explanations! awesome! i have no words to describe so exellent work! Much regards! P.S. Don't worry.. I'm still ALIVE.--Andro 01 (talkcontribs) 07:48, May 5, 2011 (UTC)

Thank you

Thank you, by the way I did read it, I still got confused, the whole money thing, never mind, I understand now. Superboltboy (talkcontribs) 23:15, May 5, 2011 (UTC)SBB


Well, i've not taken them, I'm still trying to figure out how they work, but if you have it, then go for it, as they both want the same thing :p

-Resk™ (Talk) 01:59, May 6, 2011 (UTC)


That was me reverting something. An IP changed what you said.BobaFett2 (talk)


Oh. OkayBobaFett2 (talk)

Can I add myself to the Decks for Free list?BobaFett2 (talk)

Re: Machina

Seems about right, had 48 hours

-Resk™ (Talk) 13:12, May 8, 2011 (UTC)

-Resk ✩ (Talk) 19:55, May 8, 2011 (UTC)
Nope, he did, his choice so no worries
-Resk ✩ (Talk) 19:58, May 8, 2011 (UTC)


I forgot to chance title/colors. No idea who it was above me, but yeah, that last one is mine.BobaFett2 (talk)


Already answerd theirs, so what are yours?

-Resk ✩ (Talk) 21:22, May 8, 2011 (UTC)

Silly tengu, I really need to stop making decks based on the memory of what the cards do for ones i've not used much xD
-Resk ✩ (Talk) 22:15, May 8, 2011 (UTC)

Warrior DFF

I was thinking along the lines of a Bushi Beatdown deck (google it) with some more syncro elements, and just kinda ignore the power tool dragon :3-Resk ✩ (Talk) 23:55, May 8, 2011 (UTC)


Bushi is like Treeborn Frog, thus Enemy Controller, apart from that, looks fine,-Resk ✩ (Talk) 00:21, May 9, 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, though I thought Hyun was other way round,-Resk ✩ (Talk) 10:44, May 9, 2011 (UTC)
Exam went good. :D-Resk ✩ (Talk) 14:32, May 9, 2011 (UTC)
Help yourself, you don't need to ask permission :p-Resk ✩ (Talk) 22:09, May 9, 2011 (UTC)
No worries, i'll 'dibs' it or comment on it if i want it, else help yourself ^^-Resk ✩ (Talk) 22:31, May 9, 2011 (UTC)

re:Junk/Doppel V. Ace

thanks i'll try out the deckPhantomxx7 (talkcontribs) 03:31, May 11, 2011 (UTC)Phantomxx7

could you add how to run the deck? Phantomxx7 (talkcontribs) 03:38, May 11, 2011 (UTC)Phantomxx7

Decks For Free!

Hey dude, i really appreciate it of making my deck, it really helped me alot, thank you so much dude, you rock! thanks again 33royward (talkcontribs) 14:45, May 12, 2011 (UTC)

Alright, thanks for the heads up. I didn't want my post cluttering up the place, but the deck was kind of unusable with just 20 cards :P Dragoonsnake (talkcontribs) 01:57, May 14, 2011 (UTC)


I've been up for 48 hours, & i'm up agin in... 10 hours for a 9 hour shift, so I won't be able to get it done this weekend, though after that it should be fine for me, so do it if you wish, & i can always mod if he wants

-Resk ✩ (Talk) 21:46, May 14, 2011 (UTC)

RE: Orca

Thanks for reminding me, and I like your personality more. As you showed some respect and not blast some temper easily. And I have respond to it just now. --FredCat 15:14, May 15, 2011 (UTC)

Your current deck, beside Recycle that I suggest, look very strong and well-strategy. So if you manage to keep your strategy in order, you can make a win each time you play it. --FredCat 15:17, May 15, 2011 (UTC)
Oh and in future reference if you want to make a link that look like this Orca Firepower, then you should do the following: [[Forum:Orca_Firepower|Orca Firepower]] instead of [|Orca Firepower], since this site do know which link you are referring. I know that it's quite a surprise once you see the new surface of this site and I do know that you're semi-new to this site. And I respect that because I had same experience when I first came here and got losing many times. --FredCat 15:26, May 15, 2011 (UTC)
I see, you're welcome. And your account had just created last month, but true to your word. "Unregistered User" was what make you know around the site. --FredCat 15:29, May 15, 2011 (UTC)
I see, why not ask Admin to move your old thing into here? I have seen many users doing that often since I am being member here. Merge stuff can help as well. --FredCat 15:35, May 15, 2011 (UTC)
Alright, so do you need some help with "Archive" part? I have tutor article for it already. --FredCat 15:38, May 15, 2011 (UTC)
This one is what I am talking about. Be sure to read careful, as it will be useful if you need to know where to put in. After all it's for beginner, like you and few other. --FredCat 15:41, May 15, 2011 (UTC)
There, it took me while to figure out the mistake on my own. Just copy this - User:Dark_Ace_SP/Archives and paste it on where your "User Talk:Dark Ace SP" part should be, then study it once you get there. To put in more "Archive", just add |col#= next to current one (like col1, as I have put up in your Archives at top) with the certain number (if current is 1, then next should be 2, max you can go is 5). If you get more than 5 "archives", just put sixth to col 1 instead, and so on. It's not so hard part to create and fixing - though it's my fault for not notice "nowiki" part being missed out. --FredCat 17:38, May 15, 2011 (UTC)
No problem, always help when in need. --FredCat 18:30, May 15, 2011 (UTC)

Maybe in an elitist sense...

...but as I said, you didn't seem to want to understand my deck building preference. Have you ever seen any of my other decks? The way my Anubis deck was built, as is, should've tipped you off to the fact that I try to build unique deck builds, outside of the confines of elitist tournament staples. I'm sorry, but Resk seemed to get that best, and I prefer if he works on my decks on the Free Decks thread, if you don't mind. SynjoDeonecros (talkcontribs) 19:13, May 15, 2011 (UTC)

I gave you the benefit of the doubt, because as you said, Resk might not've been able to get to my deck, and you were willing to take a shot at it if he didn't. I'm not trying to slam on you for the edits you made, and I can understand if it was anyone else asking for a Regional Jackal-lock deck, but for me, as I said, unless I have absolutely no choice, I don't like using tournament staples in my deck. You may not have known that, and if not, I apologize for not being clear about it. SynjoDeonecros (talkcontribs) 20:27, May 15, 2011 (UTC)
No problem. I really need to remind myself to post that up when I make a deck on here. Could you also ask him if he could give some of my other decks a once-over? I'm sure I sent him the links to the other decks I wanted him to look at. Thanks. SynjoDeonecros (talkcontribs) 20:32, May 15, 2011 (UTC)
If you want, I've got another deck idea that I need some serious help on, and this one I'm not too picky on who takes it, so if you want to take a look, I'll be posting the request up in a few. SynjoDeonecros (talkcontribs) 20:39, May 15, 2011 (UTC)
Well, if you absolutely can't find another, more obscure card to replace either of them, then yeah, that's acceptable; I've got a themed Wanghu Colosseum stun that I had to side deck a couple of Warnings in, because I couldn't find any other card that would do the job they did nearly as adequately (I tried Tyrant's Overindulgence and Grave of the Super Ancient Organism, btw), so use that as an example of when tournament staples would be acceptable. SynjoDeonecros (talkcontribs) 20:51, May 15, 2011 (UTC)
Sure, you can do that. Trap Eater was just a suggestion that I thought would work, but like I said, if you think there's a better card out there, then go ahead, as long as you exhaust all other options you can think of for a replacement before you turn to tournament staples. SynjoDeonecros (talkcontribs) 02:09, May 16, 2011 (UTC)
Looks decent, except for the Battle Fader, but I'm sure you have a reasonable explanation for putting it in there. I don't mind the Reborn Tengus, since I have three in one of my other decks. I also like how you have Emperor Sem in there; I'm assuming it's for taking advantage of Emissary's summoning? Aside from the Battle Fader, the only real issue I have with this deck is Koa'ki Meiru Doom; assuming you did put in the Emperor Sems for use with Emissary, Doom would likely mess with Sem's effect. I'll likely tweak it to my preferences, but so far, it's looking good, much better than I thought it would, honestly. Building a deck on such a weird card must be hard for you to do. SynjoDeonecros (talkcontribs) 02:32, May 16, 2011 (UTC)
No Problem.

I definitely thought about Upstart Goblin for my Tiger deck, and have pulled 3 from my collection to add to it. SynjoDeonecros (talkcontribs) 02:00, May 19, 2011 (UTC)


You can just post in the forum; I'll become aware of it. There's no need to leave an additional message on my talk page. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 00:08, May 16, 2011 (UTC)

Six Sam

Can you please make me a six samurai deck with the xtra deck please. no price limit.--bhams (talkcontribs) 03:18, May 17, 2011 (UTC)

thx dude and wen and if u get revisions on tht zombie deck to make it better jus let me kno ok cuz i wanna make it as good and fast as possible and do u have any ideas wat i should do for my third deck i kinda wanna do like archefiends or somethin cuz im eventually gonna end up doin 4 decks but im up for ne kinda deck or if u want to give me a super cool and different idea for a fourth and third i jus want them to b good lol but yea these two decks gonna take a while lol soo yea but any ideaas for a third deck and thx again for the six sam and also jus let me kno about the zombie one thx--bhams (talkcontribs) 03:53, May 19, 2011 (UTC)

tht zombie deck looks awesome do u think it will be fast nd competitive in tourneys...nd wat shuld i do for a third deck like wat do u reccomend--bhams (talkcontribs) 04:51, May 20, 2011 (UTC)

thanks dude and thanks any way for alll the help

hey its me again do you think with tht zombie deck we can make it swarm more and b faster is that possible or do u think it cant get any better cuz i like it i jus need it to b faster with more swarm cuz ive been testing it out and idk how to get gorz on the field really(or i jus cant) and also i jus keep gettin beat real badd soo any help would b great..idk if i shuld jus make a more of a swarm idk i jus want it to b way faster and better if possible lol thx for ur help.--bhams (talkcontribs) 01:21, May 25,

ok i want to keep gorz in he can b good if i culd actually use him i jus dont understand how he works like wat could get him out and do u think the deck should b fast the way it is cuz it culd b jus me. i jus want to b competitive cuz i wouldnt b shocked if it was me in ur opinion wat u think it is--bhams (talkcontribs) 02:34, May 26, 2011 (UTC)

i jus have one last question wen they say that gorz can be summoned wen i control no cards do they mean no cards at all or just monster cards..basically im asking if i can styll have spell and trap cards.--bhams (talkcontribs) 05:20, May 26, 2011 (UTC)

hey also is there two cards we can substitute somethin for maybe two of the pots of duality because they are just so darn expensive and i can only afford one.--bhams (talkcontribs) 14:28, May 26, 2011 (UTC)

ok i jus have one last question..gorz to summon do i jus have to have no monster cards or no cards at all on the field.thats the only thing i dont understand--bhams (talkcontribs) 21:50, May 26, 2011 (UTC)

hey me and my buddy were tlking i think i would want to run a zombie mill/zombie swarm deck instead of zombie world i think it would work better can you help me out with that please--bhams (talkcontribs) 05:42, June 3, 2011 (UTC)


Yeah, that's what I meant. Is your name DarkAceSP on there?BobaFett2 (talk)

& Back

Been working of late, but Imma start working on stuff again~!

-Resk ✩ (Talk) 12:12, May 25, 2011 (UTC)


Yeah, I know. BobaFett2 (talk)

This is Reaga, the guy who posted the Uria Deck. I would love to hear ways to make it better. I shall wait patiently. And I just figured out how to properly sign.Reaga (talkcontribs) 00:26, May 29, 2011 (UTC)

Duel Q:

Are you online atm?

-Resk ✩ (Talk) 16:49, May 31, 2011 (UTC)

I was going to duel you, as i was bored, but I'm ffxi'ing atm :p
-Resk ✩ (Talk) 22:35, May 31, 2011 (UTC)
Actually, want a duel, I want to try a deck out :3
-Resk ✩ (Talk) 23:08, May 31, 2011 (UTC)
Same time messages ftw :3, But yeah, I forgot about timezones, <,<, I'm free both friday & thursday anyway, so whenever (almost)-Resk ✩ (Talk) 23:10, May 31, 2011 (UTC)


No, it's still normal for me.BobaFett2 (talk)

Re: WInds

Not really, apart from maybe a teched vayu,

Anything else I suggest would just change it to either a tengu-man, blackwing, or vally bounce deck :3

-Resk ✩ (Talk) 02:14, June 2, 2011 (UTC)

Thanks for the Deck list

Just letting you know that this Decklist works really well. After learning that "Forgotten Temple of the Deep" can act as "Umi"-fuel (I should say re-learning, as I kinda forgot it can do that XD), I decided to replace "Aquabizzare" for a "Fishborg Blaster", because I was a bit concerned about the lack of Synchro monsters. The Deck performs to my standards without them, but I'm one that likes to make use of my options, if you know what I mean.

Now, I just have a quick question: What card(s) would you recommend using in a temporary placement of "Pot of Duality"? I ask because, it's going to take me a while to get the money needed for both, and they're both sitting at the back of the list as a result of their... mind-blowing price. I'd like to see what you would use as a temporary replacement for them, because I have either the "Good Goblin Housekeeping" and "Emergency Provisions" (which would take the place of "Salvage" and "Pot of Avarice") engine (a "burst draw" as I call it of 12 cards, it works ridiculously well for me), or "Moray of Greed", which also has proven to work really well for me, in mind. I figure if I can get the Deck to go fast enough, I might be able to include both "Pot of Duality" cards as well as the "Good Goblin" + "Provisions" engine I tend to use for almost all of my Decks. Combined with "Upstart Goblin", I can pull cards out really fast if it works, though I'll need to tweak the Deck to get it to work. Anyways, think I'd better stop here before this gets to become an even longer wall of text XD So, thanks for reading this, and let me know what you think on what would be some good, temporary replacement cards for the two "Pot of Duality" cards, or if you think that either of my two drawing methods would be able to do the job. Thanks again,

Warioman219 (talkcontribs) 05:36, June 3, 2011 (UTC)Warioman219

How does it work,

Mentioend in DFF i couldn't see how yours works, as it ends up as


Based on your description, so i just tossed on together:3 :


Dust can be Scrap instead, or Colossal Figher & do the Colossal Arms OTK

-Resk ✩ (Talk) 13:45, June 3, 2011 (UTC)

Bleh, decklist broke & i can't see which bit i messed up <,<

-Resk ✩ (Talk) 13:47, June 3, 2011 (UTC)

FOund it

-Resk ✩ (Talk) 13:48, June 3, 2011 (UTC)

  • Toad cannot be used as syncro material
-Resk ✩ (Talk) 14:55, June 3, 2011 (UTC)
Yeah, I know what you mean, I keep remembering cards, as being slightly different, so combos don't work xD
-Resk ✩ (Talk) 15:00, June 3, 2011 (UTC)

Forbidden Chalice + Spirit Monster

Sorry to bother you with this, but I didn't want to make a new topic about this since I know one exists, but for the life of me I can't find it. I've searched for what felt like nearly two hours to no avail. My question is this:

If I were to use "Forbidden Chalice" on a Spirit Monster, such as "Yamata Dragon", when the End Phase resolves, I get the choice to resolve them in any order I wish, since the End Phase-effects of both cards are mandatory (the effect-negating portion of "Forbidden Chalice", and the returning effect of Spirit Monsters... though you know this already, so I don't know why I'm telling you :P It's a habit of mine to explain things fully ^^; ). Now, I'm assuming that, if I resolve the effect of the Spirit Monster trying to return to the hand first, it's negated, then the effect-negating portion of "Forbidden Chalice" lifts, letting my Spirit stay on the field. This is what I'm assuming, but here's the contradictor to why I believe this won't work: "Light and Darkness Dragon"

When a Spirit Monster and "Light and Darkness Dragon" are both on the field, "Light and Darkness Dragon" will negate the Spirit's attempt to return to the hand, and lose 500 ATK and DEF. However, the Spirit will then once again attempt to return to the hand, thus creating a loop between it and "Light and Darkness Dragon" until it's completely nerfed of it's stats, resulting in the eventual return of the Spirit to my hand.

Sorry for explaining everything to you, I know you already know all this. I typed all this to give you my understanding of it, and so you can correct me in any spots where I'm wrong. I'm also asking this because I'm messing around with Deck ideas, and "Yamata Dragon", "Light and Darkness Dragon", and "Forbidden Chalice" are all potential candidates.

Thanks, and sorry if this is posted in the wrong spot on your profile. I'm new here, but learn quickly, I promise ^^; I just noticed that the messages that used to be on your profile are gone now, and 2 archives have been set up... I don't know if the archives are there for history or if that's where you're supposed to post, so, could you please clear that up for me too so I'll post in the right spot from now on? Thanks again.

Warioman219 (talkcontribs) 18:29, June 4, 2011 (UTC)Warioman219

Thank you so much for the clarification, and the link :)

Warioman219 (talkcontribs) 19:14, June 4, 2011 (UTC)Warioman219

Sorry, I've been busy with studying for final exams.BobaFett2 (talk)

Dark eru'

Forgot he was <,<

in that case, why is the deck running them? o.O

-Resk ✩ (Talk) 09:34, June 5, 2011 (UTC)

RE: Problem with signature

The sig looks fine to me...
The forum thing no updating due to the server getting laggy. It does that every now and then.
-Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 00:23, June 7, 2011 (UTC)


Definitely don't use Shield Worm. You need one or two Light of Intervention so that you can play cards in face-up defense. You also need three Stumbling. I doubt that you will be able to make use of Informer Spider's effect-it only works with cards like Dark Hole since most of the stuff is costs. And yeah, I doubt that the deck could become great in today's meta.BobaFett2 (talk)

I don't recall putting in Necroid Shaman (or anything else, for that matter).BobaFett2 (talk)

Necroid is mine, to be able to quickly get Elemental Hero Necroid Shaman to grave. Same reason disaster dragon runs Five-Headed Dragon, for tossing stuff, & not for 5 head itself.
-Resk ✩ (Talk) 18:51, June 7, 2011 (UTC)

If I were you I'd just ditch the Necroshade stuff and use Ancient Rules.BobaFett2 (talk)

Necroshade is totally useless. It's a waste to use Prisma for Necroshade because then you don't get to use Prisma for anything else that turn, leaving it vulnerable. It would just be easier to use it as Neos. I'd suggest removing all Chrysalis cards as well as Necroshade. Instead, use three O-Oversoul, three Ancient Rules, and three Summoner's Art. Also, Debris Dragon can't make Brionac.

Here's what I would use in a Neo-Space deck.

This should be more consistent.BobaFett2 (talk)

By the way, would you like to duel?BobaFett2 (talk)

It's fine-I love improving decks.BobaFett2 (talk)

No worries

Talk page is for whatever, so no worries

-Resk ✩ (Talk) 22:04, June 8, 2011 (UTC)

But yeah, want one of them duel things?
-Resk ✩ (Talk) 23:06, June 8, 2011 (UTC)
Those things, where you duel :p, ie: "A Duel"
-Resk ✩ (Talk) 23:26, June 8, 2011 (UTC)
Anything works, I'll set-up & password can be "Resk"
-Resk ✩ (Talk) 23:29, June 8, 2011 (UTC)
Waiting for you to join me :p
-Resk ✩ (Talk) 23:31, June 8, 2011 (UTC)
-23:55, June 8, 2011 (UTC)

Rock Stun

-2 Boulder, +Pachycephalo, -Monster Reborn, -2 Compulsory, +3 Dimensional Fissure, -2 Bottomless Trap Hole, +2 Solemn Warning, -2 Skill Drain (screws Rai-Oh, Grand Mole, and Fossil Dyna), +2/3 Doomcaliber Knight.BobaFett2 (talk)



Hey Dark, thanks for the page.. And sorry if that topic goes far..kerwin (talkcontribs) 03:55, June 12, 2011 (UTC)


Monster line up looks good,

for spells: One for One & Limiter Removal are good

and i think 've ran out of cheap suggestions

-Resk ✩ (Talk) 12:07, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

Iirc, the otk is them (+ any card that can get a monster out, such as junk box or OfO)-Resk ✩ (Talk) 14:28, June 14, 2011 (UTC)

Okay, ready to duel.BobaFett2 (talk)

Looking For a Good Deck Build I used the Jester Control Deck

There i have posted on your talk i really need help with getting a good deck

I have already looked at all of the deck types and built many of them and i have no budget i want a deck that isnt situational that can hold its own against all decks

Miracle heros???? and i dont think i have used machinas though i have used ancient gears iron chains and the batterymen (Koolaidman171 (talkcontribs) 17:31, June 14, 2011 (UTC))

I have an unlimited budget(Koolaidman171 (talkcontribs) 17:33, June 14, 2011 (UTC))

I dont know what miracle heros are what are they????? (Koolaidman171 (talkcontribs) 17:40, June 14, 2011 (UTC)) I Pick Miracle Heros (Koolaidman171 (talkcontribs) 17:40, June 14, 2011 (UTC))

I want a Miracle Hero Deck(Koolaidman171 (talkcontribs) 17:48, June 14, 2011 (UT

Ill be using it for tournaments and on dueling network..(Koolaidman171 (talkcontribs) 17:52, June 14, 2011 (UTC))

Let me know when its ready(Koolaidman171 (talkcontribs) 18:12, June 14, 2011 (UTC))

Thanks for the deck build(Koolaidman171 (talkcontribs) 18:18, June 14, 2011 (UTC))

so far it is winning

Re: Pride

I was just informing about archive build,

Basiclly, if i haven't made the deck for it, anyone else can have it :p, as I tend to just do them on the spot when I see interesting ones :p

-Resk () 13:21, June 17, 2011 (UTC)


Darklords are powerful but pretty inconsistent-they are best with Royal Decree but they have too many holes in their strategy-mainly the fact that there are few no-tribute Fairies that are any good for use with Athena (which allows you to get Superbia and so forth) and little else to bring back Superbia.

Counter Fairies are inconsistent due to them being unable to search for Bountiful Artemis. They can be powerful, and if you do make one, I'd suggest Chaos Counter using Dark Voltanis (and not normal Voltanis).

Agents are one of the most powerful archetypes when done correctly-I use a Sanctuary/Valhalla build offline due to a lack of certain cards, but you could go with Sanctuary or Valhalla Agents and get a really powerful deck.BobaFett2 (talk)

If you're making Darklords, I would not suggest using Ryko. It could send Asmodeus to your graveyard, from whence it cannot return, or Valhalla/Decree to your graveyard, both of which are necessary for the deck. Trade-In is a lot less useful than it would seem-you should have 3 valid targets (Superbia, Zerato, and Asmodeus)-which you should probably use three of-, and only two of those are good in your graveyard.BobaFett2 (talk)

it run's perfect. thanks --Andro 01 (talkcontribs) 04:48, June 19, 2011 (UTC)

I thought I posted it. I'll try againBobaFett2 (talk)

Zombie DM

That might work actually, prismas to toss it, & BoL & mezu to get it back

-Resk () 20:23, June 19, 2011 (UTC)

I really don't want to :p, so on you go, :D
-Resk () 20:54, June 19, 2011 (UTC)
If only 1 strat/1 prism, I'd drop the strat for a 2nd prism,
Also maybe drop 1/2 terraforming
Add dark hole :p
seems good apart from that
-Resk () 23:20, June 19, 2011 (UTC)


Don't suppose you could glance over this, to see if any major weaknesses I missed?

-Resk () 02:24, June 20, 2011 (UTC)

Draw + Gate + only actually having low DW count should make up for that I'd think,-Resk () 02:43, June 20, 2011 (UTC)
The virus cards just gave me 3 turns of total control, which when mixed with the pew-pew of Grapha was just fun :3-Resk () 14:14, June 20, 2011 (UTC)

Re: Nordic Flamvell GK

How do I summon Frozen Fitzgerald? I don't. I just don't have any other Synchro Monsters, and there is the off chance of using Reborn on an opponent's Tuner. He's really just there to fill up space. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 19:35, June 20, 2011 (UTC)


Oops.BobaFett2 (talk)

RE: Forum Index page screwy

This forum index? Looks fine here.
What kind of parameter boxes? -Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 02:34, June 23, 2011 (UTC)
A link to a screenshot uploaded to an external image hosting site would probably be better. -Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 02:41, June 23, 2011 (UTC)
There should be a Print Screen (or Prt Sc) button on your keyboard. Press it, then open Paint (or some other image editor) and paste it there and save.
Photobucket works. -Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 02:46, June 23, 2011 (UTC)
If refreshing the page with Ctrl+F5 and Purge doesn't fix it, then maybe ask Dinoguy. -Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 02:56, June 23, 2011 (UTC)



-Resk () 19:27, June 23, 2011 (UTC)

Sure sure, i'll host, pass is "resk"
-Resk () 19:27, June 23, 2011 (UTC)


Technacly it seems fine.

but i never really see the point in spirits unless it's focused around Yamata Dragon & Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi :3

-Resk () 11:36, June 24, 2011 (UTC)

Hmm...... this might be a bit different, but try macro monarch engine, as that can spam 2-3 tributes easily
-Resk () 13:21, June 24, 2011 (UTC)
2-3 Suriver, but yeah, 2 Fissure, 3 cosmo & 1 convergance,
-Resk () 13:34, June 24, 2011 (UTC)
And a couple of D.D.R./Kuraz for draw power
-Resk () 13:35, June 24, 2011 (UTC)
The combo is legal, due to simultaionius destruction.
-Resk () 21:58, June 25, 2011 (UTC)


Yes.BobaFett2 (talk)

Sure. 7 Colored Fish, Space Mambo, and Sea Serpent Warrior of Darkness are worse than Armed Sea Hunter. Fenrir is bad-it requires you to remove two monsters (Aqua Spirit is better and more accessible) so I'd suggest removing them. Creature Swap is definitely not necessary, so I'd suggest just removing it. That allows you to add Monster Reborn, MST, and Dark Hole. Reload is a so-so card that I'd suggest replacing with two Warrior of Atlantis. You should also swap Tornado Wall (probably not going to remain on the field) with another Warrior of Atlantis. If you have any Solemn Judgments you should replace Spell Shield Type-8 with it. Xing Zhen Hu is a bad card (it can be chained to and it doesn't actually get rid of a card) that I'd suggest replacing with another Dust Tornado or something else. Unshaven Angler is unnecessary as is Mermaid Knight. I would suggest using two Spined Gillman instead. Penguin Soldier is far better than Gale Lizard-take out Gale Lizard, add in Penguin Soldier. Spined Gillman is also almost always better than Star Boy, so I'd suggest removing Star Boy for a third Spined Gillman. Shark Cruiser is a so-so card (it's unlikely that it's effect will be triggered) so I'd suggest replacing it with another Daedalus or Mobius.BobaFett2 (talk)

Tornado Wall, Reload x2, Fenrir x2.BobaFett2 (talk)


hey Dark Ace SP.. Hows the dueling..? I just posted another topic that you might gonna help.. please check it out.. Its called "Disaster Dragon.. Any tips..?" Thanks..kerwin (talkcontribs) 14:57, June 25, 2011 (UTC)


I'm sorry that I haven't been on for a while, I haven't had access to my computer. You can pull it out if you want, but you might want to see if the poster still wants the deck done. Jon Kovacs (talkcontribs) 18:27, June 26, 2011 (UTC)

Decks for free

I took a rather long leave and I don't even remember my last request. Was it Blue-Eyes Dragunity? Or did I ask for something new? If it's no Blue-Eyes Dragunity, could you please find it for me or atleast tell me what archive it's in? Thanks in advance,

                     --Drew-Gi-Oh! (talk) 07:24, June 29, 2011 (UTC)

Comments Prz

Yo, could you assist me in these 3, as i've got a big tournament comming up,


-Resk () 17:00, June 30, 2011 (UTC)

I can see how they work, I just need feedback on what i've missed
-Resk () 22:07, June 30, 2011 (UTC)


The Spirit deck worked to a certain degree. During testing, I went through 50 duels. And emerged 18/32. Which I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad about.. In any case, I plan on continuing my trials of it. I'm trying a few different combinations now. Once I find one that can win about 60% of the time, I'll be happy. I'm also still using your structure and engine, so I do thank you very much for that. If you'd like to help more, I can come back here to talk more.. Or if you were just wondering, well there you go. It works, just not up to the level I want it too. So gonna keep trying.

Forgot to sig this.. Sorry. In any case, I think I'm just supposed to edit this, so here I go.

I'm running into more then one problem, but I'm not sure if I can really blame the deck. I think it might be closer tied to my opponents.. In any case, field presence remains to be a problem. Izanagi helps to stem it, but with only 1, it's limited.. The tribute engine works well, but I keep having problems with people shutting down the S/T cards. I mean, it only takes MST to kill it.. And I don't have much in the way of spell counters. Izanami's eff hardly ever gets used, since my spirits are usually RFP, not in the grave. And then something as simple as damage output it currently an issue as well. I run into monsters with just enough attack that survivor can't kill it, so survivor gets trapped in a loop while I await one of the big two, which usually takes a while, so I'm guessing I need some more search ability. I've had 2-3 people online and 1 person in real life, say that using DDR on a spirit kills it at the end of the turn, since the equip card is destroyed when the spirit returns to my hand, and by the spell's eff that means the spirit dies too. Mystic Box and Swap don't work well with the DD cards, since my opponent gets them back instead. When I have spirits to use them with though, the strategy works really well.

Well I think that's everything.. I'm sorry if this all sounds like a mad ramble. It's frustrating to some degree. I do appreciate your help though, and Resk's help.

Mrcarter11 (talkcontribs) 20:07, July 3, 2011 (UTC)

You can't Special Summon a Spirit-Type monster with D.D.R. since they can't be Special Summoned.BobaFett2 (talk)


Haha sorry about that. And thanks for the Deck:)

edit: Also, I need help with Gigaplant. To Gemini Summon, do i place the other card over the one on the field or do they have separate spaces and are both considered effect monsters?Vrdnt25 (talkcontribs) 21:05, July 4, 2011 (UTC)

Sorry I think I'm confused more.Vrdnt25 (talkcontribs) 23:21, July 4, 2011 (UTC)

The links give me a 403.Vrdnt25 (talkcontribs) 23:36, July 4, 2011 (UTC)

O.o Very nice, thanks so much!Vrdnt25 (talkcontribs) 21:14, July 5, 2011 (UTC)

how to archive

  • 1) Go to an existing archive and edit the address to be 1 higher (ie: /archive8 -> /archive9)
  • 2) Steal the 'archive list' thingy from an older achive & stick it at the top
  • 3) cut & paste what you're sticking on it
  • 4) Profit

-Resk () 22:34, July 4, 2011 (UTC)


Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner about the deck you just finished for me.

I am really enjoying the build, but I'm wondering if you can make a side deck for gladiator beasts (tagging out for bestiari or summoning gyzarus can really suck if i don't have imperial custom yet, and for decks heavily running jinzo/royal decree, because they, obviously, destroy this deck.

if you have any ideas about what to take out to fit in the counter cards, that would be great, too.

Thank you! Serendipitous42 (talkcontribs) 08:32, July 6, 2011 (UTC)

Best Simochi deck is the kind where you try to OTK with Gift Card and Paths of Destiny (4 card OTKs aren't great unless they're easy-to-search for monsters but it's the most effective Simochi deck).BobaFett2 (talk)


The decklist looks good at first glance (i assume you meant royal decree, not tribute xP) but i haven't gotten a chance to test it online yet, as I'm currently out of town. If I have questions about it later, I'll be sure to ask them. But yeah. It looks good, thank you Brakedamold (talkcontribs) 08:39, July 6, 2011 (UTC)


I was trying to think of a way to HAD it, but that works too,

-Resk () 21:58, July 6, 2011 (UTC)

Quickdraw Deck Help

Sorry to bug you, but you seem rather experienced, and I was wondering if you could help my friends deck along. Your help would be much appreciated, if you would be kind enough to lend us your expertise. Here is a link for easy access >>> Forum:QuickDandy Synchro --FlareSoldier (talkcontribs) 14:56, July 7, 2011 (UTC)FlareSoldier

Decks for free thread

Sorry about that, I was checking a few other things. Thanks for your help, again. Ladycai (talkcontribs) 16:58, July 7, 2011 (UTC)


Yeah, it's pretty much no longer. We're too busy to be able to keep up with it at all. Sorry. DemonGodAsura (talkcontribs) 20:54, July 7, 2011 (UTC)

If you could could you give these decks a much needed review and fix any problems you find with them. Thanks for your time. --FlareSoldier (talkcontribs) 05:52, July 9, 2011 (UTC)FlareSoldier

RE: Avatar Question

Resize or crop to a perfect square before uploading.
Akatsubaki from Infinite Stratos.
-Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 01:29, July 13, 2011 (UTC)
The anime? Yes, and it was too short. But I think there would be a season 2 some time. -Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 02:37, July 13, 2011 (UTC)


Well, that -was- the entire premise of that build :p

-Resk () 19:28, July 14, 2011 (UTC)


Need advice on Forum:Deck Guide/HERO.BobaFett2 (talk)

which timezone?

See title

-Resk () 16:30, July 15, 2011 (UTC)

That's 3:30am on BST :3

-Resk () 16:35, July 15, 2011 (UTC)

be there in 5mins, & it's same as usual

-Resk () 16:38, July 15, 2011 (UTC)

One of my sillier rl ones

-Resk () 16:41, July 15, 2011 (UTC)

& ready,

-Resk () 16:42, July 15, 2011 (UTC)


Quick Questions,

1) What do you think of the mirage knight deck, i just threw it together in a daze based on the premise 'i really don't like the fusion materials for dark flare knight' but it looks to work,

2)we really should do something about the deck galleries?

-Resk () 22:15, July 15, 2011 (UTC)

<,< my talk page doesn't want to load, could you reply here? xD

-Resk () 22:34, July 15, 2011 (UTC)

Yes, I just noticed that problem.
1) Decks looks good.
2) What do you mean about the Deck Galleries?

--Dark Ace SP™ (Talk Ω) 22:42, July 15, 2011 (UTC)

They only contain decks from the first... 3 or 4? archives, and we're now on 9archives with about 60 decks in each :3

-Resk () 22:45, July 15, 2011 (UTC)

I asked Jon about that too. I say we go ahead and put the decks in the galleries. Sorry for late reply. --Dark Ace SP™ (Talk Ω) 22:50, July 15, 2011 (UTC)

Before we decide who take what Archive. Should we check up to what Archive the Galleries go to exactly? --Dark Ace SP™ (Talk Ω) 22:52, July 15, 2011 (UTC)

Here we go. We need to gallery Archive 6 -9. Archive 6 has been partially galleried. Forum:Decks_for_free!/Archive6#To_be_Galleried --Dark Ace SP™ (Talk Ω) 23:00, July 15, 2011 (UTC)

Working on 6 right now. So don't touch it. --Dark Ace SP™ (Talk Ω) 23:07, July 15, 2011 (UTC)
Talk page s working again-Resk () 23:26, July 15, 2011 (UTC)
Did some of 7, put a message for as far as i got
-Resk () 02:58, July 16, 2011 (UTC)
Make sure to change some of my uh... sillier names into ones appropriate for deck (IE: Flurocent sworns -> Crystal Beast Sworn)
-Resk () 03:06, July 16, 2011 (UTC)

RE: Signature Question

You could click edit and then look at the source code for it...
<span style="font-family: (font name goes here, without parenthesis); font-size: (font size goes here, without parenthesis)pt">(stuff, without parenthesis)</span>
and if you're trying to use it on your signature, maybe go somewhere random and use 'preview'.-Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 00:01, July 16, 2011 (UTC)

In the same box that says signature. -Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 00:46, July 16, 2011 (UTC)
If you've checked that the tags are done correctly, then...
Maybe it's too long and it cut it off half way; which makes the tags wrong. After that message shows, look through the code in the box. -Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 01:17, July 16, 2011 (UTC)
Can you post the new sig? I'll check the tags. -Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 01:45, July 16, 2011 (UTC)
<span style="font-family: Monotype Corsiva">-[[User:Dark Ace SP|<span style="color:Black;">Dark </span><span style="color:SlateGray">Ace SP™ </span>]] ([[User_talk:Dark Ace SP|<span style="color:Blue;">Talk</span>]])</span>
Missing a at the end. -Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 02:03, July 16, 2011 (UTC)

Very Sorry

I am very much sorry sir. I did not know that, thanks for letting me know.

--The Antichrist (talkcontribs) 03:58, July 16, 2011 (UTC)


May as well give him the usual tests & see how it works

-Resk () 11:35, July 16, 2011 (UTC)


-Resk () 00:08, July 17, 2011 (UTC)


Are you online atm,

I'd like to test my Tourny deck :3

-Resk () 00:15, July 17, 2011 (UTC)

Sorry, was fixing MH, i'm still here, usual rules~
-Resk () 00:34, July 17, 2011 (UTC)


Can I get that explanation?


Level 2 Tuner for Hyunlei, target for Super-Nimble if you run out of Ryko.BobaFett2 (talk)


I didn't know that I was still supposed to make one since he didn't have an account. I made an OTK one but it didn't do so well.BobaFett2 (talk)

Gallery Organization

Could I organize the decks within the galleries alphabetically be second/third letter as well?BobaFett2 (talk)

Can you do A-E and F-J?BobaFett2 (talk)

That's fine, I'll work on it.BobaFett2 (talk)

Decks for Free

Sorry for the late response. The Galleries are intended to list the decks alphabetically, to make it easier for users to find the deck they are looking for. You can gallery as many as you want. Also, I agree that we should put a Admin tag on Resk's name. Jon Kovacs (talkcontribs) 17:09, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

Oh, and by the way, please just make sure to move the "to be galleried" tag down, so that we don't accidentally miss a deck that hasn't been galleried yet. Thanks! I am going to attempt to be more active on here, I have just been slammed with work for a while. Jon Kovacs (talkcontribs) 17:17, July 23, 2011 (UTC)
Resk is an admin?BobaFett2 (talk)
Yes; seeing as I have not been as active on here as I was, I thought it would be appropriate. Jon Kovacs (talkcontribs) 22:01, July 24, 2011 (UTC)
Also, did you manage to do the later archive as well, or just the one with the to be archived tag? I was just wondering. Jon Kovacs (talkcontribs) 22:01, July 24, 2011 (UTC)

RE: Help

Simple, Check this article out! :-) --FredCat 11:35, July 24, 2011 (UTC)

It's added now, thanks for catch my attention. If you need any further knowledge, just beep me. --FredCat 18:41, July 24, 2011 (UTC)


Hey it's me. What's the test about?


Xuhaofei110 (talkcontribs) 13:34, July 24, 2011 (UTC)

RE: Need a personal page deleted

Just wondering; why wouldn't clicking edit, and then replacing the content work?
Anyways, done. -Falzar FZ- (talk page|useful stuff) 22:53, July 24, 2011 (UTC)


Pure is easier to pilot, I don't think there's any need to use Lightsworns-use Armageddon Knight or Dark Grepher.BobaFett2 (talk)

Foolish Burial, Recurring Nightmare x3, First Step Towards Infestation x3 (save from Bottomless or Dimensional Prison, sets up for another Tribute Summon with Cell), Means of Infestation (that or Dark Grepher/Armageddon Knight), Infestation Wave (a few).BobaFett2 (talk)

I know how to archive my Talk Page, I just don't feel that it's necessary yet.BobaFett2 (talk)

Arma & tomato & grepher are good
Overwhelm & Eradicator Epidemic Virus & maybe Proof of Powerlessness
-Resk () 14:54, July 25, 2011 (UTC)
And all the XYZ ever
-Resk () 14:54, July 25, 2011 (UTC)

I think..-Resk () 15:36, July 25, 2011 (UTC)


1. A motor vehicle equipped with a turbocharger.
2. A computer program, machine, or other object equipped to operate at high speed.

In this case, it would be a deck, designed to operate its namesake as fast as possible, and summon Rainbow Dark Dragon in a couple of turns, despite her summoning conditions

-Resk () 16:34, July 25, 2011 (UTC)


Looks good.BobaFett2 (talk)


If you guys think the person is a good fit, it is fine. Jon Kovacs (talkcontribs) 01:34, July 26, 2011 (UTC)

Harpie Deck

Here is my deck for you, Dark Ace SP. Hope you guys like it. Unfortunately Dueling Network will not let me test this out (Harpie Lady 1, 2 and 3 are the same in their database apparently?). But it should work out very well none the less.


Isn't the real name of the harpies ladies still "Harpie Lady 1", "Harpie Lady 2" and "Harpie Lady 3"? For example, if a card that negates monster effects like Corridor of Agony, then the names would return to Harpie Lady 1, 2 and 3. They are different cards with different effects. Please explain.

Re: Re:Harpie Deck

Yeah, I just found the rulings page on this. Sorry about the first deck then. I'll start working on a legal harpie deck now. Also, when do you guys want these decks by? I have most of them finished and in the testing stage but I just want a general deadline of when so I can pace my testing. If it was me making a deck for myself, I would keep rethinking it over and I would spend more than a week testing before I brought cards which, I understand is more time than you guys will allow for. Also, do you guys want a description with the decks? I know some people like a general gameplan or something.

Xuhaofei110 (talkcontribs) 23:36, July 26, 2011 (UTC)

I didn't realize there was one and I wasn't told there was one but I guess I know now.

Xuhaofei110 (talkcontribs) 23:41, July 26, 2011 (UTC)

That would be a yes I suppose considering I said I didn't realize there was one. :P sorry.

Make that 12. He had three Cyber Harpies too.BobaFett2 (talk)

Why not.BobaFett2 (talk)

Thanks for the tips guys. Mist Valley Harpies it is. Also, I just use DN (dueling network) with friends and we duel each other, give suggestions and help each other out with decks often. Is there a software that you guys prefer? I'm open to suggestions but I really like using DN.

Xuhaofei110 (talkcontribs) 00:51, July 27, 2011 (UTC)


Where's the 3 Karakuri Ninja mdl 339 “Sazank” to abuse Silvers 'summon face down' effect?

-Resk () 00:44, July 27, 2011 (UTC)

Sure i saw silver... oh well, skimmed it too fast xD
-Resk () 00:55, July 27, 2011 (UTC)
...I was about to say that's epic, but then i remebered Sazank is a machine ;_;
-Resk () 00:57, July 27, 2011 (UTC)

Black Rainbow

I lost my train of thought...!&t=20110727004935#The_Black_Rainbow

forgot how to link <,<

-Resk () 01:54, July 27, 2011 (UTC)

It's fine for anti to still do this one, as it's silly, as for Prisma -> Rein, it doesn't work, due to Rainbow Neos requiring 'one ultimate gem god monster' (same reason can't use Prisma to spam Glow-Up Bulb with Elemental HERO Gaia)
But yeah, if you could show me a mock up of a Rainbow Dark Dragon deck, we can see if we can make it fusey
-Resk () 09:46, July 27, 2011 (UTC)

Eh? "Ultimate Gem God Monster"? Rainbow Dark Dragon IS listed in the Fusion Material Monsters so you CAN use Prisma to get it.BobaFett2 (talk)


I purchase it in stores.BobaFett2 (talk)

-2 Neo Flamvell Hedgehog, +1 Ryko, +1 Laval Lancelord, +1 Trap Stun (for big attack).BobaFett2 (talk)


I think that's fine,

targets for monster rein?

-Resk () 14:12, July 29, 2011 (UTC)

Fake Explosion maybe?,
if not, then it's fine
-Resk () 14:50, July 29, 2011 (UTC)


Have a link:

-Resk () 17:46, July 29, 2011 (UTC)


Can't really think of anything. Perhaps focus on Beatdown and add in more Queen Angel of Roses.BobaFett2 (talk)

Yeah. I'm posting the beast one now.BobaFett2 (talk)


Alright, I'll test it out. Thank you. Vavv Matsumoto (talkcontribs) 23:23, July 30, 2011 (UTC)

Re: Tour

I was at work so never got the chance, but yeah, they updated now

-Resk () 21:15, July 31, 2011 (UTC)

Re Vylon

I don't even know how they work, i was surprised the first guy liked my build xD, it was mostly supported by the Gemini elements :3

as for converstation, it was just some troll

-Resk () 19:22, August 1, 2011 (UTC)

Cyber Eltanin
-Resk () 00:30, August 2, 2011 (UTC)

Vylons aren't Machines. Okay, Cube, Sphere, and Tetrah are, but that's it. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 00:37, August 2, 2011 (UTC)

I suppose so, but it would probably require a total rebuild and would shift the focus away form Vylons. I'll be on DN if you want to discuss/test it further, my user there is Lappyzard21. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 00:43, August 2, 2011 (UTC)

On WC11 the self-equipping Tuners DON'T miss the timing. While there are a few mistakes in rulings, I've known the game to be accurate almost all the time. Lappyzard (talkcontribs) 03:12, August 2, 2011 (UTC)

I'll tell you on DN.BobaFett2 (talk)

Almost Done

Finished some decks, anything else? Forum:Deck Guide/Chaos.BobaFett2 (talk)


Forum:Deck Guide/Roid. Any advice is welcome, thanks for all the previous advice.BobaFett2 (talk)


I've looked at the Scrap Deck and I can't think of anything. I just don't like the basic idea-using Reborn Tengu and Summoner Monk feels weird. As for the Banished Fish, if I'm not mistaken there are a few cards that use their Graveyard. I'd suggest checking the list of cards that you should use.BobaFett2 (talk)

Deck Guide:Naturia

Forum:Deck Guide/Naturia. Another guide done. All help appreciated.BobaFett2 (talk)

Harpie Deck

No, I'm sorry, I'm still testing and making adjustments as far as number of cards and stuff but I should be done by friday. The new insight of the limits of a harpie deck drastically changed the way I decided to go about doing this.

Xuhaofei110 (talkcontribs) 22:46, August 3, 2011 (UTC)


Naturia Monarchs...well...not really that good (the WATER engine is so much more effective).BobaFett2 (talk)