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Corresponding card
  • Female
  • Career
Manga debutYu-Gi-Oh! OCG Stories Sky Striker Ace arc chapter 3: "Loss"
Appears in

Roze (ロゼ Roze) is a character appearing in the Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Stories manga, and one of the major characters of the "Sky Striker" story. She is based on the card "Sky Striker Ace - Roze".

As Raye's Sky Striker equipment vastly outclasses AI in combat but can only be used by a human operator, Roze was created by the pillars of Spectra solely to go toe-to-toe with her by using the same technology.



Roze's original concept art, showing her in her uniform and battle suit.

Roze appears as a young girl with pale skin, red eyes (which have a targeting reticle-like pattern in the TCG/OCG, but not in the manga), and long dark gray hair tied up into twintails.

Her normal attire consists of a coat resembling a military uniform, gloves, tights, boots, a brooch pinned to the collar, a peaked cap, a scarf, and a small purse hanging from the coat's belt. The overall outfit is black with silver trims, and the latter three pieces all bear the Spectra crest.

When using the Sky Striker technology, she instantly changes into a black full-body bodysuit with silver and pink trims (some parts of which appears to be padded or armored), an open helmet with a pink translucent visor, and high-heeled shoes. The suit appears to have several integrated utilities, such as jets attached on the lower back. In addition, a rapier-like red sword with white glowing stripes appears in her hands.


Roze appears to be emotionless but violent, immediately attacking Raye as soon as they met and only speaking in single words like "die" and "kill" while relentlessly trying to slash her. Himmel speculated that due to her accelerated aging process and being raised only for the goal of defeating Raye and Karma, with no regard for humans' need of receiving love and affection, Roze probably lacks any conscience that would allow her to think in peaceful or diplomatic terms,[2] a conclusion that seems to be be supported by Roze's short temper, as she often threatens to kill the Pillars of Spectra, her own creators, when she feels provoked by them by any way. As a result of the aforementioned accelerated aging, Roze is clueless about human interactions and customs, as she learned from Ciela that humans are "creatures who live by their hearts", and did not know what an apple was and why Raye gave one to her after their battle until Ciela told her to taste it.[3]

Afterwards, Roze seems to undergo a dramatic shift in behavior, becoming more insubordinate as she refuses to go fight Raye when ordered to by Zard — complaining that to be tiresome — and instead starts spending most of her time collecting things to put into a room of her own together with Cyanos and browsing through archives to learn about the old human society.[4] She also seems to develop some sense of pride, attempting to prove herself to be superior to her clones after she overhears Zard's intentions of replacing Roze with them by dueling Azalea[5] and then asking him to make her stronger when the clone nearly overwhelmed her.[6] However, despite Roze's obsession with defeating Raye when she notices her to be injured, she shows honor by ceasing her attack and noting it would be meaningless in Raye's current state.[7] Also becoming excited when she discovers a video game and desires to play it.

Roze shows a desire to belong, though despite Raye's attempts in having her join Karma, Roze refuses as she wishes to stay with Spectra due to it being her home. Having even accepted Cyanos as her lackey after defeating her in battle. Also, despite her complicated feelings towards Zard, her maker, she becomes dejected when he and Solferina are killed by Azalea, and becomes disgusted when her clone uses their remains as battle-armor.

With the eventual destruction of Spectra and Azalea's and Camellia's death, Roze decides to stay together with Raye. Alongside Cyanos, they set out to travel the world to see its wonders and search for bunkers, in the hope that other humans may have survived.[8]


Roze was genetically engineered specifically to use the Sky Striker tech, and to mature to an age where she could actually do so as quickly as possible. As such, she's significantly stronger and faster than Raye in spite of her petite appearance, to the point that the naturally-aged girl was struggling to hold her own and had to resort to using the "Afterburners" maneuver for the first time to drive Roze back.[2] Roze also seems to have great innate fighting prowess, as during training she repeatedly tore through Cyanos with no effort whatsoever and without even needing to activate the Sky Striker tech, getting bored to the point that sometimes she would play around with Cyanos' broken body parts to entertain herself.[4]

Other appearances[edit]

Roze in THE CHRONICLES and OCG Structures.

Roze makes short appearances in the final clip of Yu-Gi-Oh! CARD GAME THE CHRONICLES, where she fights Roze, and in Error rendering {{chapter}} 🛈, where Shiori Motokariya imagines talking with her and Raye about the cards made from the original characters of OCG Stories becoming their new companions.


  1. Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Stories Sky Striker Ace arc chapter 3: "Loss"
  2. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Stories Sky Striker Ace arc chapter 5: "Two Sky Striker Aces"
  3. Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Stories Sky Striker Ace arc chapter 6: "Answer"
  4. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Stories Sky Striker Ace arc chapter 7: "Encounter"
  5. Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Stories Sky Striker Ace arc chapter 9: "Camellia"
  6. Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Stories Sky Striker Ace arc chapter 10: "One's Place"
  7. Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Stories Sky Striker Ace arc chapter 12: "Hope"
  8. Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Stories Sky Striker Ace arc chapter 19: "Future"