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Revision as of 01:24, 14 August 2009 by RikoTheFoxKid (talk)

User:RikoTheFoxKid has made edits.

I will not make a Lightsworns Deck until I PULL a Judgment Dragon. Or rather, pull it from Turbo Pack!

If it's from Cyberdark Impact and isn't named Snipe Hunter, Chain Strike, or Instant Fusion, it sucks.

Road Synchron is the best Synchron. Junk Synchron is second, but only if you have Krebons as well.

Turbo Warrior is the best Warrior.

Chaos Sorcerer should be Unlimited. The other two, however, can stay dead.

The four most broken cards right now are Monster Reborn, Brain Control, Crush Card Virus and Dark Strike Fighter.

In my nearly 7 years of playing Yu-Gi-Oh!, the only Decks I've seen that were actually balanced and still a top Deck are Blackwing and Gladiator Beasts.

If there was no banlist, the top deck would be Magical Scientist OTK.

As soon as they release Warrior's Strike, Geminis are gonna become competitive. They'll become even more competitive when they release Stardust Overdrive.

  • May 26
  • 124 lbs.
  • male
DeckMonarch Control




Did You Know...

Miscellaneous Info About Me

Random Facts About Me

  • I am of Filipino, Scottish and Irish decent.
  • I am fourteen years old, but don't think I don't know as much as other people.
  • You can also find me on deviantART, the Pojo Forums, the Smash World Forum, Bulbapedia and SmashWiki. For each I go by RikotheFoxKid or RikoTheFoxKid.
  • I am trying to make a video game.
  • I RickRoll myself just to listen to the song. But since I see it coming, it's not really RickRolling.
  • The first Yu-Gi-Oh! Video Game I owned was Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses.
    • However, the first one I played was actually the original Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, because I have a friend who lived in Japan.
  • Although I've played the game since it came out, I never considered myself a good player until 2 years ago.
  • While I was dueling my friends Six Samurai Deck, I had one more turn before I lost (I was facing off against a Yaichi, Grandmaster, and Shien). On that turn, I pulled off a combo involving Junk Warrior and won the Duel.
  • If Victory Dragon was still Limited, and someone attacked me directly for the Match, I wouldn't Scoop, as I find that to be cheap, and I'm a faithful duelist who can accept defeat.
  • I have, on several occasions, competitively used Musician King to my advantage.
  • The first Secret Rare I ever pulled from a Booster Pack was Avenging Knight Parshath from The Duelist Genesis on March 22, 2009.
  • If I was to pick a card to be my Spirit Partner, I would choose either Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning, Judgment Dragon, Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8, Caius the Shadow Monarch or Fox Fire.
  • I left the game for four months for personal reasons. Despite this, I caught up with the metagame rather quickly.

If I was a Monster, I would be...

By Type

By Attribute

By Archetype

My Top 5...

Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! Opening Themes

2. V O I C E
3. Last Train - The New Morning
4. Teardrop
5. S H U F F L E

Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! Ending Themes

1. -OZONE-
5. Endless Dream

Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! Characters Overall

1. Crow Hogan
2. Yusei Fudo
3. Leo
4. The Supreme King
5. Marik Ishtar

Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters Characters

1. Marik Ishtar (honestly, who DOESN'T like him?)
2. Ryo Bakura
3. Seto Kaiba
4. Yami Yugi
5. Yugi Muto

Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Characters

1. The Supreme King
2. Jaden Yuki
3. Aster Phoenix
4. Zane Truesdale
5. Yubel

Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Characters

1. Crow Hogan
2. Yusei Fudo
3. Leo
4. Jack Atlas
5. Kalin Kessler

How I feel about the Forbidden/Limited/Semi-Limited Cards


  • Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning - This card is overly broken. Even though it's my favorite card, I cannot deny that. The year of 2005 showed that BLS was too powerful to be anywhere besides 0, so Forbidden it shall be.
  • Butterfly Dagger - Elma - That OTK is the only thing that makes this card good. Forbidden.
  • Call of the Haunted - It combos too well, and it can stop an attack right in it's track. It's destructive. Also, Special Summons are too good in the metagame right now.
  • Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End - Most... broken... card... ever... This thing is NEVER leaving.
  • Change of Heart - Control is not fun, and this is the God(dess) of them all.
  • Confiscation - The sole reason I believe it should be banned is because it gives you a peek at your opponent's hand.
  • Cyber Jar - Mass destruction, mass hand advantage. Both of those sum up Lightsworn and TeleDAD. Cyber Jar won't make it any better.
  • Cyber-Stein - To tell the truth, I never enjoyed the Cyber-Stein OTK. But apparently, it's a very good one, so this stays banned.
  • Dark Hole - If people think Heavy Storm should be banned, why would anyone want this Limited. Maybe someday, but NOT today.
  • Dark Magician of Chaos - Too many infinite and/or good combos. Example #1: Foolish Burial + Monster Reborn. Revive DMoC, return Monster Reborn. Example #2: DMoC + 2 D.D.R.'s. Just constantly revive it with D.D.R.
  • Delinquent Duo - The Trinity, anybody?
  • Destiny Hero - Disk Commander - Like said above, draw power is overpowered right now. Maybe if they ban Monster Reborn he can come back, but for right now, DC belongs on the Forbidden List.
  • Dimension Fusion - Dark Armed Return and DMoC OTK and overall overuse of the RFP zone equal NO!
  • Exchange of the Spirit - Hmm... this one's actually not that bad, but it would dominate with Lightsworns going around, so no for now.
  • Fiber Jar - Hehe... I love Fiber Jar. But it is too powerful; restarting the Duel? Crazy!
  • Graceful Charity - I never really got how this was in the Trinity, since it does not cause Hand Advantage. Either way, with Dark World now, there's no way this is coming off for a while.
  • Harpie's Feather Duster - No.
  • Imperial Order - Don't pay the cost. Free Magic Jammer.
  • Last Turn - solely because of Jowgen the Spiritualist, this card should be banned.
  • Last Will - Too combo-able.
  • Magical Scientist - Too put things straight, if there was no banlist, this card would be more destructive than Chaos.
  • Magician of Faith - To tell the truth, I think MoF should come OFF the list. Setting is not a good idea in the current metagame. Plus, Spell revival isn't as good as one would think. If it was, people would be using Magical Stone Excavation.
  • Makyura the Destructor - This card had a chance... and then they made Limit Reverse.
  • Metamorphosis - Demise OTK... err...
  • Mirage of Nightmare - Cursed Jaden combo! Draw and then destroy Mirage of Nightmare so you don't have to discard.
  • Painful Choice - Say the word Lightsworn, and then tell me that you realize why this card is cheap.
  • Pot of Greed - The metagame is WAY too fast right now, and Pot of Greed would just make it faster. Maybe if we go back to a slower, Goat Control metagame, then Pot of Greed can come back. But for now, no.
  • Premature Burial - Arms Hole and Brionac say no.
  • Raigeki - See Harpie's Feather Duster.
  • Ring of Destruction - This is basically Compulsory Evacuation Device plus destruction and massive BURN! No.
  • Sinister Serpent - Snipe Hunter says no to this card.
  • Snatch Steal - Control is not a good thing right now. Some people want Brain Control banned.
  • The Forceful Sentry - Same as Confiscation.
  • Thousand-Eyes Restrict - This card + Instant Fusion = reusable Change of Heart.
  • Time Seal - To tell the truth, taking this off the list might be a good thing, because it will considerably slow down the (currently insanely fast) metagame.
  • Tribe-Infecting Virus - Compare to Snipe Hunter. This one is more mass, but the diversity in type eliminates this problem. Tribe doesn't have a dice roll, but it only can target Monsters. And Tribe is less searchable. Thus, it might be viable for Tribe to come off the list.
  • Tsukuyomi - Even though Time Seal can come off, this one can go ahead and stay dead.
  • Victory Dragon - Even though it's worthless in the TCG, in the OCG, losing the entire Match in one Duel is just cruel.
  • Witch of the Black Forest - Bring this back and Monarchs will be a Top Tier Deck again.
  • Yata-Garasu - If it's not the most broken card ever, it's second. This thing shall NEVER come off. I'd like to see what would happen if it was thrown in Lightsworn Decks. On a side note, the Common version of it is a disgrace to the card.

My Decks

Synchro Prime Apprentice Monarch (S.P.A.M.)

Lightsworn Chaos

Real Life Decks

Video Game Decks

Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008

Gravekeeper Force

Yeah, I'm a Gravekeeper's fan! I actually had a very good Gravekeeper's Deck once. It's only flaw was that it ran on only 1 Necrovalley. So, I weakened my Deck by putting in card's that were used to retrieve it, and I eventually lost focus on the Gravekeepers. So I decided to put this Deck away until I got two more Necrovalley (which I still haven't done).

Nature Heroes

To tell the truth, I find the Nature Heroes very interesting and cool. So, when World Championship 2008 came out, this was the first Deck I made! (Yes I used an Action Replay)

Classic Heroes

This is based off of my real life Elemental Hero Deck. I stopped using my real one because it lacked one of the biggest staples in a Hero Deck... Miracle Fusion! I mean, who ever heard of a Miracle Fusionless Hero Deck?!?

Evils of the Earth

Because I am one crazy Anime Freak, I decided to temporarily turn my character evil because I kept losing (like what happened to Jaden when he lost his friends). I even changed my guy's hair, clothing, and comments (plus I gave him Yubel's Disk). This Deck was so strong, it won 13 out of 14 Duels. I stopped using it after I lost, but I still kept the Recipe. What's really funny is the person who beat this Deck was Yugi!

Exodia's Underdog

This one's pretty simple! Use Heart of the Underdog and Draw, Draw, Draw!

Challenge Decks

The following Decks are not usable in the game since they totally pulverize the banlist! I made them with the intention of a Challenge in Recipe Duels.

Chaos Invasion

This Deck is by far the STRONGEST DECK I HAVE EVER MADE!!! I used it during the time I played Traditional Format. You cannot imagine how easily they can cause the Yata-Garasu Lockdown. (Half the time they don't even use Chaos Emperor Dragon!) However, I have beaten it once! ONCE! And that was luck!

Challenge Deck Victors

Feel free to put my Challenge Decks in your Recipe List. If you beat it, tell me, and I'll put you're name on the List below.

Challenge Deck Winners

My Path to World Championship!

If you look at my goals, you'll see one of them is to become World Champion. That's gonna be a long road, but I am very determined to make it there. Check here everyday to see my preparation and progress!

Tuesday, January 22nd, 2008: It was decided. I had a choice between going to the Phantom Darkness Sneak Preview, or the Regional Tournament. It was fairly tough, but the Regional weighed out the Sneak Preview. I have 11 days to prepare. I have to fish out every possible combo in my Toolbox Deck and train hard!

Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008: I tested out my Toolbox Deck today, and it didn't turn out as planned. Out of 4 Duels, I won 2. With that, I have switched to my Dragon Deck. To help with my training, I've asked all of my friends to bring their Decks, and I'm going to make Recipes of every popular Deck type in the metagame on my WC08 game. I may have a problem, though; Science Fair is on the same day as the tournament. I'll have to find out how to do both, or give one up!

Thursday, January 24th, 2008: Well, I used three test decks, and I beat ONE (and I had a serious challenge with that one)! This proved I needed to fix my Deck more, so I'm going with my Aggro Deck. Also, in case you're wondering, the three Decks I picked were Monarch Control, Normalcy, and Big City (that's the one I beat).

Friday, January 25th, 2008: My Aggro Deck failed against Big City. Thus, I'm thinking of what Deck to get, in the fear that I might end up fighting a Big City Deck.

Saturday, January 26th, 2008 Exactly 1 week from today, I will be going to the Regional Tournament. I was browsing the Deck Types section, and decided to stick with a Harpie Deck for now. I'm going to start training on Game King Online.

Sunday, January 27th, 2008 With the addition of Winged Rhynos, my Harpie Deck is a success! ...Well, almost a success. I tried this Deck against a Monarch Deck, a Normalcy Deck, Big City, and a Crystal Beast Deck. The Deck failed me once. Unfortunately, that one failure was against the Monarch Deck, and I'm guaranteed to run into one of those at the Regional. But I'm not discouraged! I'll keep training with the six days I have left!

Monday, January 28th, 2008 My Harpie Deck has become a complete success, taking down Burn, Exodia, Big City, Normalcy, and Monarch! The next two I'm trying it against are Mill and Demise OTK.

Wednesday, January 30th, 2008 On Monday, I said my Harpie Deck was a complete success... yeah, I was wrong. I tried to check this out on a forum, and it was said to have too much of Hand Disadvantage. So, I went for A Legendary Ocean Deck. Everyone said it was great, but they also said it would be creamed in a tournament. So I've now gone with a Spellcaster Deck, and so far, the only thing someone saw wrong with it was Toon Gemini Elf (which they told me to replace with Jinzo).

Friday, February 1st, 2008 Tomorrow's the big day, and I'm going with my Toolbox Deck. Wish me luck!

Saturday, February 2nd, 2008 I got 75th place. :P Oh well, there's always next time, plus I made some awesome trades.

Sunday, March 9th, 2008 I'm going to another Regional on April 13th. Until that time, I can do many things, including buying Structure Deck: The Dark Emperor to beef up my Monarch Deck. But for now, I'm going with a very unique Deck, which I call D.D.D. It's short for Different Dimension Dinosaurs. In other news... SUPER SMASH BROS. BRAWL CAME OUT TODAY!!!!

Saturday, August 23rd, 2008 The World Championship is long gone, so I guess I have to wait till next year.

Sunday, September 7th, 2008 There is another regional in October, so I'm planning on going to that.

Custom Ban List

Click Here to see my banlist!

This is a ban list that I made. I don't follow it myself, but this is what I think should happen. I'm open for suggestions, so tell me what should happen either on my talk page or the talk page of the banlist (but I'll probably reply faster if I get it on my talk page).

Other Information

Information About Me

Top 5 Favorite Monsters by Type

Fan-Made Cards

Random Cards

Cards Listed by Series

Blade Hero Series

The Blade Heroes are so far (and will most likely always be) my most supported series. They are used by the main character in my fanfic (which I'm trying to turn into a manga). The Blade Heroes have the incredible speed of the Elemental Heroes and Warrior Toolbox (and if I'm not careful, the power of the Evil Heroes). Like most of the Heroes, they are based on American and Japanese superheroes.

Blade Heroes


Ice is my most unique series, in the fact that all of the monsters actually have a different Attribute. Besides the fact that the Attribute of these cards is ICE, they can also be noted by the fact that they put Frost Counters on non-ICE monsters (except "Mobius the Frost Monarch"). Frost Counters decrease a monster's ATK by 500 for each. The Ice Series is currently extremely small (with only three cards), but it will be drastically increased soon.


Experimental Warrior

The Experimental Warriors are most notable for having two digits and a letter at the end of their name. They all say that they were part of an experiment to make the ultimate fighting machine, and they are all Normal Monsters. The first Experimental Warrior I made was Dragon Warrior 54Z. It was an idea proposed by my friend, and it eventually sparked the entire series. On another note, all of these attempts are failures, because there's one major flaw. If you notice, all of the Experimental Warriors have low DEF for their Level. The creator was to busy powering the ATK! :P

Experimental Warriors


These are various records I have. Check them out!


Card List

This is an incomplete list of cards I have. I have much more, but I doubt you would like to know about them because they are from LOB and MRD and stuff...

If you want to know a card's condition, ask me on my talk page.

For now, the list does not have Rares or Commons on it, but these will be added later:



These are currently my goals in Yu-Gi-Oh!

1. Successfully Summon the following monsters:

Hard-to-Play monsters

2. Acquire every Forbidden Card in the game.

Forbidden Cards

3. Acquire Every Gemini Card.

Gemini Cards

4. Acquire a real copy of The Seal of Orichalcos.

5. Become the World Champion.

6. Meet Tyler Gressle.

7. Return the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game to its former glory. 6 years ago, it was the biggest fad I had ever seen. Today, I'm one of the few people who still like it.