Yako Tenma

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Yako Tenma
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Tenma, Yako

Yako Tenma is the main antagonist of Yu-Gi-Oh! R. He is the protégé and adopted son (often mistaken, or mistranslated as younger brother) of Pegasus who wants revenge for Pegasus' defeat, though it was actually Yami Bakura who killed him. He had always been defeated by Gekko Tenma until he got hold of the Devil God cards. After that, he seems to have won easily against Gekko. He believes that Yugi killed Pegasus, and even when Gekko tells him that what Keith Howard told him is false, he said that "the reason Pegasus got killed is because Yugi won against him." Tenma's name comes from "Pegasus", which can be translated into Japanese as "Tenma", or 天馬.


Yako seems to be highly manipulative, pulling the strings behind the majority of the manga's events. However, despite that manipulative mind, he also seems to be slightly deranged.


He is highly skilled with technology, using holograms to make it appear as if he could pass through walls, ceilings and other solid objects.


Yako uses a Devil God Deck. Some of the monsters he uses are named after well known Goetia demons.