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Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Cardinal (Duel Links)かんえんせい-コウカンショウXyz MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior418002200
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Caribouもうえんせい-テンレイEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior411002000
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Caribou (Duel Links)もうえんせい-テンレイEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior411002000
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Coyoteえんせい-ゴヨウテEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior52000500
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Coyote (Duel Links)えんせい-ゴヨウテEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior52000500
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragonえんせい-リュウシシンEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior41800400
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Dragon (Duel Links)えんせい-リュウシシンEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior41800400
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Eagleえんせいせん-ワシンジンEffect Monster
Link Monster
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Elandこうえんせい-エランセイEffect Monster
Ritual Monster
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Eland (Duel Links)こうえんせい-エランセイRitual MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior624002000
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Elephantしゅんえんせい-ゾウセイEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior410001800
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Elephant (Duel Links)しゅんえんせい-ゾウセイEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior410001800
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorillaようえんせい-エンショウEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior416001000
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Gorilla (Duel Links)ようえんせい-エンショウEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior416001000
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Hawkえいえんせい-ホークエイEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior32001500
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Hawk (Duel Links)えいえんせい-ホークエイEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior32001500
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Leopardそくえんせい-タイヒョウEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior30200
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Leopard (Duel Links)そくえんせい-タイヒョウEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior30200
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Panda寿じゅえんせい-リシュンマオEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior52100400
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Peacockけいえんせい-コサンジャクEffect Monster
Link Monster
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Ramかいえんせい-シーブEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior3800200
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Ram (Duel Links)かいえんせい-シーブEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior3800200
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Ravenしょうえんせい-セイヴンEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior32001800
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Raven (Duel Links)しょうえんせい-セイヴンEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior32001800
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rhinoくうえんせい-サイチョウEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior417001400
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rhino (Duel Links)くうえんせい-サイチョウEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior417001400
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Roosterりつえんせい-トウケイEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior31500100
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Rooster (Duel Links)りつえんせい-トウケイEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior31500100
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Snakeゆうえんせい-スネイリンEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior41800600
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Snake (Duel Links)ゆうえんせい-スネイリンEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior41800600
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swallowえんせい-ヒエンシャクEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior52000800
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swallow (Duel Links)えんせい-ヒエンシャクEffect MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior52000800
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Swanえんせい-ハクテンオウEffect Monster
Fusion Monster
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger Kingかいえんせいおう-ソウコEffect Monster
Xyz Monster
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King (Duel Links)かいえんせいおう-ソウコXyz MonsterFIREBeast-Warrior422001800
Bujin Torifuneじん-トリフネEffect MonsterLIGHTBeast-Warrior41500500
The Bystial Alba Los深淵の獣ザ・ビーステッドアルバ・ロスEffect MonsterLIGHTDragon1235003500
Centur-Ion Emeth VI重騎兵センチュリオンエメトゼクスEffect MonsterEARTHMachine820003000
Centur-Ion Gargoyle II竜騎兵センチュリオンガーゴイルツヴァイEffect MonsterDARKDragon820003000
Chronomaly Acambaro Figures先史遺産オーパーツアカンバロのぐうEffect MonsterEARTHRock510001800
Cipher Biplane光波複葉機サイファー・バイプレーンEffect MonsterLIGHTMachine610002000
Cipher Biplane (Duel Links)光波複葉機サイファー・バイプレーンEffect MonsterLIGHTMachine610002000
Clear Wing Fast Dragonクリアウィング・ファスト・ドラゴンEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Pendulum Monster
Constellar Caduceusセイクリッド・カドケウスEffect MonsterLIGHTSpellcaster416001550
Couplet the Melodious SongstressげんそううたひめクープレEffect Monster
Pendulum Monster
Cross Keeperクロス・キーパーEffect MonsterDARKWarrior2400400
Crowley, the Magistus of Grimoires法典の大賢者マギストス・グリモワクロウリーEffect MonsterDARKSpellcaster418001000
Cyberdark End Dragonがいこうりゅう-サイバー・ダーク・エンド・ドラゴンEffect Monster
Fusion Monster
D/D GryphonディーディーグリフォンEffect Monster
Pendulum Monster
D/D/D Deviser King Deus Machinexディーディーディーしゃ俿おうデス・マキナEffect Monster
Pendulum Monster
Xyz Monster