Principal MacKenzie

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Principal MacKenzie
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MacKenzie, Principal

Principal MacKenzie is the head of the American Duel Academy, Reggie's father, David's adopted father, and the main host of Tragoedia. He sends the Overseas Champions to the Japanese Duel Academy.


MacKenzie is the main host of Tragoedia. Through MacKenzie, Tragoedia obtained the "Legendary Planets" from Mr. Phoenix and began his quest to obtain the spirit cards. Aware of the dark presence within her father, Reggie begins working against him to free herself of him, while appearing to help him in his quest at the same time. MacKenzie is also the adoptive father of David Rabb, though whether or not he adopted him before or after his possession by Tragoedia is not specified. In the latest chapter Aster confronts him, but MacKenzie summons his ace monster, The Supremacy Sun.


Opponent(s) Chapter(s) Outcome(s)
Aster Phoenix 60-61 Win
Chazz Princeton 61-??? TBD