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===U2's end===
===U2's end===
At night, Yugi watches U2, thinking that all good things must come to an end. According to U2's programing, he will disappear in the morning. Yugi tells U2 that he can eat as much as he wants and asks if he can watch him until morning, before saying goodbye.
At night, Yugi watches U2, thinking that all good things must come to an end. According to U2's programing, he will disappear in the morning. Yugi tells U2 that he can eat as much as he wants and asks if he can watch him until morning, before saying goodbye.
==Reason for challenge==
Kujirada's Black Star wants more digital pets as food.
==The events==
*Black Star eats Jonouchi's pet, which is unseen.
*Soon after, it eats Anzu's pet Peachy (Sumomo-chan)
*Black Star goes to eat Yugi's pet, U2. However, U2 upgrades to a stronger form (similar to how Yugi turns into Yami) thanks to the data it collected by Jonouchi's pet.
*The upgraded U2 attacks and destroys the Black Star. No penalty game needed.

Revision as of 21:01, 2 March 2010

Yu-Gi-Oh! - Duel 021
Yu-Gi-Oh! chapters

Digital Pet Duel is the twentieth chapter of the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga.

This chapter was originally printed in the Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine in Japanese. Its first English release was in the Shonen Jump magazine. It has been reprinted in volume 3 of the tankōbon and volume 2 of the bunkoban.

In this chapter Digital Pets have beome popular at Domino High. Kujirada, who believes himself to have the ultimate pet, ends up in conflict, with Yugi, his friends and their pets.

Jonouchi and Kujirada's pets, Joe and Devil Master were not named in this chapter. The names used here are taken from episode 7 of the Toei's Yu-Gi-Oh! anime.


Day 1

Yugi narrates that keychain games are really popular at his school right now.

A girl in front of him says that she forget to clean her pet's "poop" and it died. Her companaion says that that is too bad. You have to clean-up after them every day.

Yugi continues that Digital Pets are the most popular out of these games. They are simulation games, where you raise a creature on a minature LCD screen.

In class, Anzu, Jonouchi and Honda gather around Yugi's dexk. Jonouchi and Yugi ask how each other's Digital Pet is doing. They admire Yugi's pet, who looks just like Yugi. Yugi says that he has named him U2. Yugi remarks that it is strnage that although this is just a game, one can get really attached to their pet. Yugi asks to see Jonouchi's pet. Jonouchi holds up his pet, Joe. Honda, Anzu and Yugi all make strange faces and Anzu says that it is so ugly. Jonouchi tells them to shut up, causing Honda to comment that it has got Jonouchi's bad attitude.

Yugi mentions that it is said, that you transfer your personality to your pet, depending on how you take care of it. With the thousands of different creature types, Yugi says that there can be an infinite number of pets, all of which are unique.

Yugi asks Honda if he has a Digital Pet. It's not his thing, Honda replies, he's got a dog at home, so he is too busy taking care of real pets to have time for digital ones. His dog just came into heat and has been driving him nuts. That is one thing you don't have to worry about with Digital Pets, he adds.

Jonouchi gets excited when Yugi explains how pets can mate to share each other's personality data. Jonouchi suggests that he and Yugi "mate right away". Honda remarks that he didn't need to hear that. Yugi and Jonouchi connect their pets. U2 is pretty wild, so Yugi hopes that he gets some of Jonouchi's wild personality. The two pets look at each other and Joe walks into U2's screen, where he gives U2 a kick. The gang gasp in surprise and call it a bully. Anzu comments that the pet is just like Jonouchi. Jonouchi is ashamed of Joe and Yugi thinks that this may have been a bad idea. However the two pets start to get along and a noise is made to indicate that the transfer is complete. Joe moves back to his screen and Yugi and Jonouchi disconnect their pets.

Jonouchi looks down at Joe, thinking that he needs to get some of U2's cuteness. Yugi looks at U2 and asks what kind of data, he got from Jonouchi. Inside the device, a 3D version of U2, looks up at Yugi thinking that this is his master.

U2 starts acting scared as Kujirada approaches the group to show them his Digital Pet, Devil Master. Kujirada boasts that his pet is different from their ordinary pets. Jonouchi asks what makes Kujirada's pet different, jokingly asking if it is a thoroughbred. Kujirada goes on to explain about Hidden Characters. These are a rare kind of pet, whith probability one in a million, he says and that they are said to exist due to a glitch or virus, but nobody knows for sure. Depending on how they are disiciplined, fed, etc. they become a Hidden Character when everything is just right and he has one of these Hidden Characters.

Jonouchi hates to admit it, but he would like to see. Yugi asks if they can look and Kujirada holds up his pet. Yugi and Anzu make unpleasant faces, while Jonouchi sniggers that it is uglier than his pet. Jonouchi asks how Kujirada knows that it is a Hidden Character; the ultimate pet. Kujirada diverts their attention to the star in Devil Master's graphics, explaining that it a trait that all Hidden Characters have.

Normal pets don't live lomger than 21 days, Kujirada explains, however his has been alive for 2 months already and calls it the ultimate pet again. Nonetheless Anzu maintains that all pets are special while they last. She doesn't think that his is so great, just because it can live longer. Kujirada smirks that she is just jealous.

U2 starts to beep and Yugi looks at him, wondering why he's been acting so scared.

Night 1

At Kujirada's house, Kujirada is woken during the night, by Devil Master making noise indicating that it needs food. Kujirada mumbles that he just fed it five minutes ago and that he cannot sleep like this.

He gives Devil Master food and realizes that he is even bigger than before. Kujirada is impressed at the rate in which his pet is growing.

Inside the the device, the 3D Devil Master says that he is tired of eating pet food all the time. Kujirada looks atthe pet, asking if it just spoke. He says that it is impossible as Digital Pets can only beep. Devil Master tells him off for calling him a pet. He points at Kujirada, saying "Fool! You are the one who's the pet!" He orders Kujirada to bring him more food, so that he will live longer and Kujirada will become famous because of him.

Day 2

At school, Jonouchi is horrified to find his pet's data is all gone. He tells Yugi that he left the room for a moment and his pet disappeared and shows him the blank screen.

Elsewhere Kujirada laughs, having just fed Joe to Devil Master. Devil Master finds that other pets are more delicious than he thought. Although he just ate, he feels hungry again. He calls Kujirada and has a hypnotic effect on him, as he demands more food.

Kujirada asks Anzu for her pet for a while. She refuses, but Kujirada snatches it from her and connects it with Devil Master. Inside the connected devices, Devil Master grabs Anzu's pet Peachy and shoves her into his mouth, causing Anzu to wail out loud.

Yugi saw what happened and Devil Master demanded more food. Kujirada swipes U2 from Yugi and connects it to Devil Master, laughing that U2 should rejoice as he is about to become part of his ultimate pet.

Inside the devices, U2 runs from Devil Master. Despite its size, Devil Master is fast and manages to catch U2. He tries to eat him, however U2's device makes a sound, indicating that it is about to grow. U2 changes to a form, resembling Dark Yugi. Devil Master sense great power, before being punched by the powered-up U2.

Yugi, Jonouchi and Anzu are impressed with U2 defeating Devil Master. Yugi realizes that u" must have incorporated the data it received from Joe.

Kujirada is stunned to see his pet beaten, but on the bright side, he sees that should at least be able to sleep.

U2's end

At night, Yugi watches U2, thinking that all good things must come to an end. According to U2's programing, he will disappear in the morning. Yugi tells U2 that he can eat as much as he wants and asks if he can watch him until morning, before saying goodbye.