User talk:Dinoguy1000

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Infobox character

Could you add a ko_trans_name in the Infobox character, since it not there. WinterNightmare (talkcontribs) 00:23, September 5, 2015 (UTC)

Done. =) ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 03:48, September 5, 2015 (UTC)
Thanks. WinterNightmare (talkcontribs) 04:10, September 5, 2015 (UTC)

Mobile Editing Difficulties

Apologies if this isn't the right place to ask, but I can't seem to do any edits from my mobile device. I edit the code, but when I click "Publish" it always comes up with the message "Something went wrong." I'm clueless as to what's causing it and it's been happening for almost a month now, do you have any idea what's wrong? Sanokal K-T (talkcontribs) 09:09, September 23, 2015 (UTC)

Unfortunately not, since I never edit from mobile. Are your edits actually being saved, even though you get an error on trying to save, or is nothing at all working? In either case, the only thing that can be done here is to report the problem to staff. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 15:11, September 23, 2015 (UTC)
Nah, they're not saving. I click "Publish" and it pops up with the error message and grays "Publish" out and I'm unable to proceed.
All right, I'll just check with them. Thanks. Sanokal K-T (talkcontribs) 20:19, September 23, 2015 (UTC)


Hello! I'm from the FCB Wiki. I would like to request to be affiliated with your wiki. Here is our wordmark.

Thanks! J.J. Chambers 21:45, September 27, 2015 (UTC)

September 2012

I really don't want to start any fights or anything, but why did you undo my edit for the OCG's September 2012 Lists? I thought that, with the exception of the Japanese text I removed, would make it more presentable. --Yes, it's PSYCHID! He talks! He does stuff! 02:02, October 3, 2015 (UTC)

Bolding the changed cards is completely redundant to the "Changes" section. The practice of bolding is nothing more than a holdover from other websites that did the same thing without providing a concise summary of which cards were changed and how, as we do now.
The header level I'm a bit less certain about; while I currently lean towards the extra level being unnecessary, I don't feel particularly strongly about it and could be swayed in the other direction.
Also, to expand on the topic of Japanese names/text and the lists while I have your attention, it's not necessary to have Japanese card names on the TCG-only lists, since by their very nature they don't/didn't apply in Japan. I haven't gone through the lists systematically to remove them all yet, but I think I've done one or two; if you start working on the TCG lists some time down the line, though, feel free to remove them as you go. =) ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 04:53, October 3, 2015 (UTC)
While your reason may make sense, I kind of like doing these lists the way I usually do them (though most recently, I've removed the Japanese text from the headers on both the OCG and TCG-exclusive Lists), mostly because bolding the changes would be easier to notice. Frankly, I blame myself; old habits are hard to break.
But in your honest opinion, should I remove the Japanese kanji from the TCG-exclusive Lists? --Yes, it's PSYCHID! He talks! He does stuff! 04:07, October 4, 2015 (UTC)
Are you saying you'd prefer to keep the bolding, then, or just commenting on how you're used to it? Your comment kind of reads both ways, so it's not really clear. =X
It should be removed, but it's not critical - it doesn't really hurt anything by being there, it's just superfluous information, which is why I didn't say you had to remove it as you went. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 15:51, October 4, 2015 (UTC)
It's moreover a bit of both: Something I prefer to keep, and something I'm used to. But I think I'll remove the Japanese names from the TCG-exclusive lists, if you think it best. --Yes, it's PSYCHID! He talks! He does stuff! 01:19, October 5, 2015 (UTC)
Can you give any good arguments for keeping the bolding? As I said originally, it's redundant to the "Changes" table, which unambiguously shows which cards changed status and provides more detail. In addition, it's completely unnecessary for the "Unlimited" section, since we only list cards that were changed to Unlimited and therefore all of the cards listed there have changed status; if, because of this, we stopped bolding the cards listed there, but continued bolding them under the other headers, that would be inconsistent and potentially confusing. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 05:59, October 5, 2015 (UTC)
Okay, I'll remove all the unnecessary bolding. But should I remove the Japanese names from the TCG-exclusive Lists, too? --Yes, it's PSYCHID! He talks! He does stuff! 17:11, October 7, 2015 (UTC)
Yeah. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 22:26, October 8, 2015 (UTC)


Thanks. ^^ LegendaryAsariUgetsu (talkcontribs) 14:01, October 4, 2015 (UTC)


What happened to the "sacred card" archetype thing? The one that listed the Egyptian gods, Exodia, Signer Dragons etc?

Felix —This unsigned comment was made by NervousShipper (talkcontribs) 06:57, October 9, 2015‎

I think you're talking about {{Sacred}}, which was deleted a couple years ago (by me, though I'd forgotten I did that). All it was was a list of monster groups without any clear connection, just a vague sense of "these are really powerful". If you need the list for some reason, I can provide it to you, but the template won't be getting restored without some very good reasons. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 06:48, October 10, 2015 (UTC)

Portable infoboxes

Heya :) I see you worked with DaNASCAT back in late July to try to work out a way to use portable infobox code here at Yu-Gi-Oh! Since development stopped soon after the last comment at Forum:Portable Infoboxes, I was just wondering if there were any problems that you couldn't figure out. We've made a lot of changes to the portable infobox code since the summer, so it may well be that you'll find making a second run at Template:Infobox/Draft will be easier than you remember.

I'll just point out, as well, that the time you stopped working on portable infoboxes was the high-water mark for mobile uniques here. On 1 August you had nearly a million uniques on mobile devices. That number is now about ~750k — a pretty big slide of around 25%. We think a part of this decrease can be attributed to pages that start with infoboxes that aren't really adequate to the mobile experience. People whose first browse of YGO reveals a somewhat unattractive infobox at the top of a page may well not be inclined to continue looking at the wiki.

Happily, we're in a really good period of development with infoboxes! We have established robust lines of communication with our core engineers. If we hit roadblocks, we'll therefore be able to get quick answers from the people who are actually developing our backend code!

So please don't hesitate to ask any questions at all! I think we'll be able to make some real progress with genuine speed. — CzechOut <staff /> 17:29, October 20, 2015 (UTC)

I have to be honest, I more-or-less ran out of steam after the last comment in that forum thread, when I stopped receiving feedback and realized I would be working on the port basically on my own (not that I'm blaming Tim for that or anything; I don't do anything compared to how much he does =D ). At the time, I had three major concerns with PI: proper support for inline styles and classes on individual parts of infoboxes, an ability to work with PI via Lua, and an ability to emulate the child navbox behavior from our current {{Infobox}} using PI (which sufficiently robust interaction with Lua would allow to be addressed). As I mentioned in the forum thread several times, what I really want to be able to achieve with PI is to only do one conversion ever - Infobox itself - and then just continue to work on converting our individual infoboxes to using Infobox as a metatemplate. I do not, for example, have any desire to try to switch {{Infobox character}} from using Infobox as a metatemplate to directly using PI; it would be far simpler to allow it to continue using Infobox, and just convert Infobox directly, so that Infobox character automatically gets converted with minimal or no changes required to it (I believe this simplifies everything in the long run: because all the logic on whether and when to show a particular cell happens in Infobox character, and Infobox just displays whatever it's given for a particular cell, it means the meat of the processing can happen in Infobox character and whatever values fall out of that get handed straight back to Infobox, which plunks them right into the PI markup, and no one has to worry about how the various parser functions interact with the PI markup, since they've all already resolved; in addition, any such solution we develop here should be broadly applicable across much of the rest of Wikia (with or without some further simplification to remove features that only we and a scant few other wikis use), greatly simplifying infobox development efforts in the long run).
One thing I would like to see is the HTML tags that PI uses added to the parser's whitelist (looking at Help:Infoboxes/Tags, I think the necessary tags would just be aside, figure, figcaption, caption (which appears to be whitelisted but seems to currently just be silently stripped by the parser outside of tables) and nav) - there's a Phabricator ticket for them and a number of other HTML5 tags to be added to the whitelist in vanilla MediaWiki, with the blocker being IE≤8 support, but I'm not sure how much of a concern that is for Wikia, especially given PI is using the tags. This would allow for work on PI-compatible templates and modules without being limited to whatever the PI markup actually plays nice with (though, because the HTML would be hardcoded, it would mean that future changes to the HTML underlying PI's markup would have to be manually applied, so that wouldn't be a general solution for most wikis).
While I won't argue that our infoboxes are contributing to the drop in mobile traffic, they're definitely not the whole picture, as you hinted at yourself. I suspect that a bigger reason for the drop is our current implementation of {{CardTable2}}, which is just a single huge table. It's due to be replaced eventually by the {{Card table}} system, but there's a huge amount of work that has to be done before we're at that point and it's going to take a long time to get there. In the meantime, I've toyed with the idea of changing CT2 to instead use divs for everything but the actual data part, but haven't tried switching it yet because I'm a bit leery of the CSS work it would require. But I'd be willing to bet that even that small of a change now would help to recapture some of the lost mobile traffic over the long term (not to mention it should also slightly reduce the amount of markup CT2 generates).
I'm quite certain I managed to talk a lot here without actually giving many satisfactory answers, though, so please ask me to clarify or explain anything you might need. =) ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 08:31, October 21, 2015 (UTC)
Hey man! I just wanted to touch bases and let you know that you have not been forgotten. I was just working on your ticket today. Unfortunately, our guys in Poland got hella busy back in late October, and they just ran out of time before they could help you out. While I and some other people can help you build infoboxes, I'm particularly intrigued by your question about adding to the parser's whitelist. This seems an important observation to me, and something we definitely want to get an answer from Engineering about, since it is not within my personal power to actually make such a change.
So that question has been pushed again to them. I'm hoping for an answer soon on that. Their next window of availability comes somewhere after about the 7th of December, so hopefully we'll get an answer on that front before Christmas. But understand that we've never done this kind of direct outreach of engineers to communities before, so it's possible that our reach might exceed our grasp, just as it did in October. If so, don't hesitate to reach out to me and ask me what the hell is going on. :) See, the problem is that you and other power users like you are so damned smart that we end up spending so much time with each community that our schedule gets absolutely destroyed!
On other matters in your above post, if you had some specific questions about Lua/PI interaction, I could pass them on to our engineering staff. In the meantime, I encourage you to visit w:c:portability, if you haven't already. There, in the forums, you'll find a group of power users like yourself debating matters of Lua/PI interaction. They've found some highly intriguing solutions that might well interest you.
Finally, on the issue of a meta-template like {{infobox}}, I'm going to propose something that might not immediately strike you as sensible. Because PI coding is comparatively simple, there is no real need for the {{#switch}}-ed out meta template anymore. The faster route to success is really the opposite of what you'd do with traditional infobox coding. We actively recommend that you just break up your meta template into separate, specific templates. It's genuinely faster, easier and lighter on page load times. — CzechOut <staff /> 02:36, November 19, 2015 (UTC)
If you'd like my opinion on the topic of whitelisted HTML, I think it's probably best for new features to try to stick with what's already on the whitelist, and if a new feature really needs to use a non-whitelisted tag for whatever reason, to take a good look at whether there's any reason to not just whitelist that tag as well. I understand it's out of your say, but you should at least be able to float the idea around a bit. =)
Seeing you say that got me curious, and I checked whether we're contacts on Skype. Turns out, not only are we, but we've discussed infoboxes a bit in the past! If I'm remembering the context correctly from the CC Skype group, I'd been bemoaning the lack of a Wikia-supported metatemplate, instead requiring everyone to work with raw wikitables; you then messaged me to encourage me to develop one and write a blog post about it. =)
I was aware of the portability wiki, but haven't been keeping up with the discussions there; I'll have to take a look at them and see what's been going on.
That's actually kind of what our {{Infobox}} already does: each of the rows uses {{Infobox/row}} for the actual rendering, which vastly cuts down the amount of code required in Infobox itself (especially given there's 80 rows supported). I'm also no stranger to the idea of using a modular metatemplate system; our older infoboxes use a system developed by Dantman back in 2007 or 2008 (I'm not sure of the exact dates since IIRC the system was developed on another wiki that no longer exists, and was ported to a number of different anime/manga wikis as part of a long-defunct collaboration that said wiki served as the hub for), and when I was active on Wikipedia, I helped to maintain and develop new features for the animanga infobox, which is also modular (though not a metatemplate). ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 18:51, November 22, 2015 (UTC)
Heya :) I sent your whitelisting opinions skyward on Monday, and they're being discussed internally. Obviously US Thanksgiving is getting somewhat in the way of full discussion this week, but hopefully I'll have something to report back next week.
On the matter of having something like a central {{infobox}} that then #switch-es its way into more specific infoboxes, or even specific instances that leverage the power of meta infoboxes (however people wanna play that), you're absolutely right to remember discussions we had earlier in the decade about that. Indeed, I think such things make a lot of sense — for the old way of doing infoboxes.
However, in the current PI system, it's massively easier to steer clear of all that. The major strategy of the old school wikitext meta-infobox was to basically make it so all of one's code complexity was within a single infobox, like {{infobox}}. The specific infoboxes could then be super simple, because all they had to do was call {{infobox}}.
Since PIs have #if structures inherent, as well as a number of other automatic features, it's less work to ignore {{infobox}} and just build new infoboxes. After completing a couple of PIs, one finds that the exercise becomes no more difficult than just cutting and pasting one's successfully rebuilt PIs. And let's face it, that's pretty much all one was doing in the meta infobox era, anyway. One grabbed the code of the, say, character infobox and plopped it onto the location infobox, and then one changed the variables as necessary.
I'm not speaking theoretically here. I've been working on the Fallout Wiki a lot this past week, and that's exactly what I've done. Cutting {{infobox}} out of the action hasn't been painful or controversial, really. And I find that the code is generally pretty easy to read — certainly less dense than what you'd find in something like {{infobox}}.
Moreover, our engineering department is, at the moment, very easily swayed by the opinions of early adopters. So when you find something that doesn't work, sending in a Special:Contact — or talking to me and having me ticket it directly — actually does produce results. The answer is sometimes "no", of course, but we're actively soliciting and answering feedback in a way that I've never seen in all the time I've been using the Wikia platform. And that goes all the way back to the beginning, really.
So, all of this is to say that, while I was a strong proponent of the meta infobox solution a few years ago, I pretty much see it as unnecessary today. Speaking as an admin, and not as staff, I'd find it particularly objectionable to continue with a system whose history was as murky as the one your older templates currently use. Switching to PI code means that you'll know the exact origins of the code, and you'll be able to provide maintenance delivered with full knowledge of the history of the code.
Just stuff to chew on. Get it? Thanksgiving. Chewing. Ugh. Finding puns around Thanksgiving is easy. Finding good ones is as difficult as finding live turkeys. — CzechOut <staff /> 15:41, November 25, 2015 (UTC)
Oh! Almost forgot. I just wanted to get some clarity on {{card table}} situation. I read your earlier statements as effectively saying that development on PIs was impossible without resolving the transition to {{card table}}. Was I right to have done so? Or could we possibly divorce the two things? That is, could we switch to PIs, leaving the {{card table}} component out of them until it can get resolved. And could you please better define the work that's necessary to make the transition? — CzechOut <staff /> 15:51, November 25, 2015 (UTC)
While simplifying markup is one reason for using templates, they are used to centralise code. If an update, such as now, is necessary, is it not just as well to only have to change one thing?
Regarding metatemplates' parsers taking a toll on load times, {{infobox}} uses #switch: zero times, but does use #if: a lot. Although, wouldn't it use considerably less, if switched to using portable infobox markup? -- Deltaneos (talk) 21:58, November 25, 2015 (UTC)
I think this is something we're going to just have to disagree on; I simply can't imagine a scenario where things are made easier by not using a metatemplate where one was previously used (that is not to say there aren't other reasons not to use metatemplates in specific cases, but it's a case-by-case thing and, in my experience, ease of editing never works out to be in favor of such a switch). This is not necessarily a deal-breaker for me, and the rest of the community may in fact disagree with me on its importance, but as things stand now I don't see PI having enough benefit to outweigh the downside of loss of a metatemplate.
I also disagree with your comparison of reading PI infoboxes with reading {{Infobox}}; that is comparing article-editor-facing templates with a template-editor-facing template, and is not at all a fair comparison to make. {{Infobox}} by its nature is not meant to be edited regularly, since it has been rigorously tested via Wikipedia (meaning having to fix bugs should be a rare to nonexistent occurrence), is thoroughly documented (meaning editors should rarely if ever have to actually read its code to find out how to do something or why the template is or isn't doing what they want), and has a robust feature set that can support the vast majority of infobox requirements (meaning edits to add needed features should be rare); this is borne out by its edit history here, which consists of updating the template from Wikipedia's copy and fixing a single bug that doesn't occur on WP because of their use of HTML Tidy. By comparison, individual infoboxes are far more likely to be edited by people who are far less familiar with the obscure intricacies of wikimarkup, for any of the three reasons I outlined already, and when that happens they shouldn't have to worry about navigating through the code responsible for displaying the infobox itself in order to understand the code that handles the information the infobox is menat to display.
I may have confused you with my mention of our older infoboxes, and for that I apologize; I was not trying to suggest we are wanting to continue using them indefinitely, and in fact we have been working (gradually) on replacing them with {{infobox}}-based templates for some time now. I am right there with you in having little desire to use a system with a hazy history, especially when we have an alternate system which is pretty clearly superior.
Same for my comments on {{Card table}}: I'm definitely not suggesting that we can't do anything with PI until we get that sorted. PI and the card tables are entirely separate from each other, in fact, and it would be inappropriate to try and use PI for them, unless we wanted to completely restructure how our card pages work to begin with (and maybe we will at some point in the future, but I don't think anyone wants to do something that drastic at this point). What I was saying is that our card articles, most of which currently use {{CardTable2}}, undoubtedly account for a significant portion of our traffic, both on desktop and mobile, and that therefore improving that situation might have a better immediate return on investment than our infoboxes. However, updating that is somewhat slow going because we're not just updating existing templates, but writing entirely new ones and splitting pages as we go, and the final updating of CardTable2 to a {{card table}}-based replacement will be one of the final steps of the whole thing. I do have some ideas for further improvements to the new system, which among other things should make it more mobile-friendly, I just haven't taken the time to prototype them (but among them are a replacement for the current Tabber system which would allow mobile devices to only download one tab's worth of content (but which would require some custom JS to actually function, which is what's been putting me off of actually trying it out), and some ruminations on using a definition list instead of a table for the information shown alongside the image). ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 00:59, November 30, 2015 (UTC)

Removal of Anime Lore

I have a question Dinoguy1000. Why exactly do you remove the anime lore of each card under your Dinobot1000 account?

It should be noted, that the anime effects are interresting trivia as well as giving insight, why the cards in question needed to be nerfed in question for the OCG/TCG.

As such the anime lore should be moved to either a different section or to their own pages.

Also, there are players, which make use of the anime lore for DevPRO/YGOPRO and DuelNetwork for their own duels. Thus their existence is also a boon for players, which can experience what the anime originals feel like. Thanatos-Zero (talkcontribs) 12:53, October 24, 2015 (UTC)

Nevermind this entry. I just found the anime pages. They weren't as visible as I hoped to be. Thanatos-Zero (talkcontribs) 13:18, October 24, 2015 (UTC)
If you have suggestions for improving their visibility, I'd love to hear them! That's a known problem, but we're short on ideas for how to improve the situation, unfortunately. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 13:52, October 24, 2015 (UTC)
There is one. We can add at the top following sentence: "If you are looking for the card with the anime effects go here "Name of the Card (Anime)"."Thanatos-Zero (talkcontribs) 16:50, October 24, 2015 (UTC)
That doesn't scale, though; some cards have a number of articles covering a specific version, and that number is only going to increase. For example, Dark Magician currently has pages for its manga, Toei anime, NAS anime, DDM anime, Bandai, Bandai Sealdass, Labyrinth Battle Game, Forbidden Memories, Duelists of the Roses, and BAM versions, and there will be additional pages created in the future as we continue to split out individual release types from {{CardTable2}}.
There may be a case to be made for calling specific attention to "major" or very important versions of a card, but in that case we have the problem of deciding what the threshold for "major"/"important" is. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 17:54, October 24, 2015 (UTC)

Asian Tournament Promos: 2001#Second National Conference

If you believe these cards are counterfeit, I urge you to provide proof for that statement (since Kevin Tewart hasn't done so). If these cards are fake what were the original prizes for that tournament? Thanks Fensterhoff (talkcontribs) 21:39, November 1, 2015 (UTC)

I think you're confusing acknowledgment with agreement. He said that Tewart claimed the cards were fake. He didn't say the cards are fake. The Wikipedia article on Hitler acknowledges that he believed the Holocaust victims were socially undesirable sub humans. That doesn't mean it's saying he was right. -- Deltaneos (talk) 22:19, November 1, 2015 (UTC)
I don't know why you brought Hitler in this conversation, it's not like he is a trusted public figure who people listen to in our time. The facts are that Mr. Tewart hadn't provided any proof. And if there is no proof then I don't see why should this information even belong on that Wikia page misleading people (because people take his word for granted). There is a separate page for what Kevin Tewart had claimed for anybody who cares what he says: Fensterhoff (talkcontribs) 22:55, November 1, 2015 (UTC)
As Delt said. My personal position is that I simply don't know enough to draw a conclusion for myself whether the cards are fake or not. This doesn't change the fact that Tewart has publicly stated they're fake, and that he did so while acting as a representative of Konami. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 22:35, November 1, 2015 (UTC)
I understand what your position is, but what I don't understand is why should we further mislead people to believe a statement that is not proven to be true? Isn't the purpose of this community to form a realistic perception? Because what I see has the exact opposite effect. Thanks Fensterhoff (talkcontribs) 22:55, November 1, 2015 (UTC)
As written, the statement is perfectly clear that it's something that Tewart said and not necessarily objectively true by itself. If someone really doesn't understand that the phrase "[person] said that [thing]" means, literally, that the person said a thing, and that thing may not necessarily be true even though the person said it, it's their problem and not ours. As it is, Tewart's role in relation to the franchise, and the content and context of his statement, mean it is fully appropriate to make note of it there. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 23:35, November 1, 2015 (UTC)

Egyptian God

Sorry about that, I didn't realize that I'd zapped yours off the page. Sanokal K-T (talkcontribs) 02:09, November 3, 2015 (UTC)

Not a problem, it's not like it was a complicated edit or anything. =) ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 03:22, November 3, 2015 (UTC)

Vandalism report

I would like to report vandalism by this user.

--Memmon(talk)(report) 20:04, December 11, 2015 (UTC)

Completed by Jr Mime --Memmon(talk)(report) 21:17, December 11, 2015 (UTC)

Hide Factbox

Hey Dinoguy,

Thank you so much for your explanation. Initially, I wasn't sure what its purpose was; although I assumed that it did serve a purpose on some pages. Anyway, I'll be sure not touch them just in case. Thanks again for your help, =) --ToonPegasus (talkcontribs) 01:00, December 27, 2015 (UTC)

List "Template"

Hi Dino! I tried to use your template for creating Lists. I created this page, but it was a bit messy at first. For instance, Yang Zing Unleashed is a Continuous Trap, so it appeared Trap Card, Continuous Trap Card instead of only Continuous Trap Card. Did I do something wrong, or is this a problem with the template itself? Pendulum (talkcontribs) 14:28, January 15, 2016 (UTC)

It's a problem with the template, kind of; I'll have to do some work to make it work better. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 17:21, January 15, 2016 (UTC)
So, should I use the template nevertheless, or could I, say, copy the already existing SP NECH list and change the SP to FR and adapt it to create the FR NECH list? Is there any problem if I do that? I know the title would be a bit different than with your template, though. Pendulum (talkcontribs) 18:16, January 15, 2016 (UTC)
Copying should be fine, as long as you make sure to update all the relevant bits (for example, you'll also have to make sure you change the category from e.g. Spanish to French). As for the template itself, I should be able to look at getting it straightened out sometime in the next couple of days. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 06:26, January 16, 2016 (UTC)
Ok, thank you, Dino! Pendulum (talkcontribs) 09:40, January 16, 2016 (UTC)

Red Links on Lists

Hey. There are some red links on this page, leading to some deleted card galleries, apparently. Don't know if this is the best way to call the attention to them, but don't know how I should proceed and you seem to be here now. Pendulum (talkcontribs) 23:10, January 17, 2016 (UTC)

I've gotten both of the redlinks I saw; let me know if you spot any others anywhere. =) ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 01:22, January 18, 2016 (UTC)
Sure! Thank you very much. Pendulum (talkcontribs) 11:35, January 18, 2016 (UTC)

Set Card Galleries/Lists Headers

Hi! I have a question: How should the headers/titles be presented?
Should they be:

Set name in region language with hyperlink
Region language (- Edition, in case of galleries)


Set name in English with hyperlink
Set name in region language without hyperlink

Region language (- Edition, in case of galleries)

I've seen both being used. I'm aware your Templates use the latter, but I've seen other users (including myself) updating old galleries/lists using the former, so I'm a bit confused with the one that should be used, because I don't like some pages using one and other using the other.
So, which one is preferred and should be used? Personally, I like the second one the most. It may have one more line, but the Wiki is majority in English. The names of the cards are in English and then, below it, have the name in their own language, so I think the second option makes more sense. It's more in agreement with the rest of the Wiki. It also prevents people from clicking on a link they can't be exactly sure what it means. Though maybe the font for the second line could be a bit smaller than 120%.
Here are two examples, respectively: Astral Pack Six French Gallery; Astral Pack Seven French Gallery.
Hope I made myself clear; English is not my first language. Thank you for your time! Pendulum (talkcontribs) 12:39, January 22, 2016 (UTC)

The second version (the one the boilerplate uses) is the one that's supposed to be used. The boilerplate represents the current preferred version, and when a template is eventually created to automatically format set galleries/lists (something I should really take care of already), it will be based on the boilerplate.
Good point on the font size of the localized name; would having it be the same size as the third line be acceptable, or did you have a different size in mind?
Don't worry, you're perfectly understandable. =) Out of curiosity, what is your native language, though? ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 20:47, January 22, 2016 (UTC)
Ok, I'll update everything I see to that version, when I have the time, then.
I tried at 110%, but it was still too big, I'd say. The same size as the third line seems fine. But maybe in bold too, because the italics makes it seem too thin, I think. Well, it would be interesting to see other people's opinions too.
My native language is Portuguese.
And thanks for your answer, Dino! Pendulum (talkcontribs) 21:28, January 22, 2016 (UTC)
Okay, I'll reduce the text size to 100%.
I'm a little bit worried about bolding Japanese, Korean, and Chinese names, but maybe that's just me. They don't (or at least shouldn't) get italicized, so that helps some, at least. Guess I'll just go with it and we'll see how it turns out.
Cool, we definitely need more Portuguese editors. =) If you aren't already, is there any chance you could work some on checking/adding Portuguese card names and lores? Since Konami's card database doesn't list Portuguese releases (hopefully it will eventually), we don't really have any source for them other than card images, and it's a lot slower for someone who doesn't speak/read Portuguese to copy them than for someone who does. (Also, if you're interested, there's a Portuguese wiki that could use some more attention, too.) ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 22:13, January 22, 2016 (UTC)
Oh, I'm not aware of those technical difficulties. Yeah, there's nothing like experimenting. You're the man here, you know what's best.
What do you mean exactly with adding Portuguese card names and lores? You mean find official ones and add them only, or also translate them and add the {{Unofficial name|Region}} tag? Because I could try to translate them, but having official ones is hard for me too, since I don't buy Portuguese cards nor I have any ones. Ah, thanks for that link. I'm a bit busy at the moment to spend too much time around the Wikis, though. But I'll try to give a hand whenever I can! Pendulum (talkcontribs) 23:13, January 22, 2016 (UTC)
Preferably official names/lores, since we're still missing a fair few of both, though if it would be a problem for you, don't worry about it too much (it's not like I'm in any position to demand others do work around here, after all =D ). ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 02:35, January 23, 2016 (UTC)
Hahah! Ok, I'll see what I can do. Thanks again! Pendulum (talkcontribs) 11:43, January 23, 2016 (UTC)
Just to let you know I updated the DUEA galleries/lists and it seems the Japanese/Korean names do get italicized. Pendulum (talkcontribs) 14:04, January 23, 2016 (UTC)
It looks like you're using an older version of the boilerplate; be sure you copy from the latest version. If you're using the right version, the language codes used in {{Card table}} should be lowercase (e.g. "en", "fr", etc.) instead of upper case (e.g. "EN", "FR", etc.). ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 21:04, January 23, 2016 (UTC)
Oh, oopsie. Ok, thanks for pointing it out. Pendulum (talkcontribs) 21:43, January 23, 2016 (UTC)

Ebon Magician Curran summoning

Hi, I'm new to Yugioh wika and I'm hoping to find an answer as to whether or not the effect of Ebon Illusion Magician can special summon Gemini spellcasters that are in the graveyard as they are considered to be "normal monsters" when there? --CobraC13 (talkcontribs) 23:45, January 22, 2016 (UTC)

Welcome to the wiki, CobraC13~ Unfortunately, I'm not the person to ask for rulings-related questions, as I don't play the game myself and thus my understanding of some of the mechanics is shaky at best. If you haven't already, though, see if any of the rulings on Card Rulings:Ebon Magician Curran are relevant to your question, and if that doesn't help, try asking in the ruling queries forum. Sorry, and good luck! ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 02:35, January 23, 2016 (UTC)

Toon World non-English name glitch?

Sorry to bother you again. There seems to be a problem with the application of the region name template (don't know the real name of it) on Toon World's name.
For instance: {{Card name|Toon World|fr}} should output: Monde des Toons. But outputs: Monde des Toons. Pendulum (talkcontribs) 21:45, January 25, 2016 (UTC)

It's a known problem; for quite a while Toon World has been acting up like this, and nothing we've tried has been able to fix it (some of our attempts have actually made the problem worse). We're going to have to ask staff if they can look into it, if they haven't been asked already. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 03:59, January 27, 2016 (UTC)
Hum, seems really complicated. The same happens with Blackwing - Steam the Cloak.
Pendulum (talkcontribs) 12:02, January 27, 2016 (UTC)
Oops, forget it. It was a small problem with the input. Pendulum (talkcontribs) 21:21, January 27, 2016 (UTC)


I was just asking so calm down please

--Torimay24 (talkcontribs) 03:09, January 26, 2016 (UTC)Torimay24

I'm not upset or anything, I was just letting you know what the wiki's policy is. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 03:59, January 27, 2016 (UTC)


Yo there. Tiny issue, I'm not familiar with the coding for lists so I'm messing stuff up in my attempts haha, I think we should modify Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V The Strongest Duelist Yuya!! chapter listing a bit, mostly removing the "chapter name" parameters, since the series have no chapter names, and that's making the list come out pretty awkward. LegendaryAsariUgetsu (talkcontribs) 20:00, February 2, 2016 (UTC)

I'll have a look later, though the chapter/episode lists have always been pretty low-priority for me (though on the other hand I've intended to look at overhauling them for years). ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 21:08, February 2, 2016 (UTC)

Chinese and Japanese fonts

This isn't really a priority but it's something that has been something that has been bugging me for some years

The coding for Japanese and Chinese fonts isn't good, the fonts looks pixely and jarred, and pmingliu (the chinese font) doesn't blend well with the design of the wiki because it's a serif font. I believe that they would look a lot better if this was added to MediaWiki:Wikia.css

.cardtable :lang(zh) {
    font-family: "Microsoft YaHei New", "Microsoft Yahei", "微软雅黑", 宋体, SimSun, STXihei, "华文细黑", sans-serif;

.cardtable :lang(ja) {
    font-family: "HiraKakuPro-W3", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro W3", "Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro", "ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3", "メイリオ", Meiryo, "游ゴシック", YuGothic, "MS Pゴシック", "MS PGothic", "MS ゴシック", "MS Gothic", sans, sans-serif;

So yeah, this is just a suggestion, but it would make the text a lot more aesthetically pleasing. Thank you for your time :)
Mediarahan (talkcontribs) 21:20, February 4, 2016 (UTC)

I've made the change as you requested. I don't have most (possibly any) of the specific fonts installed on my machine, but have to say, even just the sans-serif fallback looks better than the old fonts did. Is there a source you pulled these font stacks from, and do you have any similar recommendations for Korean text as well? ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 21:50, February 4, 2016 (UTC)
These fonts are all system fonts that should work on new and old versions of Windows and OSX. As for sources i used this for chinese. For Japanese i pretty much copied the font-family tag from jisho's css. Sadly I don't know much about Korean system fonts except for Malgun Gothic. Googling something like "Korean web fonts" should probably help though. Mediarahan (talkcontribs) 22:10, February 4, 2016 (UTC)

Several Stuff

Hey, Dinoguy. Me again to bother you with several stuff. When it's something more technical I'll come either to you or Deltaneos, probably. And instead of being boring you every once in a while, this time I assembled some stuff to throw at you at once, so here it is:

  • As you can see here, Deskbot 005 French name won't display. I haven't been able to understand why yet. Something similar applies here for the Empowered Japanese names. However, their names appear here. They also appear on that table several times.
    I copied part of the tables to here, to facilitate visually. It's probably just something dumb that I'm not being able to see;
  • If a booster pack has a Super Edition, for some reason, it won't be displayed. For example, "The New Challengers" booster has a Super Edition. If you click Edit, you'll see it has "| super_edition = true", but nothing will be displayed in the page;
  • Another thing is I created this. Something is wrong with the link name on the Aether page. And I found the page for Aether members already existed.
  • Last but not least, I expanded your Set List template into 300 entries (because I needed to use it with more than 200 entries) and provided it here. Do you have any objection on this? Do you want me to give credit in a different way? I shouldn't use it? Is it too much text to provide on a page? Am I providing it wrong? It's not necessary to provide this? If something is wrong/not in the best way, I would appreciate you to tell me. Thanks.

And thanks for your time. Pendulum (talkcontribs) 12:51, February 5, 2016 (UTC)

Oh, and there's this. It doesn't seem very correct. Pendulum (talkcontribs) 14:48, February 5, 2016 (UTC)
You don't have to worry about only dropping stuff on me when you've got several things; if you notice something, go ahead and let me know. =)
The problem with Deskbot 005 is that for some reason, the French name isn't being stored by Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) - see Special:Browse/Deskbot 005, where you'll notice there is no "French name" entry. I'm not sure what's going on here, and null-editing doesn't fix it (and it's not an invisible control character causing this, either, since I tried retyping the name, which didn't produce any changes).
The Empowered monsters are also acting like that because of SMW, though not for the same reason. The difference between the set list and the Pendulum Monster list is because the contents of the set list are manually listed, while the Pendulum Monster list uses something called a query, which automatically finds and lists all the pages that meet a certain criterium (in this case, all pages for Pendulum Monsters). There's a way to fix this, but I can't remember for sure how.
I can assure you there's no shame in not being able to see the problem here. =) SMW tends to act up in several non-obvious ways that have the end result of information not displaying, or being displayed multiple times; we've had these problems with some pages for months now, if not longer.
Super Editions not displaying would be because the infobox doesn't have a super_edition parameter, since there're so few of them right now. For now, you can instead use the special_edition parameter, with the full name of the Super Edition's page (e.g. | special_edition = The New Challengers: Super Edition). If the page already has a Special Edition, you should instead use the other_sets parameter.
That's another SMW cache issue, though it usually happens after renaming a page. I've fixed it by deleting and recreating List of "Aether" cards.
That's fine, if you need it then don't be afraid to create/use it. =)
I don't see anything wrong there, myself; it looks like a redirect accounting for a punctuation difference. Am I missing something? ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 15:13, February 5, 2016 (UTC)
Thank you for all the clarifications. Thank you very much!
Yeah, the Aether page is working now.
I'll search for those boosters that have "Super Edition" and correct it.
The thing with the redirect is that the first link for the Japanese gallery at this page was using that redirect. That's what I meant with doesn't seeming correct. But I gave it a "fix", so I think that redirect can be deleted, no? Pendulum (talkcontribs) 15:37, February 5, 2016 (UTC)
Aah, you meant the redirect itself didn't seem right. We do try to avoid redirects in the "extra info" namespaces (Set Card Galleries/Lists and the various Card namespaces), but really, the redirects don't hurt anything and there is no particular rush to get them deleted. You can tag those redirect for deletion, though, if you first make sure there's nothing linking to them (you can use Special:WhatLinksHere to check that). ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 00:49, February 8, 2016 (UTC)
Yep, already did it. Nothing links to it. I just felt it could have been avoided. It was created because a link was wrong in the first place, I believe. And I don't like redundancy much, that's all. Pendulum (talkcontribs) 11:45, February 8, 2016 (UTC)

Infobox Set

Hi again! I think there's something not quite correct on the Template:Infobox set. When it displays the Spanish prefix for the set, it displays it as "ABBR-ES (sp)" instead of "ABBR-SP (es)" (example). Though I'm not sure what should be really displayed inside the "()". Pendulum (talkcontribs) 00:13, February 10, 2016 (UTC)

Oh, good catch! I've fixed it; it was originally correct but I accidentally changed it when I rewrote the code that handles set prefixes in {{Infobox set}}.
The question of what should be displayed in the parentheses isn't an easy one, and depends on whether they should indicate language, region, or some combination. When I rewrote the code, I chose to change it to region, since the tooltips displayed when you hover over them are the full region name (more or less), but there are arguments for languages instead, or for a combination. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 04:21, February 10, 2016 (UTC)
Thanks for fixing it!
Hum, that seems a tough decision, indeed. But shouldn't it be the same as the "Yugioh-Card database ID" section of the infobox? Because that part uses ja and es instead of jp and sp. Or is it supposed to be like that because of the region vs. language thing? I really don't know. And, in the case of DUEA, shouldn't a prefix for "Japanese-Asian" ("DUEA-JA") be displayed as well? Or should it be added manually, since it's a very particular case? Pendulum (talkcontribs) 11:37, February 10, 2016 (UTC)
The region vs. language distinction has caused a lot of trouble over the years, in no small part because no one really recognized it as problematic for quite some time. I've recently been working on separating their handling in templates, but it's slow going because of how embedded it is across the wiki (for example, all the parameters in {{Infobox set}} currently use language abbreviations in their names, with alternate abbreviations or extra tags for disambiguation; updating this will require editing several hundred set articles). Ideally, regions would be limited to release-related stuff (mostly release dates themselves and set prefixes/card numbers), and languages would be used for names, lores, etc., but the database adds to the confusion itself, at least a bit.
The JA-JP thing is a demonstration of this problem: until DUEA-JA was released, all Japanese releases used JP, and because the language code for Japanese is "ja", the two were used somewhat interchangeably for parameter names and the like, with a bias towards the language code (as can be seen in the parameter names for {{Infobox set}}, for example, which all use "ja"). After its release, though, no one bothered to add support for it in {{Infobox set}} (and doing so would have been quite difficult because of the JP-JA ambiguity), and it kind of got forgotten about, at least by me. In my rewrite, I made a start at finally adding support (you can use jp_set_prefix to specify the JP prefix, and ja_set_prefix for the JA prefix), but I haven't touched the reldate code yet, and finalizing support will also require an update run through all set pages, to switch JP releases to "jp"-prefixed parameters. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 17:54, February 10, 2016 (UTC)
Hum, yeah, updating hundreds of articles would be really hard. At least manually. Couldn't a bot do the job, for example? And if the DataBase doesn't help... What would be the most correct criteria, then?
And there's something that confuses me, I believe it's because of that. I use "ko" and "es" for card names, but for the card table and the galleries' headers, "kr" and "sp" are used. It's because of that, right? Some should be applied in some situations and the others on other situations, right? Is there any place I can read more about that (like some manual, or something)? And what about the "ja" vs. "jp" (not the capital letter one)? "jp" is used in the galleries' headers for Japanese cards and "ja" for the card names. But what about the {{Card table}}? It shall be "jp", right? But for the Japanese-Asian card table should be "ja", right? Or am I mistaken? This gets a bit confusing since "ja" applies for both Japanese and Japanese-Asian in the {{Card name}} template. Pendulum (talkcontribs) 19:56, February 10, 2016 (UTC)
I have a bot I've used for stuff like this in the past, but I haven't been able to get the program I use for it to start recently, so I haven't been able to do any bot runs. There're a few other bot accounts floating around, but I think they all belong to retired or inactive editors.
The database doesn't really change how we handle our own stuff, it's just an annoyance that we have to treat as its own thing.
Card names (and lores) should always use e.g. "ja", "ko", etc. These codes are actually taken from a standard, ISO 639, which defines standard codes for basically every language. So, anywhere you handle card names/lores (and assuming the template parameters you're using have the correct names to allow it), you should be using these codes, not the codes used in card numbers; in the case of parameter values, the codes should always be used (if you manage to come across a template that doesn't support the correct values, point me to it and I'll fix it). This means that gallery headers and {{Card name}} should actually use these codes, rather than the "kr", etc. ones, too; current usages use the card number codes just because many editors aren't aware of this change yet and many usages just haven't been updated yet.
If you're curious, this policy arises from the fact that different region releases using the same language don't have different text: card names and lores always match up between them (allowing for errata). This is probably most easily seen with the old English prints, where North American, European, and Oceanic/Australian English were all treated as separate prints; more recent examples would be TCG English versus Asian-English. (An interesting case is old versus new Portuguese prints: the old prints used European Portuguese, whereas the new prints use Brazilian Portuguese.)
Unfortunately, there isn't really a manual or documentation explaining all this; we're rather bad about proper documentation on this wiki, and a good chunk of that is my fault. The manual of style would probably be a good place to document some of this, though. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 04:33, February 11, 2016 (UTC)
Oh, I see. Yeah, that complicates it.
The problem with the database is it conflicts with the criteria here. For instance, on Special Edition pages, I've been using "<Set name>: Special Edition". But on the database, they don't use the ":". But the pages here use it in their name. So I confess I'm not sure if we should use them or not. I've been using them, though.
I wasn't very clear in one thing about the gallery headers. I meant like this. In that case, "kr" and "sp" are preferred, right? Or not? Sorry for asking this again, but this confuses me, because I guess you were talking about gallery headers like this, where "ko" is used, right?
Thanks for the info. I really appreciate it. Pendulum (talkcontribs) 12:21, February 11, 2016 (UTC)
My approach to the database has been to inform the information we present, but not dictate it; there have been a few cases where the database contradicts other sources on names (and rarely other information), so it should be treated with care rather than trusted blindly.
My reply was meant to apply to card galleries as well: the headers display the card's name, so they should use the language codes. Updating older usages isn't a terribly high priority, since the other codes are correctly supported and will be indefinitely, but I'd always intended to do a bot run to round them all up some day. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 23:42, February 11, 2016 (UTC)
Aaaah, ok, ok, understood.
Ah shoot!... I've been using "sp", "jp" and "kr" on the individual card's galleries... But wait... I have to use "jp" on the header, because "ja" will display "(OCG - Japanese-Asian)". Or is it supposed to display that instead of "(OCG - Japanese)"? Pendulum (talkcontribs) 00:11, February 12, 2016 (UTC)
Damn it, I forgot about that bit. That's a prime example of the language-region ambiguity. In that case, forget what I said, and keep using region abbreviations for the card gallery headers. >_< ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 03:32, February 12, 2016 (UTC)

Ratios Pages

Sorry for being spamming your talk page. Could you give a look at this, please? I don't know if I did it correctly, because the name of the set appears twice (I guess one is embedded on the Ratio template?), and I don't know if I missed something. Pendulum (talkcontribs) 14:45, February 10, 2016 (UTC)

Set Card Ratios are a weird set of pages, whose ultimate future is uncertain - no one really seems to know for sure what to do with them. Personally, I lean more towards removing them in favor of "Breakdown" sections on the set pages themselves, but I don't really have much conviction behind that position. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 18:02, February 10, 2016 (UTC)
Well, I won't give them much priority, then. That one already existed, so why not update it? That was my thought. A lot of packs don't have them and no one ever seemed to need them, since the "Breakdown" section exists, yeah.Pendulum (talkcontribs) 19:59, February 10, 2016 (UTC)
Hey! I saw what you did here. Does it mean all the ratios links are to be removed? Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 21:13, February 22, 2016 (UTC)
For now, just the redlinks should be removed. I already updated {{Set navigation}} several days ago to only show ratio links if at least one actually exists; I should probably change it to only show links to ratio pages that exist, and hide all red ratio links.
More generally, there is agreement among the other admins and myself that ratio pages should be phased out in favor of "Breakdown" sections on set pages, but I don't want to rush into anything just yet, in case there are people out there who have valid uses for the ratio pages that we don't cover elsewhere yet. So while I would encourage the removal of redlinks (as I said before), I would also say to not go out of your way to track them down just yet. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 21:27, February 22, 2016 (UTC)
Alright, got it! Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 21:35, February 22, 2016 (UTC)

That BE01 problem

Hey Dino, this comes in the sequence of our talk at UltiK's page. I hope you don't mind me continuing the conversation here (though I still left messages there yesterday), I've bothered UltiK more than enough with my things.
I thought I should alert you to this and this. I had to fix it manually, because your template, somehow, wasn't able to get that. It's probably related with that red link in the pics, and maybe it could help you to understand the problem better, I don't know. Pendulum (talkcontribs) 22:21, February 15, 2016 (UTC)

It's because of the "(2011)" in the page names, which messes with some of the logic there. I've never really liked that naming, but I don't think we have very many alternatives here. And since the problem only applies to two sets out of several hundred (other sets also have things in parentheses in their page names, but it's always stuff like "(Japanese)" that everything can safely ignore), I don't think it's worth any heroic measures trying to fix it. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 02:40, February 16, 2016 (UTC)
Sounds weird, but I'm still in the process of trying to find how this works.
And about this? I guess there's no way either (besides creating lots of exceptions in the codes, but, just like above, that's not worth it since these are very particular cases).
And the Limited Edition promos no longer are asking to be moved to the same name. Was it your doing on the {{OCG-TCG card image}}? Nice. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 09:51, February 16, 2016 (UTC)
One more thing: When adding lores, I found the German database uses some weird ". Example: „Magiebuch“ instead of "Magiebuch". Is there a preference to use " , or should I keep the „ “ ? Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 23:00, February 16, 2016 (UTC)
Actually, that shouldn't be happening at all; Japanese releases don't indicate edition (other than Duel Terminal, IIRC), so we don't indicate it ourselves in page names either. My prior fix of the set gallery links for certain OP images caused that, and I've (re)fixed it; thanks for pointing it out.
Yep, that was the whole purpose to my edit. And no biggie, I'm more-or-less the template guy around here anyways. =)
Those are the style of quote used in German; see wikipedia:Quotation mark#German (Germany and Austria) for more information. And yeah, we want to use them for German names/lores. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 05:45, February 17, 2016 (UTC)
Ah yeah! How come I didn't realize it? Damn.
Yeah, you seem to be the one more involved with templates. You've done a nice work around here (not only around here).
The Wikia came a long way from 2011 (when I started following it, despite not having an account).
I have one more problem for you (sorry man); This is a proxy for a pack that contains no First Edition. Is there a way to fix that red link?
Ah, I see. Well, I'll put those back, then. Thank you for the info, it's always appreciated. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 10:23, February 17, 2016 (UTC)
Out of curiosity, where else have you seen my work?
Tag it as Unlimited Edition. To be honest, I kind of think we should tag the edition on proxies as a rule, since (except for some magazine proxy images) it should always be easy to tell what the edition is. (Also, stop apologizing! If I didn't enjoy template work, I wouldn't do nearly so much of it, so I have zero problems with having needed work pointed out to me. =D ) ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 06:23, February 18, 2016 (UTC)
I've seen it on Wikipedia.
Alright. But that would ask for a renaming. Does that mean all proxies should be tagged (with "UE", because, from the top of my head, there are no 1st Edition proxies) and renamed accordingly? (Well, I guess I'll keep throwing stuff at you, then heheh.) Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 09:49, February 18, 2016 (UTC)
One more question: Why does the English {{Card table set}} doesn't display the release date? Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 22:09, February 18, 2016 (UTC)
Do you edit/have an account there?
I was going by the assumption that there are 1E proxies as well (as was demonstrated above, there are at least a few LE proxies), but if the majority really are UE, then the default behavior of the template should be changed instead. (For that matter, I wouldn't be surprised if I've had this conversation with someone else at some point in the past...) Be sure to check the Eye of Anubis Hologram on them as well to make sure that there aren't cases where the hologram indicates a 1E print, but it doesn't have the "1st Edition" text for whatever reason.
The English release dates are a mess in general, mostly because the very early UDE releases were a complete mess themselves. I started some work to try to get that straightened out somewhat a while back, but got sidetracked and haven't gotten back to it yet. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 10:07, February 20, 2016 (UTC)
No, I don't. I just read it.
Ah, you're right, you're right. There are some 1st Edition proxies (like this, for instance). So yeah, it's better to indicate the Edition and rename them. I'll take care of that.
Ah, because the products' pages don't use | en_release_date = , so the {{Card table set/header|en}} isn't able to get the dates, right? Ok, I get it now (finally). ...And this was simple, sorry for making you lose your time explaining it. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 12:35, February 20, 2016 (UTC)
So, I've been renaming the proxies (I have all of them noted down, in case you want me to revert them), and I found one exception (until now). This one is an Unlimited Edition proxy, but I'm not sure if they'll release Unlimited WIRA cards. They did release THSF Unlimited cards, but not HSRD as of yet. Similar happens to BOSH, but Unlimited cards from there will be released in about six days, so I created the galleries already.
Long story short: Any special way to deal with that specific proxy? Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 16:51, February 20, 2016 (UTC)
More or less, yes, though there is still quite a bit of complexity around the edges, and CTS should display the dates regardless. And it's not a problem; if you've peeked at my contributions at all, you'll note that I haven't been doing that much around here recently. =)
It's probably best to go ahead and note it as UE, as it currently is. The link isn't that big of a deal, but if it comes to it, there isn't a problem with creating the gallery just for the proxy, or it could be temporarily redirected to the 1E gallery, and if a UE release happens in the future, the redirect can then be converted to a proper gallery. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 06:43, February 21, 2016 (UTC)
Well, you may not be here much, but when you are, you solve big problems, I think.
Alrighty, then. I'll leave it with the broken link for now. Maybe they'll release Unlimited Edition WIRA cards in the future.
Thanks for the help! Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 12:19, February 21, 2016 (UTC)

Several Stuff: Part 2

Hello again. I see you and Deltaneos fixed the date display on the {{Card table set}}. Nice!
So, I assembled several stuff to throw at you again (I hope this is not a habit). Here:

  • This list, which came from here (the first one) :
    • Has two entries for Chicken Race, which is the obsolete translation for Chicken Game. I can't figure why they appear there. After all, it's just one (not two) redirect without any tags. And those two erroneous entries are a bit weird, sometimes they display the Japanese name, other times they simply don't;
    • Also, there's a red link appearing there too (Shouma Souchaku), another obsolete "translation", this time for Empowering Armory, which, coincidentally, has two entries there too;
    • Augmented Heraldry's Japanese name appears there twice on the same entry.
  • I see there are card property icons as ".png" and ".svg". Why are the ".png" used in some cases and the ".svg" used in other cases? Why not going only with one? Any particular reason? Is it matter of resolution or something (I noticed the ".svg" are used in smaller cases)? I guess ".png" are preferred because they are more faithful to the icon that appears in the card, right?
  • How are the "Set" pages (the ones that appear in the {{Navigation}}) supposed to be used?
  • Finally, do you think it would be worth it to gather all the proxy pics into one gallery? Or, if not a gallery, into some list, or something?

Thanks for your time! Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 11:35, February 24, 2016 (UTC)

That was pretty much all Delt's doing, actually. Truth be told, I'm still not happy with the situation from a technical point of view, but improving it is going to be a longer-ish-term project that will require a bit of thought, probably.
The list stuff all comes down to SMW's caching. There's a few things that can be tried to fix them, but I don't want to start anything like that right now; if no one else's looked at them, I'll do so later today.
It's more a matter of we haven't made any real effort to be consistent, actually. I think the SVGs are actually preferred, but I might be wrong. Even if we switched completely to one set of images, though, I think we'd want to keep the other set around, regardless.
We're not really sure. The Card Sets namespace was requested without discussion, and as a result no one's really sure how it should be used (and as a result of that, uptake has been minimal). I've been thinking for a while about just unlinking the Card Sets link from {{Navigation}} and {{CardTable2}}, unless or until someone comes up with a good use for the pages.
I think it would probably be worthwhile, though it might work better as several galleries, perhaps split up according to their source. But this is probably a discussion to be held on Talk:Official Proxy, not here. =) ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 12:19, February 24, 2016 (UTC)
At least they are displaying info now, but I understand what you mean.
Huuum... So should one be adopted right now?
Regarding the "Set" pages, I don't know what kind of information could go there. The sets the cards belong to are displayed on the card page anyway, with all needed info.
Oops, should have checked that page.
Thank you, man! Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 19:04, February 24, 2016 (UTC)
I don't think there's any urgency in choosing one or the other, but it is something we'll want to do at some point.
That's the same reason no one else has offered any good ideas, probably. I have a feeling we're going to just end up removing all traces of the namespace from the wiki, and requesting its removal by staff, but I don't want to call it done just yet, in case someone does come up with a use for it. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 23:27, February 24, 2016 (UTC)
I fixed the query listings, except for Chicken Race, which won't go away completely no matter what I try. It is, however, down to just one entry instead of two, and now displays the Japanese name for some reason (so at least people will be able to tell at-a-glance that it's the same card as Chicken Game, without having to click to view the pages). ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 23:34, February 24, 2016 (UTC)
Alrighty, then.
I see you just deleted all content from Augmented Heraldry and then put it back. When the Japanese name appears twice (or something similar), that's what should be done? I'm asking so next time I don't need to bother you.
Yeah, Chicken Game seems to be stubborn. And Empowered Armory still has two entries on the same table too, weirdly.
And thank you again. I'm always thanking you, but you're always fixing what I throw at you, so... You'll hear that a lot from me heheh. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 23:43, February 24, 2016 (UTC)
Yeah, that usually is enough to fix it, just be sure to null-edit an affected list and check that it's actually fixed afterwards, since there have been cases where blanking and unblanking didn't fix the problem.
Oh, I overlooked Empowering Armory. And just as well, since neither blanking nor deleting fixed it. We're going to have to just leave it for now and see if it decides to fix itself at some point, unless someone else has a different idea for how to fix it. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 00:33, February 25, 2016 (UTC)
Alright, I'll try to fix it for myself next time. Thanks for the tip.
Some pages seem to have their own life and be stubborn. Thanks for your time.
Well, that's all for now. See you in Several Stuff: Part 3, Dino. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 00:40, February 25, 2016 (UTC)

Archive Table

Hey Dino. This time I'm sending you a message regarding a different matter.
Would you mind if I snatch some bits of your Archive Table to build one for me? Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 21:24, February 28, 2016 (UTC)

Not at all, go for it! =) ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 21:25, February 28, 2016 (UTC)
Thank you! I've thought a lot about how to organize my stuff, and dividing it by year and month seems the best way. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 21:29, February 28, 2016 (UTC)

List of deaths

I noticed that you protected the List of Deaths page on the yugioh wikia. I believe that it has been implied that Sergey has been "destroyed" in episode 95 after a group of nearby commons recognize him as the "duelist crusher" before picking up weapons. Jean-michel rogers screen of Sergey then received a "No signal" message which I believe implies that he was destroyed. I am sure this would count as a "death" and should belong on the List of Deaths page under the Arc-V category.

RitchUK (talkcontribs) 00:00, March 1, 2016 (UTC)RitchUK

I'm not familiar with that part of the anime (I haven't watched it for years, actually), but according to other users who've undone additions of it to the list, it's not completely clear that he actually died. Our policy is to avoid speculation, even if it seems like something obvious. There is no harm in waiting to see if his death is actually confirmed in a future episode. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 02:12, March 1, 2016 (UTC)

Traditional Chinese Lists

Just today, I came across an article on YGOrganization.Com that posted an article on the OCG Forbidden/Limited Lists...for Traditional Chinese. Do you think I should make an article on this, even if there aren't any articles of the TC OCG Lists beforehand? --Yes, it's PSYCHID! He talks! He does stuff! 14:55, March 1, 2016 (UTC)

Yes, if for no other reason than that this list is specifically noted as differing from the current OCG list. If you find reliable info about differences between past OCG lists and TC OCG lists, you can create articles for them as well, otherwise it should be assumed that TC simply followed the OCG lists of the time. I hope Konami doesn't keep doing these special-case lists; they're really annoying - probably for the players just as much as for us. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 02:39, March 2, 2016 (UTC)
Well, I did it. The question is, for the "Forbidden", "Limited", "Semi-Limited" and "Unlimited" pages, should I make changes exclsuvie to the Traditional Chinese Lists? Or is it best that I leave them alone? --Yes, it's PSYCHID! He talks! He does stuff! 04:58, March 2, 2016 (UTC)
I think it's probably best to leave them alone until we have a consistent way to note all of these specific-region differences (so if you have an idea there, go ahead and do it). ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 06:56, March 2, 2016 (UTC)

5D's manga's volumes

Hey Dino! All of the 5D's manga volumes title are written with "Volume" with a capital "V", with the exception of volume 8. In fact all of the manga's promotional card pages are written with a capital "V". Do they still need a renaming? Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 20:36, March 1, 2016 (UTC)

Yes, because "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Volume x" isn't a proper name (for the same reason, all the other volume articles and promo articles that use a capital "Volume" also need renamed). I've been aware of this for a long time, but haven't done any work on it because of the sheer number of pages to be renamed. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 02:37, March 2, 2016 (UTC)
Ok. I'll probably go on a rampage on it when I have the time to do so. And undone the rest of my edits on the volume's French names, except for the fourth, since it's the only one to, apparently, have a promo card. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 10:10, March 2, 2016 (UTC)
Thanks, though don't feel any pressure to do so. If I've been avoiding the work, after all, I'm hardly going to expect someone else to step in and do it just because I've pointed it out to them. =D
Sorry if my reverts came off a bit brusque there. That particular rule isn't really documented anywhere, so it's not your fault that you weren't aware of it. At some point I'll have to change the infobox so it doesn't display the name in a given language if a release date or set abbreviation associated with that language isn't also given. (And in the meantime, if you or someone else finds evidence of a French release for one of the sets I reverted you on, you can take great pleasure in reverting me in turn. =D ) ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 11:10, March 2, 2016 (UTC)
It's something that will take its time. I don't mind doing it, but it's something really big, I have to fill myself with a lot of patience heheh.
Oh, no need to be sorry, man. I added the fourth volume name, and then I thought I should add for the others. I confess I wasn't sure on it, I should have asked. I've searched and searched and searched, and haven't been able to find any of the remaining volume's cards yet. But if I find them, I'll revert your reverts, yeah, but I don't think I will take that much pleasure on doing it hahah. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 11:21, March 2, 2016 (UTC)
To be fair, while my bot (or rather, AWB) was working, I could've gotten it done a bit easier. It still would've been annoying and tedious, just not quite as much so. (And, now that I mention it, if you have any interest at all in automating some of your edits, I strongly encourage you to check out AWB. It's a quite powerful tool, though a lot of that comes at the price of having to know how to use regexes at the very least. That being said, I basically taught myself regexes in the course of using it, and have developed a reasonably decent collection of rules that would give you a pretty good starting point, if you're interested.)
Don't drive yourself crazy trying to find them; if they do exist, they'll almost certainly turn up at some point, given enough time. That being said, you may like to compare notes with Ult or SnorlaxMonster, both of whom, I believe, have some experience with looking for card images and may be able to point you to websites or other resources you haven't found or thought to check yet. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 11:30, March 2, 2016 (UTC)
Hey, that would be cool! Though I believe I don't have enough knowledge for it. But I'll give it a look and try to learn. If you have some info you don't mind providing, I completely appreciate it!
Yeah, you're right. Ah, good, I'll ask them for more sources, then. Usually, finding French and Spanish stuff isn't hard for me, since I know bits of French and Spanish, but German (especially) really is difficult to me.
(If you reply to this now (or soon), just to let you know that I will take some time to reply back, since I need to leave.) Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 11:42, March 2, 2016 (UTC)
One question regarding the renaming; It will be a dumb one, but I prefer to make sure: I should leave a redirect behind, right? You left a redirect on volume 8, so I should leave one too, right? Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 22:41, March 2, 2016 (UTC)
I've referred to a lot while working with regexes, and you may find it similarly useful. And of course, if you need help with a specific regex, I'd be more than happy to help out with it. =)
Yeah. Generally, when moving a page in the main namespace, you should leave a redirect behind; it's usually only the card and set info namespaces and the file namespace where we suppress redirects as a matter of course (and in those cases we make sure all links to the moved page(s) have been updated). ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 02:19, March 3, 2016 (UTC)
Ah, I see what you mean. I have very small notions of it (or something similar to it). It's not something totally unknown to me. But I need to put some heavy practice into it. Thanks for your help, Dino.
Ah ok ok. Got it! Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 09:39, March 3, 2016 (UTC)
Just a parenthesis: Ceasefire's Asian-English table isn't displaying the release date correctly. It should be April 21, 2003. I think I did nothing wrong. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 19:53, March 3, 2016 (UTC)
Fixed it, it was a problem with {{Card table set}} (so no, you didn't do anything wrong =) ). ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 07:00, March 4, 2016 (UTC)
Ah cool, thank you!
And also thanks for taking care of my talk page. By the way, are ".png" preferable or it doesn't matter? I changed those first three because they were recent and were in pages containing only ".png" (with one exception, being the one I changed on Lulu's page). Should I have left them in ".jpg"? Because, in that user's defense, I assumed we preferred ".png", since I'm more used to work with card pics. So I apologize if I took a decision I shouldn't have. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 09:50, March 4, 2016 (UTC)
PNG images are preferred, yes, though we don't turn down JPEG images if they're what a user happens to upload. This may change in the future, but for now JPEG uploads are fine. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 10:02, March 4, 2016 (UTC)

(resetting indentation) You replied and I missed it... Alright! In that case, I apologize.
And regarding the manga promo pages to be moved, I made a list of what needs to be renamed here. It only has the pages for the promos. It doesn't have pages like Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - Volume 003, for instance. Or should those also be renamed to "volume"? Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 11:14, March 4, 2016 (UTC)

They should at some point, though it's possible we might decide to move the episode, chapter, and volume articles to their English names instead (I've discussed this with another editor who seems to like the idea, but haven't really mentioned it elsewhere). So for now, just moving the promo pages is fine. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 08:07, March 5, 2016 (UTC)
Ok, I'll focus on the promo pages for now. I won't have much time during the weekend, though. So maybe only Monday. And I still have some things I want to read about the bot. It would be useful to change "Volume" to "volume", yeah. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 14:21, March 5, 2016 (UTC)

Sorry about that dino

sorry about that dino i guess when someone replaces my images i get little thick off that that damage my wikia reputation did it that wont happen again (The Twinke Star in the Skies 14:08, March 4, 2016 (UTC)) i wish i can try update my signature but i forgot how i did that

You can update your signature in your preferences. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 08:08, March 5, 2016 (UTC)

Pendulum Scale Monster Lists

Ah, I can't believe I forgot to remove the ratios on the {{Set navigation}}! Need to pay more attention.
Look, Lucafriz requested to Cheesedude and then to UltiK if the {{CardTable2}} could link directly to the lists of monsters by Pendulum Scale (example).
I believe Lucafriz didn't address to you, and since you are the template guy and, if I may say, I think that would be a good and convenient idea, I'm pointing it to you. What do you think? (In case you are aware of the situation, but you (or anyone) haven't had time to solve it, please just ignore this message.) Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 12:59, March 6, 2016 (UTC)

I'm aware of it, but ambivalent to be honest (though leaning towards being in favor of linking them). The main thing is that the Level/Rank and ATK/DEF lists are not linked from the newer card templates (such as {{Anime card}} and {{Manga card}}), and I'm not sure if their being left out was intentional. If it was, I need to find out the reasoning for it, but if not, I'll have to add the links to those templates as well. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 13:14, March 7, 2016 (UTC)
Ah, I see. Well, if I may give my humble opinion, as an user, I would find it extremely convenient. More than once I found myself clicking on it, even though I knew it wasn't linked. The similar goes to the more recent templates. If one person could just click on the level, for instance, and be led into a list with all anime/manga (depending on the template) monsters with that level, that would be cool.
And regarding the bot, I don't know if you still encourage me, because I see I've been leaving some typos behind my edits, and there was that problem with ".jpg" vs ".png", so... Regardless, I downloaded AWB. But if you don't feel like I should use such tool, I won't use it. And do I need to make a forum thread or something, to ask for more opinions? Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 20:23, March 7, 2016 (UTC)
And could you please make an if condition here? Or something similar, don't know if that would work. Because it's Millennium Box Gold Edition for JP and Millennium Deck for KR. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 23:30, March 7, 2016 (UTC)
Seriously, I don't know what's happening with me. I realized they would go separated on their respective prefixes. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 23:36, March 7, 2016 (UTC)
Yeah, I've had that thought more than once myself. I'll try to get an answer, but if I can't within a couple days or so, I think I'll go ahead and just add the links.
I'm not going to ask you to stop using AWB just because you've made some mistakes in the edits you've made with it. =) As long as you recognize when there are problems, fix them where you see them and update your rules to avoid making them in the future, it's fine. (And besides, if we made people stop using AWB just because they made mistakes in their AWB edits, I wouldn't be allowed to use it; I've made mistakes with it several times. =D )
A forum thread just to use it isn't necessary, though if you want to be able to run it in bot mode (meaning you don't have to manually click "save" for each edit), you'll need to have an account with a bot flag, which would require a community discussion. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 22:06, March 8, 2016 (UTC)
Wait, wait, wait, no, no, no, no. I haven't made any edits with it yet (And I'm cracking up now). I still don't know how to use this, and I'm just too afraid to try it. I'm afraid to make the whole Wikia go kaboom or something.
Ah, ok, got it. Hum, I might consider it, since I want to make those changes on the manga promos from "Volume" to "volume". But I still need to work a bit more on the regex and stuff. And to learn how to use the bot properly. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 23:00, March 8, 2016 (UTC)
Oh, sorry, I misunderstood you, then. =) Don't be afraid of using it; as I hinted at above, currently you'll have to manually save each edit it makes, which is meant to allow you to review the changes first. This means, if something goes drastically wrong, you can catch it immediately, and even if a few edits do slip through before you notice, they're easily enough tracked down and fixed/undone (and that is the absolute worst-case scenario, unless you're specifically trying to edit maliciously =D ). ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 12:39, March 9, 2016 (UTC)
Hahah, no problem. I have to try it, then. Just want to finish some stuff I had on a To do-like list, first.
I see, thanks for encouraging me, Dino, and for the explanation too! Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 18:27, March 9, 2016 (UTC)

"" to "YGOrganization"

I'd do this myself, but I have to go puppy-sit soon, and I usually don't bring my iPad with me when I do. But could you please do me a favor and, for the Forbidden/Limited Lists' references, could you change the "" to "YGOrganization"? I ask because I think the latter would be more official/presentable than the former. Thanks! --Yes, it's PSYCHID! He talks! He does stuff! 17:44, March 9, 2016 (UTC)

Card table set display & rename

I think I have another thing for you to fix: The "na" {{Card table set}} is not displaying the release date of Ancient Sanctuary, as it can be seen here.
And I left a message on BATT's talk page. Since I'm addressing to you, I thought about pointing it out, before it goes unnoticed. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 20:09, March 10, 2016 (UTC)

Fixed it. As always, if there are other cases you see where a date should display but doesn't even after a null edit, let me know. =)
Replied there (before I saw this, actually). ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 22:08, March 10, 2016 (UTC)
Cool, thanks! Oh, you don't have to worry about that. I will, since I have no other way to help.
Yep, saw it. I'll do it when I have time to do it at once. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 22:25, March 10, 2016 (UTC)

Archiving & Boilerplate

Me again. This time I have two questions:

  1. I see people archive their talk page stuff in their "User talk" space. I was thinking about archiving it into the "User" space. Is there any problem with that? I'm aware some templates/expressions require the archives to be on the "User talk" space, but I don't intend to make use of them, except this: <div id="archived-edit-link"></div>. Which won't work unless it's a talk page, right?
  2. Just to let you know you list boilerplate works great. Though I would like to make a suggestion: for instance, when a monster is both Fusion and Effect, the boilerplate will make it display as Fusion Monster, when it should be Effect Fusion Monster. Is it something that could be easily done? Or is something that requires some heavy coding? Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 20:39, March 13, 2016 (UTC)
I've just updated the archiving script to be usable on user pages as well, so as soon as it gets approved you'll be good to go. (Needless to say, this means there's no problem if you choose to archive your talk page in the User: namespace instead of the User talk: namespace, other than it just being an unusual choice and therefore not necessarily supported by templates and whatnot.) =)
I'm aware it does that, I just haven't taken the time to fix it yet. I don't think it'll be super-complicated to do, but it's not trivial either. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 22:30, March 13, 2016 (UTC)
Hey, thanks a lot! Sincerely, Dino, thanks a lot! And I just read Help:JavaScript review process. Didn't know there was such a thing, cool.
Ah alright. Don't bother much. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 22:59, March 13, 2016 (UTC)
I intend to at some point regardless, but it may end up being one of those things that don't happen until a proper template is created. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 20:07, March 14, 2016 (UTC)
Hum, I bet that's something a bit harder, yeah. And what about if a monster is a Tuner/Toon/Spirit/Flip/Gemini/Union? Is it hard to make it display the corresponding type, instead of displaying it as "Effect Monster"? I know something like {{ subst:#show: {{ subst:#var: $card }} |?Monster type | link = none }} would fish it. But a condition would have to exist, verifying if that Monster Type would exist for the given card name. Which brings us probably at what you were saying...
What kind of template would you need, conceptually speaking? Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 21:08, March 14, 2016 (UTC)
It would be a template to standardize the display of information on the list pages (perhaps even automatically listing cards with SMW, depending what direction we ultimately go with that). It's something I've intended to write for years, but have always found one excuse or another to put it off. =D ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 21:12, March 14, 2016 (UTC)
That would be the most convenient template around. Man, you and Deltaneos are the ones who work the most on templates, so... You guys are the ones to do it. I support that idea (that's basically all I can do).
And the way you said that with that smile at the end just made me have a good laugh. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 21:41, March 14, 2016 (UTC)

Deck's short names

I see you are shortening the prev/next inputs. And I'm also noting you're keeping the red ratios links. Is it because you just forgot (or something) to remove them, or are ratios important again? Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 00:11, March 16, 2016 (UTC)

I just wasn't paying attention when I was editing, is all. You can follow behind me and clear the red ratio links if you want (they'll be gotten eventually either way, though, so it's fine if you don't). =) ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 00:14, March 16, 2016 (UTC)
Ah, right. Well, I might go on a rampage on it. But not today. I'm off for today. Too tired (it's late in my timezone). And when removing the ratios I also want to search for external links and missing release dates and other possibly missing stuff on the products. So it'll have to wait a bit. And I still want to rename the BATT pack. The rename is supposed to go through, right? I asked UltiK some hours ago, thinking he was here, but he wasn't. And I prefer having an answer instead of start renaming stuff when I shouldn't. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 00:20, March 16, 2016 (UTC)
There's no hurry to get it renamed, so it would probably be best to wait for now. I've asked some other editors if any of them have thoughts on the proposal, so hopefully we'll get some more comments. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 00:35, March 16, 2016 (UTC)
Ah, alrighty, then. Could you please notify me when you get news on it? Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 00:41, March 16, 2016 (UTC)

New template idea

You or somebody else probably thought about something like this already. But still.
I thought about something that could be used in set articles. Something that would output the galleries for the set. That means, a template where given the right inputs, would output something similar to the content under the "Galleries" section on the set articles. Because that content is very... how do I say this... similar to each other. I mean, the link to a gallery, generically speaking is something like: "Set Card Galleries:SETNAME (MEDIUM-REGION-EDITIONABBR)". And after that, it has "FULL EDITION". And at the beginning of all of that, it has the pic and the region.
My idea would be something similar, in a way, to the {{Set navigation}}, where you would indicate the galleries for which country, and it would just display it. The pic could be inserted manually, since we don't have a very strict Name Policy for that kind of pics (but I'm trying to work on it).
I probably didn't make myself clear, so I'll try to explain it with an example; An input like:

{{templatename |

Would output (if "subst" would be used (which is not my idea)):

<gallery captionalign="center">
ENpic.png | English<br />[[Set Card Galleries:SETNAME (TCG-EN-1E)|1st Edition]]
JPpic.png | Japanese<br />[[Set Card Galleries:SETNAME (OCG-JP)|Unlimited Edition]]
KRpic.png | Korean<br />[[Set Card Galleries:SETNAME (OCG-KR-1E)|1st Edition]]/[[Set Card Galleries:SETNAME (OCG-KR-UE)|Unlimited Edition]]

The SETNAME could be easily gotten, right? Just like the {{Set navigation}} does. Deciding if it's TCG or OCG could also be done with relatively ease, right? I guess the major problem would be getting the parameters. Note that I use || to separate the arguments from one region to the following one. That probably doesn't work like that, but I don't know how this really works, so this is some kind of pseudo-code. And, of course, some details would have to be added. Like, for instance, a condition to throw the "/" in case the same region has two (or three) different editions.
To conclude, well, something like this would automatize the way things would be done. That means less direct contact with the code, more abstraction barriers. And it could be useful (if possible) to automagically create links to other pages like TCG Set Galleries: Packs, by using some template that would read the info on that one, and adapt it to that page's style.
I probably didn't make myself clear. Just ask anything. Or just call me names if this is a complete idiocy.
As a final note, I tried to use the | name = parameter and its input of your Card image uploading fun, but if a card name has spaces, since in the link they don't appear, it won't be able to create them. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 22:42, March 16, 2016 (UTC)

Yep, I've had that thought before. It is possible, but tricky, because the <gallery> tag doesn't play very well with templates. Other than that, a lot of what you said about it is pretty spot-on, and your proposal is fairly similar to how I'll probably implement it when I try to write something for this.
There's no way to make that boilerplate work with cards with spaces in their names, because there's no way to tell automatically where a space should appear. It can still be used for those cases, but you'll have to either replace the code with the correct card name before uploading, or remember to edit the image description afterwards to correct the card's name (and if you look through my uploads, you'll see cases where I've done that). I originally wrote that to simplify batch uploading card images with Special:MultipleUpload, which is why there's code for the card name at all. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 01:42, March 17, 2016 (UTC)
Well, in the worst case, we would have to introduce the tags manually and the template would just create what's in the middle of them.
Yeah, it couldn't guess where a word begins/ends. Though separating words with capital letter could work, but wouldn't solve the problem entirely for cards like Call of the Haunted. But this isn't something important, I just told you, because I decidedto try it. Seemed, indeed, fun. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 10:26, March 17, 2016 (UTC)
And I guess I still don't understand how the factbox works... I've seen pages where, after my edits, were broken by it, but after a while were good again. And I've seen the opposite too. I guess I'll just leave the factbox un-hidden for a while, next time. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 10:52, March 17, 2016 (UTC)
Actually, that's the difficulty I was referring to: the gallery tag doesn't allow its content to be generated by templates (it's even finicky about using templates in the image descriptions; sometimes they just don't work). There's a way to work around this, but it's not very pretty; this may be something I end up just implementing in a Lua module instead (which would allow me to bypass all the difficulty).
There are also cases where multiple capitals appear without a preceding space, though these aren't nearly as common as cards with lowercased words in their names.
You can check to see if the breakage is happening very easily on a page by adding ?useskin=monobook to the URL (if the URL already has a question mark, like, use &useskin=monobook instead). This shows the page using the Monobook skin, which has a sidebar on the left side and a series of tabs across the top of the content; when the page is broken by the factbox, both of these instead appear at the bottom of the page. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 04:56, March 18, 2016 (UTC)
Ah, ok. Didn't understand at first. Thought using a template to generate the tags wouldn't work. Hum, that complicates it. Well, I support the idea, so if you ever have the time and patience, go for it.
Ah, so changing to monobook gives me a better impression of it? Alright, I'll do that next time. Thanks! Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 10:17, March 18, 2016 (UTC)

Referencing it Right?

At least as far as the Forbidden/Limited Lists go, am I citing the references properly? Here's an example of what I mean. --Yes, it's PSYCHID! He talks! He does stuff! 04:45, March 18, 2016 (UTC)

Yes, those look fine. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 04:49, March 18, 2016 (UTC)


Hey Dino. Could you just give me a little hand? Regarding the manga promo pages renames, when renaming, I think I have to look for "Yu-Gi-Oh! (R|GX|5D's|ZEXAL) Volume (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9) promotional card" and replace it with "Yu-Gi-Oh! $1 volume $2 promotional card". Is this correct or am I missing something here? I tested it a bit and it seems to work, but I prefer asking for a second opinion. Besides of what that covers, there will still be three pages (and their related pages (lists and galleries)) left to rename, but I'll do those separately, I guess. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 21:24, March 20, 2016 (UTC)

I think that should work fine, yes. You can shorten the number bit by using the shorthand \d, though, which will capture any single digit (you could also use a character class, [0-9]; the two are functionally the same). If you want it to be able to match more than just one digit at a time, you can add + at the end (this is called repetition): \d+ or [0-9]+. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 00:51, March 21, 2016 (UTC)
Ok, thanks, Dino. Now I just need to fully understand how to use the AWB and I'm ready to go. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 01:51, March 21, 2016 (UTC)
One thing I didn't think of before: will you be using your current Becasita account to edit with AWB, or a different account? I need to know to add you to Project:AutoWikiBrowser/CheckPage, since otherwise you won't be able to save edits on this wiki with it. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 02:52, March 21, 2016 (UTC)
Ah, yeah, I haven't been able to log into my account using the AWB; It would redirect me to that page, saying my name wasn't there, but I thought only accounts with bot flags should be there (with their respective operators), so I thought I was doing something wrong.
That's something I haven't though much yet. If it was with a bot flag, an alternate account would be better, right? But since this is still me, but in a semi-automated way, I guess I'll use this account. What do you think? Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 13:11, March 21, 2016 (UTC)
You can use AWB with any account, as long as it's listed on the check page; it doesn't have to have a bot flag (though if the account does have a bot flag, AWB can be run in bot mode, which allows edits to be saved automatically instead of requiring the operator to manually click "Save" each time).
If you do want a bot account, you'll have to request a bot flag for it. You'll have to start a discussion in the community discussion forum first to be sure no one has any concerns with it (I don't think anyone would, given the quality of your edits and your excellent communication to date =) ), and if that goes fine, you'll have to send a request to staff pointing to the discussion.
I'll go ahead and add you to the check page so you can start experimenting properly with AWB. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 16:25, March 21, 2016 (UTC)
Ah, I see. Well, I think for now I don't need a bot account. Let's see how I can handle this in semi-automated mode first. If I feel it could be useful to find me a bot account, I'll be sure to leave a request. And thanks for the compliment, feels great.
Thanks. I think I'll try it with that new Category you created, by removing the | medium = parameter. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 17:48, March 21, 2016 (UTC)
So, I tried the bot a bit. I was a bit nervous, but I think it went well. I started by removing the | medium = parameter, but then I realized I could fix other stuff at the same time, so I started changing | es_release_date = and | es-lat_release_date = to | sp_release_date = and | sp-lat_release_date = respectively. I hope I didn't mess up anything.
There's something bothering me; On the edit summary, a /*top*/ keeps appearing, and I have to remove it everytime (sometimes I even forgot to do so). Isn't there a way I can throw it away for good? I can't seem to find how. And isn't there a way to erase a line? Like, I'm cleaning the | medium = line, and that will leave the line blank. Isn't there a special character to erase the line? Like an inverse of the \n or something? Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 23:51, March 21, 2016 (UTC)
You can remove the blank line by matching a \n at the start or end of the FIND statement, without inserting one in the REPLACE WITH statement (you may actually have to match \r\n to properly remove the line, but I don't remember for sure).
There should be a way to change the default summary somewhere in the settings, but I can't remember how to off-hand, and can't check since AWB hasn't worked for me for two or three months now. If you can't find it, though, don't worry too much if the default slips past you every now and then. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 02:58, March 22, 2016 (UTC)
Ah, that will do! Thanks!
Yeah, I changed the default summary. And the /*top*/ doesn't appear there, but appears in the summary. Well, I won't bother much with it. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 12:37, March 22, 2016 (UTC)
Just to let you know I found how to get rid of the /*top*/. I had to enable the Do not use edit section summaries option. And thanks for all the support and trust, Dino. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 15:51, March 22, 2016 (UTC)
Aah, that would do it. Though I would think there would be some other way to keep edit section summaries, while disabling an edit section summary for the top section... But, whatever, it's not a huge deal either way. ディノ千?!? · ☎ Dinoguy1000 21:57, March 22, 2016 (UTC)

Weird edit glitch

Hey, Dino. I was editing the list for the Structure Deck: Dinosaur's Rage Special Set, because it was named incorrectly, I believe (though I saw you were the one creating it), and the correct link was redirecting to the incorrect one. So I edited the correct one to put the list there, and tagged the wrong one for deletion (nothing links to it now). But when I created the list in the correct link, and published, something weird happen. I have no idea why that happened. As you can see by the page history, I added 434 bytes, so I guess that proves I did not write that. So I don't understand how that phrase appeared there. I then just submited the same code, and it worked. And as you can see by the history again, I added 0 bytes that second time, which is true, since I submited the same code. So I'm really confused. I even had previewed and it was fine. I don't understand why that happened. Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 15:43, March 23, 2016 (UTC)

Jesus christ it happened to me too when I uploaded pictures... I thought my computer was infected :SSS Thank God it isn't haha.. I googled the random thing that was written istead of what I wrote, and it appears to be from another wikia.. wthSSCooler (talkcontribs) 15:58, March 23, 2016 (UTC)

MST page

And since this is about other topic, I'm creating a new topic header.
Mystical Space Typhoon's page seems to have exceeded the template size. I checked this, to look for solutions, but... I commented everything that would be less relevant, like the game's sets and the unofficial names, but that wouldn't work. The templates' use is the heavy stuff, and that's valuable info. So, what should be done? Becasita Pendulum (talkcontribs) 23:45, March 23, 2016 (UTC)


I seriously don't get what the big deal is here. -- GROUCHMan (MY TRASH CAN) 16:49, March 25, 2016 (UTC)