Card Tips:Lancea, Dragonic Ancestor of the Ice Spirit Mountain

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  • This card's effect can be used adapt the player's strategy, by Special Summoning "Ice Barrier" monsters according to the Deck the opponent is using:
    • "Warlock of the Ice Barrier" and/or "Medium of the Ice Barrier" can be used against Decks that heavily rely on Spell cards, especially Pendulum-based Decks. "Medium" can be effective against Trap Decks as well, such as "Traptrix" or "Labrynth".
    • "General Raiho of the Ice Barrier" can be Summoned to slow down or cripple strategies that heavily rely on activating monster effects on the field, mostly Synchro or other monster spam strategies in general. If that newly Summoned monster activates its effect on a lower Chain Link than this card's effect, Summoning "Raiho" can take the opponent by surprise, as they will be forced to discard a card in order to resolve that effect.
    • "Georgius, Swordsman of the Ice Barrier" can shut down Decks that rely on monsters activating their effects in the Graveyard, such as "Ogdoadic", "Dark World", or Zombie Decks. Its trigger effect can also be used to Summon an "Ice Barrier" whose effect requires control of another monster of the Archetype, such as "Warlock" or "Defender of the Ice Barrier".
    • "General Wayne of the Ice Barrier" can be useful against Decks that need their Spell/Traps in the Graveyard, such as "Paleozoic", "Runick", etc.


NameJapanese namePrimary typeTypeLevelScaleATKDEF
Angraecum UmbrellaそうあいのアンブレカムEffect MonsterSpellcaster35001500
Coral Dragon瑚之龍コーラル・ドラゴンEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Crusadia ArboriaしんじゅのパラディオンEffect MonsterWarrior38001800
Cryomancer of the Ice BarrierひょうけっかいじゅつしゃEffect MonsterAqua213000
Crystron Citree水晶機巧クリストロン-シトリィEffect MonsterMachine2500500
Crystron Quan水晶機巧クリストロン-クオンEffect MonsterMachine1500500
Crystron Quandax水晶機巧クリストロン-クオンダムEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Crystron Rion水晶機巧クリストロン-リオンEffect MonsterMachine3500500
Deep Sea DivaしんかいのディーヴァEffect MonsterSea Serpent2200400
Deep Sea MinstrelしんかいのミンストレルEffect MonsterSea Serpent312001500
Deep Sea Prima DonnaしんかいプリマドーナEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Sea Serpent715002700
Deep Sea RepetiteurしんかいのコレペティEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Sea Serpent518001500
Defender of the Ice BarrierひょうけっかいしゅじんEffect MonsterAqua32001600
Dewdark of the Ice BarrierひょうけっかいみずかげEffect MonsterAqua21200800
Fishborg Archerフィッシュボーグ-アーチャーEffect MonsterFish3300300
Fishborg Blasterフィッシュボーグ-ガンナーEffect MonsterFish1100200
Fishborg Harpoonerフィッシュボーグ-ハープナーEffect MonsterFish4400400
Fishborg Launcherフィッシュボーグ-ランチャーEffect MonsterFish1200100
Force Resonatorフォース・リゾネーターEffect MonsterFiend2500500
Geomancer of the Ice BarrierひょうけっかいふうすいEffect MonsterSpellcaster38001200
Georgius, Swordsman of the Ice Barrierひょうけっかいけん ゲオルギアスEffect MonsterWinged Beast620001200
Ghost Sister & Spooky DogwoodみずきEffect MonsterZombie301800
Glacial Beast Polar Penguinきょくひょうじゅうポーラ・ペンギンEffect MonsterAqua38001000
Gluttonous Reptolphin GreethysどんしょくぎょグリーディスEffect MonsterFish310001000
Goldenhair, the Newest Plunder Patroll海造賊プランドロールきんぱつくんれんせいEffect MonsterFiend402000
Grappler Angler屈強の釣り師アングラップラーEffect MonsterWarrior1100100
Graydle Slimeグレイドル・スライムEffect MonsterAqua502000
Graydle Slime Jr.グレイドル・スライムJr.ジュニアEffect MonsterAqua202000
Guardragon JusticiaしゅりゅうユスティアNormal MonsterDragon202100
Hexa Spirit of the Ice BarrierひょうけっかいそうせいEffect MonsterSea Serpent1400200
Ib the World Chalice JusticiarせいはいイヴEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Icejade Creation AegirocassisスイテイエーギロカシスEffect MonsterAqua720002000
Icejade Ran Aegirineスイテイエジル・ラーンEffect MonsterAqua715002500
Lappis DragonさいほうりゅうEffect MonsterSea Serpent502600
MagicalibraライブラのほうびんNormal Monster
Pendulum Monster
Mannadium Meekマナドゥム・ミークEffect MonsterFairy201800
Mare MareタツノオトシオヤEffect MonsterWyrm721001400
Melffy Pinnyメルフィー・ラッシィEffect MonsterBeast2300100
Mirror Magic Master of the Ice BarrierひょうけっかいきょうEffect MonsterAqua21000400
Paces, Light of the GhotiゴーティスのあかりペイシスEffect MonsterFish200
Penguin SquireペンギンゆうEffect MonsterAqua51800600
Reese the Ice Mistressひょうだん使つかいレイスEffect MonsterSea Serpent2800800
Royal Swamp EelりゅうぐうしろタウナギEffect MonsterFish417001200
Sea Monster of TheseusテセウスのせいぶつFusion MonsterZombie522001800
Shif, Fairy of the GhotiゴーティスのようせいシフEffect MonsterFish20500
Steam Synchronスチーム・シンクロンEffect MonsterMachine3600800
Swordsoul TokenそうけんトークンNormal Monster
Monster Token
T.G. Screw SerpentTGテックジーナス スクリュー・サーペントEffect MonsterSea Serpent41300500
TatsunokoたつのこEffect Monster
Synchro Monster
Three Trolling TrollsようかいのアウトロールEffect MonsterBeast-Warrior310001300