Tainted Wisdom

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Tainted Wisdom
Akuma no Chie
Demon's Wisdom

English sets


2004-12-01MRD-EN081Metal RaidersCommon
2019-12-05SBTK-EN011Speed Duel: Trials of the KingdomCommon
2023-04-20MRD-EN081Metal Raiders (25th Anniversary Edition)Common

North America

2002-06-26MRD-081Metal RaidersCommon


2003-07-11MRD-E081Metal RaidersCommon

Search categories

Other languages

Language NameCard text
French Sagesse SalieSi cette carte en Position d'Attaque est changée en Position de Défense face recto : mélangez votre Deck.
German Verdorbene WeisheitFalls diese Karte in Angriffsposition in die offene Verteidigungsposition geändert wird: Mische dein Deck.
Italian Saggezza InfettaSe questa carta in Posizione di Attacco viene messa scoperta in Posizione di Difesa: mischia il tuo Deck.
Portuguese Sabedoria CorrompidaSe este card em Posição de Ataque for colocado em Posição de Defesa com a face para cima: embaralhe seu Deck.
Spanish Sabiduría ManchadaSi esta carta en Posición de Ataque es cambiada a Posición de Defensa boca arriba: baraja tu Deck.
Japanese あくこのカードの表示形式が攻撃表示から表側守備表示に変わった時、自分のデッキをシャッフルする。
Akuma no Chie
Demon's Wisdom
Korean 악마의 지혜이 카드의 표시 형식이 공격 표시에서 앞면 수비 표시로 바뀌었을 때, 자신의 덱을 셔플한다.

Sets in other languages


ReleaseNumberSetFrench nameRarity
2003-06-25MRD-F081Metal RaidersMétal RaidersCommon
2019-12-05SBTK-FR011Speed Duel: Trials of the KingdomSpeed Duel : Les Épreuves du RoyaumeCommon
2023-04-20MRD-FR081Metal Raiders (25th Anniversary Edition)Métal RaidersCommon


ReleaseNumberSetGerman nameRarity
2003-07-11MRD-G081Metal RaidersMetal RaidersCommon
2019-12-05SBTK-DE011Speed Duel: Trials of the KingdomSpeed Duel: Trials of the KingdomCommon
2023-04-20MRD-DE081Metal Raiders (25th Anniversary Edition)Metal RaidersCommon


ReleaseNumberSetItalian nameRarity
2003-11-07PMT-I081Metal RaidersPredoni MetalliciCommon
2019-12-05SBTK-IT011Speed Duel: Trials of the KingdomSpeed Duel: Prove del RegnoCommon
2023-04-20MRD-IT081Metal Raiders (25th Anniversary Edition)Predoni MetalliciCommon


ReleaseNumberSetPortuguese nameRarity
2004-06-01PMT-P081Metal RaidersPredadores MetálicosCommon
2019-12-05SBTK-PT011Speed Duel: Trials of the KingdomSpeed Duel: Provações do ReinoCommon
2023-04-20MRD-PT081Metal Raiders (25th Anniversary Edition)Predadores MetálicosCommon


ReleaseNumberSetSpanish nameRarity
2004-01-01PMT-S081Metal RaidersPredadores MetálicosCommon
2019-12-05SBTK-SP011Speed Duel: Trials of the KingdomSpeed Duel: Desafíos del ReinoCommon
2023-04-20MRD-SP081Metal Raiders (25th Anniversary Edition)Predadores MetálicosCommon


ReleaseNumberSetJapanese nameRarity
2000-03-01Booster 7BoosterブースターCommon
2001-02-22ME-21Metal Raiders鋼鉄の襲撃者メタル・レイダースCommon
2003-01-23DL4-022Duelist Legacy Volume.4DUELISTデュエリスト LEGACYレガシー VolumeボリュームCommon


2002-10-24MRD-081Metal RaidersCommon


ReleaseNumberSetKorean nameRarity
2004-03-09MRD-K081Metal Raiders강철의 습격자Common

In other media

Page Medium Debut date
Tainted Wisdom (DM1) Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 1998-12-16
Tainted Wisdom (DM2) Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters II: Dark duel Stories 1999-07-08
Tainted Wisdom (FMR) Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories 1999-12-09
Tainted Wisdom (DDS) Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark Duel Stories 2000-07-13
Tainted Wisdom (DM4) Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 4: Battle of Great Duelist 2000-12-07
Tainted Wisdom (DM5) Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 5: Expert 1 2001-07-05
Tainted Wisdom (DOR) Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelists of the Roses 2001-09-06
Tainted Wisdom (DM6) Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters 6: Expert 2 2001-12-20
Tainted Wisdom (TSC) Yu-Gi-Oh! The Sacred Cards 2002-07-04
Tainted Wisdom (EDS) Yu-Gi-Oh! The Eternal Duelist Soul 2002-10-15
Tainted Wisdom (SDD) Yu-Gi-Oh! Worldwide Edition: Stairway to the Destined Duel 2003-04-15
Tainted Wisdom (World Championship 2004) Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Tournament 2004 2004-02-05
Tainted Wisdom (World Championship 2005) Yu-Gi-Oh! 7 Trials to Glory: World Championship Tournament 2005 2004-12-30
Tainted Wisdom (GX1) Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy 2005-10-13
Tainted Wisdom (Duel Links) Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links 2017-05-11
Tainted Wisdom (Master Duel) Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel 2022-01-19

Video games

Video gameDate#NameCostStatus

Lores and sets

Video gameLoreSets
OnlinePack 12