Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - Episode 018

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Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - Episode 018
SeriesYu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's episodes
Previous"Surprise, Surprise"
Next"Return to the Spirit World, Part 2"

The Ancient Forest: Invitation to the Spirits' World is the eighteenth episode of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's.

Due to Rex Godwin's special permission, a consolation game is to be held. Ruka's name is called out to participate. Rua immediatly impersonates her in the hopes of participating, but it is now known that he is a fake. The audience begins to chant for Ruka, causing her to reluctantly come forward.

Episode Summary

Jeager and Frank's meeting

Jeager talks with Frank in a poorly lit chamber. Light peers in through a bared window, leaving most of Frank's face hidden in shadow. Jeager apologizes for having Frank lose his Duel on purpose, due to the turn of events. There is a certain duelist they would appreciate him saving his abilities for.

At the Stadium

The crowd watch Yusei, who has just won his Turbo Duel against Mukuro. Rua boosts to Tenpei about Yusei's skills, until he is shot down by Ruka, who reminds him how he lost in the first round. Rua burrys his shame, acting innocent, as he says Ruka is the one who lost. As the two bicker the MC announces that Godwin has made a proposition. All players who lost in the first round are to participate in a consolation game. Rua gets excited ready to play as Ruka again. As Rua looks though his Deck, considering reorganizing it, he asks Ruka if he can borrow her clothes again. Another disagreement between the duo is cut off by the MC as he prepares to call out the participants in the next Duel. Ruka's name is called out, Rua stands up, without having made any change in outfit, but the spotlight drops on Ruka. In a competitor's room Bommer notes that that must be the real Ruka, the imposter, he dueled, showed some fine dueling. He wonders how the real thing will fare. Ruka gets uneasy, considering what to do. She doesn't want to duel, considering she gets really tired from dueling. The crowds chants for Ruka begin to heat up. Rua sits back disapointed, that after getting a chance to duel Yusei, he's sorry to see it has to end like this. Ruka reluctantly steps up and gathers her Duel Disk under her arms.

As Rua leaves her companions, Yanagi asks Rua about her Deck. Rua tells him how Ruka had built a "Spirit Deck", since she was able to communicate with Duel Spirits, who told her to make a Spirit Deck. Slightly puzzled, Himuro asks that be ran by him again. She gets tired after hearing the Spirit's voices, explaining why she gets tired after a Duel. Timidly Ruka makes her way down a flight of stpes to the arena with the spotlight and the audiences attention following her.

Godwin's box room

Jack having just learnt Ruka is a Signer talks with Rex Godwin, who explains that the consolation game, is to affirm that she is a Signer. A click of his finger summons a holographic screen of Akutsu. Whilst twirling, Akutsu takes lapses to explain that they need a small reading on his D-Sensor to prove she is a Signer. A wave of Godwin's hand dismisses the projection. He then pulls another holographic screen of Ruka. He touches some buttons on the screen, as he tells how they entered her in the tournament upon learning of an incident from eight years ago. A swish of his hand pushes the screen over to Jack and causes a number more screens of Ruka eight years ago to crop up around it. He informs Jack, that eight years ago, Ruka had fallen into a coma, whle dueling. Pointing his finger in front of him calls up another projection of Rua in the audience. Rua had always been by her side, calling her name. One month later she recovered, he explains. Jeager interupts as Jack asks how this relates to Signers, telling him that after the coma, she claimed to have been in the World of Duel Monster Spirits for that time. Jeager works the magic with the projections as he brings up one of the Nazca Lines, while talking about theorys of the origins of Duel Monsters. Godwin continues that after the eight years, neither of the twins have any recollection of those events. He feels that taking her back to that world is in order, as they might learn her true power.


Featured Duels

Ruka vs Frank

Ruka Summons Sunny Pixie in Defense Position(300/400) and ends her turn.

Frank summons Symmetry Rorschach in Attack Position (1200/1200). It attacks and destroys Sunny Pixie, and its effect reveals Ruka's top card, Kuribon. Frank then Sets 2 cards and ends his turn.

Ruka summons Kuribon in Attack Position (300/200), and Frank activates Guiding Light to the Inner Depths, sending Ruka's top 5 cards to the Graveyard(among them Swords of Revealing Light and Fairy King Truesdale), and then adds the next card to Ruka's hand, Ancient Forest. Ruka activates it, and ends her turn.

Frank activates Gestalt Trap, targeting Kuribon, reducing its ATK to 0 and negating its effects. Next, Frank equips Kuribon with Immortal Homeostasis, preventing it from being destroyed by battle. Frank then tributes Symmetry Rorschach to summon Id the Super Demonic Lord (2200/800). He attacks Kuribon with Id the Super Demonic Lord, and it does not get destroyed in battle. (Ruka 1800) By the effect of Ancient Forest, Id the Super Demonic Lord is destroyed during the End Phase, and by ITSDL's effect, it Special Summons itself back to Franks's field.

Ruka summons Sunlight Unicorn and equips it with Horn of the Unicorn(2500/1000).