Yugi Mutou and Dark Bakura's Duel (manga)

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Yugi Mutou and Dark Bakura's Duel
Yugi Mutou and Dark Bakura's Duel
Game details
Rule setSuper Expert
ProjectorsDuel Disk
LocationTomb of the Nameless Pharaoh

Yugi Mutou and Dark Bakura faced each other in a Shadow Game of Duel Monsters, during the Shadow RPG.



After Mr. Clown broke apart the Millennium Puzzle, Dark Bakura used his "Parasite Mind" ability to seal a part of his soul within a piece. He returned the piece to Yugi,[1] who reassembled the puzzle.[2] The portion of his soul manifested into an extended persona, living within the puzzle, serving as a spy.[1][3] This portion of Dark Bakura followed Yugi and his friends into the World of Memories, during the Mind's Labyrinth search.[4]

Yugi, Katsuya Jonouchi, Hiroto Honda and Anzu Mazaki undertook the task to learn Dark Yugi's real life, during the Shadow RPG and ventured to his tomb, in the hopes of finding it. The portion of Dark Bakura that had followed them, waited for them inside the tomb and Yugi foresaw their meeting after finding a "Destiny Board" Duel Monsters card.[5]

Dark Bakura challenged Yugi and his friends to a game of Duel Monsters. Yugi accepted, understading it would be a Shadow Game, in which the loser would die. Both players' Decks became composed of 40 cards that they imagined. Yugi constructed a Deck that not even Dark Yugi knew about and saw this Duel as a test for himself.[6]


1st turn: Yugi

Yugi Set[6] "Turn Jump"[7] and Summoned "Marshmallon" in Defense Mode.[6]

2nd turn: Dark Bakura

Dark Bakura ridiculed "Marshmallon" for being a weak monster and Summoned "Death Knight Deathcalibur".[6]

"Death Knight Deathcalibur" attacked "Marshmallon", but to no avail, due to its immunity to regular non-magical attacks.[7]

Dark Bakura Set "Ghost Beckoning" and ended his turn.[7]

3rd turn: Yugi

Yugi Set "Marshmallon Glasses", Summoned "Silent Swordsman LV0" and ended his turn.[7]

At this point, his friends noticed that he was using a Deck of his own, independent of Dark Yugi.[7]

4th turn: Dark Bakura

Dark Bakura recognized "Silent Swordsman" as one of a class of annoying monsters that raises its LV each turn. He considered attacking it, but figured Yugi had prepared a Trap card among his face-downs. Dark Bakura activated "Trap Charm", making "Deathcalibur" immune to Trap Cards, and then got "Deathcalibur" to attack "Silent Swordsman". However Yugi used the Spell Card, "Marshmallon Glasses", making "Marshmallon" the only possible attack target for "Deathcalibur". This caused it to attack "Marshmallon" again to no effect.[7]

Dark Bakura was slightly flustered at being stopped by a combo of "puny monsters", but remained satisfied that he had prepared a powerful Trap combo, as he Set "Death Spirit Zoma".[7]

5th turn: Yugi

"Silent Swordsman" went up one LV ("Silent Swordsman": LV: 0 → 1, ATK: 1000 → 1500).[7]

As Yugi entered his Battle Phase, he prepared to activate a card, but was stopped by Dark Bakura, who activated "Ghost Beckoning", forcing "Silent Swordsman LV1" to attack. Yugi tried to activate a Spell Card, but was stopped again, as Dark Bakura activated "Death Spirit Zoma", which Jonouchi recognized as the card that almost defeated him. "Zoma" was Summoned as a Trap Monster in Defense Position and "Silent Swordsman" was forced to attack and destroy it. "Zoma" changed to ectoplasm to inflict double the ATK of the monster that destroyed it as damage to Yugi. Yugi was due to take 3000 damage, but activated "Turn Jump", skipping forward three turns, neutralizing the effect of "Zoma" and increasing the LV of "Silent Swordsman" ("Silent Swordsman": LV: 1 → 4, ATK: 1500 → 3000).[7]

"Silent Swordsman LV4" attacked and destroyed "Death Knight Deathcalibur" (Dark Bakura: 4000 → 2900 Life Points).[7]

Dark Bakura and Jonouchi were both surprised by Jonouchi's strength. Anzu realized that from the long silence in Yugi's soul, he had turned into a strong Duelist.[7]


Cards used


  1. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel 144 (Duelist Duel 85): "The Room of Revenge"
  2. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel 145 (Duelist Duel 86): "Chains"
  3. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel 237 (Duelist Duel 178): "The Eve of Battle"
  4. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel 295 (Millennium World Duel 17): "Tears in the Nile"
  5. Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel 323 (Millennium World Duel 45): "Into the Tomb!"
  6. a b c d Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel 324 (Millennium World Duel 46): "Battle in the Shrine!"
  7. a b c d e f g h i j k Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel 325 (Millennium World Duel 47): "The Silent Duelist!!"