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Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS - Episode 035

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"Demolition Duel", known as "Sound! Gohanium" in the Japanese version, is the thirty-fifth episode of the Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS anime. It first aired in Japan on February 6, 2021.

"Demolition Duel"
Tiger and Caterpillio face off.
Tiger and Caterpillio face off.
EnglishDemolition Duel
Japanese name
RōmajiHibike! Gōhaniumu
TranslatedSound! Gohanium
SeriesYu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS
Japanese OP"Nanananananana"
Japanese ED"Goha 7 Elementary School Song"
Air dates
JapaneseFebruary 6, 2021
Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episodes (season 1)
Previous"Pressure Points"
Next"Sibling Showdown"
Featured card

A huge continuous track approaches the Road Laboratory while Yuga and co. are gone. It belongs to the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club's mechanic, Caterpillio Elephantis! He draws closer to the laboratory with his overwhelming demolition techniques. But, there is someone who won't tolerate his violence. The beautiful bloom is justice. Tiadosia Kallister appears!



A loud rumbling echoes through Goha City as a caterpillar track rolls through the streets, disassembling any objects it passes; a car, a Goha Enterprises Drone trying to tell it that it cannot go this way, and a delivery man's tuk-tuk, much to the driver's fury. Nico watches from around a corner and snaps a picture of the track, knowing that she has to tell the chief immediately.

Tracker finds Yuga and his friends.

In the abandoned mine, Gavin laments that everywhere they go all looks the same and Romin frets that they'll get lost at this rate. Rino wonders if they've come this way before and Rayne worries that they're going in circles, but Yuga reassures them that he's been sprinkling Kaizo's maintenance parts along their road. Gavin is impressed by Yuga's plan, but it's all for naught, as Luke runs up to them with a monster he's made from the spare parts, and when it crumbles in his hand he tells them not to be worried, as he can always make another one. Romin furiously asks Luke what he thinks he's doing. Later, the group sit down, exhausted from all their walking, and Yuga admits this is a problem (while off to the side, Luke grumpily asks whose fault that is). Romin really wants to talk some sense into Luke, but she's too thirsty and suddenly hears water dripping. Romin runs off and finds a puddle of water, but as she gives thanks and prepares to drink it, a voice tells her not to; Tracker approaches out of a nearby tunnel with a lantern.

The Post-Apocalyptic Club have their costumes dismantled.

The caterpillar track reaches its goal - Yuga's Road Laboratory, and a masked boy in overalls with oversized tools strapped to his back exits the vehicle with two Heavy Cavalry Duel Club students who observe where they are. They ask the masked boy, Caterpillio, what they should do next, and the boy replies that they already know, unlimbering the tools from his back and declaring that now they dismantle the Road Laboratory. But as they sprint towards the Road Laboratory, Yosh emerges from the ground in his Good Max cosplay, while Scoop, Masa and Nico step out with their journalism equipment at the ready and Masahiko, Toshihiko and their dog emerge from nearby drums. Caterpillio asks who they are, and Scoop comments that you could call them Yuga's friends, while Yosh vows not to let Caterpillio do as he pleases. Masa and Nico zip over to interview Caterpillio, Masa asking how it feels to be ambushed and Nico taking pictures of Caterpillio's surprised face (or mask in this case) and introducing herself. Caterpillio angrily orders them to get out of his way and slashes at their camera and microphone with his tools, dismantling them in seconds before sheathing them in satisfaction. Yosh isn't happy at his actions, but Caterpillio tells them to get out of his way as well and swiftly dismantles Yosh's cosplay suit, Masahiko and Toshihiko's costumes (and their dog's collar) and even Scoop's pen and notebook, leaving the ashamed members of the Post-Apocalyptic Club shirtless and fleeing in shame, much to Scoop's embarrassment. Caterpillio watches them run, telling them to have a taste of his dismantling technique and vowing to dismantle Yuga Ohdo's research lab as well. He and his fellow Heavy Cavalry students enter the caterpillar track again and start it up (by the two students running at both ends), wheeling it around and pointing it at the Road Laboratory, while Scoop, Masa, and Nico, each with crude recreations of their tools in hand, stand in between them and the building. Scoop tells his fellow Newspaper Club members to brace their reporters' souls, and Nico vows to never let go of her camera until she dies. Masa declares that this is the end, and he bids his friends farewell as the caterpillar track approaches them and Scoop closes his eyes with a wince...

And then a shining silver cylinder plunges from the sky and into the ground in front of the caterpillar track. The track's momentum tears it to pieces around Caterpillio and his fellows, while the silver cylinder - a giant bassoon - remains unharmed. Caterpillio angrily takes out his oversized spanner and tries to dismantle the bassoon, but only succeeds in causing the bassoon to glow brightly and is repelled. Caterpillio is in shock over his Gohanium tools being repelled, realizing that the bassoon is made of the same material. A voice tells him that's right, and Caterpillio turns to see Tiger standing atop a nearby building. He gasps her name, and Tiger reminds him that she told him back in 3rd grade to call her Tiger as she leaps off the building and lands by her bassoon, unleashing a yell that buffets everyone present and blows Caterpillio back. Tiger observes that Goha #6 Elementary sure are petty, as they have not only forced Yuga, Luke and their friends to transfer schools, but now they're trying to dismantle his lab. Scoop realizes that the transfer was an inside job, which Masa calls breaking news, and Nico tries to take a picture. Caterpillio retorts that Tiger can say whatever she likes, but he's still going to dismantle the lab. Tiger challenges him to Rush Duel for it if he wants to, and Caterpillio chuckles and agrees as he and Tiger face off with the auras of an elephant and a tiger respectively.

Romin thanks Tracker for saving them.

Back in the underground mine, Luke gulps down a cup of water from Tracker's supply as he expresses his relief at finding them, explaining that water from inside a mine can sometimes contain toxic substances. Gavin admits that Tracker really saved them, and Kaizo butts in, claiming that it was really hard to return after everything that happened as he remembers talking with Nail and dragging Tracker with him, only pausing when he found the inert body of Seatbastian. Kaizo claims that he deserves thanks, and Romin says "Thank you", prompting Kaizo to claim that it was nothing if it was for Romin, but Romin is thanking Tracker as he pours her another cup of water, much to Kaizo's indignation. Yuga asks Kaizo what Nail said, and Kaizo projects a video message from Nail. Nail explains that he knows everything; that someone other than them used a Maximum, and that is against the world's, no, his providence, but there is a possibility that the answer is in the underground outskirts of Goha City. Yuga is quite surprised by that statement, and Nail explains that he found someone who could find that answer in his database and they should follow his guidance. Kaizo shuts off the message, and everyone realizes that Nail means Tracker. Tracker shoves Kaizo out of the way and he admits that he was quite surprised when Nail called him, and Kaizo jumps back in front of him, clamoring for thanks for bringing Tracker here, but Romin just thanks Tracker again for bringing the water with him, much to Kaizo's dismay while Yuga laughs nervously and Luke asks for seconds.

The ATK of Caterpillio's monsters is reduced by his Field Spell.

Tiger straps on her Duel Disk and suggests that they do this, while Caterpillio vows to dismantle her. They insert their Decks into their Duel Disks, calling "Rush Duel!" as their Duel Disks deploy the blades and the green holographic dome materializes around them. Caterpillio takes the first turn and draws, before looking at his hand, containing "Beast Battlefield Barrier", "Rut Trap", "Hampering Hippo", and two copies of "Barrier Armordillo". Deciding to warm up a little first, he Summons two "Barrier Armordillo". Scoop is shocked by the armadillo tanks, and Caterpillio explains that his specialty is the maintenance of heavy machinery; dismantling is only a part of that, and all the heavy machinery he lays his hands on are ferocious steel beasts in and of themselves. Tiger isn't interested in Caterpillio's humble bragging and tells him to get on with his turn, so Caterpillio Tributes a "Barrier Armordillo" to Tribute Summon, completing maintenance on his "Hampering Hippo". Then he activates a Field Spell Card, "Beast Battlefield Barrier", which surrounds them in a wasteland with Caterpillio standing atop a hill. Caterpillio explains that all monsters lose 200 ATK, but all Beast Normal Monsters will gain 400 DEF. The ATK of his two monsters drops to zero, and Masa observes that it's basically a parade of zero ATK steel Beast monsters, which Scoop muses that something must be buried here and Nico tries to take a picture due to her bad hunch. Caterpillio then Sets a card to end his turn.

Tiger's "Ensemble Fighter" is forced to attack "Hampering Hippo".

Tiger grins, commenting that she doesn't know what tricks Caterpillio is planning, but she'll still forge on. She declares her turn and draws, then examines her hand, which contains "Brassaxophone the Music Princess", "Trumpet Charge", "Trumpetonfa the Music Princess", "Clubinet the Music Princess", and "Ensembullfighter the Music Fiend". She Summons "Brassaxophone the Music Princess", and then Summons "Clubinet the Music Princess". Caterpillio asks if Tiger doesn't understand the effect of his "Beast Battlefield Barrier", but she retorts that she does as the ATK of her monsters falls by 200. Tiger Sets a card, then Tributes both "Brassax" and "Clubinet" to Tribute Summon, chanting "Right now, and as always, my oxygen and those kinds of things are steadily carried by my haemoglobins! Even if you tell me to stop, it's way too late!! I will only say it once. Feel it with your fighting spirit! My very breath! Ensembullfighter the Music Fiend!!" As "Ensembullfighter" falls to 2000 ATK, Tiger vows that it won't be intimidated by losing 200 or 300 ATK, but Caterpillio asks her if a Trap Card will intimidate it, changing both of his monsters to Defense Position to activate his "Rut Trap" and reminding her that his Defense Position monsters gain 400 DEF due to the effect of "Beast Battlefield Barrier", then choosing his "Hampering Hippo" to apply the other effect of "Rut Trap", which will force Tiger to attack "Hampering Hippo". Tiger smiles and comments that this was Caterpillio's plan, and Caterpillio asks how it is. Tiger vows to attack as he wishes, breathing into her bassoon and ordering the "Ensemble Strike of Eradicative Supremacy" attack of "Ensembullfighter", who levels its tubes and blasts streams of concentrated music at "Hampering Hippo", only for the damage to be reflected as the Newspaper Club fruitlessly beg Tiger not to attack. Tiger's LP falls to 3500 and Caterpillio asks her what she will do next, but Tiger simply plants her bassoon in the earth and states that she'll let Caterpillio go for now, ending her turn with a grin.

The effect of "Beast Battlefield Barrier" lowers the ATK of Caterpillio's monsters.

Scoop can't believe what's happening, as according to his sources, Tiadosia Kallister - or rather, Tiger, as she impatiently reminds him - is the best Duelist at Goha #7 Elementary and it's unthinkable that she would be pushed back this much. Masa asks Tiger about the rumor that she lost to Yuga Ohdo, and Nico wonders if she went easy on him, much to Tiger's annoyance, and she blows them a way with a yell. Caterpillio chuckles, boasting that his Heavy Cavalry is an army corps of steel and nothing can get past his defenses. Tiger grits her teeth as Caterpillio declares his turn and draws, Summoning another "Barrier Armordillo", and then Tributing both of them to Tribute Summon, chanting "Rumble, rumble, rumble! A stampede underfoot! More and more armor! All free of charge! Quake! Beast Drive Mega Elephant - assembly completed!" Then he sends a second "Rut Trap" from his hand to the Graveyard to activate the "Beast Track Production Increase" effect of "Mega Elephant", reviving a "Barrier Armordillo". Setting another card, Caterpillio then switches "Hampering Hippo" back into Attack Position, declaring that now his strategy to disassemble Tiger has been assembled, much to Tiger's surprise, and Caterpillio activates "Shield & Sword", switching the ATK and DEF of all monsters on the field until the end of the turn. Scoop recalls that Gavin has also used the card before as the ATK of Caterpillio's "Barrier Armordillo", "Hampering Hippo" and "Mega Elephant" become 1300, 2100, and 2500 respectively, while "Ensembullfighter" rises to 2200 ATK, but as Caterpillio laments, the effect of "Beast Battlefield Barrier" lowers their ATK to 1100, 2300, and 1900, while "Ensembullfighter" falls back to 2000 ATK. But as Masa notes, this is still enough to overwhelm Tiger's LP, and he asks her what her secret is to getting out of this pinch, while Nico tries to take a picture of Tiger's determined face, but Tiger flings them away with an annoyed yell. Caterpillio declares the start of his disassembly, ordering the "Fullarmor Megaton Naumann Pressure" attack of "Mega Elephant", which destroys "Ensembullfighter" and reduces Tiger to 3200 LP. As she begins to breathe, Caterpillio vows that he isn't done yet, but Tiger's breathing stirs up the dust around her, giving him pause, and she apologizes, claiming that she was getting too agitated, so she took a small breath to calm down.

She activates a Trap Card, "Trumpet Charge", since her monster was destroyed, Special Summoning a Warrior monster from her hand; "Trumpetonfa the Music Princess". Caterpillio laughs that it's useless as "Trumpetonfa" falls to 1400 ATK, and he orders "Hampering Hippo" to attack, crushing "Trumpetonfa" in its jaws and pushing Tiger back as she falls to 2700 LP. Then "Armadillo" attacks directly, and Tiger grabs her bassoon just in time as the attack hits, flinging her backwards and forcing her to stab her bassoon into the ground to stop herself as she falls to 1600 LP. She grins and asks Caterpillio if that was it, and Caterpillio vows to disassemble her next time, ending his turn and returning the ATK of his monsters to normal. Scoop notes that Tiger somehow managed to hang on, but Caterpillio hasn't taken any damage yet.

Tiger finding her bassoon in a thunderstorm.

Tiger declares her turn and draws "Nuncharinet the Music Princess", "Straight Pierce", "Digisoon the Music Fiend", "Clubinet the Music Princess", and "Flutomahawk the Music Princess". She Summons "Clubinet" and "Flutomahawk", then Tributes them to Tribute Summon, chanting "The long, middle fingered older brother, standoffish with his pinky, adrenaline in his sprained finger. With a swelling breath, he proposes to the thumb princess! Come forth! Digisoon the Music Fiend!" As "Digisoon" falls to 2200 ATK, Caterpillio declares that he's been waiting for Tiger's ace monster and activates another "Rut Trap", changing all his monsters to Defense Position and forcing Tiger to attack the 2500 DEF "Mega Elephant". But Tiger takes a deep breath, lifting herself off the ground simply by holding her bassoon, remembering this feeling, this rhythm of breathing. She remembers searching for the breath that would raise her skills to their limits when a thunderstorm shattered the tiger-shaped peak before her to reveal what she thought was a lump of iron and recognizing that it resembled an instrument. She blew into it, shattering the covering to reveal her bassoon, declaring that fate brought her and her bassoon together in a perfect, harmonious breath, flipping off her bassoon and landing as she tells Caterpillio to let her show him what she means. Caterpillio, for his part, has no clue what she's talking about.

To his horror, Caterpillio realizes what Tiger's Spell does.

"This!" Tiger yells, sending the top card of her Deck to the Graveyard (another "Clubinet") to activate the "Breath Doubling Power" effect of "Digisoon", increasing its ATK by 800 for each Defense Position monster Caterpillio controls. With three, it gains 2400 ATK, rising to 4600. Caterpillio claims it's useless how much Tiger raises her monster's ATK, but Tiger isn't finished yet, activating a Spell Card by returning five monsters from her Graveyard to her Deck to increase the ATK of a monster she controls by 2000. "Digisoon" rises to 6600 ATK, and Caterpillio asks how many times he has to say it; no matter how high the ATK is, he won't take damage if she attacks a Defense Position monster. Tiger asks him if he read her card closely, and Caterpillio realizes in horror that it's "Straight Pierce". The Newspaper Club gasp happily as Tiger confirms that "Straight Pierce" will allow "Bassoon Fighter" to inflict piercing battle damage. Caterpillio stammers in shock as Tiger declares that her ring finger is holding back laughter, while her index is burning red and screaming "tiger", and all of them are fierce warriors. "Digisoon" sprouts energy fingers from its cannons, and Tiger tells it to go forth, attacking with "Ensemble Slash of the Lucky-Fingered Divine Strike", a green blast of energy that destroys both "Mega Elephant" and the hill Caterpillio is standing on, dismantling his mask and harness as his LP falls to zero.

Galian admonishes Caterpillio for acting dishonorably.

The Solid Vision fades as Caterpillio's fellow students rush up to him and ask if he's all right. Caterpillio huffs, and as the Newspaper Club start, Tiger holds out her arm to ward them away, Caterpillio angrily stammering elephant noises as he gets back up. Tiger tells him to laugh, stating that someone once said that they should smile and laugh after a fight. Caterpillio asks what she's on about, picking up his tools and vowing to disassemble the lab anyway, but then a voice tells him to stop, much to his surprise. Galian emerges with his pickaxe from a hole in the ground, criticizing Caterpillio for trying to do this after losing. Tiger muses that she was just thinking about Galian, and Galian confirms that Caterpillio Elephantis was acting alone; the Great One had nothing to do with it. Tiger grins and comments that sounds about right. Galian walks up to Caterpillio and suggests they go, reassuring him that he understands how he's feeling; he wanted to protect the Great One and took it upon himself to do so. He hands Caterpillio the sections of his mask and declares that they'll head back now. Caterpillio finally nods in agreement, and after patching the hole in the fence and repairing his caterpillar track, he departs with Galian. Once they've left, Scoop praises Tiger and Masa asks her what her feelings are as Nico zips around her trying to take pictures, and Tiger explains that this wasn't the true power of the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club, much to the shock of the Newspaper Club. Tiger looks up at the sky, urging Yuga to hurry up and return, and her little brother Luke too.

Tracker's sneeze unearths mysterious tunnels.

Back in the mines, Yuga and the others continue watching Nail's message; he looked through the old records at Goha Enterprises and learned that a large number of prototype Duel Disks were discarded underground near the city outskirts. As Tracker sniffs around a cave wall, the others discuss the prototype Duels Disks (though Luke has misheard it as "square"). Tracker's sniffing gets Romin and Rino's attention, and Rino asks what Tracker is doing. Gavin explains that Tracker has a special excavation ability, and Tracker finds something, much to the excitement of Luke, Romin and Yuga, and he lets out a tremendous sneeze that blows a hole through the wall. Luke excitedly wonders if they've found the square Duel Disks, but to everyone's surprise they've stumbled on a corridor of orange rock with hexagonal patterns in the wall, and they wonder what it is.

Featured Duel: Tiadosia "Tiger" Kallister vs Caterpillio Elephantis

The Duel is conducted as a Rush Duel.

Turn 1: Caterpillio
Caterpillio's hand contains "Beast Battlefield Barrier", "Rut Trap", "Hampering Hippo", and two copies of "Barrier Armordillo". Caterpillio Normal Summons two copies of "Barrier Armordillo" (200/1300). Caterpillio Tributes a "Barrier Armordillo" to Tribute Summon "Hampering Hippo" (200/2100). Caterpillio activates the Field Spell Card "Beast Battlefield Barrier". The effect of "Beast Battlefield Barrier" decreases the ATK of all monsters on the field by 200 and increases the DEF of all Beast Type Normal Monsters on the field by 400 ("Barrier Armordillo": 200/1300 → 0/1700) ("Hampering Hippo": 200/2100 → 0/2500). Caterpillio Sets a card.

Turn 2: Tiger
Tiger's hand contains "Brassaxophone the Music Princess", "Trumpet Charge", "Trumpetonfa the Music Princess", "Clubinet the Music Princess", and "Ensembullfighter the Music Fiend". Tiger Normal Summons "Brassaxophone" (1000/1200 → 800/1200) and "Clubinet" (800/1400 → 600/1400). Tiger Tributes "Brassaxophone" and "Clubinet" to Tribute Summon "Ensembullfighter" (2200/2200 → 2000/2200). As Tiger Normal Summoned a Level 5 or higher monster, Caterpillio activates his Set Trap Card "Rut Trap", changing all Attack Position Beast Type monsters he controls to face-up Defense Position to choose a Beast Type monster he controls and force Tiger to target it for attacks this turn. He switches "Barrier Armordillo" and "Hampering Hippo" to face-up Defense Position and chooses "Hampering Hippo". Tiger Sets a card. "Ensembullfighter" attacks "Hampering Hippo". The attack fails (Tiger: 4000 → 3500 LP).

Turn 3: Caterpillio
Caterpillio Normal Summons "Barrier Armordillo" (200/1300 → 0/1700). Caterpillio Tributes both of his "Barrier Armordillo" to Tribute Summon "Beast Drive Mega Elephant" (1700/2500 → 1500/2500). Caterpillio activates the effect of "Mega Elephant", sending a card from his hand to the Graveyard to Special Summon a Level 4 or lower Beast Type Normal Monster from his Graveyard. He sends "Rut Trap" to the Graveyard and Special Summons a "Barrier Armordillo" (200/1300 → 0/1700) from his Graveyard in Attack Position. Caterpillio Sets a card. Caterpillio activates the Spell Card "Shield & Sword", switching the original ATK and DEF of all face-up monsters on the field ("Barrier Armordillo": 0/1700 → 1300/200 → 1100/600; "Hampering Hippo": 0/2500 → 2100/200 → 1900/600; "Mega Elephant": 1500/2500 → 2500/1700 → 2300/1700; "Ensembullfighter": 2000/2200 → 2000/2200). "Mega Elephant" attacks and destroys "Ensembullfighter" (Tiger: 3500 → 3200 LP). As a Warrior Type monster she controls was destroyed by battle, Tiger activates her Set Trap Card "Trumpet Charge", Special Summoning a Warrior Type monster from her hand. She Special Summons "Trumpetonfa" in Attack Position (1600/1000 → 1400/1000). "Hampering Hippo" attacks and destroys "Trumpetonfa" (Tiger: 3200 → 2700 LP). "Barrier Armordillo" attacks Tiger directly (Tiger: 2700 → 1600 LP). At the end of the turn, the effect of "Shield & Sword" expires ("Barrier Armordillo": 1100/600 → 0/1700; "Hampering Hippo": 1900/600 → 0/2500; "Mega Elephant": 2300/1700 → 1500/2500).

Turn 4: Tiger
Tiger's draws "Nuncharinet the Music Princess", "Straight Pierce", "Digisoon the Music Fiend", "Clubinet the Music Princess", and "Flutomahawk the Music Princess". Tiger Normal Summons "Flutomahawk" (1500/0 → 1300/0) and "Clubinet" (800/1400 → 600/1400). She then Tributes "Flutomahawk" and "Clubinet" to Tribute Summon "Digisoon" (2400/2000 → 2200/2000). As Tiger Normal Summoned a Level 5 or higher monster, Caterpillio activates his Set Trap Card "Rut Trap", switching "Barrier Armordillo", "Hampering Hippo", and "Mega Elephant" to face-up Defense Position and choosing "Mega Elephant" for its effect. As Caterpillio controls a Defense Position monster, Tiger activates the effect of "Digisoon", sending the top card of her Deck to the Graveyard to have it gain 800 ATK for each Defense Position monster Caterpillio controls until the end of the turn. She sends "Clubinet" from the top of her Deck to the Graveyard and Caterpillio controls three Defense Position monsters, so "Digisoon" gains 2400 ATK ("Digisoon": 2200/2000 → 4600/2000). Tiger activates the Spell Card "Straight Pierce", returning five WIND Attribute Warrior Type monsters from her Graveyard to her Deck to choose a Level 7 or 8 monster she controls to have it gain 2000 ATK until the end of this turn and grant it the ability to inflict piercing battle damage this turn. She returns "Flutomahawk", "Trumpetonfa", "Brassaxophone", "Ensembullfighter", and "Clubinet" from her Graveyard to her Deck and chooses the Level 8 "Digisoon" ("Digisoon": 4600/2000 → 6600/2000). "Digisoon" attacks and destroys "Mega Elephant" (Caterpillio: 4000 → 0 LP).

Featured cards

The following cards appeared in this episode. Cards in italics debuted here.


  • This episode's title is a reference to the Japanese series Sound! Euphonium.
  • While "Shield & Sword" appears as one of the Featured Cards, Gavin does not get the chance to explain it, despite requesting to do so even after the preview for the following episode.