Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS - Episode 064

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"A Family of Gears"
Luke tries to explain to his sister why he joined the Goha Sibligns.
Luke tries to explain to his sister why he joined the Goha Sibligns.
Japanese name
RōmajiHaguruma no Ichizoku
TranslatedA Family of Gears
SeriesYu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS
Japanese OP"Harevutai"
Japanese ED"Never Looking Back"
Air dates
JapaneseSeptember 5, 2021
EnglishJune 6, 2022
Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episodes (season 2)
Previous"President Luke!"
Next"Clash of the Giants"
Featured card

"A Family of Gears" is the sixty-fourth episode of the Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS anime. It first aired in Japan on September 5, 2021.

Template:Episode Summary


On the Super Mobile Fortress Sixross, Luke runs towards Yuo calling him "big bro!" only for a disgusted Yuo to hold up his hand and tell him to cut it out before showing Luke his room and telling him he can stay here for now. Luke thanks his new "big bro" and begins looking around eagerly as Yuo groans about Luke calling him "big bro" when Yuo is younger than him and the President Drone asks what Yuo will do now, as Luke doesn't currently appear to possess "Fusion", and Yuo notes it is what it is, so they'll just observe Luke for now. But then Luke freaks out over seeing the gear patterns on the wallpaper and his power activates and shocks the entirety of Sixross, including the President Drone. Yuo gasps Doll's name and then looks on in horror as Luke begins clawing at the wallpaper, forcing the panicking Yuo to hastily assure Luke that he'll get it changed.

At the Road Laboratory, Yuro, Yujin, Yuka (who have parked their vehicles outside) and the freed Yuran tell Yuga, Romin, Gavin and Swirly that this is why they're counting on them. Gavin and Romin promptly admit they don't know what the Goha Siblings are talking about and Yuran explains Yuo is completely out of control and will likely make Goha Enterprises descend into chaos, while Yujin and Yuka emphasize that it's Goha City's problem too and Yuro declares that they must bring forth all their strength to totally defeat Yuo. Romin asks if they aren't being entitled considering they tried to destroy Rush Dueling in the first place, prompting Yuka to huff that maybe they don't need them after all until Yuran tells her to calm down and Proprietress reminds them that Yuga is a person of character given he fixed her even though she was his enemy and she's sure he'll fulfill their wishes. The Goha Siblings bow to Yuga, claiming they're counting on him and Gavin protests they don't have to go that far. Romin admits that they have no choice and Swirly adds they need to do something about Luke. Yuga finally speaks up, musing on the possibility of Luke being part of the Goha family, but then Tiger comes in and tells them there's no way Luke can be associated with Goha.

She brings Yuga, Romin, Gavin and Swirly to her front gate, Romin gasping in shock at the notion this is Luke's house. Yuga notes the "KGS" logo on the gear-emblazoned gate and Tiger confirms they are the Kallister Gear Company, or KGC for short. As she leads them into the grounds Gavin gasps in shock at the notion Luke's family own the KGC and Romin asks if he knows of them. Gavin explains that they're an esteemed company that, beginning with the invention of the water wheel 1000 years ago, now work on everything from tankers to high-class watches; they consistently produces globally supplied quality, high-precision gears that are polished by skilled craftsmen. However when they finally reach the front door, Yuga, Romin, Gavin and Swirly are all exhausted from the long walk in, Gavin admitting that's the KGC for you. They are introduced to the current head of the Kallister family; Akinori Kamijo, Gavin thinking that this is the head of the KGC, Yuga finding him dignified, Romin thinking he's super scary, and Swirly simply murmuring "guru..." Then Akinori cheerfully tells them his nickname is "Gavan" and boisterously calls "Let's all get along!" three times, earning him an elbow in the ribs from Tiger, who tells him he doesn't have to say it three time, much to the shock of the Rush Duel Club. Gavan composes himself and asks if they came to inquire about his great-grandson Luke, confirming that he's definitely a Kallister given they used to play guessing games with gear pitches when he was younger. Yuga finds the prospect fun, and Gavan eagerly asks if he's interested, forcing Tiger to get him back on track. Gavan comments that' Luke's sudden connection to Goha Enterprises, a bunch of upstarts that sprang up out of nowhere is absolutely non-existent, a phrase he repeats twice. Romin wonders if this means Yuo tricked Luke and Gavin suggests they tell him right away; and then they hear Luke calling to his mother for his spare underwear, immediately angering Tiger.

In another hallway Luke laments that he can't get anything done without his mother to the President Drone, who asks if Luke still doesn't know where his spare underwear is despite being in fifth-grade, prompting Luke to snap he didn't ask Doll. Tiger's bassoon then hits the ground with a heavy thud as she slowly says Luke's name, and after turning blue with fear and slowly craning his head around, Luke promptly tries to hide behind the President Drone, shocked that his sister was home. As Yuga, Romin, Gavin and Swirly peek cautiously around the corner Tiger furiously asks where else she would be, he yelling blasting Luke and Doll through the house five times before eventually blasting them through a window and a hedge. Luke winces in pain as he sits up - and behind a pillar, the Drone that controlled him peeks around the corner, its eyepieces glowing red. Tiger slams her bassoon down, catching Luke's attention and prompting a hasty retreat from Doll as she angrily asks what Luke thinks he's doing coming back all cheery. Luke protests he didn't, he just wanted some spare underwear. Tiger angrily asks if he wanted pandas, pancakes or pantaloons with them as well (the Japanese word for underwear is "pants") and Romin and Gavin try to calm her down, but she just tells them to back off as this is a Kallister problem. Swirly tries to get Gavan to stop the siblings fighting, though Gavan is distracted by Tiger using the word "pantaloons" as it's been decades since he heard that word and her grandmother used to wear them - Tiger snaps she didn't ask and then rounds on Luke, asking him how dare he call himself the sixth Goha Sibling and straps on her Duel Disk as she vows she'll make him remember his place as a member of the Kallister family as he scoots away in fear. Luke fearfully agrees if Tiger is asking for it and takes out his own Duel Disk as the President Drone contacts Yuo (who is busy taking down the rest of his wallpaper) and begins recording proceedings, Yuo commenting that things are getting interesting; will Luke become one of his dolls, or remain an annoying younger brother? Tiger takes out her Deck and asks if Luke is ready, and he readies his own, nervously claiming he always is, and they both insert their Decks into their Duel Disks and call "Rush Duel!" deploying the blades and the green holographic sphere.

Tiger calls "Here I go!" declares her turn and draws, her hand containing "Digisoon the Music Fiend", "Flutomahawk the Music Princess", "Ophiclaymore the Music Princess", "Horn Wan Yue the Music Princess", and "Fierce Tiger". She Summons "Flutomahawk the Music Princess" and Tributes her to Tribute Summon "Ophiclaymore the Music Princess", then Summons "Horn Wan Yue the Music Princess" and activates her effect, sending "Brassaxophone the Music Princess" from the top of her Deck to the Graveyard and adding "Flutomahawk" to her hand before Summoning her again. She Tributes "Flutomahawk" and "Horn Wan Yue" to Tribute Summon again, chanting "The long, middle fingered older brother, standoffish with his pinky, adrenaline in his sprained finger. With a swelling breath, he proposes to the thumb princess! Come forth! Digisoon the Music Fiend!" Yuga and Romin gasps eagerly at the sight of "Digisoon" and Luke recoils in fear. Tiger comments they both know he'll lose, but wants him to answer before he does: why did he thoughtlessly claim he was a Goha Sibling? Luke claims is wasn't thoughtless and insists a Goha President is a Goha President. Tiger hums in interest and she Sets a card to end her turn, asking if there's anything Luke needs to say before she demolishes him.

Luke swallows in fear, declares his turn and draws, his hand containing two "Fortitude Dragon", "The☆Guard", "Dragon's Fortitude", and "Ancient Arise Dragon". He tells Tiger that she'll never understand, much to her interest, and reminds her that as the eldest son of the Kallister family he's destined to join the KGC and become a gear craftsman for the rest of his life. Tiger asks what's wrong with that and Luke protests he doesn't want it; he doesn't want to become a cog of society and walk down the same daor forever, prompting Tiger to grit her teeth angrily. Romin comments they've started talking about life and Gavin admits he didn't think Luke had such normal, societal problems. Swirly asks Gavan to give Luke some advice, and Gavan tells them to leave it to him, stepping forwards and telling Luke to open his eyes. The other kids watch eagerly at the thought of the commander of the KGC finally making his move, and Gavan tells him that gears are great; from kasa cogs to bevel gears, movement gears to differential gears. In the world all sorts of gears move together with a clang. Yuga eagerly pops up to point out Planetary Gears, crown gears and worm gears and Gavan appreciatively comments Yuga knows his stuff, though Romin, Gavin and Swirly are less enthused by his advice. Gavan declares that gears are the world, and even a single gear is a wonderful thing so Luke should become one himself. His metaphors reduce Luke to a defiant mess and Tiger snaps at him to shut up, telling him he can whine about his future once he's mature enough to understand it. Luke protests that he knows, but in this Duel he'll use his fortitude to beat Tiger and prove he's mature enough. Tiger smiles as Luke Summons his two "Fortitude Dragons" and he activates the effect of the first, sending "Burning Blaze Dragon" from the top of his Deck to the Graveyard as "Fortitude Dragon" emits heat waves that reduce the ATK of "Digisoon" by 400, to 2000. He activates the effect of his second "Fortitude Dragon", sending "Clear Ice Dragon" from the top of his Deck to the Graveyard and reducing the ATK of "Digisoon" by another 400, to 1600. The other kids gasp and Luke asks how that was, claiming Tiger isn't scary at all, though she simply murmurs in interest. Luke Tributes his two monsters to Tribute Summon, chanting "If you touch this guy, you'll get burned. He's way too cold. Burn, blue flames of ice! Ancient Arise Dragon!"

Luke activates the "Freezing Rise" effect of "Ancient Arise Dragon" by sending "The☆Star Dragon" from the top of his Deck to the Graveyard, increasing its ATK by 600 until the end of the turn, to 3000. As everyone gasps in amazement, Luke adds that he can also return both "Burning Blaze Dragon" and "Clear Ice Dragon" from his Graveyard to his Deck and then destroy a monster with 1500 or less DEF, and he chooses to destroy "Ophiclaymore", shattering her into green shards. Luke asks the unfazed Tiger how that was, claiming he'll carve open his own daor himself and now she knows how grown up he is. Tiger just asks Luke what's next, and Luke hesitates before Setting two cards and ordering "Ancient Arise Dragon" to attack with "Frozen Clear Building". But as "Ancient Arise Dragon" cloaks itself in cold air and dives towards "Digisoon", "Digisoon" dodges the attack and vanishes, and Tiger furiously asks how Luke can call himself mature after something like that. Luke flinches back in fear as Tiger glows red with anger, snarling that's Luke's really annoyed her now and she returns a monster she controls to her hand to activate the Trap Card "Fierce Tiger", changing the attacking "Ancient Arise Dragon" to Defense Position and inflicting 1000 damage to Luke. Luke turns around and gasps in horror as he sees "Ancient Arise Dragon" in its defensive pose, and then lightning shocks him and reduces him to 3000 LP. Tiger angrily asks if that woke Luke up, but he just falls to his hands and knees and ends his turn, much to the shock of everyone else.

Tiger vows that it will be nothing but rage and fury with her every breath and she declares her turn and draws four cards, her hand now containing "Straight Pierce", "Trumpetiger the Music Fiend", "Brassaxophone the Music Princess", and "Clubinet the Music Princess" in addition to "Digisoon". She Summons two monsters, "Brassaxophone the Music Princess" and "Clubinet the Music Princess" and then Tributes them to Tribute Summon, chanting "His fury is my fury! Another violent storm will kick up today as well! Shine on, my namesake! Trumpetiger the Music Fiend!" Luke cowers as Tiger sends "Trumpetonfa the Music Princess" from the top of her Deck to the Graveyard to activate the "Tiger Blessing" effect of "Trumpetiger", increasing its ATK by 300, to 2600, and as everyone else claps their hands over their ears Tiger adds that she can also Special Summon a monster from her hand, telling "Digisoon" to come back. Romin is shocked Tiger Summoned "Digisoon" again and Tiger sends "Nuncharinet the Music Princess" from the top of her Deck to the Graveyard to activate the "Breath Doubling Power" effect of "Digisoon", increasing its ATK by 800 for each Defense Position monster Luke controls. Luke cringes as "Digisoon" powers up to 3200 ATK and then Tiger returns five monsters from her Graveyard to her Deck to activate the Spell Card "Straight Pierce", increasing the ATK of "Digisoon" by 2000 until the end of the turn and granting it the ability to inflict piercing battle damage. Luke flinches away as Tiger blows into her bassoon, before ordering the "Ensemble Slash of the Lucky-Fingered Divine Strike" attack of "Digisoon", and as "Digisoon" blasts green energy from its fingers that destroys "Ancient Arise Dragon", Luke sees a bestial face approaching him and he screams that it's "Majin Tiger" and begs it to stay back. The attack hits, engulfing Luke in a sphere of energy, and as everyone braces from the attack Romin asks if it's over, Gavin commenting on the terror of the attack as Swirly gasps Luke's name. But Yuga warns them it isn't over.

A voice declares that it's too late to ask who he is twice, and Tiger recognizes the voice in shock as the smoke clears to reveal The☆Lukeman, who admits that "Majin Tiger's" attack was magnificent, but was nothing to The☆Lukeman. Yuga and Swirly cry out in pleased surprise as Gavin and Romin gasp in shock and Tiger grins, The☆Lukeman claiming he just activated "Dragon's Fortitude" (though his recollection clearly shows Luke activated the Trap) and returned the Level 7 "The☆Star Dragon" to his Deck to reduce the ATK of "Digisoon" by 700, to 4500, leaving the screaming Luke with 100 LP left after the 1600 DEF "Ancient Arise Dragon" was destroyed, barely enough to survive and he calls it a Lukeman miracle. Tiger angrily asks what he's saying when he only has 100 LP left and The☆Lukeman declares that 100 LP has infinite possibilities; 100% of 100. Tiger angrily tells him to shut up since she isn't finished yet and she attacks him directly with "Trumpetiger", but The☆Lukeman returns three monsters from his Graveyard to his Deck to activate another Trap, "The☆Guard", which negates a direct attack. "Trumpetiger" screeches to a halt in front of The☆Lukeman's outstretched hand and he declares The☆Lukeman cannot lose; The☆Lukeman is indomitable, The☆Lukeman is indestructible forever, much to Tiger's fury. The☆Lukeman asks what "Majin Tiger" will do and she angrily ends her turn. Yuo excitedly gasps this is what he's been waiting for and he tells Doll to show him more of The☆Lukeman and his fighting figure.

The☆Lukeman declares The☆Lukeman's turn and draws five cards; "The☆Power-Up", "Multistrike Dragon Dragias", two "Draco the Tiny", and "Pot of Greed". First The☆Lukeman activates "Pot of Greed" to draw two more cards, then he Summons three monsters; "The☆Dragon" and both "Draco the Tiny". He Tributes the two "Draco the Tiny" to Tribute Summon "Multistrike Dragon Dragias" and Tiger laughs that even though Luke is dressed like that he's still the same on the inside, though The☆Lukeman asks if she's sure twice. Tiger gasps that he said it twice as The☆Lukeman activates "Fusion", chanting "Flare and burn, The☆Dragon! Sail to the stars, Dragias! Now, within The☆Lukeman's galaxy, two suns collide into a supernova! Witness as a new existence is born! Witness as a new existence is born! To say it twice is a sign of victory. Fusion Summon! Fusion Summon!! Superstrike Dragon Dragiastar F!" As everyone gasps in shock, The☆Lukeman activates the Multi-Choice Effect of "Dragiastar F", increasing its ATK by 900 until the end of the turn and allowing it to attack monsters twice. Tiger gasps in shock as "Dragiastar F" activates its "The☆Graviton Charge" effect, powering up to 3900 ATK as it glows with yellow energy that buffets everyone else (poor Swirly only being stopped from being swept away by Gavan's grip on his costume's tail). Then The☆Lukeman returns three monsters ("Draco the Tiny", "Dragias" and "The☆Dragon") from his Graveyard to his Deck to activate the Spell "The☆Power-Up", increasing the ATK and DEF of "Dragiastar F" by a further 500 each. "Dragiastar F" increases to 4400 ATK as Tiger warily levels her bassoon at it before closing her eyes as she braces herself. The☆Lukeman declares his great attack; "The☆Nova Strike of Intense Supremacy", and "Dragiastar F" generates lightning from the orbs on its body that blast a pink energy star at "Trumpetiger", destroying it and reducing Tiger to 1900 LP as she jams her bassoon into the ground to brace herself. Then "Dragiastar F" attacks with "The Dark Slash of Superheavy Supremacy", the blades on its cables, horns and claws glowing as it dives towards "Digisoon" and destroys it, reducing Tiger's LP to zero and blasting her bassoon away as she tries futilely to resist.

Gavin, Romin, Yuga and Swirly can only watch in shock as the smoke clears to reveal Tiger lying crumpled on her back, and Gavan walks over and picks up his great-granddaughter, begging her to stay with him. But then they all hear The☆Lukeman gasping unintelligible noises and his name repeatedly as red energy strings draw him up into the Super Mobile Fortress Sixross. Yuo congratulates them on their good work, and Tiger opens her eyes in shock as Yuo claims he's collecting his precious doll now and he asks them to look forward to their next performance together as Sixross leaves. Tiger pushes herself up with her bassoon, cursing them, but Gavan tells her not to worry about. He muses on "Fusion"; two components coming together to form a new power and likens it to a set of gears. He declares that there can be no doubt that the current Luke is part of the Kallister bloodline and Tiger whispers her great-grandfather's name in shock before getting ticked off by him trying to wrap this all up by running his mouth and saying something deep as Romin and Gavin sigh in exasperation. But Yuga is deep in thought, and he arranges to meet with Yuro that night at the Road Laboratory that night and explains that he needs them to do something for him, prompting a shocked gasp of "What?" from Yuro.

Duel Summary: Luciden "Luke" Kallister/The☆Lukeman vs Tiadosa "Tiger" Kallister

Turn 1: Tiger

Tiger's hand contains "Digisoon the Music Fiend", "Flutomahawk the Music Princess", "Ophiclaymore the Music Princess", "Horn Wan Yue the Music Princess", and "Fierce Tiger". Tiger Normal Summons "Flutomahawk the Music Princess" (1500/0). Tiger Tributes "Flutomahawk" to Tribute Summon "Ophiclaymore the Music Princess" (2100/400). Tiger Normal Summons "Horn Wan Yue the Music Princess" (500/500). As "Horn Wan Yue" was Normal Summoned this turn, Tiger activates its effect, sending the top card of her Deck to the GY, then if she sends a Warrior monster to the GY with this effect, she can choose a Warrior Normal Monster in her GY and add it to her hand. She sends "Brassaxophone the Music Princess" from the top of her Deck to the GY, then adds "Flutomahawk" from her GY to her hand. Tiger Normal Summons "Flutomahawk" (1500/0). Tiger Tributes "Flutomahawk" and "Horn Wan Yue" to Tribute Summon "Digisoon the Music Fiend" (2400/2000). Tiger Sets a card.

Turn 2: Luke

Luke's hand contains two copies of "Fortitude Dragon", "The☆Guard", "Dragon's Fortitude", and "Ancient Arise Dragon". Luke Normal Summons two copies of "Fortitude Dragon" (900/1100). Luke activates the effect of a "Fortitude Dragon", sending the top card of his Deck to the GY to choose a face-up monster Tiger controls with 2000 or more ATK and have it lose 400 ATK until the end of this turn, then Luke can choose one "Dragon's Fortitude" in his GY and Set it in his Spell & Trap Zone. Luke sends "Burning Blaze Dragon" from the top of his Deck to the GY and chooses "Digisoon" ("Digisoon": 2400/2000 → 2000/2000). Luke activates the effect of the other "Fortitude Dragon", sending "Clear Ice Dragon" from the top of his Deck to the GY and choosing "Digisoon" ("Digisoon": 2000/2000 → 1600/2000). Luke Tributes both copies of "Fortitude Dragon" to Tribute Summon "Ancient Arise Dragon" (2400/1600). Luke activates the effect of "Ancient Arise Dragon", sending the top card of his Deck to the GY to have it gain 600 ATK until the end of this turn, then Luke can return one "Burning Blaze Dragon" and one "Clear Ice Dragon" from his GY to his Deck to choose one face-up monster Tiger controls with 1500 or less DEF and destroy it. Luke sends "The☆Star Dragon" from the top of his Deck to the GY ("Ancient Arise Dragon": 2400/1600 → 3000/1600), then shuffles "Burning Blaze Dragon" and "Clear Ice Dragon" into his Deck and destroys the 400 DEF "Ophiclaymore". Luke Sets two cards. "Ancient Arise Dragon" attacks "Digisoon", but as her opponent's monster declare an attack Tiger activates her Set Trap "Fierce Tiger", returning a face-up Level 7 or higher WIND monster she controls to her hand to change the attacking monster to face-up Defense Position, then inflict 1000 damage to Luke. Tiger returns "Digisoon" to her hand and changes "Ancient Arise Dragon" to face-up Defense Position (Luke: 4000 → 3000 LP).

Turn 3: Tiger

Tiger's hand contains "Digisoon". Tiger draws "Straight Pierce", "Trumpetiger the Music Fiend", "Brassaxophone the Music Princess", and "Clubinet the Music Princess". Tiger Normal Summons "Brassaxophone the Music Princess" (1000/1200) and "Clubinet the Music Princess" (800/1400). Tiger Tributes "Brassax" and "Clubinet" to Tribute Summon "Trumpetiger the Music Fiend" (2300/1500). Tiger activates the effect of "Trumpetiger", sending the top card of her Deck to the GY to have it gain 300 ATK until the end of the turn, then she can Special Summon one Level 8 or lower WIND Warrior monster from her hand. Tiger sends "Trumpetonfa the Music Princess" from the top of her Deck to the GY ("Trumpetiger": 2300/1500 → 2600/1500), then Special Summons "Digisoon" (2400/2000) from her hand in Attack Position. Tiger activates the effect of "Digisoon", sending the top card of her Deck to the GY to have it gain 800 ATK for each Defense Position monster Luke controls. She sends "Nuncharinet the Music Princess" from the top of her Deck to the GY and Luke controls the Defense Position "Ancient Arise Dragon" ("Digisoon": 2400/2000 → 3200/2000). Tiger activates the Spell "Straight Pierce", returning five WIND Warrior monsters from her GY to her Deck to choose a face-up Level 7 or 8 monster she controls to have it gain 2000 ATK and allow it to inflict piercing battle damage if it attacks a Defense Position monster this turn. She returns "Brassax", "Clubinet", "Ophiclaymore", "Flutomahawk", and "Horn Wan Yue" from her GY to her Deck and chooses the Level 8 "Digisoon" ("Digisoon": 3200/2000 → 5200/2000).

"Digisoon" attacks "Ancient Arise Dragon", but as his opponent's monster declared an attack Luke activates his Set Trap "Dragon's Fortitude", returning a Dragon monster from his GY to the Deck to have the attacking monster lose ATK equal to the Level of the returned monster x 100. Luke returns the Level 7 "The☆Star Dragon" from his GY to the Deck ("Digisoon": 5200/2000 → 4500/2000). The attack continues and "Ancient Arise Dragon" is destroyed (Luke: 3000 → 100 LP). At this point, The☆Lukeman Drone takes control of Luke and continues the Duel. "Trumpetiger" attacks The☆Lukeman directly, but as a monster Tiger controls declared a direct attack, The☆Lukeman activates his Set Trap "The☆Guard", returning three monsters from his GY to his Deck to negate the attack. The☆Lukeman returns "Ancient Arise Dragon" and two copies of "Fortitude Dragon" from his GY to his Deck.

Turn 4: The☆Lukeman

The☆Lukeman draws "The☆Power-Up", "Multistrike Dragon Dragias", two copies of "Draco the Tiny", and "Pot of Greed". The☆Lukeman activates the Spell "Pot of Greed", drawing two cards. The☆Lukeman draws "The☆Dragon" and "Fusion". The☆Lukeman Normal Summons "The☆Dragon" (0/0) and two copies of "Draco the Tiny" (0/1400). The☆Lukeman Tributes both copies of "Draco the Tiny" to Tribute Summon "Multistrike Dragon Dragias" (2500/1500). The☆Lukeman activates the Spell "Fusion", Fusion Summoning a monster from his Extra Deck using face-up monsters he controls as materials. The☆Lukeman fuses "Dragias" and "The☆Dragon" to Fusion Summon "Superstrike Dragon Dragiastar F" (3000/2000) in Attack Position. As the only monsters in The☆Lukeman's GY are High Dragon and/or Dragon monsters, he activates the effect of "Dragiastar F", sending the top card of his Deck to the GY to either increase its ATK by 900 until the end of the turn and allow it to attack monsters twice this turn, or allow it to attack twice this turn and inflict piercing battle damage this turn. The☆Lukeman sends an unknown card from the top of his Deck to the GY and chooses to have "Dragiastar F" gain 900 ATK and allow it to attack monsters twice this turn ("Dragiastar F": 3000/2000 → 3900/2000). The☆Lukeman activates the Spell "The☆Power-Up", returning three monsters from his GY to his Deck to choose a face-up monster he controls and have it gain 500 ATK/DEF until the end of this turn. He returns "Draco the Tiny", "Dragias" and "The☆Dragon" from his GY to his Deck and chooses "Dragiastar F" ("Dragiastar F": 3900/2000 → 4400/2000). "Dragiastar F" attacks and destroys "Trumpetiger" and "Digisoon" (Tiger: 4000 → 1900 → 0 LP).

Featured cards

The following cards appeared in this episode. Cards in italics debuted here.


When Luke sends the top card of his Deck to his Graveyard to activate the effect of his second copy of "Fortitude Dragon", his right hand abruptly disappears just before the scene cuts away. This same animation error later appears when Luke activates the effect of "Ancient Arise Dragon", as the shot reuses the same key frames.