Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! - Episode 061

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"Cats' Duel"
Yuhi pounces on Yuga in anger.
Yuhi pounces on Yuga in anger.
Japanese name
RōmajiKyattsu Dyueru
TranslatedCats' Duel
SeriesYu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!!
Japanese OP"Soul Galaxy"
Japanese ED"Cosmos"
Air dates
JapaneseJune 4, 2023
Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episodes (season 2)
Previous"Yuamu's Road"
Featured card"Straynge Cat"

"Cats' Duel" is the sixty-first episode of the Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! anime. It first aired in Japan on June 4, 2023.

Yuamu notices that she's now in a strange place that resembles a Field Spell. She then hears some familiar voices. As it turns out, they're the voices of the friends she's lost! However, despite being able to reunite with them, Yuamu seems rather disconcerted...


In the card world, Yuamu, still a cat, wonders what would she do. She hears voices asking if someone turned into a card again and recognizes Asaka and Yuna as cats, much to her shock. She falls and lands on Mitsuko, who is also a cat as well. Yuamu asks the three friends why are they all cats. Yuna points out that Yuamu is also a cat, too. Mitsuko holds out a mirror in front of Yuamu and Yuamu screams as she finds out that she is a cat too. Asaka sighs that Yuamu didn't notice until now. Yuna questions why did losing and being carded turned them into cats. Yuamu is asking the same thing and flashbacks what happened with Yuna and her brother and That Guy's cards were both cats. She wonders if her card is a cat too. Asaka is trying to get the cat-formed MIK soldiers to straighten the cat tree tower. Yuamu asks Asaka what is she doing. Asaka tells her it's a cat tower and they can't afford not to put one up. Mitsuko says at this rate she'll end up as a real cat and purrs. Asaka asks Yuamu if she knows how to go back to their world. Yuamu doesn't know any method, but she needs someone to beat Phaser first. Asaka wonders who remains outside and Yuamu answers "Yudias". Yuna informs the others that Rovian is still there and will defeat the likes of Phaser right before she gets distracted by a glowing card. Yuamu wonders what is going on since everyone who has been carded turned into cats not before Chupataro, in his alien cat form, arrives. Yuamu attempts to brush her thoughts off and think of something. As she watches Chupataro play around, she asks what is he even doing. Chupataro tells her that if this is the card world then Meeeg-chan would be there too and jumps into a card door. Yuamu follows him and ends up into another dimension of the card world.

There, she finds her brother as a cat. She calls out Yuhi's name to get his attention but is unable to catch up with him. Yuamu wonders if Yuhi is always this fast because they're cats now. She recaps that two years ago, she and Yuhi were around the same height but Yuhi is taller than her and realizing that her brother was the first one to think of becoming a card, which is kind of frustrating. Yuamu then falls into another card door, leading her to the Graveyard-like world.

Yuamu inadvertently lands on her brother since she called out feet first. She apologizes to Yuhi but is glad that she had finally caught him. Yuhi sees his sister at last and discovers that Yuamu became a card as well. Yuamu asks Yuhi is he's looking for That Guy/Yuga Ohdo. Yuhi says yes and Yuga should be somewhere in the card world. While the two cat siblings search, Yuamu explains that every card door keeps popping up different worlds and comments that it is a weird place. They find a trio of cats declaring a rematch for their enemy. Yuamu interrupts them to ask where Yuga is. The cats huddle all over Yuhi, who is uncomfortable with this. Yuamu wonders if the cats are Yuhi's friends. Yuhi answers no and questions who they could be.

In another part of the card world, where there are golden pillars, the Ohdo twins call out Yuga's name. Yuhi warns his sister not to shout so loud because it's embarrassing. Yuamu insists her brother that now is not the time to be embarrassed since they are carded and scolds him for doing the same in elementary school while looking for lost cats. Yuhi says he doesn't remember that. Yuamu calls out Yuga again and Yuhi shushes her to keep it down. The twins find the cat-formed Yuga relaxing in an empty tile. Yuamu asks him why he is in such a narrow spot. Yuga was waiting for the Ohdo twins to come while he was getting used to being a cat. He then discovers that the twins have grown up a bit after two years and asks if one of them has grown a beard. Yuhi gets mad at Yuga as he tells him that he has cat whiskers and pounces on him. While doing so, he demands Yuga to know what he is planning. Remembering the flashback, Yuhi furiously asks Yuga how could he "leave everything to him" without saying anything else and he was worrying that a ton while Yuga licks his paw to ignore Yuga's scoldings. Yuga says it's a good point. Yuhi screams not to laugh it off and asks Yuga if his last name is Ohdo and if he's his and Yuamu's descendant from the future. Yuga answers that it looks like it. Yuhi demands Yuga to greet them properly, pay them respects, and give them offerings, since he's their descendant. Yuamu replies that the three of them are not dead yet. Yuga explains to get Yuhi and him to know each other, they must Rush Duel. Yuhi accepts the challenge. Yuamu stops them at the moment and tells the boys that they don't have their Decks and wonders if they can Rush Duel there. Yuga and Yuhi call out their names and Yuhi's Deck appears. The boys then shout "Go Rush!!" as a holographic screen appears around them as their LP are 4000.

Yuga declares his turn and draws, then Summons "Straynge Cat" with zero ATK. He sets two cards and ends his turn. Chupataro continues to look for Meeeg-chan. Once again, the card door appears out of nowhere and sucks the four cats into the space dimension.

In space, the Ohdos are hiding on meteorites. The Ohdo twins are distressed as Chupataro calls out for Meeeg-chan. Yuga explains that the galaxy is part of the system's world in card form and he's still looking into it. Yuamu wonders if someone made this world. She flashbacks that time they went to Nyakayoshi, Nyandestar said that when she escaped her home, she was turned into a cat for some reason. The person who turned Nyandestar into a cat was the one who made the carding system into a Maximum are related somehow. Yuga says it seems pretty likely. Yuamu wonders if Phaser is involved somehow as well as Yuga. Yuhi asks the two cats to quit acting like they know everything. Yuga tries to convince Yuhi that he isn't trying to act like that but Yuhi angrily declares that his anger is through the roof and he's gonna show Yuga how his ancestors do things while he's definitely gonna lose.

Yuhi declares his turn and draws, but he gets sucked into the card door again, along with Yuga and Yuamu. The three cats end up in a snowy world. Yuhi's paw contains three copies of "Straynge Cat", "Careless Twin Magic", and "Straynge Cat Mantle". He realizes this isn't his Deck. Yuga relies on him that this is the card world after all and his original Deck is at the outside world. His and Yuhi's cards are basically the same Deck, which means Yuhi's dueling skills is what is being tested. Yuhi tells Yuga that he's the one person he refuses to lose to. He summons two Straynge Cats with zero ATK, much to his sister's confusion. Yuhi activates the spell "Careless Twin Magic" and chooses two monsters with zero ATK and they both gain 1400 ATK. Yuhi sets a card and attacks "Straynge Cat" with "Straynge Cat". Yuga activates the trap "Straynge Cat Jealousy" and negates the attack. "Straynge Cat" is being switched to its defense position, much to Yuhi's shock. Yuhi takes 200 damage for each monster on his field. Yuamu multiplies 200 x 2 of Yuhi's monsters, which makes it 400 LP for him. Yuhi's LP reduces to 3600 as he screams "400, meow!" Since Yuga and his "Straynge Cat" have the same ATK and DEF, he can't destroy his monster. Yuhi ends his turn.

Chupataro continues his search for Meeeg-chan until the card door shows up again. Yuhi tries to warn him not to open the door since he and Yuga are in the middle of Rush Dueling, but he gets distracted by a butterfly and bumps into the door, causing him, his sister, Yuga, and get sucked in and land in a post-apocalyptic world.

Yuamu finds Manya in her cat form while dancing with fans and Yuhi finds Bochi sitting on a motorcycle. Bochi feels very at peace here. Manya doesn't know why, but somehow she feels like doing this is trendy. Yuhi asks Bochi if he is a cat. Bochi says he isn't a dog or a cat, Bochi is himself. Yuga recognizes that the world they're in is the space-time of the Field Spell The Post-Apocalyptic Beast Gear World. Yuamu asks him if something is wrong. Yuga answers her that it is nothing and forces Yuhi to continue the Rush Duel as his Duel Disk appears in front of him. Yuhi tells him not to talk to his ancestors without respect.

Yuga declares his turn and draws, his paw containing two copies of "Straynge Cat", "Straynge Cat Signal", "Recovery Force", and "Straynge Cat Festival". He summons two Straynge Cats with zero ATK. He changes his first "Straynge Cat" to attack position and activates the spell "Straynge Cat Signal". For this turn, all of Yuga's Straynge Cats gain 1200 ATK for each of Yuhi's monsters. Yuamu learns that her brother has two monsters, which makes 2800 ATK. Manya says that's one strong ATK and Bochi tells Yuhi that he's gonna end up being a cat forever. Yuhi screams at Bochi to shut up. Yuga thinks that if this is a space made from a Field Spell if he uses "Straynge Cat Signal". He activates the Field Spell "Straynge Cat Festival" as the post-apocalyptic world turns into a galactic world. Yuga attacks Yuhi's "Straynge Cat" with his "Straynge Cat", but luckily Yuhi activates the trap "Straynge Cat Cape". All of Yuhi's monsters switch to defense position and all of his Straynge Cats gain 1400 DEF, which makes 2800. He boasts Yuga to not look down on him. Yuga knew that Yuhi would set that card. "Straynge Cat" attacks "Straynge Cat", much to Yuhi's surprise. Yuhi says that if the ATK and DEF are the same, then the defense position monster shouldn't be destroyed. Yuga says that it's because of the Field Spell and explains that any defense position monsters that can't be destroyed end up back in Yuhi's Deck. He uses "Straynge Cat" to attack Yuhi's last "Straynge Cat". Manya exclaims that all the cats are gone and Bochi says that it's just like a dog knows it's house and so does a cat and YUga's monster went back to its Deck. Yuhi furiously yells what does it mean. "Straynge Cat" directly attacks Yuhi and Yuhi's LP reduces to 3600 as he cries out "2800, meow!". Yuhi collapses backwards with his eyes scratched and his sister calls out his name in worry. Yuga ends his turn.

As Yuhi groans in pain, Yuamu notices Yuga going to another card door. Yuhi, deciding to follow him, says that their Duel is not over yet. Yuamu follows him as well and all three of the cats get sucked in the door once again.

In another dimension, they find a cat Rovian, who greets Yuamu and Yuhi, but doesn't recognize Yuga. Yuga realizes that they're in the Royal Demon's Live Arena and the space time is becoming unstable. Yuhi wonders if Yuga is planning on turning his tail and running. Yuga declares that it's time to settle this.

Yuhi declares his turn and draws, his paw containing "Straynge Gathering", "Furtunate Cat", "Straynge Cat Signal", and "Straynge Magical Pierce!!!". He summons "Straynge Cat" with zero ATK. Yuga is flattered to see that Yuhi saved some in his hand/paw, but one "Straynge Cat" is not enough to beat all of his. Yuhi wonders about that and sends a monster in his hand to the Graveyard to activate the spell, "Straynge Gathering" and he can draw one. Rovian encourages Yuhi to get a chance to get his "Straynge Cat". Yuhi mathematically says that if the total ATK of the monsters in his Graveyard equals zero, he can draw another. Yuhi then summons two Straynge Cats and uses the Spell Card "Straynge Cat Signal". Yuga is shocked while Yuamu claims that Yuhi's monster will gain 1400 ATK for each of his opponent's monsters. She multiplies 3 of Yuga's monsters times 1400, which is 4200 ATK. And when Yuhi used his Spell Card, he managed to gain more ATK than Yuga did. And all that acting uninterested while practicing late at night has really paid off. Yuhi wonders how did his sister know all about this. Yuamu point out that Yuhi has grown and Yuhi yells at her to shut it. Yuhi tells Yuga that they basically have the same cards which means he must have set that card. He then activates the spell "Straynge Magical Pierce!!!". The Straynge Cats on Yuhi's field for every "Straynge Cat" on the field and in his Graveyard will be able to deal a piercing attack. Yuamu learns that Yuhi has three cats on his field, so they can all pierce. Yuga is shocked as he asks himself how can that be. After Yuhi orders his monster to attack Yuga, Yuga activates the trap "Straynge Cat Cape" and all of his cats are switched to defense position. Until the end of the turn, they all gain 1400 DEF. The cats attack Yuga, and the opponent's LP reduces to 2600, then 1200, and finally zero. Yuga is blown away, screaming "Caaaats!"

Yuga bursts into tears as he is so frustrated since he was close to winning. Yuhi thought Yuga would still act wise when he loses. Yuga asks him how can he stay cool when he lost. The card behind Rovian sparks red electricity and creates a beam. The cats are teleported into the dimensions they've been. Yuga thought something might happen if he used a Field Spell inside of a Field Spell. Yuhi asks him what that "something" is, but Yuga doesn't know that. A geyser erupts on Rovian and a card falls to the ground. The Ohdo cats witness it and Yuamu rubs her paw on the card, revealing it to be a small card door. The card door flashes, teleporting the Ohdos to somewhere else. Rovian doesn't see Yuamu and Yuhi and finds the card they left. As the Ohdos are being teleported, Rovian discovered that the card is "Straynge Cat" and reads "A familiar said to hold great powers. It doesn't like being alone, and it's very lonely now that it's been separated from it's friends."

Yuhi sees another card and he, his sister, and Yuga fall in. Yuhi thinks they're in Mutsuba Town, but Yuga realizes where they are now as the camera pans up to Goha Enterprises.

Featured Duel: Yuhi Ohdo vs Yuga Ohdo

This Duel is conducted as a Rush Duel.

Turn 1: Yuga
Yuga Normal Summons "Straynge Cat" (0/1400). Yuga Sets two cards in his Spell & Trap Zones.

Turn 2: Yuhi
Yuhi's hand contains three copies of "Straynge Cat", "Careless Twin Magic" and "Straynge Cat Mantle". Yuhi Normal Summons two copies of "Straynge Cat" (0/1400). Yuhi activates the Spell Card "Careless Twin Magic" to increase the ATK of two face-up Normal Monsters with 0 ATK on his field by 1400 until the end of this turn. Yuhi chooses both of his copies of "Straynge Cat" ("Straynge Cat" x2: 0/1400 → 1400/1400). Yuhi Sets "Straynge Cat Mantle" in his Spell & Trap Zone. Yuhi's first "Straynge Cat" attacks Yuga's "Straynge Cat". As Yuhi's monster declared an attack targeting Yuga's Attack Position monster with 0 ATK, Yuga activates his face-down Trap Card "Straynge Cat Jealousy" to negate the attack and change the attack target to face-up Defense Position, then he inflicts damage to Yuhi equal to the number of face-up monsters on his field x 200. Yuga changes his "Straynge Cat" to Defense Position (Yuhi: 4000 → 3600 LP). As Yuhi ends his turn, the ATK of both of his copies of "Straynge Cat" returns to normal ("Straynge Cat" x2: 1400/1400 → 0/1400).

Turn 3: Yuga
Yuga's hand contains two copies of "Straynge Cat", "Straynge Cat Signal", "Recovery Force" and "Straynge Cat Festival". Yuga Normal Summons two copies of "Straynge Cat" (0/1400). Yuga changes his first "Straynge Cat" to Attack Position. Yuga activates the Spell Card "Straynge Cat Signal" to increase the ATK of all face-up "Straynge Cat" on his field by the number of Attack Position monsters on Yuhi's field x 1400 until the end of this turn ("Straynge Cat" x3: 0/1400 → 2800/1400). Yuga activates the Field Spell Card "Straynge Cat Festival" to prevent an attacking player from taking battle damage when a monster attacks a Defense Position monster while it is face-up in the Field Zone, then if a Defense Position monster is not destroyed by battle, that Defense Position monster is shuffled into the owner's Deck. Yuga's first "Straynge Cat" attacks Yuhi's first "Straynge Cat". As Yuga's monster declared an attack, Yuhi activates his face-down Trap Card "Straynge Cat Mantle" to change all Attack Position monsters on his field to face-up Defense Position, then if he has "Straynge Cat" face-up on his field, all face-up Defense Position monsters on his field gain 1400 DEF until the end of this turn. Yuhi changes both of his copies of "Straynge Cat" to Defense Position ("Straynge Cat" x2: 0/1400 → 0/2800). The attack continues, then Yuga shuffles Yuhi's first "Straynge Cat" from his field into his Deck. Yuga's second "Straynge Cat" attacks Yuhi's second "Straynge Cat", then Yuga shuffles it from Yuhi's field into his Deck. Yuga's third "Straynge Cat" attacks Yuhi directly (Yuhi: 3600 → 800 LP). As Yuga ends his turn, the ATK of all his copies of "Straynge Cat" returns to normal ("Straynge Cat" x3: 2800/1400 → 0/1400).

Turn 4: Yuhi
Yuhi draws "Straynge Gathering", "Furtunate Cat", "Straynge Cat Signal" and "Straynge Magical Pierce!!!". Yuhi Normal Summons "Straynge Cat" (0/1400). As Yuhi has a face-up monster with 0 ATK on his field, he activates the Spell Card "Straynge Gathering", sending a monster with 0 ATK from his hand to the Graveyard to draw a card, then if the total ATK of the monsters in his Graveyard is 0, he draws a card. Yuhi sends "Furtunate Cat" from his hand to the Graveyard and draws "Straynge Cat", then draws "Straynge Cat". Yuhi Normal Summons two copies of "Straynge Cat" (0/1400). Yuhi activates "Straynge Cat Signal" ("Straynge Cat" x3: 0/1400 → 4200/1400). Yuhi activates the Spell Card "Straynge Magical Pierce!!!" to allow a number of face-up monsters on his field to inflict piercing battle damage this turn up to the total number of face-up "Straynge Cat" on his field and in his Graveyard. Yuhi chooses all his copies of "Straynge Cat". Yuhi's first "Straynge Cat" attacks Yuga's first "Straynge Cat". As Yuhi's monster declared an attack, Yuga activates his face-down "Straynge Cat Mantle". Yuga changes all his copies of "Straynge Cat" to Defense Position ("Straynge Cat" x3: 0/1400 → 0/2800). The attack continues and Yuga's first "Straynge Cat" is destroyed (Yuga: 4000 → 2600 LP). Yuhi's second "Straynge Cat" attacks and destroys Yuga's second "Straynge Cat" (Yuga: 2600 → 1200 LP). Yuhi's third "Straynge Cat" attacks and destroys Yuga's third "Straynge Cat" (Yuga: 1200 → 0 LP).

Featured cards

The following cards appeared in this episode. Cards in italics debuted here. Cards that appeared in the opening can be found here. Cards that appeared in the ending can be found here.


  • During the UTS Report at the end of the episode, Yuhi and Yuamu appear as cats while Yudias is completely absent. This lasts until the UTS Report at the end of episode 63.