Z-one's readout

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Z-one's readout is an information piece about Yusei Fudo that was found in Z-one's computer in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's anime.[1]


<Yusei Fudo 不動遊星>

シンクロ召喚の進化を提唱し、アクセルシンクロ、その上位のデルタアクセルシンクロを開拓した 。


  • 第一回フォーチュンカップ優勝
  • レジェンド・オブ・デュエリストキングダム優勝
  • ライディング・イン・ザ・バトルシティ優勝
  • アメリカ横断ゴールデン・タッグ・トーナメント優勝 (ジャック・アトラスとのペア)
  • ペガサス・J・クロフォード杯トリニダード・ライディング・デュエル・グランプリ優勝 (炎城ムクロ、十六夜アキとのチーム)



  • コズミック・ブレイザー・ドラゴン(デルタアクセルシンクロ)
  • シューティング・スター・ドラゴン(アクセルシンクロ)
  • スター・ダスト・ドラゴン(シンクロ)
  • ジャンク・ウォーリアー(シンクロ)
  • ニトロ・ウォーリアー(シンクロ)
  • ジャンク・シンクロン(チューナー)
  • クイック・シンクロン(チューナー)
  • フォーミュラ・シンクロン(シンクロ/チューナー)
  • スピード・ウォーリアー
  • ロードランナー
  • ボルト・ヘッジホッグ
  • チューニング・サポーター
  • くず鉄のかかし(罠)
  • エンジェル・リフト(罠)
  • 緊急同調(罠)

<シグナー> 冥府の闇の勢力から地球を守護する能力者。
アストラル体「赤き龍」を力の源とし、物体移動・精神対話・空間跳躍などの特殊能力を発揮する 。


  • ジャック・アトラス
  • 十六夜アキ
  • クロウ・ホーガン
  • 龍亜
  • 龍可


  • スターダスト・ドラゴン
  • レッド・デーモンズ・ドラゴン
  • ブラック・ローズ・ドラゴン
  • エンシェント・フェアリー・ドラゴン
  • ライフ・ストリーム・ドラゴン
  • ブラックフェザー・ドラゴン

地縛神と呼ばれるアストラル体を使役するが、逆に精神に寄生されてしまうこともたびたびあった らしい。
シグナーとダークシグナーは、約5000年周期で戦争を行っており、この戦争においてダークシグナーが勝利 した場合、
戦闘形式は時代によって大きく異なり、21世紀においてはカードゲーム「デュエルモンスターズ」を媒体とし て行われた。


  • Uru
  • Ccapac Apu
  • Cusillu
  • Aslla piscu
  • Ccarayhua

<Yusei Fudo>

Duelist/D-Wheeler/Signer (referenced later).
Native of the Satellite sector of Neo Domino City
Battled the Dark Signers as a Signer and re-sealed the Earthbound Gods.
Advocated the evolution of Synchro Summoning, pioneering Accel Synchro and its superior state, Delta Accel Synchro.

<Noteworthy dueling records>

<Deck construction>
Deck organized mainly for Summoning Synchro Monsters.
At the same time, he threw in his favorite "Junk" line of cards from his time in Satellite.
A special trait was the dueling style in which he could effectively cope with any Deck concept.

<Main cards>

<The Signers>
Those with the ability to protect the Earth from the influence of the darkness of the Underworld.
Those humans chosen to be Signers bear the dragon's birthmark on their right arm as proof.
Said to work as the Signers' dragons are six astral forms in the shape of dragons.
The Dark Signers exist as their subspecies.

<Friends who battled with Yusei Fudo>

  • Jack Atlas
  • Aki Izayoi
  • Crow Hogan
  • Lua
  • Luca

<The Signer Dragons>

<The Dark Signers>
The subspecies to the Signers. They use the power of the astral forms feeding on the vitality of humanity, referred to as wicked gods, as their origin.
With a body having life, one will not become a Dark Signer, and so they must die once.
Possess a power similar to the Signers, and a mark on their right arm as proof of their being a Dark Signer.
Wield astral forms referred to as the Earthbound Gods, but it seems they frequently end up feeding on their hearts, instead.
The Signers and Dark Signers wage war roughly every 5000 years, and in the event that this war is won by the Dark Signers, the Earth will fall to ruin as a result of the power possessed by the Wicked Gods.
The method of battle varies greatly through the ages, and in the 21st century, it was waged using the "Duel Monsters" card game as its medium.

<The Earthbound Gods sealed in the Nazca>

Changes in timelines[edit]

  • In the original timeline, Yusei developed Delta Accel Synchro by mastering Top Clear Mind and acquired "Cosmic Blazar Dragon" as his ultimate ace monster. In the new one, he learnt Limit Over Accel Synchro by performing Over Top Clear Mind and got "Shooting Quasar Dragon" instead.
  • In the original timeline, Yusei travelled the world and won many tournaments, while in the altered one he decided to stay in New Domino City and study Ener-D like his father.
    • Oddly, in the file there is no mention of Team 5D's, which debuted in the World Racing Grand Prix; rather, Yusei formed various teams and tags to win the tournaments. Possibly, neither Team 5D's nor the WRGP were present in this original timeline.
    • On a side note, the document also implies there were two or more Fortune Cups, as the one Yusei won was named the "first".
  • In the new timeline, there were 7 "Earthbound Immortals" and 7 corresponding Dark Signers. In the original one, 5 "Earthbound Immortals" reawakened, meaning only 5 Dark Signers existed in that timeline. The missing "Immortals" are "Wiraqocha Rasca" and "Chacu Challhua"; respectively, Rex Goodwin's and Greiger's ones. This implies that the two never became Dark Signers in the original timeline.
  • Iliaster was not present in Yusei's time in the original timeline; however, it is unknown whether or not Zero Reverse happened in that timeline as well, and why Domino City was still split into New Domino City and Satellite.

Common major events[edit]

  • Six Signers were present in both timelines: Yusei Fudo, Jack Atlas, Crow Hogan, Akiza Izinski, Luna, and Leo.
  • The Dark Signers were still defeated by Yusei and his friends, and the "Earthbound Immortals" were sealed once again in the Nazca Lines.
  • Yusei still mastered Clear Mind and Accel Synchro, whether it was by his own or thanks to advices.
  • Yusei and the rest of the Signers still participated in the (first) Fortune Cup.
  • Domino City was still divided into wealthier New Domino City and poor Satellite, where Yusei grew up. It is not specified if Zero Reverse did happen or not.
  • Yusei's Deck, excluding a particular card, remained the same in both timelines: he focused on Synchro Summoning and homaged his home by including "Junk" cards in it.


  1. Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's episode 149149: "The Revived Hero"