Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! - Episode 011

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"Where's Zuwijo?"
Manabu reveals Zuwijo's punishment should he be captured by MIK.
Manabu reveals Zuwijo's punishment should he be captured by MIK.
Japanese name
RōmajiZuwījou wo Sagase!
TranslatedWhere's Zuwijo?
SeriesYu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!!
Japanese OP"Mirage"
Japanese ED"One Way"
Air dates
JapaneseJune 12, 2022
Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episodes (season 1)
Previous"Magical Sheep Girl Meeeg-chan"
Featured card"Tamabot"

"Where's Zuwijo?" is the eleventh episode of the Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! anime. It first aired in Japan on June 12, 2022.

Manabu asks Yudias if he knows where Zuwijo is. It seems that Zuwijo is linked to the incident that happened at Mutsuba Cable TV's studio the other day. Realizing how powerless he is, Yudias decides to train some more. And so, Manya suggests a special training session from hell to him!


Yudias, still covered in bandages from his injuries, tries to reach the CD player, determined to listen to the month's Ultimate Rush Duel CD despite no having fully recovered. After he switches the player on Manya's voice greets him on the track, Yudias replying in kind, but after their exchange repeats a few more times Yudias wonders why the CD is repeating. Manya asks Yudias if he's feeling better, and he looks up to see her standing in the doorway with Yuhi and Yuamu, quickly returning her salute and replying to her greeting again.

On the TV, the MC claims Manya had ordered a "Magical Sheep Girl Meeeg-chan" cosplayer to show up, though they were quite surprised when she destroyed Mutsuba Cable Studio (holding up a sign declaring their amazing surprise to have been a hit). On the television Manya admits she was surprised as well as she hadn't thought the cosplayer had such a thing planned (meanwhile Manya is dozing on the table at the UTS office with Bochi, Yuamu and Kirishima sitting beside her). The MC declares they got to knock everyone's socks off and asks them all to tune in next week for more Learning the Fun Way - Ultimate Go Rush. The recording ends and Yuamu switches off the TV, noting it's a good thing Mr. Tazaki remembered to record it. Yuhi observes this is how the incident was covered up and Manya complains it was a pain, though Kirishima notes Manya's ad libbing was excellent. Yudias is still confused as to why Chupataro did this and Yuhi notes he definitely felt his Earthdamar inside Meeeg-chan, recalling who has it now. The Velgearians aboard Valvelgear whisper Zuwijo's name in fear and Yudias agrees, but then the doorbell rings.

Yuamu thinks it's a client, but it turns out to be Manabu and Nyandestar. Yudias quickly asks how Chupataro is and Manabu explains he has stabilized, though the current state of affairs remains unknown. Chupataro briefly regained consciousness to tell them he was tricked by Zuwijo, whose name Yudias whispers grimly, and Manabu states they know Mitsuko Hiramori broke Chupataro out, Nyandestar adding they learned Chupataro and Zuwijo had been meeting at the Black Goat Residence, an apartment complex Chupataro was hiding out in. Yudias is still shocked that his superior, friend and Velgear's greatest warrior could do this and Manabu slams his fist on the table and stands up, sharply declaring that's why he came, as Yudias must have some idea of where Zuwijo is hiding. Yudias gasps in shock and Yuamu asks Manabu to stop interrogating him, Yuhi adding Manabu knows Yudias wouldn't lie, a claim Nyandestar agrees with and points out Manabu does too. Manabu sighs and admits he does, dismissing the visit as a waste of time, but complimenting the rice crackers. It takes Kirishima a while to get over the abrupt shock and thank Manabu with a deep bow, Manya explaining they're limited edition Duel Rice Crackers she had Kirishima buy from Mutsuba Honpo. Manabu finishes his cracker off, noting he'll keep it in mind, but as he turns to leave Yudias asks him what they'll do with Zuwijo after they capture him. Manabu admits it depends on what HQ decide, but Zuwijo would likely be classified as a Danger Class A alien and sentenced to eternal cryostasis at -1888 degrees. Yudias is horrified, asking if they wouldn't even let them speak, and Manabu states they wouldn't and suggests to Nyandestar they be off. Nyandestar is shocked by Manabu's coldness, asking if he's really okay with this, and Yudias begs Manabu to let him speak with Zuwijo, but Manabu claims he's only doing what he can, sharply asking Yudias if all he can do is plead and beg.

Once Manabu and Nyandestar have left, Yuhi asks Yudias if he's all right and Yuamu tries to cheer him up, Manya and Kirishima reminding them the rice crackers are delicious as Bochi stands up in his humanoid form. But Yudias is musing over what he can do, and asks Yuhi and Yuamu to reteach him Rush Dueling again from square one. Yuhi asks if they aren't going to search for Zuwijo first and Yuamu adds they can always RUsh Duel later if it isn't too late, but Yudias insists he needs to go back to basics and train from scratch. Manya understands, noting she Duels with Bochi if she's not confident in a performance (who huffs and agrees it's as she says) and she tells Yudias that Rush Dueling can train both the mind and body, suggesting he wants to train himself for his friend and comrade. Yudias confirms he does, declaring himself no match for Zuwijo in strength or intelligence and he'll have to become stronger to even hope to be persuasive. Everyone else is shocked by Yudias' resolve, and Manya tells him she'll help, much to Kirishima's surprise, offering to train Yudias with the hellish methods they use at the office. While Yudias is enthusiastic at the prospect, Yuhi, Yuamu and Bochi are all skeptical of their claims and Kirishima isn't sure a normal person can handle it. Manya sends him off to get tea and Yuhi sighs at the thought of more special training, though Yuamu suggests they might see something interesting during it, which is enough to get Yuhi on board and he tells Yudias they'll do it, Yudias responding "UTS!" in affirmation.

Manya begins their special training from hell, and Yudias transforms into his true form while he and Yuhi are hung from their ankles off a rope bridge, Yuhi asking in terror why he has to do this too. Manya cheerfully explains Training from Hell: Part 1 is that one must always be able to make sound decisions even if the sky is upside down and Yuamu wishes them luck. Yudias declares a Deck can contain forty to sixty cards of their choice, and Yuhi adds that at the beginning of the Duel the Deck is shuffled and placed in the Deck Zone. As they recall their previous Rush Duels, Yudias notes that the first action a player takes is to draw a card in the Draw Phase, Yuhi adding that on successive turns players draw until they hold five cards. But the ropes come loose from his ankles and as everyone other than Manya gasps in shock, Yuhi yelps that he's dropping in English ("drop" and "draw" having similar pronunciations when spoken in Japanese). Manya doesn't react to Yuhi landing in the water, moving onto the next part: training to become focused and precise in a psychologically frightening situation. Her idea of such a situation is to have Mr. Tazaki drive his tractor after Yudias and she asks what Zuwijo would think if he saw Yudias now, urging him to fight back and Summon a monster. Looking at his hand ("Power Shock", "Pierce!", "Twin Hole", "Tribute Lock" and "Giant Bulge") Yudias declares that he can Summon as many monsters as he wants during his turn. He Summons "Giant Bulge", celebrating doing so, but Manya warns him not to look away: sure enough Yudias trips on a pebble, cursing "Jo jon du" as he tumbles over, and Manya declares distractions can be fatal.

Training from Hell: Part 3 is training to become accustomed to damage caused by attacks - Yudias and Yuhi (who is still using Valvelgear as a Duel Disk) are forced into an Electric Cage Match. After confirming to Yuamu they're in the Battle Phase, Yudias attacks Yuhi's "Tamabot" with his "Vortex Shooter" and destroys it, Yudias declaring that the difference in their monsters' ATK will be subtracted from Yuhi's LP. Yuhi gasps the 1200 damage he's taken, falling to zero LP and toppling backwards. To Yudias' horror Yuhi is falling towards the electrified barbs and Yuhi screams he doesn't want to be shocked, though Yudias grabs his hand just in time. Yuhi sighs in relief at the close call and Yudias comments their Duel goes on until one of them has zero LP, declaring their battle has only just begun. Yuhi agrees and gives the grinning Yudias the thumbs up, though Manya thinks it a cheesy three-act play. She moves onto Part 4: Training to make calm decisions in tense situations: Yudias is forced to suspend himself over a tub of hot water and declares he can use Spell Cards on his turn with various effects. Manya asks for an example and Yudias gives "Block Attack (anime Rush Duel)": Changing one Attack Position monster on the opponent's field to face-up Defense Position, and "Invading Nature": Destroying a Spell/Trap Card on the opponent's field. Yuhi holds up another, "Galactica Repulsion", which returns a monster to the hand. Yudias is surprised at the notion of returning a monster to the hand, believing they could simply be Summoned again, but Yuhi tells him he's thinking too small, since the opponent will be in trouble if he returns a monster more difficult to Summon. Yudias sees, thanking Yuhi for showing him how best to use such a card, and Yuhi points out he found it in the tin where Yudia keeps his cards. Yudias sheepishly admits he tucked it away because he didn't know how to use it, and Yuhi laughs that's no good and playfully whacks him on the rear. Yudias is knocked off-balance, desperately asking Yuhi not to push him, but falls into the bath (Yuamu, Manya and Kirishima whipping out umbrellas to shield themselves from the splash). Yuhi yelps that the water's hot, but then realizes it isn't as Yudias lounges in the water, calling it a nice bath. Poor Yuhi can only ask why he's the one getting pranked.

Part 5 is training to keep going toward one's goal even when receiving a ton of damage. Volleyballs are blasted at Yudias as he walks across a tightrope with his Gavil Charger deployed, declaring that Field Spell Cards remain on the field as opposed to Normal Spell Cards, their effects continuing until they leave the field. Manya activates one, "Rainy Megalopolis", the Solid Vision obscuring the rope and disorienting Yudias, who steps off the tightrope. Yuhi calls his friend's name, only to be knocked down by a stray volleyball, so Manya moves onto the next part. Part 6 is training to see the way to victory even when cornered on all sides, so Yudias is placed in a pop-up pirate barrel and Yuhi, Yuamu, Manya and Kirishima all stab the barrel with wooden swords in the shape of cards as they explain that Trap Cards are Set face-down in the Spell & Trap Zones, and should be used when their requirements are met, including Traps that only activate during battle. Once all four swords are placed, poor Yudias is ejected from the barrel with a cry of "Vam bi du!"

Afterwards Yudias is battered and exhausted, shocked at the notion of Manya undergoing such treacherous training. Manya points out she was obviously lying about that, Yudias lamenting that he fell for the lie. Bochi yawns and asks if they're done, commenting they were so noisy he couldn't have his afternoon nap, but he accidentally steps on a recording showing Yuhi and Yuamu facing off with Mr. Yagi and Ms. Purisaki watching and asks what it is. Yuamu explains Mr. Tazaki sometimes records their matches; on-screen she asked to check her Graveyard, and Bochi points out the Graveyard is his thing, prompting Yuhi to remind Bochi this isn't about him. Seeing Yuamu grin on the recording, Yudias asks Yuamu why she checked her Graveyard and Yuamu claims it was a tactic; since some cards require cards in the Graveyard to work she hoped to fool Yuhi into thinking she had one. Yuhi denies being scared, though as Yuamu points out he still lost their Duel, much to his irritation. Manya claims Duels aren't just card battles, but also a bit of psychological warfare, Yuamu adding one has to understand and outthink their opponent to defeat them. This gives Yudias an epiphany: if he can understand Zuwijo's line of thinking, he can track him down. Everyone is impressed, but when asked by Yuhi how he plans to do so, Yudias declares that's what he'll think about now, deflating everyone (to the point Valvelgear drops out of the air).

At the river, Manabu convenes with two MIK agents emerging from water pipes, who both confirm they found nothing. Manabu worries Zuwijo may have already left Mutsuba Town and Nyandestar apologizes, as her Nyandestar Eye isn't good at tracking old traces. Manabu reassures her she doesn't need to apologize and suggests they keep asking around, but another MIK agent runs up and explains someone has spotted alien activity. Manabu is surprised, but orders the alien tailed immediately and the agents raise their staffs as they declare "Capture!"

Meanwhile Yudias, Yuhi and Yuamu have gone to the Black Goat Residence and find Chupataro's room covered in "Magical Sheep Girl Meeeg-chan" merchandise. Yuamu notes this is the apartment Chupataro rented, but Yuhi is skeptical they'll find anything given MIK already searched the room and Yudias notes Zuwijo was definitely here, wondering what he discussed with Chupataro. Yuamu suggests they change their thinking; why did Zuwijo implant the Earthdamar in Chupataro? Yuhi asks if it wasn't just to beat Yudias as he looks at a Shoruta plush and Yuamu points out Zuwijo had plenty of chances to do so and didn't need to interrupt a live broadcast. Manya and Kirishima (with pegs over their noses) ask how long they're staying, disgusted by the smell (as Bochi naps on Valvelgear) and Yuamu holds her nose and admits it does smell. Manya asks if Zuwijo didn't just want attention, Kirishima adding you see people do crazy things on live TV who want to stand out as he opens a window, gushing over the view of Mutsuba Tower the apartment has and noting construction has really progressed. Manya adds that such people blather on and on in interviews about stuff no-one asked about as if giving a speech, causing Yudias to remember Zuwijo him and the Velgearian army a speech from a plateau, telling them it was time for unity and to rise by molding their anguish into anger, as the entire universe awaited their strength. As the Velgearians chanted "vi bal du", Zuwijo declared "Veeg vi bal du!" and they followed. Yudias realizes this is the same: Zuwijo is trying to make a statement to his comrades and other aliens through the broadcast. Yuamu asks if they should head to Mutsuba Cable TV, but Yuhi points out the studio is still busted from the other day. But Yudias has noticed Mutsuba Tower and shoves Kirishima (who has been taking in the fresh air) out of the way to get a better look at the structure, comparing it to the plateau Zuwijo spoke from in the Velgear Star Cluster. He declares he believes Zuwijo to be there, much to the twins' shock.

Manabu and the MIK agents sprint through the streets, Manabu urging the agents to hurry, while the UTS employees run with Kirishima (carrying Manya, who tells him to go faster) and Bochi. Manabu leads the agents through a hallway, and Nyandestar detects traces of an alien through a door. After urging the other agents to be quiet (who quietly respond "Capture") Manabu edges to the door and then throws it open, declaring Zuwijo is under arrest - but Tell Kawai is sitting in a pool in his true form, pouring water over his head, and he wonders what's happening here.

Yuhi opens the door to the top of Mutsuba Tower, and Mitsuko comments she's been waiting for them. Yudias gasps that she's the Flatwoods monster, though Mitsuko tells them to call her by her name, and Yuamu notes she heard Mitsuko broke out Chupataro. Mitsuko confirms she did, claiming it was all according to Master Zuwijo's marvelous plan, a descriptor Yuhi is shocked by, while Yudias asks what it is, though Mitsuko just laughs.

Manabu angrily asks Tell why he's taking a bath here and Tell replies that he's parched, though Manabu snaps that isn't what he meant. Nyandestar leaps off Manabu's shoulders and asks if Tell lured them here on purpose, Manabu asking if Tell is working for Zuwijo. Tell denies that he is, stating that aliens have seen things humans can't imagine: spaceships on fire in Sirius and Wartburg Gate glittering in the dark. Manabu furiously asks what Tell is on about and Tell claims this is why he wants to observe it again, pointing at Mutsuba Tower when asked. Manabu and Nyandestar recognize it, and Tell declares it concerns the future of all alien on Earth.

Mitsuko continues to laugh and Yuhi angrily asks if that's all she's going to do, while Yudias declares he knows Zuwijo is here and tells him to show himself. Zuwijo's voice whispers "Veeg vi bal du" and everyone gasps, Mitsuko floating up towards Mutsuba Tower's aerial, atop which stands Zuwijo. Yudias grits his teeth at the sight of Zuwijo, the Velgearians in Valvelgear whispering his name in fear as he glares down at Yudias.

Featured cards

The following cards appeared in this episode. Cards in italics debuted here. Cards that appeared in the opening can be found here.


  • This episode's Japanese title is a reference to the Where's Wally? series of children's puzzle books.