Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! - Episode 012

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Zuwijo unleashes his power after melding into "Voidvelgr Requiem".
Zuwijo unleashes his power after melding into "Voidvelgr Requiem".
Japanese name
SeriesYu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!!
Japanese OP"Mirage"
Japanese ED"One Way"
Air dates
JapaneseJune 19, 2022
Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! episodes (season 1)
Previous"Where's Zuwijo?"
Next"Requiem of Fiction"
Featured card"Voidvelgr Hecatoncheir"

"Earthdamar" is the twelfth episode of the Yu-Gi-Oh! GO RUSH!! anime. It first aired in Japan on June 19, 2022.

Trusting his hunch, Yudias heads to Mutsuba Tower along with his friends, and finally manages to find Zuwijo. Zuwijo is planning to use Rush Duels and the Earthdamar as tools for war. In order to stop his commander, who has gone down the wrong path, Yudias challenges him to a Rush Duel!


Atop Mutsuba Tower Yudias tells Zuwijo that what he is doing is wrong, and using Chupataro as a test subject for the Earthdamar was an act unbecoming of a Velgearian warrior, the Velgearians aboard Valvelgear chanting "Vam bi du!" angrily. Yudias declares he won't be able to stand aside if this continues, the Velgearians cheering his name, but Zuwijo orders them to be silent and Valvelgear dips in apparent fear. Zuwijo addresses his 8.88 million countrymen directly, noting he's sure they haven't forgotten he is the Velgear Star Cluster's Supreme Commander of the Assault Force, Zuwijo zir Velgear and if any of them have problems with his conduct they should step forward immediately so Zuwijo can hear them personally. Valvelgear hides behind Yuhi, Yuamu calling them a bunch of wimps and Yuhi reminding her that's 8.88 million wimps. Zuwijo warns Yudias that he'll do whatever it takes to end the war in the Velgear Star Cluster where their comrades continue to battle, and Yudias protests that military might isn't the only way to win, but Zuwijo asks what Yudias can propose, claiming a swift victory will save their comrades from further fighting. Yudias protests that will only lead to more fighting in the future and Bochi transforms into his humanoid form, noting the war in the Velgear Star Cluster has raged for a long time and Bochi has heard it will soon spread to other systems. Yuhi, Yuamu, London and even Valvelgear sweatdrop and Bochi's moans and London asks if they can keep it away from Earth, Manya agreeing such drama should be saved for backstage. Zuwijo leaps off the antennae and lands with his Deck in hand, declaring his name, and Yudias holds up his own Deck, transforming into his true form with a declaration of "Velgear Riva" and stating his own name. They both insert their Decks into their Duel Disks with a cry of "Go Rush!!" to deploy the blades and the green holographic dome.

Zuwijo declares his turn and draws, his hand containing "Voidvelgr Hecatoncheir", two "Voidvelgr Peltasts", "Voidvelgr Pale Rider", and "Voidvelgr Hoplites". Summoning the two "Voidvelgr Peltasts", Zuwijo Tributes them to Tribute Summon, chanting "From the expanse of empty sky, I awaken an army of clouds. Manifest! Voidvelgr Hecatoncheir!" Yuamu gasps that the monster is like Yudias' and Yuhi notes it's a Galaxy Type monster. Down below Manabu and Nyandestar sprint towards Mutsuba Tower with several MIK agents, Manabu admitting he'd intended to give the UTS crew a small lead, but never thought they'd get so far ahead, lamenting their combustion is incomplete. Nyandestar tells Manabu to look, and they spot the massive "Hecatoncheir" towering from Mutsuba Tower. Yuamu and Yuhi wonder if it's Zuwijo's ace monster, but then a sensation strikes Yuhi. Yudias calls his name and Yuamu asks if Yuhi is all right; Yuhi replies it's the same sensation from before.

. Manya tells them to look at Zuwijo's Duel Disk - it's engulfed in the energy of the Earthdamar, and Yuamu notes it's just like Chupataro, asking if Zuwijo used Yuhi's Earthdamar on his Duel Disk. Mitsuko proudly claims Zuwijo is, and unlike last time Zuwijo's Duel Disk has been soaked in it incomparably longer. Manya is confused by the terminology, so Mitsuko switches to a presentation style: Cooking with Mitsuko, and tells them all to take notes. They'll need a Duel Disk, readily found in any household, and a batch of freshly jarred Earthdamar, and all they will need to do is slam the Duel Disk into the Earthdamar and wait. She shows them a Duel Disk like Zuwijo's, claiming she's prepared it previously for them, and the sight and though is disgusting enough to revert Bochi back to his dog form. Mitsuko adds Chupataro's Duel Disk was only soaked into it for thirty minutes, but Zuwijo's was soaked overnight for thirty-three hours. Yuhi admits it definitely isn't like last time as Yuamu calls his name.

Zuwijo calls out to valiant warriors of space living on Earth, telling them to bear witness and noting they have come here either for battle or to run from it. Yuhi's hair spikes up and Yuamu realizes a bunch of aliens are around as Zuwijo declares power decides conflict , and they can use the Earthdamar and Rush Dueling to obtain a new power. He holds up his glowing Duel Disk with a cry and the Earthdamar's power surges from it, Yuhi feeling the sensation as the substance engulfs "Voidvelgr Hecatoncheir". Now physically present "Heactoncheir" slams into the ground, Yudias gasping as its weight tips the edge of the platform and causing Manya and London to scream in fear. Zuwijo smiles and leaps up to stand on "Hecatoncheir's" shoulder, and Yudias notes Zuwijo's plan was to use the Earthdamar to transform the normally harmless Solid Vision Rush Duel monsters into dangerous weapons and show so to the other aliens. Yuamu notes this is why Zuwijo picked Mutsuba Tower to Duel, as it's the most eye-catching place in town and Zuwijo dubs this power "Egil Velgear". Manabu and several MIK agents burst onto the roof, Manabu telling Zuwijo that's enough; Yudias gasps his name and Manabu orders the Rush Duel immediately suspended. Yudias hesitates and Zuwijo has "Hecatoncheir" stomp towards Yudias, telling the puny Earthlings to try and stop him if they can. The stomp rights the platform and buffets everyone atop Mutsuba Tower, Yudias barely avoiding it.

Yuhi brushes Yuamu's hand off and asks Yudias to leave this to him, concentrating and clenching his fists, but all he does is fart and Yuamu realizes what he's doing. Yuhi confirms he's trying to make a new Earthdamar (Nyandestar and Bochi sweadropping, unimpressed by the proceedings) given Zuwijo is using his to make monsters real so Yudias can use its power too. All his efforts accomplish is him passing gas again, much to Yuamu's irritation, and Manya and London hold their noses in disgust, Manya telling Yuhi to cut it out and London suggesting Yuhi leave it at that. Yudias thanks Yuhi, declaring he's received his feelings and avoiding another stomp from "Hecatoncheir". He claims that if Zuwijo is using the foul power of Egil Velgear to make monsters real, Yudias will only be able to stop him by winning through the rules of a Rush Duel. Bochi agrees and Yuhi says Yudias' name happily, Yudias dodging another stomp and claiming he can easily avoid such a primitive attack. Yuama praises his words and Nyandestar notes to Manabu this is out of their hands, suggesting contacting HQ. Manabu claims Yudias said it himself, and he sees no reason to stop him as a fellow warrior. Yuhi tells Zuwijo that's his situation, warning him he'll end up like Chupataro if he continues Dueling, though Mitsuko claims Zuwijo's well-trained body and spirit are leagues behind that half-pint shrimp; Manabu deduces the power of the Earthdamar to be dependent on the Duelist using it as Yuhi doubles over, Yuamu telling her twin not to push himsef, though Yuhi claims it's nothing.

Yudias tells Zuwijo to Duel him, asking if he lacks the courage to defeat him in a Rush Duel. Zuwijo chuckles, asking if Yudias has the courage to face him, and he changes "Hecatoncheir" to Defense Position to activate its "100-Ton Convulsion" effect. "Hecatoncheir" folds its extra arms over its body and emits a shockwave, Yudias gasping the 500 damage he takes as he falls to 3500 LP. Yuamu calls Yudias' name, Yuhi noting Zuwijo was able to inflict damage on the first turn, and Zuwijo asks if Yudias let his guard down by thinking Zuwijo couldn't inflict damage on the first turn. Yudias denies this to be the case, remembering Manabu doing so in their Duel and declaring he's learned as much from the many Rush Duels he's had with his new comrades. Zuwijo tells Yudias to show him the results of his training, Summoning "Voidvelgr Hoplites" and "Voidvelgr Pale Rider", with 1500 and 1600 ATK respectively, and he ends his turn.

Declaring his turn and a Velgear Draw, Yudias examines his hand, containing "Silver Seyfert", "Transamu Rainac", "Galactica Amnesia", "Interstellime", and "Gravity Shock". He Summons "Transamu Rainac" and Tributes it to Tribute Summon "Silver Seyfert", then Tributes that as well to the surprise of his friends, chanting "Even if the galaxy should lose its memories and be shrouded in darkness, let the footprints of its heroes become as stars that shine on! Tribute Summon! Blast through! Galactica Amnesia!" Bochi is confused as to why Yudias didn't just Tribute Summon "Amnesia" first, but Yuamu reassures them this is good, and Yudias places a card from his hand on the bottom of his Deck to activate the effect of "Galactica Amnesia", Special Summoning two Level 6 or lower Galaxy Type Normal Monsters from his Graveyard. He tells "Transamu Rainac" and "Silver Seyfert" to come back, and as the two monsters appear Bochi celebrates Yudias sending both monsters to the Graveyard first to make full use of the effect of "Amnesia", Manya realizing this was what Yudias was aiming for. The twins give Yudias the thumbs up, Yuhi weakly congratulating him, and Yudias tells Zuwijo his Rush Dueling has been trained by everyone and is not to be underestimated. Mitsuko laughs that he still can't surpass the DEF of "Hecatoncheir", but Yudias warns her he isn't finished, activating the Spell Card "Gravity Shock" since he controls a Level 5 or higher Galaxy Type monster (in this case, the Level 6 "Amnesia") and changing the battle position of a monster on Zuwijo's field. "Hecatoncheir" straightens into Attack Position, Yudias adding it will also lose 500 ATK, reducing "Hecatoncheir" to 1500 ATK. Yuhi celebrates again, Manya declaring Yudias has more ATK than him now as Bochi celebrates beside her, but Mitsuko calls them naïve, claiming they can't see the forest for the threes. Yuamu warns Yudias to watch out as "Hecatoncheir" punches at him, but Yudias is able to block it as Yuhi cries his name, then leap away, reassuring them he's all right. Zuwijo points out he did change "Hecatoncheir" into Attack Position while Manabu seethes over attacking Yudias on his own turn, which is clearly against the rules.

An MIK agent zips up and shows Manabu footage from Mutsuba Cable TV; the MC is reporting that a Rush Duel is taking place atop the under-construction Mutsuba Tower, and they here at Mutsuba Cable TV have changed their plans to cover this broadcast live. Nyandestar gasps that they arrived awfully quickly, Manya flippantly commenting they must be running out of material. Manabu worries they'll be playing into Zuwijo's hands if the broadcast continues and orders the feed cut off, but as several MIK agents move to comply Yuamu suggests they can use it themselves and winks at Manya, who grins as she realizes Yuamu's plan. Down below a man gasps that Mutsuba Tower is being damaged and another asks if the Duelist is standing on his monster, the Mutsuba Cable camerawoman moving to zoom in on Zuwijo. The MC comments that the Rush Duel monster seems to be destroying the tower as "Hecatoncheir" stomps again, but Manya jams a helmet on his head and asks how this could happen, but then dismisses it as special effects for TV. The MC agrees as he whips out his sign, pacifying the people, and Manya and the MC tell them to stay tuned to find out what happens next after the commercial break.

Yudias dodges another punch from "Hecatoncheir", thinking that Yuhi, Yuamu, Manabu, Manya and everyone else are lending him their strength, so now he has to answer their expectations and win this battle, though he worries about what might happen. Yuhi steps forwards and calls Yudias' name, throwing Valvelgear at him, the Velgearians all calling "UTS!" as they sail through Valvelgear, and Yuhi tells them he's counting on them before collapsing, Yuamu calling her brother's name. Yudias' eyes widen as he leaps away from another punch, this time landing on Valvelgear, which enlarges to accommodate his weight, thanking Yuhi and his 8.88 million countrymen. He orders "Silver Seyfert" to attack "Pale Rider", and "Seyfert" cuts down "Pale Rider" and reduces Zuwijo to 3600 LP. "Galactica Amnesia" then attacks "Hoplites", blasting energy from its wings to destroy it and reduce Zuwijo to 3500 LP. Finally "Transamu Rainac" attacks "Hecatoncheir" with "War To Zen! Maniac You Die!" and bisects it, "Hecatoncheir" exploding and buffeting everyone with the shockwave, knocking Zuwijo off as he falls to 3400 LP. Mitsuko whispers Zuwijo's name as he lands in a crouch and the MC celebrates that Yudias escaped a huge pinch and destroyed his opponent's monster, Manya also celebrating, while Kawai turns and walks away from the Duel. Yuamu helps Yuhi up and asks if he's all right, and Yuhi replies he feels a lot better now. Yudias zooms down on Valvelgear to thank Yuhi, claiming it was with his help he was able to triumph. Yuhi points out the Rush Duel isn't over yet as the twins smile at Yudias, who agrees and turns to face Zuwijo, asking if he sees he will never taint Rush Dueling no matter how many acts he commits unbecoming of a warrior. He ends his turn with his Velgearian ride swelling in his heart, and Mitsuko calls him presumptuous, but then notices Zuwijo looking silently at her and leaves quietly.

Zuwijo declares his turn and draws five cards, "Voidvelgr Meteon", "Voidvelgr Globule", "Void Intercept", and "Voidvelgr Requiem". He Summons "Voidvelgr Globule" and the two "Voidvelgr Meteon", then Sets "Void Intercept" and activates the effect of "Globule" by returning three DARK Galaxy Type monsters from his Graveyard to his Deck, explaining that it allows him to treat "Globule" as two Tributes for the Tribute Summon of a DARK Galaxy Type monster. Smiling, Zuwijo admits to have found joy in sharing a battlefield with Yudias, even on opposite sides, having enjoyed his ever adamant and stubborn way of fighting, but warns him the fun ends here. Everyone gasps as Zuwijo Tributes "Voidvelgr Globule" to Tribute Summon, chanting "From the expanse of empty sky, I call forth a wandering warrior's regrets. But this is not a mass for the dead! Voidvelgr Requiem!" "Voidvelgr Requiem" appears with 2500 ATK, and Yuamu notes that it's Level 8; she and Yuhi determining it's Zuwijo's true ace. Down in the tower, a panel slides up beside a door to reveal the Earthdamar in its tank, admitting Mitsuko to the room, while Zuwijo once again exposes his monster to the Earthdamar's power, Egil Velgear. The sensation strikes Yuhi again, Yuamu gasping her brother's name, and Yuhi calls Zuwijo a one-trick alien for using Egil Velgear again, but Zuwijo asks if they think this the same, catching Yudias' attention, and Zuwijo reminds them the fun ends here. "Voidvelgr Requiem" lands on the platform behind him and Zuwijo leaps onto its neck and places his hand on the monster with a roar, the Earthdamar's power erupting from the contact as Yuhi reacts to the action, asking what that jerk's doing now. In the Earthdamar's chamber, Mitsuko whispers Zuwijo's name and opens her helmet and costume to reveal a more human face and body, albeit still three meters tall, and she wonders if Zuwijo will really be able to do this.

Zuwijo tells Yudias to witness his resolve and declares "Egil Velgear Gyurudo!" He vanishes into "Voidvelgr Requiem's" substance, a massive copy of his Duel Disk appearing on "Requiem's" wrist and Manabu gasps "What?!" as Nyandestar cries that Zuwijo went into the monster, but Yuamu corrects them; Zuwijo is clad in "Reqiuem". Yuhi is trembling in agony, Yudias gasping his name and asking what Zuwijo is planning. Within "Voidvelgr Requiem", Zuwijo roars and orders Mitsuko to act now. Mitsuko says Zuwijo's name and pulls a lever, intensifying the Earthdamar and causing its power to engulf "Reqiuem" as Zuwijo roars, and Yudias cries his name. The Earthdamar's power spreads across the sky until its range covers the entirety of Mutsuba Town, Manya asking in shock what is happening as her Deck begins to glow.

In a room with golden tools displayed on the wall, a white-haired girl hears a knock and orders the person to enter. Kawai enters the office, asking her to excuse the intrusion, and the girl - wearing a white equestrian outfit and a brooch with the Mutsuba Heavy Machinery logo as she sits at a desk shaped like an excavator - turns her chair around and tells the kappa to state his business.

Featured Duel: Yudias Velgear vs Zuwijo zir Velgear

The Duel is conducted as a Rush Duel.

Turn 1: Zuwijo
Zuwijo's hand contains "Voidvelgr Hecatoncheir", two copies of "Voidvelgr Peltast", "Voidvelgr Pale Rider", and "Voidvelgr Hoplites". Zuwijo Normal Summons two copies of "Voidvelgr Peltast" (0/1500). Zuwijo Tributes both copies of "Peltast" to Tribute Summon "Voidvelgr Hecatoncheir" (2000/2600). Zuwijo activates the effect of "Hecatoncheir", changing it from Attack Position to face-up Defense Position to inflict 500 damage to Yudias, then if Zuwijo controls a Level 8 monster, he can change the battle position of a face-up Galaxy Type monster he controls. He changes "Hecatonchiere" from Attack Position to face-up Defense Position (Yudias: 4000 → 3500 LP). Zuwijo Normal Summons "Voidvelgr Hoplites" (1500/100) and "Voidvelgr Pale Rider" (1600/0).

Turn 2: Yudias
Yudias's hand contains "Silver Seyfert", "Transamu Rainac", "Galactica Amnesia", "Interstellime", and "Gravity Shock". Yudias Normal Summons "Transamu Rainac" (1600/0). Yudias Tributes "Transamu Rainac" to Tribute Summon "Silver Seyfert" (2000/800). Yudias Tributes "Silver Seyfert" to Tribute Summon "Galactica Amnesia" (1600/1500). Yudias activates the effect of "Galactica Amnesia", placing a card from his hand on the bottom of his Deck to Special Summon two Level 6 or lower Galaxy Type Normal Monsters from his Graveyard, but he cannot attack with monsters this turn, except Galaxy Type monsters. He places "Interstellime" from his hand on the bottom of his Deck and Special Summons "Transamu Rainac" (1600/0) and "Silver Seyfert" (2000/800) from his Graveyard in Attack Position.[Note 1] As Yudias controls a Level 5 or higher Galaxy Type monster, he activates the Spell Card "Gravity Shock", changing the battle position of a monster Zuwijo controls and reducing its ATK/DEF by 500 until the end of the turn. He controls the Level 6 "Galactica Amnesia", so he changes "Hecatoncheir" to Attack Position ("Hecatoncheir": 2000/2600 → 1500/2100). "Silver Seyfert" attacks and destroys "Pale Rider" (Zuwijo: 4000 → 3600 LP). "Galactica Amnesia" attacks and destroys "Hoplites" (Zuwijo: 3600 → 3500 LP). "Transamu Rainac" attacks and destroys "Hecatoncheir" (Zuwijo: 3500 → 3400 LP).

Turn 3: Zuwijo
Zuwijo draws two copies of "Voidvelgr Meteon", "Voidvelgr Globule", "Void Intercept", and "Voidvelgr Requiem". Zuwijo Normal Summons "Voidvelgr Globule" (0/1300) and two copies of "Voidvelgr Meteon" (500/900). Zuwijo Sets "Void Intercept". Zuwijo activates the effect of "Globule", shuffling three DARK Galaxy Type monsters from his Graveyard into his Deck to treat "Globule" as two Tributes for the Tribute Summon of a DARK Galaxy Type monster in Attack Position this turn. He shuffles "Hoplites", "Hecatoncheir", and an unknown DARK Galaxy Type Normal Monster from his Graveyard into his Deck. Zuwijo Tributes "Globule" to Tribute Summon "Voidvelgr Requiem" (2500/2000).

Duel continues in the next episode.

Featured cards

The following cards appeared in this episode. Cards in italics debuted here. Cards that appeared in the opening can be found here.


  1. This card is not shown, but Yudias then proceeds to activate the only other card in his hand, "Gravity Shock"