Equip Card

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Equip Card

Equip Icon
Equip Icon



Japanese (ruby)


Japanese (base text)


Japanese (romanized)

Sōbi Kādo

Japanese (translated)

Equipment Card


Equip Card


An Equip Card (装備そうびカード Sōbi Kādo, lit. "Equipment Card"), also known as an Equipment Card in the English manga, is a card that is equipped to a face-up monster on the field.

Equip Card is not an inherent card type in the TCG/OCG. Instead, it is a quality of a card that is applied to a card when it is equipped to a monster by a card effect.

In the original Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, some cards are only listed as Equip Cards rather than as Equip Spell Cards, as if Equip Card is a card type itself. This is not the case in other media.

Equipping Equip Cards[edit]

Equip Cards are equipped to monsters through two ways:

If the monster receiving the equips is no longer a monster that is face-up on the field, the Equip Card is immediately destroyed. For Equip Cards that feature conditions on what monsters they can equip to (e.g.: "Sword of Dark Rites"), if the condition is no longer fulfilled, then the Equip Card will also be immediately destroyed.

Equip Cards can be equipped to monsters controlled by either player, and changing control of a monster does not cause control of an Equip Card to change. While the equipped monster can be the opponent's, the Equip Card's controller is the one referred to "you" in the Equip Card's card text, not the controller of the equipped monster.

If a monster equips a monster card to itself with its own effect, and then has its effects negated, the monsters equipped to it by its effect will be destroyed.

Equip Spell Cards[edit]

Equip Spell Cards, if equipped to a monster, are treated as both Spell Cards and Equip Cards.

Interaction Examples
  • Equip Spell Cards equipped to a monster are:
    • Affected by "De-Spell" (treated as Spell Cards)
    • Affected by "Disarmament" (treated as Equip Cards)

Treating cards as Equip Cards[edit]

Cards other than Equip Spell Cards may be treated as Equip Cards through card effects, like with "Sword Hunter" or Union monsters' effects.

Monster Cards treated as Equip Cards[edit]

Monster Cards, if equipped to a monster, are treated as both Monster Cards and Equip Spell Cards (and thus also treated as Spell Cards and Equip Cards), and is moved to a Spell & Trap Card Zone. However, they are no longer treated as monsters.

If a monster that is treated as an Equip Card is sent to the Graveyard, it is treated as being sent as a Spell Card, but becomes a monster again when it is in the Graveyard.[1]

A monster treated as an Equip Card cannot have its equip target changed by other card effects,[2] except Union Monsters equipped by their own effects.[3]

Unless specified, Monster Cards cannot activate or apply their effects while treated as Equip Cards, as they are not monsters.

Interaction Examples

Trap Cards treated as Equip Cards[edit]

Trap Cards, if equipped to a monster, are treated as both Trap Cards and Equip Cards; unlike Monster Cards, they are not treated as Equip Spell Cards.

Interaction Examples
  • Trap Cards equipped to a monster are:
    • Affected by "Disarmament" (treated as Equip Cards)
    • Affected by "Remove Trap" (treated as Trap Cards)
    • Not affected by "De-Spell" (not treated as Spell Cards)


  1. Konami TCG Strategy Site: When Monsters Aren’t Monsters!
  2. UDE FAQ: Individual Card Rulings [F-H] - Handcuffs Dragon
  3. UDE FAQ: Individual Card Rulings [A-C] - Collected Power