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Rayne Nanahoshi

Revision as of 21:21, 26 June 2023 by SevenStars (talk | contribs) (Deck)

Rayne Nanahoshi, known as Ranze Nanahoshi (ななほし らん Nanahoshi Ranze)[4] in the Japanese version, is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS anime. She is a student at Goha #7 Elementary, and the vice-president of the Goha #7 Elementary Student Council. She and her twin Rino assist Gavin Sogetsu in enforcing the rules at the school.

Rayne Nanahoshi
Rayne Nanahoshi
  • Rayne Nanahoshi
Japaneseななほし らん
Base七星 蘭世
Furiganaななほし らんぜ
RōmajiNanahoshi Ranze
  • Female
  • Career
  • Education
  • Duelist
DeckShadow Flower
Anime debutYu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 0011: "Ready for the Rush!"
Appears in
Voice actors
  • Grace Choi
  • Yuna Kamakura[3]
Nanahoshi, Rayne




Full-body view of Rayne.

Rayne is a bespectacled fair-skinned girl with hazel eyes and blonde hair in a severe hairstyle. She dresses smartly in a grey waistcoat and green sleeveless, neck-less top resembling a corset over a white shirt, red tie, and grey miniskirt, with knee-length blue socks and brown slip-on shoes. Rayne wears rectangular spectacles with a blue half-frame.

When Gavin Duels using Sogetsu Style (and later when aiding Romin in cooking), Rayne dons kuroko stagehand clothing; a charcoal veil with a black band, a grey top and pants, black tunic and shoes, and a blue sash.[5][6]

After being transferred to Goha #6 Elementary, Rayne wears their uniform; a largely blue tracksuit with a white trim and the character for "6" emblazoned on the back in red. While laboring at the Abandoned Dorm, she also wears a white hard-hat and gloves, a white scarf hung limply around her neck, and black boots. As a Goha Enterprises employee, Rayne wears the uniform worn by the rank-and-file employees; a sleeveless grey knee-length jacket with the Goha Enterprises logo over her heart, a short-sleeved blue collared shirt over along-sleeved charcoal one, charcoal pants, black shoes and a black belt with a Goha Enterprises logo for the buckle.

While investigating black-market Maximum Monsters, Rayne disguises herself in a rubber suit of an overweight boy.


Rayne is very devoted to Gavin and her duties, to the point of acting in the manner she views as the best course of action, regardless of Gavin's wishes. She attempts to convince Gavin to abandon his interest in Rush Dueling and return to his duties, showing satisfaction at the notion that Gavin would not being dealing with Yuga and his friends again.[5] Rayne is somewhat snarkier than her twin, being more outwardly critical of Romin's cooking while she was aiding her.[6] Rayne also shows herself to be honorable, volunteering to help Yuga in his challenge against Nail Saionji given that the matter affected all of them and she also expresses sadness over Mimi and Yosh Dueling one another.

Although Rayne initially believes Yuga to be little more than a bad influence on Gavin, her repeated attempts to police him for breaking school rules led to her developing a crush on him and observing him covertly at school. Although she denies this, she is roused into action against Galian Townsend after he implies that Yuga and Gavin might be in danger. Deep down, Rayne is a hopeless romantic, and will overdramatize certain actions or statements directed at her (whether intentionally or not), and some common courtesy as akin to romantic feelings for her, which will in turn fuel extensive delusions about what her supposed suitors truly think of her. While under the effect of these self-made fantasies her eyes and glasses glow pink under what she calls "Rayne-o-Vision" ("Ranze Eyes" in the Japanese version), reimagining the targets of her affections into more exaggerated beautiful versions of themselves. She has so easily fallen in love, that she has written one observation diary for every romantic interest for the grand total of seventy-three at present. It is later revealed that Rayne is prone to subjecting any situation to this, not just romantic ones; she mistakenly believes that she is holding Gavin back and leaves his service as a result, and sees her adventures and friendship with Gavin, Romin, Luke and Yuga as far more dramatic than they have actually been.


Birth of Rush Duels

Rayne and Rino accompanied Gavin as he interrogated and lectured Yuga Ohdo for his numerous penalties and attempts to install new Dueling rules into his Duel Disk. Class interrupted Gavin before he could finish, so he told Yuga to meet them after school. However, Yuga did not show up, though Gavin spotted him leaving with Luke and left to look for him without Rayne and Rino.[7]

Rayne and Rino joined Gavin to watch Yuga and Luke's Rush Duel during recess the next day. After Luke used his power to deactivate everyone's phones, Rayne and Rino provided Gavin with textbooks to assist him in explaining the Pauli effect to everyone present. Rayne also looked up the Rush Duel on the internet after Yuga revealed he'd livestreamed the Duel.[8]

After Yuga dragged Gavin out of the office one day, Rayne and Rino held an intervention for Gavin, convincing him to focus on his duties rather than Rush Dueling. Yuga instead suggested that he and Gavin Rush Duel to settle the matter; Rush Dueling would be prohibited if Gavin won, but allowed if Yuga won and Gavin would have to step down as Student Council President. Rayne was shocked by the wager, but Gavin had to focus on his duties for most of the day, with Rayne and Rino supporting him. Despite this, Gavin still honored his promise to Duel Yuga and Rayne and Rino assisted Gavin for his Sogetsu Style Dueling; Rayne drew Gavin's cards and held his hand. Rayne was worried by Gavin's hesitance to Tribute Summon his ace monster, "Yamiruler the Dark Delayer" and attempted to make his move for him, but Gavin stopped her. Yuga encouraged Gavin to enjoy the Duel, and Gavin took his cards from Rayne and Dueled on his own; Rayne and Rino explaining his card effects for him. Yuga was able to defeat Gavin despite Gavin Summoning "Yamiruler". As he had promised, Gavin stepped down as Student Council President, but to Rayne's joy, won the emergency election and returned to his duties.[5]

Rayne and Rino went to the RoaRomin concert in Big Seven Arena and leapt onto the stage to play Gavin's cards when he Dueled Romin Kassidy, though Gavin reminded them he was using Neo Sogetsu Style now. Rayne and Rino instead cheered for Gavin from the sidelines, but he was defeated after Romin entered a state of frenzied hunger due to the catering provided by Saburamen, Briscoe and Sushiko Maki.[9] After the Duel, Saburamen, Briscoe and Sushiko apologized to Gavin for their role in his loss and Romin tried to convince Yuga not to Duel Roa Kassidy, though still accepted Roa's challenge. As Roa Dueled, Rayne was concerned over the identity of his Set cards. During the Duel it was revealed that Yuga's ace monster "Sevens Road Magician" had been given to him by a Duelist who was disqualified from the 666th Goha Dueling Tournament, and Roa suggested the Duelist had been disqualified because "Sevens Road Magician" was an illegal card. Although Rayne initially doubted Yuga, Luke convinced him that he wouldn't cheat and Gavin agreed that someone who didn't respect rules wouldn't want to make new ones, much to Rayne's joy. Luke rallied them to search for information on "Sevens Road Magician", and Rino suggested asking the students of Goha #7 Elementary. Rayne and Rino rung Ricky and Katz among other students, but were unable to find any information on "Sevens Road Magician".[10] Yuga drew "Sevens Road Magician", which would result in his disqualification, but then a Relic emerged from the ground and projected Otes, the Duelist who had given Yuga "Sevens Road Magician". The Newspaper Club then arrived with footage proving Otes had been disqualified for being a Goha employee and "Sevens Road Magician" was confirmed to be legal. Yuga and Roa continued their Duel with the title of King of Duels on the line. To Rayne's shock, Roa was able to reduce Yuga to 500 LP, though Yuga was able to comeback and defeat Roa. After the Duel, the Relic sank back into the ground.[11]


Gavin asked for Rayne and Rino's assistance in helping Romin cook curry rice for Luke. Rayne and Rino assembled the necessary ingredients for Romin, though Romin's inexperience at cooking led to a dust explosion. As Rayne praised Gavin's explanation of the phenomenon while combing his hair back to normal, Romin apologized for her inexpertise, though Rayne felt that wasn't Romin's only issue. Gavin had the twins micromanage Romin cooking the rice and they managed to successfully cook that, but they were required to step in again to help with the curry, especially after Romin accidentally put gunpowder in the curry, covering the twins. As Romin cooked the curry, Rayne was relieved they had finally arrived at this point, though Gavin claimed this was the most tense time, given the mistakes Romin had made. Romin eventually produced a blue curry, and Rayne suggested she try it first to spare them the taste, though Romin proclaimed it delicious and served the Student Council portions each. Before the apprehensive Student Council could try the curry, Yuga and Luke arrived and Luke smelled the curry and devoured Gavin's portion, also calling it delicious and declaring himself moved by the curry. Rayne finally tried the curry herself, admitting she was shocked it tasted good. After Luke dubbed it "Dragias Curry" due to the color, Romin added more spices to the curry to simulate the second attack of "Multistrike Dragon Dragias", but instead she filled the entire apartment with blue curry.[6]

Some time later, Rayne received a penalty on her Duel Disk.[12] She and Rino went to the Road Laboratory, where Yuga explained that they and all his other friends had been penalized due to his challenge by Goha Duel Overseer Nail Saionji to retrieve the data of Kaizo, and if anyone in Yuga's group of friends lost a Duel, they would all be penalized and their accounts deleted if they received six penalties. The penalty had occurred when Mimi Imimi was defeated by her son Yosh, as Mimi had inadvertently become considered one of Yuga's friends. Despite the circumstances, everyone present agreed to help Yuga at Rayne's encouraging, given that all of their accounts were on the line, but then Yuga, Luke and Gavin were dropped into a pit leading to the Garden of Curiosity, with Romin and Saburamen also falling in.[13]

After Rayne received a second penalty on her Duel Disk, Gavin requested Rayne and Rino's aid in finding information on Maximum Summoning, which Nail had used to defeat Yuga, but they were all unable to find anything; Rayne pointing out that if the Summoning method was as new as Gavin claimed there was likely very little information on it. To Rayne's surprise, Gavin suddenly had an epiphany and rushed off, leaving Rayne and Rino at Goha #7 Elementary. Shortly afterwards, Rayne received three more penalties on her Duel Disk.[14] After Yuga defeated Nail, Rayne's penalties were erased.[15]

Goha #6 Elementary

Through her attempts to police Yuga, Rayne developed a crush on him and began observing him covertly. Rayne and Rino were assigned to cover Student Council work for Gavin while he attended the Rush Duel Training Camp, and to join him once it was complete on the third day. As they ran to the Training Camp they discussed how Gavin had left them to do the work and Yuga's influence on Gavin, and Rayne launched into overly-detailed notations of Yuga's flaws, inadvertently revealing her crush on Yuga to her twin. As Rayne denied her crush on Yuga, Rino heard the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club working nearby, and he explained who they were to Rayne, though Rayne thought he was talking about her and Yuga. In her attempts to shake off her feelings, Rayne accidentally fell into the pit as the Heavy Cavalry students mentioned they had dealt with other Goha #7 Elementary students. One of the students, Galian Townsend, refused to let them past unless they Dueled him, but they would have to join the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club if they lost. Rayne refused, prompting Galian to accuse them of cowardice, and Rayne accepted his challenge after Galian refused to say what he'd done with Yuga and the others, Rino holding her cards for her as she Dueled with Sogetsu style. Rayne started with her usual cautious strategy, but Galian's "Drilling Mandrill" proved to be the perfect counter to it and Rayne only barely survived the turn by changing Galian's monsters to Defense Position. Rayne was able to Summon two copies of "Etraynze the Shadow Flower Ninja", though Galian believed she would be unable to damage his LP that turn. Rayne proved him wrong by using "Powerful Pierce!!" to allow her "Etraynze" to inflict piercing battle damage, though she was unable to defeat Galian that turn. Galian was able to revive "Drilling Mandrill" on his next turn and flip "Etraynze" face-down, defeating Rayne with the effect of "Mandrill", and he welcomed the twins to the Heavy Cavalry Club.[16]

Rayne and Rino were forced to transfer to Goha #6 Elementary and were claimed to be on vacation at the hot springs with their family.[17][18] They accompanied the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club to the old Goha #6 Elementary campus to expose the Dark Rush Duel Tournament, but they were not allowed to contact Gavin and the other #7 Elementary students who had been caught as well until Asana Mutsuba defeated Yuga with a Maximum Summon, and they tearfully ran over to reunite with Gavin, explaining how they had also been forced to transfer to Goha #6 Elementary.[18]

The harsh morning ritual at the beginning of the school day at Goha 6th proved to be not to Gavin's tastes, and he complained that it would impair his Student Council duties, only to be reminded by Galian that he was no longer a Student Council President and sending him into a spasm that Rayne dubbed "Presidency Withdrawal Syndrome". Rayne snapped Gavin out of his daze by hitting him with "Yamiruler the Dark Delayer", though in her desperation she forgot to use honorifics when she did, though Gavin still thanked her regardless for reminding him he was still the heir to Sogetsu Style. Yuga asked Rayne and Rino about what Galian had been looking for when they found him, and at the end of the school day decided to challenge them to a Rush Duel. Gavin challenged Galian to avenge Rayne's loss, managing to gain an early lead with "Yamiruler", but Galian changed it face-down to dispel its effect, worrying Rayne that Galian was preparing to revive "Drilling Mandrill" as he had against her. Instead, Galian revived "Shield Boring Kong", destroying "Yamiruler" and gaining ATK as Galian attacked Gavin's "Yurushima the Hermit" instead, sending Gavin into another seizure. Fortunately Gavin was able to change "Shield Boring Kong" to Defense Position, and Rayne was overjoyed that Gavin had blocked the same attack that defeated her, praising this as his true form. Gavin defeated Galian on his next turn, destroying Galian's Heavy Cavalry GG03, and Galian left Goha #6 Elementary as a result, telling Rayne that she had a very strong master. However, Asana prevented them from leaving and sent them to the Abandoned Dorm due to Yuga and Kaizo distributing Roads across the campus that she viewed as stomping on their traditions, though Yuga explained that he'd wanted to be sent there to uncover the secrets of the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club in the mine at the dorm.[19]

As they worked at the mine, Galian joined them in their labors, having decided to start from the basics, though his carressing of his shovel caused Rayne to wonder if he was in shock from losing GG03. As they broke for lunch, Yuga explained to them that the high security only applied to them, but not to Seatbastian and Kaizo, who he had sent to find Nail to ask where Asana had received her Maximum Monsters while disguising Roads as them, though they had to stop the oblivious Luke from trying to get a massage from Seatbastian. Later that day an alarm went off, causing the group to realize that Kaizo and Seatbastian had escaped successfully, and Rayne and her friends seized their chance to escape into the mine, using their Duel Disk lights to see in the darkness.[20] As they moved through the mine, Yuga revealed that he was using Kaizo's spare parts to trace their steps, though it was to no avail as Luke had been thoughtlessly picking them up to make a monster. They soon began to tire, though fortunately Tracker arrived with Kaizo, having been sent by Nail to help them find a cache of prototype Duel Disks buried in the outskirts of Goha City that Nail theorized could explain Asana's Maximum. Tracker began sniffing around, and his sneeze opened an underground hallway.[21]

As they headed down the hallway, Rayne slipped in a puddle, though Yuga was able to catch her, intensifying her crush on him. The hallway led them to the Heavy Cavalry Colosseum, where Schubel, Pidgetrap and an exhausted Galian were waiting for them. Galian challenged them to a Duel to prevent them from passing with his place at Goha #6 Elementary on the line, but he passed out and Rayne ran to catch him. Misinterpreting his delusions of her as Asana as a declaration of love, she challenged Yuga and her friends in Galian's place. Rino asked to be allowed to Duel Rayne to prevent her from embarrassing herself, and Gavin arranged for Luke to serve as his Sogetsu style attendant. Rayne gained an early lead with the effects of her two "Jasmine the Shadow Flower Festival" by switching Rino's Set monsters to Attack Position and assembling three of her "Etraynze", believing that her twin couldn't understand her feelings for Yuga and Galian. Insisting that she was deluded, Rino exploited Rayne's field to retrieve the monsters he needed to Summon and activate the effect of "Gatling the Shadow Flower Shinobi", destroying Rayne's "Etraynzes" and depleting most of her LP, trying to make her realize that Yuga and Galian wouldn't fight over her and that she was just deluded by fantasy. Denying her brother's claims, Rayne Tribute Summoned "Garland the True Shadow Flower Ninja" and revived two "Etraynze", but Rino manipulated his "Gatling" using his Trap Cards to end the Duel in a DRAW, finally causing Rayne to realize that she was falling for boys without any consideration of their feelings. After the Duel, Rino reassured Rayne that they were in their struggles together and she apologized to him, but then Rino began crushing on Romin after she praised his kindness.[4] As there had been no victor, Schubel insisted on another Duel, and Luke accepted his challenge as he felt responsible for falling for Asana's trap, though Pidgetrap ended up Dueling Luke instead of Schubel, his Trap Cards quickly putting pressure on Luke. Fortunately Schubel and Pidgetrap began arguing after Schubel made a move on his own and Luke was eventually able to snap out of his funk and Tribute Summon "Illusion Strike Dragon Miragias" and defeat Pidgetrap as a result of Schubel's error, allowing the group to continue on.[22]

Rayne and her friends finally reached the mine, where Tracker quickly uncovered a prototype Duel Disk. As Yuga and Tracker dug up enough prototype Duel Disks for Yuga to extract three Duel ID cards and add them to his Deck, Rayne and Rino asked if it wasn't strange that Maximum Monsters could be found in the Duel Disks, and Gavin and Yuga explained to them how Maximum Monsters had been created originally, theorizing that Asana had likely created her own Maximum with Duel ID cards from the mine. Asana and the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club then arrived and she confirmed Yuga's theory, informing them that most of the Duel ID cards in the Duel Disks couldn't be used due to their age. Asana challenged Yuga to another Duel, agreeing to allow the students of Goha #6 Elementary to Rush Duel freely if she lost as she had when they last Dueled, but with the condition that Rush Dueling would be banned at all elementary schools in Goha City if she won. Yuga was barely able to fend off "Wurm Ex-Cavator", and Asana revealed that she knew Yuga was planning on using "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor" against her and urged him to Summon it, though Yuga confirmed that he'd added the three Duel ID cards to his Deck and was gambling on being able to recreate "Supreme Machine Magnum Overlord". To Rayne's joy, Yuga succeeded in drawing and Maximum Summoning "Magnum Overlord", and Rayne celebrated the ATK it was able to gain when Yuga powered it up and attacked "Wurm Ex-Cavator". However, Asana was able to make the ATK of their Maximum Monsters equal, and as they destroyed one another Asana and Yuga's Maximum cards began to disintegrate; Gavin ruling that whoever's Maximum was destroyed first would take the ATK of the other.[23] Eventually the two Maximums disintegrated at the same time, allowing the Duel to continue, but as Asana pushed Yuga into a corner, her Heavy Cvaalry R6 began to break down due to its parts no longer being in production; Asana had made a deal with Goha Enterprises to have the parts remanufactured if she was able to crush Rush Dueling. Yuga was able to survive and bring out "Steel Mech Lord Mirror Innovator", defeating Asana and destroying R6 despite the efforts of the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club. After the Duel, Yuga uncovered a room containing R0, a mobile Duel Device created by Mutsuba Heavy Machinery that had been modified by its creators, convincing Asana to accept Rush Duels and the idea of modification.[24]

Team Battle Royal

As a result of Asana's defeat, Rayne and her friends were allowed to return to Goha #7 Elementary. As Rino and Gavin expressed shock over finding the Student Council had become disheveled while they were away, Rayne began to wonder if she was holding Gavin back and preventing him from using Sogetsu Style and had to be reminded to help clean up by Rino.[25] Rayne eventually confided to Rino that she intended to leave the Student Council and the Sogetsu Style to allow Gavin to flourish, and she informed Gavin, Luke and Yuga of her decision one morning, much to their shock. At lunch that day, Gavin tried to learn Rayne's reasons for quitting the Student Council, but Rayne refused to tell him, so he challenged Rush Duel over the situation, stating that she would have to defeat him to graduate. After Gavin left the room, Rino asked Rayne if she was really okay with the decision, and Rayne claimed it was for the best, throwing her kuroko uniform in the rubbish. Rayne was deliberately late to the dojo to annoy Gavin during the Rush Duel, which Rino, Yuga and Romin attended. She brought out "Etraynze the Shadow Flower Ninja" on her first turn and mocked Gavin over his use of "Rulers", easily countering "Yamiruler the Dark Delayer" when Gavin summoned it. Believing in her delusions that her dramatic tale with her friends would come to an end, Rayne changed "Yamiruler" into an EARTH monster so she could reduce its ATK to zero with "Gajumaru the Shadow Flower Lion" and multiplied her "Etraynze", but Gavin was able to survive her attacks. To her shock, Gavin brought out a new ace monster after she countered "Semeruler the Dark Summoner"; "Icezark the Unequaled", which was not a "Ruler" and allowed him to revive "Semeruler". Seeing Gavin's distinguished moves, Rayne realized that she wasn't holding him back after all and wished for him to shine even brighter. As Gavin launched his final attacks, Rino returned Rayne's kuroko uniform to her and she donned her veil. She praised Gavin for his victory, but lamented that she had still left his service even though she hadn't been in her right mind at the time and she departed, bidding him farewell.[26]

Though she had left Gavin's service, Rayne still desired to serve a master, and she went to Nexus and offered her services to Nail, though he noted this wasn't within his providence.[26] Rumors of black-market Maximum Monsters reached Nail's ears, so he had Rayne investigate them before the Goha Rush Duel Team Battle Royal. Rayne disguised herself as a boy using a rubber suit and wandered the streets of Goha City, expressing a desire to have a Maximum while passing by footage depicting Yuga and Nail's second Rush Duel, and she was eventually approached by Professor Diggs and brought to Trench and Tracker, who sold her a single Maximum Monster; "Hyper Engine Vast Vulcan [L]", which she gave to Nail, who later gave it to Yuga. Rayne herself kept tabs on Tracker, Diggs and Trench, who rose to third in the tournament due to their Maximum and challenged Yuga to a Duel under the belief that he didn't have one. After Tracker nearly defeated Yuga with "Dynamic Dino Dynamix", Rayne revealed herself and that the Duel Dinosaur Club had been responsible for distributing Maximum Monsters one piece at a time to prevent other people from obtaining a full set, though thanks in part to the card Rayne had purchased, Yuga had acquired a new Maximum, "Hyper Engine Vast Vulcan", and defeated Tracker. After the Duel, Rayne talked with Rino and Gavin, who asked Nail to take care of her, though neither Nail or Seatbastian wanted her around.[27]

Rayne continued to shadow Nail, Yuga and Roa, and when they confronted the Ramen Hut Owner over having the legend of the King of Duels in the Ramen Hut she emerged from the ceiling and declared the shopkeeper to be Otes due to his laughter instead of answering them. Yuga hastily corrected her, pointing out that the shopkeeper was simply laughing at a comedy routine on his phone, and a sheepish Rayne retreated into the ceiling again.[28]

Rayne attended to Nail during the finals of the Goha Rush Duel Team Battle Royal while Seatbastian was analyzing the tournament data, despite his protests not to. After Romin defeated Roa in the first round, Nail Dueled Gavin in the second, and as Rayne warned Nail about Gavin's "Rulers", Gavin debuted a rapper-themed persona in an effort to become more distinguished that he dubbed "DJ G". Nail easily pushed Gavin into a corner, and Rayne was shocked to see Rino supporting Gavin even after he had disgraced himself. To Rayne's shock, after a power outage in Goha Stadium, Gavin returned to his normal persona and he discarded "Yamiruler" to empower his new "Karchizark the Unequaled", making it stronger than "Yggdrago the Sky Emperor". However, Nail was able to protect "Yggdrago" and destroy all of Gavin's monsters, exposing him to a direct attack. To Rayne' shock, Gavin used "The Three Dark Rulers" to end the Duel in a DRAW and she leaped to his side after the Duel in concern for him. Gavin wearily asked Rayne if he had been distinguished, and she told him he had. She told Rino to take care of Gavin as she served Nail now, but after she was reminded how proud she felt to serve Sogetsu Style, she asked Nail to graduate from "Saionji Style", and he immediately agreed to let her, allowing Rayne to return to Gavin's care.[29]

Rayne and Rino watched Yuga and Luke's Duel. Rayne was shocked when Yuga Maximum Summoned "Hyper Engine Vast Vulcan" against Luke and believed it to be too much for even Luke to deal with, but she was delighted to be proven wrong when Luke was able to survive Yuga's attack with his "7 Chance" Trap. The Solid Vision then began to fail as it had during Gavin and Nail's Duel, which Tyler Getz revealed to be due to the Goha Duel Server being hacked. Goha #5 Elementary's Duelstronauts revealed that the Goha Duel Server was carved into the moon, and that the Super Rush Robot that made up the Rush Duel program was being physically eroded by Goha Enterprises Drones in an effort to uninstall Rush Dueling.[30] Otes was decided to be the one responsible and it was revealed that the hack could only be stopped by stopping the Duel, but Yuga and Luke decided to continue and Rayne looked around in shock at the support for the Duel. To Rayne's shock, Luke was able to destroy "Vast Vulcan" with "Steel Strike Dragon Metagias". After significant back-and-forth, Luke almost defeated Yuga with "Multistrike Dragon Dragias" and Rayne braced herself for the end of Rush Dueling, but Yuga was able to return Luke's monsters to his hand and revive "Sevens Road Magician". However Luke was able to Summon "Dragias" again, and Rayne and Rino noted that a newly Summoned monster could still attack, allowing Luke to defeat Yuga. After the Duel, Rush Dueling was successfully uninstalled, but Yuga and Nail had been reinstalling it the entire Duel, this time in a Super Rush Robot constructed from space debris that couldn't be easily eroded. Rayne then watched Luke's coronation as the King of Duels.[31]

Goha 6 Siblings

Rayne returned to her position as vice-president of the Goha #7 Elementary Student Council. After Rino told Yuga off for trying to Rush Duel on the way to school, Rayne criticized him for his lack of development and suggested he be more distinguished like Gavin.[32]

The Goha Six, the true Goha Presidents, returned to Earth and challenged Yuga and his friends to Duels with the Super Rush Robot held hostage by Forcersizers;they would disarm an armament each time one of them was defeated, but Yuga would become a Goha employee if he and his friends lost six times.[33] After Romin lost to Yuka Goha, Luke loudly proclaimed that they didn't have anything to worry about with the King of Duels on their side, prompting Rayne to tell him to be quiet while Gavin was doing Student Council work. As Gavin finished, Shinken Tsurugi and Kotetsuki Mendo from their school's Kendo Club arrived and asked Gavin to substitute for them in the weekend's kendo tournament, as they had been injured when they misnamed Tiger for help while asking her to train them. Gavin agreed to do so, and Rayne and Rino accompanied him to the Goha Martial Arts Stadium, but were shocked to find it deserted and only Yuran Goha and his Mrs. Drone there, who challenged the group to a Kendo Rush Duel. Gavin accepted the challenge, choosing Rino to serve as his kendo player, while Rayne remained on the sidelines. Rayne curiously observed Yuran throughout the Duel, noting how passive he was while letting the Mrs. Drone speak for him, and she conveyed her concerns to Gavin. She believed Gavin had won the Duel, but Yuran was able to block his attacks with Trap Cards and began to speak for himself, claiming he'd learned all he needed to about Gavin. Yuran quickly closed the gap in LP between him and Gavin, though Rayne still believed Gavin had the Duel won after he prevented Yuran from using Trap effects to destroy his monsters or damage his LP. To Rayne's shock, Yuran instead used "Sword & Shield" to switch the ATK and DEF of his "Millennium Shield" and Gavin's "Kimeluna the Dark Shifter", defeating him and putting their score against the Goha Six tied at 2-2.[34]

Yuga was also defeated by Yuo Goha, who used a new Spell called "Fusion" to defeat him. The following day Gavin called the Goha 7th and #6 Student Councils to GastroByte for a meeting on countering "Fusion". After the introduced themselves and ordered, Gavin and Goha #6 secretary Osamu Rojihara argued over the order of their schools in the title of Gavin's presentation until Rayne and Rino told Gavin off, but to their shock all their food had been eaten and Janko Entant noted his vice-president Botan Kenzaki was likely responsible. Though Janko warned them not to go easy on Botan, Rayne and Rino decided to forgive Botan and order again, as they were curious about what whould happen if Botan wasn't punished. Romin arrived after Rayne and Gavin praised Yuga's efforts in installing Rush Dueling, only for Botan to eat all their food again. Romin called Kaizo to watch Botan after they ordered again, Rayne and Rino deciding to help him watch Botan, but they were distracted after Rayne dropped an observation diary on the Heavy Cavalry Duel Club, Rayne protesting that it wasn't like her other observation diaries and had just been due to being touched by the comradery of the Heavy Cavalry Dueling Club. The distraction allowed Botan to eat everyone's food again, and despite everyone watching her when they ordered for a fourth time, Botan still succeeded in devouring the food with only Kaizo watching. As Rayne and Rino held the terrified Drone down and tried to learn what he'd seen, Rayne bumped into Osamu and knocked his glasses off, apologizing for her clumsiness. Osamu reassured her it was all right, but the sight of him without glasses sent Rayne's fantasy into overdrive, and the meeting descended into chaos.[35]

Goha Employee

Yuga succeeded in protecting the Super Rush Robot, and he joined Goha Enterprises as an employee as the Goha Six had initially asked to work on Maximum Monsters. Gavin also became a Goha employee after Nail, who had resigned from Goha, refused to rejoin the company, so Rayne and Rino became Goha employees as well under Gavin in the General Headquarters' Department of Internal Discipline, Serious Division, enforcing rules at the Goha Enterprises Main Office. Rayne and Rino were overjoyed by the distinguished figure Gavin cut as a Goha employee. After Gavin told Yuga off for riding his Duel-cycle in the corridors, they met Oceania Illumilina, who had commentated the finals of the Goha Rush Duel Team Battle Royal and who Rayne learned was in charge of electrical fixtures at the company. Despite this responsibility and the manner she had conducted herself at the tournament, Oceania proved to be sloppy and abrasive in her work and Rayne, Rino and Gavin eventually decided to confront her after her octopus wiring overloaded the power of the building. Gavin challenged Oceania to a Rush Duel to get her to improve her attitude, and Rayne and Rino restored power to the room they were Dueling in. Rayne was overjoyed to see Gavin use "Yamiruler the Dark Delayer" to push Oceania into a corner, but noted Oceania had misplayed her "Shocking Rebone" Trap Card and mocked her sloppy Dueling. Oceania used "Umi" on her next turn, and her casual description of its effect prompted Rayne to clarify it for Gavin. To their shock Oceania Fusion Summoned "Showering Seaferno" and almost defeated Gavin, though Rayne praised his use of "Lucky Mask of Omens" to survive the turn. Oceania then claimed her dream was to take over Goha Enterprises with her own business, an ambition that shocked Rayne. Gavin made his own comeback by Fusion Summoning "Yamiterasu the Divine Ruler" and Oceania tried to use her other "Shocking Rebone" properly, but she misplayed again due to having forgotten about the lockdown effect of "Yamiterasu", something Rayne admonished her for. Defeated, Oceania went to a cliffside with Rayne, Rino and Gavin and admitted she needed to work harder to achieve her dream. Rayne told Oceania the scales had fallen from her eyes and body, but Oceania (who wore a footballfish costume) didn't take kindly to her remark and calling it disgusting before jumping into the sea and swimming away.[36]

Rayne and Rino aided Gavin in giving the students of Goha #5 Elementary a tour of the Goha Enterprises Main Office, but quickly learned one group had gone missing and informed Gavin. Booster Page explained it was likely their school's Dueling Insects Club and Kit Schrödinger noted they were likely trying to cause trouble, and Rino noted to Rayne it was likely the club their cousin Nana belonged to. They were proven correct when they found Nana in Yuga's office trying to steal his "Hyper Engine Vast Vulcan" and learned she had given Yuga a fear of ladybugs when they were friends, prompting Rayne to remark Nana had been toying with people's minds even as a child. To everyone's shock Yuga returned with Kaizo incorporated into a Road he intended to use to blow up Goha Enterprises due to his fear of Nana's ladybug hat, though fortunately Luke talked him into Rush Dueling Nana instead. Nana's ladybug monsters eventually scared Yuga into fleeing the Rush Duel, but he returned after a power outage and Maximum Summoned a new Maximum, "Supreme Skystream Magnum Overlord", explaining that it had been transformed from "Vast Vulcan" due to the Pauli effect of Luke's wristwatch. Yuga defeated Nana, learning her hat was just a hat and not a real ladybug, and Nana left with her friends, claiming they would see her again.[2]

A recreation time event was planned at Goha Enterprises, with the theme "Become a zombie". When the event began, Rino alerted Rayne and Gavin to the crisis. They headed to the Gohanium Section to find it overwhelmed by "zombies" and spotted Mimi being cornered, Rayne crying that they had to help her. Mimi told them to leave, warning them they would be "zombified" if they lost a Duel to the zombies before being overwhelmed. Rayne urged Gavin to listen to Mimi, reminding him the heir to the Sogetsu Style had to survive. They headed for an elevator to get to the helipad, but Gavin realized it was likely filled with zombies and they escaped just in time, Rayne praising Gavin's insight and Gavin admitting he liked zombie films. Mason, Hicks and Graves then attacked them in a hallway, and Yosh arrived and knocked his friends down, apologizing for failing to save them. When the rest of the horde arrived with Mimi at their head, Hicks grabbed the distracted Rayne, and she, Rino and Yosh urged Gavin to escape. Rayne was zombified once Gavin left and joined the horde, emerging on the helipad to find Gavin there as one of the last "survivors". According to Yuga's orders as the "Zombie King", Zo Ikitenai challenged Gavin to a Rush Duel, Gavin vowing to Duel all the zombies if he had to. After Gavin defeated Zo, Rayne and the other "zombies" applauded his victory, and once the event ended at 3pm, Rayne removed her makeup, expressing embarrassment at having her acting praised by the Zombie Duel Club.[37]


Rayne uses a Shadow Flower Deck composed of EARTH Attribute Plant Type monsters, putting an emphasis on swarm tactics and piercing damage. As described by her brother, her strategy is to Set multiple monsters, then hold her breath for her chance to win.


Opponent Episode(s) Outcome
Galian Townsend 29 Lose
Rino Nanahoshi 36 DRAW
Gavin Sogetsu 41 Lose


  1. A third copy of this card is sent from Rayne's hand to the Graveyard to activate the effect of "Etraynze the Shadow Flower Ninja" in episode 29.
  2. A second copy of this card is sent from Rayne's hand to the Graveyard to activate the effect of "Etraynze the Shadow Flower Ninja" in episode 36.
  3. A second copy of this card is sent from Rayne's hand to the Graveyard to activate "Powerful Pierce!!" in episode 29.


  1. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS character profiles on TV Tokyo's website
  2. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 07070: "Pest Control"
  3. NeoArkadia (March 21, 2020). "The Organization | [SEVENS] More Information from the March 21st Special". YGOrganization. Retrieved March 21, 2020.
  4. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03636: "Sibling Showdown"
  5. a b c Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 0044: "Rush Duel Resignation"
  6. a b c Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 01414: "Curry Worries"
  7. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 0011: "Ready for the Rush!"
  8. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 0022: "The Future King of Duels"
  9. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 01111: "Hungry for a Duel!"
  10. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 01212: "Drawing a Foul"
  11. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 01313: "The Chosen One"
  12. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02020: "What Makes a Hero a Hero?"
  13. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02121: "A Taste of Space"
  14. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02424: "Helping a Friend"
  15. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02626: "The Final Nail"
  16. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 02929: "Heavy Duty Duel"
  17. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03030: "Tiger's Breath"
  18. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03232: "Here Comes the Cavalry"
  19. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03333: "Construction Chaos"
  20. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03434: "Pressure Points"
  21. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03535: "Demolition Duel"
  22. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03737: "Coocoo Duel"
  23. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03838: "Maximum Risk"
  24. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 03939: "Breaking Tradition"
  25. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 04040: "I Quit!"
  26. a b Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 04141: "Student Council Crisis"
  27. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 04545: "Treasure Trackers"
  28. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 04747: "Bad Business"
  29. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05050: "DJ G!"
  30. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05151: "Battle Royal Revelations"
  31. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05252: "Battle Royal Finale"
  32. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05353: "Give It a Swirl!"
  33. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05454: "Turbo Rush Duel!"
  34. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05757: "Kendo Conflict!"
  35. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 05959: "Order Button"
  36. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 06969: "Fish Fight"
  37. Yu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS episode 07474: "Rush Ghoul"