Destiny Draw (rule)

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Destiny Draw is an event existing in some video games.

A Destiny Draw may occur while dueling, when a player is in a poor situation regarding cards and Life Points. They are then given a powerful card, that is not included in their Deck.

In the Tag Force series, you can select up to 5 cards in your deck to be set as "Destiny Cards" and you will randomly draw one of them. This can only be used once in a single duel.

In Tag Force 2, all of the characters can use this mechanic. In most animations for it, almost all of the duelists share various poses, although some like Crowler, Bonaparte, Damon, and Jinzo have their special animations.

In Tag Force 4, only the anime characters (like the Signers, Dark Signers, and their allies) have the Destiny Draw. Here, if animations are on, they say a few words, then they draw their card