Quick Effect

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Quick Effects (previously known as Multi-Trigger Effects) in general, can be activated either during your turn, or your opponent's turn. They are the only Monster Effects that are Spell Speed 2.

Monsters effects that negate the activations or the Summons are all Quick Effects. Monsters that have other Quick Effects usually have: "This effect can be activated during either player's turn", or something similar in its card text. The card rulings may also indicate if the effect is Quick or not.

Following the Problem-Solving Card Text, any effect that has "During either player's/your opponent's turn:" or similar text, is a Quick Effect. Some monsters like "Swift Scarecrow" may indicates in its text that the effect is a Quick Effect.

Some Quick Effects can be activated more than once in a chain, while others cannot.

see List of Quick Effect Monster Cards


HorustheBlackFlameDragonLV8-EEN-EN-ScR-LE.png 325px

List of OCG/TCG monsters with Quick Monster Effects