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Fire-Attribute monsters are masters of Fire, and are aided by the Field Spell Card Molten Destruction, which increases their ATK by 500 points, at the cost of weakening their DEF 400 points. Common Types associated with the Fire-Attribute Monsters are: Pyro, Dragon, and Machine, though it is not uncommon in other Types such as Warrior or even Beast. Fire Monsters are somewhat oppositely linked to Water monsters, but there is no direct advantage outside of one of the Video Games.


Fire-Attribute Monsters tend to focus around brute strength and Direct Damage, the latter being one of the Key Points of strategy in the Blaze of Destruction Structure Deck, with such cards as Ultimate Baseball Kid, Solar Flare Dragon, Inferno, and Raging Flame Sprite.

Some Strategies of a Fire Deck Would Include:

1. Utilizing Solar Flare Dragon, where bringing out three of them does 1500 direct damage per turn, and does not allow the opponent to attack any of them.

2. Playing a Lockdown card like Gravity Bind of Swords of Revealing Light with Raging Flame Sprite enabling him to power up enough to protect himself or use a card like Double Attack to let him increase his ATK by 2000.

3. Playing a Lockdown card like Gravity Bind of Swords of Revealing Light with Ultimate Baseball Kid allowing enough time to summon fire monsters on the field or use a card such as DNA Transplant to make all your opponents monsters Fire-Attribute as well gaining 1000 ATK for every monster on there side of the field.

Supporting Cards

Cards that Aid Fire Monsters include:

UFO Turtle, which automatically Special Summons a Fire Monster with 1500 ATK points or less when destroyed in battle

Little Chimera, which boosts all Fire Monsters' ATK by 500 while simultaeneously weakening Water Monster's ATK by 400.

Cards that Gain strength from Fire Monsters include:

Ultimate Baseball Kid, a seemingly very very WEAK Warrior-Type with 500 ATK, but who gets an additional 1000 ATK points for each Fire Monster on the field (besides himself);

Backfire, a Trap Card that deals 500 points of damage to an opponent every time one of the controlling player's Fire Monsters is destroyed

Spiritual Fire Art - Kurenai, another powerful Direct Damage-dealing Trap Card that deals damage to an opponent equal to the original ATK of a Tributed Fire Monster.


Though Fire Monsters can be extremely powerful, they tend to lack support for one another, instead focusing on combining and drawing on their strengths as a whole, couple with the fact that there are few good Spell and Trap cards to suit them, than some of the other Attributes, most notably Water. Fire Monsters can be seen as having a negative impact on the opponent, taking out Life Points slowly, and dealing some mighty damage with their high ATK, rather than helping the player directly via drawing, increasing Life Points, etc. The Blaze of Destruction Structure Deck emphasizes combos, and if a monster itself is on the field, it will be destroyed easily because of no other monsters to support it. Ultimate Baseball Kid needs other fire monsters to survive, for example.

Also see: Fire Monster List.